Book Read Free

Desperate Wish

Page 18

by Sioux Dallas

  “How? What? Why? ...” Amanda stammered.

  “Felicity, Corbin, that’s one reason I fell in love with your daughter. She’s so articulate and a great conversationalist.” Daniel placed an arm across her shoulders and hugged her to his side as everyone laughed. Amanda was beginning to feel embarrassed.

  Suddenly Amanda gave a shriek of joy and ran toward the door. “Frasier! What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  He laughingly hugged her and answered, “I had a command invitation and knew better than to ignore it.” Daniel and Frazier hugged. Amanda was perplexed as to why they were grinning so broadly and slapping each other on the back.

  Daniel took Amanda’s hand and led her to stand in front of her parents. He cleared his throat repeatedly and made comical faces. “Mr. and Mrs. Wescott, it’s no secret how I feel about your daughter and she knows that I love her with my whole heart and being. I ask your blessings so that we can be married and I know we’ll be as happy as both of our parents are. Both sets of parents have given us a wonderful model for a happy, successful marriage.”

  Everyone was so interested in what Daniel was saying that none of them noticed Sulyn coming in quietly and standing at the back of the crowd. She was in time to hear Daniel’s speech and was grinning in approval from ear to ear.

  Amanda gulped, “We’re going to be married! Well, why didn’t I know it?”

  “You’ve known it from the first day I met you. Haven’t I told you all of this time that we would be married?” Daniel chuckled as he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

  “You’ve said it, but you’ve never asked me,” she frowned.

  “I didn’t think it was necessary. I thought we both felt the same.” Everyone laughed as Corbin reached to hug his daughter. “He’s teasing you, darling. Don’t you see the twinkle in his eye? Your mother and I have talked this over and we approve.” He turned to look at Felicity who wriggled in her chair and said nothing. Daniel thought Amanda’s parents must have had many conversations about her possible marriage. He hoped and prayed that Felicity had gotten rid of her bitterness.

  Amanda blushed as Daniel dropped to one knee in front of her. “My beautiful, precious, darling Amanda. Yes, you know how much I love you. Everyone in both our cities knows it. I told your parents, and mine, that I was going to ask you today. So - Amanda, will you make me a deliriously happy man and say that you’ll be my love, the mother of my children and my partner forever and ever?”

  She just stood and stared at him as if in shock.

  “Hurry up. This concrete isn’t a feather pillow I’m kneeling on.” Daniel held a velvet covered box to her. “If you don’t like this, we’ll look for something you do like.”

  Everyone gave exclamations of delight when they saw what was in the box. A gorgeous emerald surrounded by tiny diamonds nestled beside a gold band with alternate diamonds and emeralds across the top.

  “For Heavens sake, Mandy. Answer the man,” Mike ordered so filled with love and delight for this young couple that he had tears standing in his eyes.

  Amanda dropped to her knees facing Daniel and knocked him over when she hugged him so hard. “You idiot. Of course I’ll marry you. Just try to get away. You made a mistake having so many witnesses present. Now you’ll never get away from me.”

  “With that stranglehold you have on him, Joe Lewis and the Great Hulk couldn’t get away from you.” Lance Cortland was laughing as he reached to help them stand. He hugged Amanda. “Darling girl, Myra and I couldn’t be happier. Daniel’s siblings will be also when they hear. We’re delighted that you’re the one who has won our son’s heart, and we want you to know that you’ll be our daughter and we’ll love you dearly. My other children are going to be hurt to have been left out of this, but we agreed that it would be for adults only. We’ll have a dinner for all of you at our house another day.”

  Felicity and Myra were both wiping their eyes. Mike was clearing his throat and shuffling his feet, as his face got red.

  Shane and Frasier cheered, whistled and clapped. Sulyn made more noise than the two men and Frasier turned in surprise to see her. He walked to stand by her. They all looked around when another person’s clapping and whistling overpowered the noise they were making.

  “Pastor Benjamin! What a pleasant surprise. Were you in on this, too?” Amanda exclaimed.

  “I was and I promised to officiate at the ceremony if you so wish.”

  “Oh, I do. Thank you, Daniel. You have thought of everything to please me and make me happy.” Amanda wiped her eyes and smiled mistily at all of them. She walked to where Myra was standing by Felicity’s wheelchair. She leaned over to hug her mother and then stooped to hug Myra.

  “Oh, this is familiar. My folks are always leaning over to hug me; Even Trevor is taller than I am now,” Myra sighed.

  “You knew Daniel was going to do this and you didn’t give me a hint,” Amanda pretended to scold the two women.

  “We didn’t want to spoil the surprise,” Felicity answered. “Daniel brought his parents to the house over a week ago and we discussed what we could do to help you two get started. We don’t want to interfere in your life, but we do want to help. After all, you’re our only child. We’re pleased to welcome Daniel and these two wonderful new friends in his parents.” Felicity reached to take Myra’s hand. “We have more good news for you. I hope you feel it’s as good as we do.”

  Amanda looked around the group. Her eyes fell on Frasier and Sulyn. “Sulyn!” she screamed. “Now my day is complete. How could I make plans without you? Look. Look.” She held out her hand for Sulyn to admire her ring.

  “If I hadn’t been included, I’d have turned into a wicked witch and placed a curse on all of you,” Sulyn laughed, then turned to give Frasier a tender look. Amanda and Daniel looked at each other and smiled. Amanda held her thumbs up in an all right sign.

  Sulyn spoke to Amanda, “Your parents invited me to come with them, but I needed to run somewhere else later and drove my own car. I’m glad I got here in time to hear the proposal and your lady-like acceptance.”

  “Oh, forgive my bad manners,” Amanda suddenly remembered. “Myra and Lance Cortland, have you met my pastor, Benjamin Kissinger? Pastor Benjamin, these are Daniel’s parents, Myra and Lance Cortland.”

  “I’m delighted to meet you,” Benjamin shook hands with Lance. “Daniel has been attending church with Amanda and is now lending his beautiful voice to our choir.”

  “Daniel does have a lovely voice. We’re pleased that he and Amanda have established church attendance as part of their lifestyle. Hopefully, in the future, they’ll have little ones to train in the way they should go,” Myra beamed.

  “You are so right. I’d be pleased to have both of you visit. We don’t proselyte in our church, but we do welcome visitors.”

  Daniel leaned over to whisper to Amanda. “I wasn’t sure you’d accept me when Vincent arrived on the scene.”

  “He’ll always be a dear friend, and I hope, in time, you and he can become friends. He’s back at work in Houston and will be very happy for us.”

  Felicity wheeled closer to the table. “Let’s all sit down and enjoy this lovely meal Daniel has had prepared for us. Sulyn, sit here by me. This lovely child is like another daughter to us,” she told the group.

  The two ladies served everyone and then the man moved a smaller table near them with a variety of scrumptious desserts on it. The three servers gave excellent attention to keeping coffee or tea glasses filled and food passed.

  Cowboys from the Cortland ranch played musical instruments and sang to entertain.

  Amanda noticed that the reporter had been snapping pictures of everything going on. “Daniel, it was a sweet thought, but why have a photographer for this occasion? It’s usually only done for weddings.”

  “I wanted us to have pictures for our memory book. Besides, this is to honor another occasion.” He nodded to the man who had been serving. The man stepped to the other side of the van
where a table had been out of sight.

  There were many lovely wrapped gifts on it. “Happy birthday, darling. I know it isn’t for two more days, but how else could I surprise you?”

  “Well, the photographer got an excellent picture of me with my mouth open. Please make note of this because I don’t know when it will happen again, but I’m speechless.”

  There were a lot of ooohs and aaahs and laughter as Amanda opened gifts. She hugged each person as she opened their gift.

  “I’ve already made plans for a shower and have invited about fifty people,” Sulyn told her. “I’m guessing that you’ll have another shower through the church.”

  Amanda stood with misty eyes and thanked everyone and especially Daniel. Conversation was then mostly on wedding plans and wishes until Amanda mentioned to Pastor Benjamin how Daniel had gotten shot. He was appalled that the danger had been in their own area.

  “I’m astonished and yes, speechless. If anyone had asked me if this was a safe community to raise a family, I would have extolled the wondrous benefits of living here. Why haven’t I heard of this before? Why didn’t you call me?” He gazed sadly at them.

  “The police asked the newspapers to hold off on the enormity of the crimes. We felt that the perp would later feel safe and think we had no clues, and, in the meantime, would carelessly give himself away,” Shane explained.

  Pastor Benjamin looked concerned at Daniel. “Are you sure the gunshot was aimed at you and not just a careless hunter?”

  “I would have thought it was an accident if I had not been forced off the road. Much later one of the men confessed that he had tried to frighten me in order to frighten Amanda in giving up the business. They were willing to kill if necessary to achieve their goal.”

  “Oh, yes,” he said slowly and thoughtfully. “Daniel, do you hunt?

  “No. I don’t hunt just to be hunting. I carry a gun in case I run into snakes or an occasional mountain lion,” Daniel told him. “My dad taught me that when we go into wooded areas to take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints and kill nothing but time. We were taught to respect the animals and their homes and the park areas. We never leave trash behind or try to harm any living thing except in case of self defense.”

  “I’m delighted to hear you say that. It’s the best way.” Pastor Benjamin nodded. “It’s unfortunate that many others don’t feel the same way.” He thanked them for including him in the joyous occasion and left.

  They helped the servers clean up after themselves. Daniel paid them and included a very generous bonus. The crowd began to move away.

  “Wait a minute,” Amanda said. “What’s the other news you had for me?”

  Lance smiled at her. “Just that I’m your dad’s new partner.” Amanda’s mouth did drop then.

  He continued, “We’re going to build more hangar space so that we’ll have extra hangars to rent out to private planes. Mike has agreed to stay on as manager and to hire competent mechanics for us. How’s that for good news?”

  “I think it’s absolutely wonderful. Daniel, did you know about this?”

  “No, darling. It’s news to me. Mike, how long have you known about this business venture?”

  “About two weeks. I was sworn to secrecy until they could check into everything and determine if their plans would work or not. It will free Amanda to go on with her dreams of newspaper work.”

  Daniel held up a hand. “As long as we’re sharing news, I might as well tell you mine. I’ve been accepted by the Galveston Sentinel as a full time photojournalist.” He put an arm around Amanda’s waist. “Now we’re not only in the same business but might end up on the same paper someday.”

  “Oh, Daniel, I’m so thrilled for you. I know how you had your heart set on it.” Amanda turned with a stricken look at Lance and Myra. “I hope you’re happy for Daniel.”

  “Well - it’s news all right, but-” Lance smiled at Myra, “if it makes our son happy, then so be it.”

  Corbin helped Felicity into the car while Daniel folded and placed the wheelchair in the trunk. He went to the driver’s door to shake hands with Corbin. “Son, I hope you’re sure. Do you love her enough for a lifetime?”

  “Yes, sir!” Daniel said emphatically. He watched as Corbin drove off and said a silent prayer that Felicity would lay herself and her worries in God’s hands. I know she taught Amanda to live by a strong spiritual code, so, I’m confident that she will settle and be at peace with her Lord.

  The following week Sulyn gave the shower for Amanda in the Community Hall. There were the usual well wishes, games, refreshments and gifts galore. Amanda was touched and grateful to all of them. “I’m not sending wedding invitations except to out of town family and friends. There will be an announcement in the paper and I hope all of you will attend.”

  During the first week of December, the ladies of the church gave Amanda another shower.

  One of the games was to ‘Name That Tune’. A lady would play a few notes and the others would guess what the song was. Each person who guessed correctly, out loud, was given a piece of candy. At the end of the game the person with the most pieces of candy was given a gift.

  Amanda told them that after the honeymoon she and Daniel would live in his apartment until they decided whether to buy or to build. She blushingly admitted that they had discussed having children and both wanted them. No, they hadn’t decided how many. She wanted to wait a year or two until they had gotten used to living together and settled on where they would live permanently.

  Yes, she would be willing to live on a ranch as long as they had nearby church, school and markets.

  Before they left, the ladies begged Amanda to sing for them. She led the group in singing some popular and some patriotic songs. They held hands in a circle and all sang “God Be With You ‘Til We Meet Again”.

  Chapter Twenty

  A week before their Christmas Eve wedding, Amanda caught Daniel alone. “Ah ha. Right where I want you, Bozo.”

  “You can have me wherever you want me, lovely lady. What is on your mind?”

  “Your secret.”

  “My what?” Daniel stared at Amanda puzzled.

  “I know it’s not our wedding day, but we have a lot to do and think about. Remember, you said you had told Frasier something that you would tell me on our wedding day.”

  “Oh, that,” Daniel laughed. “It goes back to New Year’s Eve to my cousin’s wedding. All of us were discussing my disgusting cousin and his snobbish choice for a wife. We all knew there wasn’t love involved. They both have money and social standing and were too selfish to share with anyone else. They married to keep money and society in the two families.”

  “What does that have to do with your secret?” Amanda asked, puzzled.

  “Frasier was teasing me about the young girls, and their mothers, hanging around me hoping for marriage for money and a family connection. I made the statement that I wanted to find someone who would love and respect me just for being me and not for my money or family name. Too, I wanted someone who would worship with me and raise our children in a Christian home. So I made a desperate wish that I would find a girl who would love me just for me and not for my family name or fortune.”

  “Is that what you meant when you yelled out, ‘I’ve found her’?”

  “You bet and I sure did find her. I can’t imagine marrying anyone else but you. Planning our home and family together and thanking God daily for having found each other.”

  “Amen to that.” She smiled and reached to put her arms around his neck for a real kiss from the heart. “I’m pledging myself to you.”

  “By the way, Daniel, Dad and I are shouting jubilee.”

  “Why? What’s the good news?”

  “Mom has been to Christian counseling with our pastor and has at last come to terms with her illness and Dad’s. She has been so bitter, but now she is at peace. She never really lost faith in God; she was just self-centered and too upset to think straight.”
/>   “I am so relieved for all of you. I felt that she would be on the right track. After all, God never leaves us. It’s our own weak human nature that turns away from God. But like any good father, he’s willing to forgive and forget. All we have to do is ask.” Daniel smiled and kissed Amanda again. He couldn’t seem to keep from kissing her when they were together.

  The rehearsal dinner was a joyous occasion. After Frasier, acting as best man, gave a toast and a speech, Daniel remembered that he had refused to do so for his cousin, Wakiza, following his wedding. Daniel felt that he would be the biggest hypocrite in the country to offer a toast of encouragement to Wakiza and his snobbish bride. It wasn’t even noticed because the couple was trying too hard to impress the influential people they had invited. Daniel also refused to tell anyone where he had made arrangements for the honeymoon with Amanda. They couldn’t believe that she didn’t even know.

  “Just can’t stay out of the monkey suits, can you?” Frasier teased Daniel.

  “Okay, smart guy. You’re the best man, so act like it. Where do you have the rings?”

  “Rings?” Frasier looked puzzled.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten them or lost them,” Daniel yelled and grabbed Frasier. “I knew I should have kept them,” he groaned.

  “Time out.” Frasier laughed. “The rings are here in my pocket. Sheesh! I never thought I’d see the day Daniel Cortland would get so bent out of shape.”

  Daniel grinned weakly. “I’ve never been married before, and this marriage will last a lifetime. I feel as if I waited a lifetime to marry Amanda.”

  The two young men walked from the room, down a short hall and through a side door into the church sanctuary. Daniel looked with approval at the sanctuary decorated with red poinsettia, white and red flowers, greenery and candles and all that made a Christmas Eve wedding picture perfect. Huge white bows were on the end of each pew and the white satin carpet had been laid down the center aisle for the bride to walk on.


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