On the Front Lines of the Cold War

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On the Front Lines of the Cold War Page 56

by Seymour Topping

  Indochina: American community in, 125–27

  Communist victories in and eviction of U.S. from, 381–87

  maps of, 134, 226

  OSS operations in, 125, 127–30

  piaster racket during, 123–24

  Potsdam Conference on, 127, 130

  Roosevelt on transformation of, into United Nations Trusteeship, 125, 127. See also Cambodia; French Indochina War; Laos; Saigon; Vietnam; Vietnam War

  Indochinese Communist Party, 131

  Indonesia: CIA in, 284, 295

  downfall of Sukarno in, 2, 278–96

  economy of, 280, 296

  Gestapu murder of army generals in, 2–3, 278, 280–81, 283–87, 289, 294–95

  and Malaysia, 278, 279, 280, 295

  purge of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and genocide in, 2–3, 278–79, 284–95, 317

  September 30 Movement in, 283–87, 289, 294

  size of, 278

  ST in, 278–79, 288–94

  Suharto in, 279–81, 286–88, 294–96

  Megawati Sukarnoputri as president of, 296

  and United Nations, 279, 280, 282

  Yuhoyono as president of, 296

  Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), 278–79, 286–95, 317

  INS. See International News Service (INS)

  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (1988), 215

  International Control Commission (ICC), 235, 239, 312

  International News Service (INS), 2, 6, 7, 33, 49, 109, 169

  Internet, 321, 322, 379, 396–97

  Iran, 391

  shah of, 311

  Iraq, 2, 10, 241, 387–93, 395–96

  Israel, 311

  Issaraks, 243

  Italian Communist Party, 76

  Jao, J. C., 98, 107–9, 117

  Japan: atomic bombs dropped in, 3–4

  China’s war against, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 31, 44, 48, 57n

  MacArthur in, as Supreme Commander Allied Powers (SCAP), 169

  Mao’s foreign policy on, 378

  memorial service for victims of atomic bomb in, 3

  and Sino-Japanese War (1894), 353

  in World War II, 3–4, 25–28, 30, 35, 42, 170, 388

  Jarvis, Lucy, 212

  Java, 290–94

  Jenkins, Evan, 315–18

  Jesuits, 61–65, 73, 75–77, 114. See also Catholic Church

  Ji Jiaozhu, 351

  Ji Mingzhong, 342, 346, 349, 365

  Jiajing, Emperor, 301, 302

  Jiang Qing: arrest, trial, and imprisonment of, 373

  and Chinese Civil War, 29

  criticisms of, 372, 376

  and Cultural Revolution, 16, 299, 302–3, 340, 341, 356, 357, 370, 376

  daughter of, 16, 29

  death of, 373

  and Gang of Four, 299, 341, 370, 372–73

  and Peking Opera House, 16, 93–94, 373

  photographs of, 16, following p. 110

  and Red Guards, 340, 357

  and Sihanouk, 269

  Jinling Evening News, 90n

  Joelson, Jules, 32, 33

  Johnson, Harold, 233

  Johnson, Lyndon: decision of, not to run for reelection, 240, 328

  and domino theory, 393

  and Indonesia, 3

  photograph of, following p. 224

  and Sihanouk, 259, 261, 262

  and Sukarno, 223, 295

  and Vietnam War, 222, 224, 227–29, 231–34, 238, 240, 256, 317, 328, 329, 392, 395

  Johnson, Tom, 387

  Joint U.S. Advisory Group (JUSMAG), 35, 40, 45, 46–48, 175

  Jones, David, 318

  Journalism. See Associated Press (AP); International News Service (INS); New York Times; News media; and specific newspapers and journalists

  Journey between Two Chinas (ST), 327, 403

  JUSMAG. See Joint U.S. Advisory Group (JUSMAG)

  Kalb, Marvin, 199–200

  Kalgan, China, 11–12, 17–18

  Kantol, Prince Norom, 258

  Karajan, Herbert von, 191

  Karakoram Highway, 375

  Katamso, Brig. Gen., 287

  Kawabe, Takashiro, following p. 110

  Keatley, Bob and Ann, 347–49

  Keller, Bill, 321

  Kemper, George, 192–93, following p. 224

  Kennedy, Ethel, 223

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 261

  Kennedy, Joan, 297

  Kennedy, John F.: assassination of, 220–21, 261

  and Chinese forces in Burma, 150

  and coup against Diem regime, 218–19, 220, 221

  and Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion, 205–6, 207, 212, 219

  and Cuban missile crisis, 208–14

  on French Indochina War, 156, 184–85

  and Gullion, 156–57

  Khrushchev’s Vienna meeting with, on Berlin and Indochina, 205–8, 209

  obituary for, 220–21

  photograph of, following p. 224

  Reston interview with, 206–8

  in Vietnam as congressman (1951), 2, 151–52, 154–57, 209, 218, 223–24

  and Vietnam War, 157, 206, 207–8, 218–19, 221–23, 329

  and West Berlin, 206–7

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 151

  Kennedy, Patricia, 151

  Kennedy, Robert, 151, 155–56, 211, 222–24, 280

  Kennedy, Ted, 297

  Kent State deaths, 271

  Kenworthy, E. W., 330

  Key, David M., 149–50

  KGB, 199, 205, 209, 210, 211

  Kharlamov, Mikhail, 203

  Khmer Rouge, 242–44, 261, 267, 269–77, 381, 384, 385, 392. See also Cambodia

  Khrushchev, Nikita: alcohol use by, 204

  on Berlin, 190, 211–12

  and Cuban missile crisis, 2, 208–13

  death and burial plot of, 212

  in East Germany, 193–94, 197

  and Geneva Conference on Korea and Vietnam (1954), 185

  Kennedy’s Vienna meeting with, on Berlin and Indochina, 205–8, 209

  on Korean War, 171

  lifting of censorship by, 203

  Mao’s ideological split with, 2, 17, 199–203, 302

  and nuclear test-ban treaty, 212

  and ousting from Soviet leadership (1964), 212

  photographs of, following p. 224

  on Stalin, 201–2

  and U-2 spy flight, 201

  and Vietnam War, 208

  Khrushchev, Nina, 211, 212, following p. 224

  Kiernan, Ben, 272

  The Killing Fields, 277

  Kim Il-sung, 170, 171, 174–75, 180, 181

  Kissinger, Henry: and bombing and invasion of Cambodia, 267, 268, 271

  and China, 11, 102, 326, 343, 349–50, 355, 362

  and Huang Hua, 343

  and Pentagon Papers, 362

  photograph of, following p. 224

  and Vietnam War, 381, 382

  KMT. See Kuomintang (KMT) Party

  Knight Ridder newspapers, 395

  Kohlberg, Alfred, 119

  Korean War: beginning of, 103, 119, 170, 171, 180

  casualties of, 112, 137, 169, 177–78, 182

  and Chiang Kai-shek, 172

  Chinese Communist involvement in, 23, 101, 103–4, following p. 110, 146, 147, 169–83, 340, 353, 377, 390–91

  Geneva conference on (1954), 2, 104, 167–68, 180

  Huang Hua and negotiations on, 167–68

  Huang Hua on, 176, 181–83

  journalists covering, 137

  and MacArthur, 23, following p. 110, 169, 170, 172–80, 182, 233, 377

  map of, 166

  and Panikkar, 173–75, 180–81

  Panmunjom peace negotiations during, 11, 167, 180

  photographs of, following p. 110

  prisoners of war in, 167

  and Soviet Union, 171, 172, 174, 178, 180, 181

  Tuchman on, 23

  and United Nations, 169, 171, 174, 178, 180

  U.S. involvement in, 169–81

  Willoughby in, 5<
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  and Zhou Enlai, 172–74, 178, 180, 181

  Kosygin, Alexi, 228, 229, 268

  Kovach, Bill, 2124

  Krogh, Egil, 363–64

  Kuan, Bill, 87–89, 90n

  Kuling, China, 52

  Kung, David, 60

  Kung, H. H., 60

  Kuomintang (KMT) Party, 17–18, 21, 48, 119, 120, 374. See also Chiang Kai-shek; Chinese Civil War

  Kurtz, Efrem, 191

  Lake, Anthony, 267

  Landay, Jonathan, 395

  Lang Son, North Vietnam, 136–38, 142, 145

  Langguth, A. J., 387

  Laos: CIA in, 384

  civil war in, 239

  Communist victory in, 381, 384

  Geneva Conference (1961) on, 204–5, 208, 339

  Hmong people in, 384

  journalists killed or missing in, 386

  Pathet Lao in, 205, 208, 239, 381, 384

  and SEATO, 186–87

  Souvanna Phouma government in, 205, 208, 239, 384

  Latin America: revolutionary struggle in, 215–16. See also Cuba; and other countries

  Lattimore, Owen, 119, 155–56

  Le Duan, 385, 388

  Le Lieu, 382

  Le Page, Marcel, 144–45

  Ledovsky, Andrei M., 9, 31, 81, 95

  Lend-Lease Act (1941), 19

  Lenin, V. I., 202, 348

  Lenya, Lotte, 191

  Lepers, on Hainan Island, 115

  Letter from China, 17

  Levi, Arrigo, 200

  Lewis, Anthony, 323–24

  Li Mi, 71, 148–50

  Li Na, 16

  Li Tsung-jen, 42, 48, 79, 81–83, 86–87, 114, 121n

  Li Xiannian, 368, 375, 376

  Li Xiguang, 73n

  Li Yen-nien, 62

  Li Zuopeng, 365–66

  Liao Heshu, 350

  Liao Mosha, 302

  Liao Yaohsiang, 42

  Liberation Army Daily, 304

  Liberation Daily, 108

  Lichtblau, Eric, 396

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 363, 364

  Lieberman, Henry R. “Hank,” 49, 57, 89, 311

  Life magazine, 136, 159, 326, 333

  Lin Biao: compared with Mao, 44, 355–56

  crossing of Yangtze by, 84

  and Cultural Revolution, 307, 308, 341, 349, 355, 356

  death of, 365–66

  as defense minister, 303, 340, 341

  and falling-out with Mao, 27, 44, 367

  and Hainan Island battle, 113, 114–15, 118

  health problems of, 338, 356

  and Korean War, 172, 175, 178–79

  leadership of, in China, 356–57

  and Manchurian campaign, 26–28, 31–32, 35–39, 41–44, 55, 175

  military career of, 26–27

  photograph of, following p. 110

  and Southeast China offensive during Chinese Civil War, 113–14

  and surrender of Peking, 82

  Lin Liguo, 366

  Lin Tsun, 84

  Lindner, Doris, 167

  Lipkovski, Jean de, 162

  Lippmann, Walter, 322

  Liszt, Franz, 196

  Liu Bocheng: and Battle of the Huai-Hai, 55–58, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 72

  crossing of Yangtze by, 84

  and Cultural Revolution, 340

  Lin Biao denounced by, 367

  military occupation of Nanking by, 92

  as military strategist, 44, 340

  opposition to, by Gang of Four, 299

  photograph of, following p. 110

  and Southeast China offensive during Chinese Civil War, 114

  Liu Chih, 55, 56, 58, 62–67

  Liu Ding, 376–77

  Liu Ju-ming, 62–63

  Liu, Peter, 109–10

  Liu Shaoqi: compared with Mao, 302–3

  and Cultural Revolution, 306–9, 337, 340, 348, 355, 356, 373

  daughter Liu Tao’s denunciation of, 308–9, 376

  death of, 309

  exile of, 309

  as general secretary of Chinese Communist Party, 15, 17

  as head of state for Communist China, 200, 282, 299, 302–4, 306, 307, 357

  and Ho Chi Minh and Viet Minh, 102–3

  and Jiang Qing, 16

  and Malaysia, 282

  and Manchurian campaign during Chinese Civil War, 26, 27

  on New Democracy for China, 24–25, 92–93, 303

  photograph of, following p. 110

  political rehabilitation of, after death, 376

  and possible partnership between Communist China and U.S., 21

  and Sino-Soviet split, 200

  and ST, 24–25, 66

  Liu Tao, 308–9

  Loeb, Louis M., 331

  Lon Nol, following p. 224, 255, 268–73, 276, 384, 392

  London, 158, 165, 167, 190

  London Daily Express, 64

  London Daily Mail, 64

  London Observer, 64

  London Telegraph, 111–12

  London Times, 3, 111, 274

  Lotsberg, Roman L., 249

  Lu Liwei, 90n

  Lu Ping, 201, 304

  Lu Zhiwei, 97–98

  Luce, Henry, 52, 119, 326

  Lukman, Mohammed H., 289

  Luo Guibo, 102–3

  Luong, Nguyen Van, 230–31

  Ma Ching-yuan, 87–88

  Ma Yuzhen, 346, 365

  Ma Zhuzhen, 354

  MacArthur, Douglas: and Chiang Kai-shek, 172

  and Chinese Civil War, 78, 169–70

  in Japan as Supreme Commander Allied Powers (SCAP), 169

  and Korean War, 23, following p. 110, 169, 170, 172–80, 182, 233, 377

  photograph of, following p. 110

  recall of, from Korean War, 179

  on Vietnam War, 208, 225

  in World War II, 5

  MacArthur, John R., 317

  Macau, 378

  MacDonald, Lachie, 64–65

  MacFarquhar, Roderick, 372–73

  Main, Jeremy, following p. 224

  Malaya, 159, 282

  Malaysia, 223, 278, 279, 280, 282, 295

  Malik, Adam, 280, 294

  Malinovsky, Rodion, 212

  Manchuria: battle for, during Chinese Civil War, 30–36

  Chiang Kai-shek’s strategy in, 38–44

  Chinchow in, 41–43

  disputes between Soviet Union and China over, 349, 377

  fall of, during Chinese Civil War, 37–44, 78, 300

  food shortages in, 39, 40

  Japanese attack on, 48

  Mukden in, 38–43, 78

  refugees in, 39, 40

  and Soviet Union during World War II, 22, 25–28, 30, 31, 81

  ST in, 32–36, 38–40

  Yalta Agreement on, 22

  Mandarin Magazine, 297

  Mao Anying, 182

  Mao Zedong: and agricultural collectivization and People’s Communes, 68, 300, 301, 303, 340

  American journalists’ interviews of, 16–17, 19–20

  assassination plot against, 366–67

  on atom bomb, 17

  and Beijing, 6

  Chengyangcha headquarters of, during Chinese Civil War, 29

  Chiang Kai-shek on army of, as “Bandits,” 327

  and Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 299

  and CIA operation in Burma, 150

  compared with Lin Biao, 44, 355–56

  cult worship of, 306, 337, 338, 343

  daughter of, 16, 29

  death of, 68, 339, 372

  execution of first wife of, 376

  foreign policy of, 98–99, 101, 378, 390–91

  and founding of People’s Republic of China, 90n, 103

  and Gang of Four, 299, 309, 370

  health of, 15–16, 338, 339, 365, 370

  and Ho Chi Minh and French Indochina War, 102–3, 131, 133, 135, 142, 146, 150, 163, 170–71, 184, 377, 390–91

  and Huai-Hai battle, 53, 55, 63, 71, 72

  and Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957), 109

  and industrialization and Great Leap Forward, 299–300, 302, 303, 306, 339–40, 377

  interpreters for, 351

  Khrushchev’s ideological split with, 2, 17, 199–203, 302

  and Korean War, 23, 101, 103–4, following p. 110, 146, 147, 169–83, 390–91

  and Lin Biao, 44

  and Malaysia, 282

  on New Democracy, 24–25, 92–93, 105, 303

  and Nixon, 200, 326, 349, 391

  opposition to and limitations of, 299–302

  photograph of, following p. 110

  possible coalition government between Chiang’s Kuomintang and, 20–22, 26, 80–82

  protracted war strategy of, 27, 37–38, 147, 227

  public viewing of mummified body of, 375–76

  purges by, 99, 108–10, 304–5, 307–9, 336, 339–44, 348, 367, 372, 374, 377

  and Red Guards, 305, 307–9, 336, 338–44, 356, 374

  and Ronning, 338

  and Roosevelt, 20–23

  significance of, 376, 377–78

  and Sihanouk, 258–59, 338

  and Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, 101, 102, 117–18

  and Snow, 325

  ST interest in interview with, 1, 15, 61, 66, 70–71

  and Stalin, 23, 25–28, 81–82, 95, 96, 98–99, 101, 117, 172, 201–2

  and Stuart, 98–101, 103

  successor for, 349, 355, 356, 365, 367, 368, 370

  and Truman, 19–20, 23, 99, 102, 117–18, 390–91

  and U.S. Army Observer Group, 20, 21, 23

  and U.S. recognition of Communist China, 117–18

  and Vietnam War, 207, 232, 377–78, 385

  and war against Japan, 19, 21

  and Wei Li-huang, 42

  writings by, 24, 37–38, 105

  Yenan headquarters of, during Chinese Civil War, 13–29, 301

  and Yunnan operation in Burma, 149

  Zhou Enlai’s relationship with, 303, 355–56. See also Chinese Civil War; Cultural Revolution; Jiang Qing

  Maridan, Robert C., 358

  Marines. See U.S. Marines

  Mario Francesco, Padre, 75–77

  Markham, James, 382–83

  Marshall, George C.: on Chiang Kai-shek, 47–48

  health problems of, 78

  and Korean War, 175

  mediation mission of, during Chinese Civil War, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17–19, 28–29, 31, 51, 72

  and Stuart, 80–81

  Martin, Graham, 382

  Martin, Paul, 234, 237, 238

  Marx, Karl, 348

  Matak, Prince Sirik, 268, 272

  Matheson, Jardine, 59

  Mathews, Cleve, 316

  Mattson, Walter, 320–21

  McAuliff, John, 129

  McCarthy, Joseph, 119, 120

  McCarthyism, 34n, 119, 325

  McClure, Robert B., 22

  McGill, William J., 361

  McGovern, George, 329

  McNamara, Robert S., 126–27, 229, 232, 238, 240–41, 328, 360, 393

  Medvedev, Dmitry, 4

  Medvedev, Roy, 208

  Meir, Golda, 311

  Melby, John, 119


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