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Broken Promises

Page 41

by S. K. Lessly

  There was pleading in them and it was directed at me. Jessica merely shook her head, but I knew what she meant, what they both meant and wanted me to do. Stand down.

  I started to protest, tell them he was the one charging me, when Alexis's face contorted in a painful grimace. I watched as she gripped the banister and cried out in pain.

  I took off in her direction, passing a charged up Lacy before he understood what was happening.

  I made it to her just as she straightened. Her face still held a look of shock and anger. Hell, at least she wasn’t hunched over in pain.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, not knowing what else to say. Lacy finally came up next to me and positioned himself closer to Lexie than I would have liked.

  “What’s wrong, Lexie? Is it the baby?”

  I looked over at him, murder in my eyes. No one called Lexie, Lexie but me. I was about to tell him that or show him what it felt to be thrown off a ledge, when Lex gripped my arm.

  “I’m okay. It was probably just…” her voice trailed off and a look of horror crossed her face. Her eyes traveled down to the porch and I followed her line of sight. She widened her stance and lifted up her dress. There, between her legs, was a small puddle and liquid streaming down her leg.

  “Holy shit!” I mumbled and our gazes met. I couldn’t speak to save my life. I didn’t think anyone could. We were all in shock. Then the silence was broken with a scream that damn near broke my eardrums.

  Chapter Thirty


  Pain I had never experienced before seized my body. I gripped the bedrail tight with both hands doing what I could the get through this contraction. Ethan wiped my forehead with a damp towel being all supportive and amazing, the bastard. I was too busy trying to breathe through pain to tell him “thank you” and “go to hell.”

  Dang this shit was for the birds. What was Eve freaking thing? The bitch had to get hungry and go looking for food. Then she had to be all woman’s rights—can’t nobody tell me what to do bullshit—and go against God for a freaking apple. Wasn’t there other fruit she could have eaten? What about a dang orange or something?

  “That’s it, baby, the worst is almost over,” Ethan coached in his smooth baritone, sexy—give it to me—voice. I opened one eye and glared at him. Hard. He missed it though, his concentration on the monitor as he did his best to guide me through a contraction.

  The tightness in my abdomen eased up, however I knew it wouldn’t last long. I had less than a minute before another one attacked my body.

  Chips,” I breathed out, hot pungent air hitting Ethan in the face. To his credit, he looked as if it didn’t faze him.

  He nodded, his brows furrowed in concentration, leaned over to grab my cup full of ice and proceeded to feed me.

  It’s been a grueling seven hours of pain, screaming and reevaluating the need for childbirth. I had thought, since my water broke, things would have progressed a lot faster and this baby would’ve been out by now. Yeah, no such luck. This baby was stubborn just like his father.

  “You okay?” Ethan asked softly. His face was positioned inches from mine. He pushed my damp hair from my face and caressed my cheek. Goodness, he was so gentle and sweet.

  I was laying on my side, my hands gripping the side of the bed, waiting for the next contraction to hit. I wanted to cuss his ass out, and he had one coming. Right now, I was too busy trying to get this large watermelon out of me to care about anyone or anything.

  “You’re strong, fierce and amazing. You got this.” He declared and I nodded.

  I took in a few full breaths, getting myself pumped and ready for the next contraction.

  Getting to the hospital was a train wreck. Ethan and Albert argued the entire time. I swear at some point, I thought they would go to blows it was that intense.

  First, they argued about who was going to help me to the car after my water broke.

  “I’m right here I already have her,” Ethan had told Al, his green eyes becoming cold and dark right before my eyes.

  “Yeah, well you haven’t been here for eight months and we made due without you. I got her,” Albert countered reaching for me. I looked at him wide-eyed. Even Jessica gasped. It seemed that the earth stood still after that. The sound of insects and night birds ceased. The air got exceedingly cold. I shivered and swore I saw water vapors as I exhaled.

  I looked at Ethan and watched the man transform into the killer I had met in the interview room all those months ago. I stepped back waiting for him to draw his weapon and put a bullet in Al's head.

  Al must have sensed his words hit home. He backed away slightly and went to pull me with him. Ethan's face grew harder and he stepped in between Al and me before he even touched me.

  “I swear, Lacy, touch her again and I will break every bone in your entire body.”

  “Ethan!” I chastised angrily. He ignored me and continued to hover menacingly. I couldn’t see his eyes but the muscles in his body were tense and poised to strike.

  “You’re a fucking asshole, Wolf,” Albert finally said, stepping back, conceding.

  I shook my head and gave Jessica a ‘are you kidding me’ look. I motioned for her to do something but she ignored me too. No, wait, that wasn’t true. She shrugged and grinned at me yet didn’t move. It was as if she wanted Ethan and Al to get it on or something.

  I rolled my eyes. I was surrounded by crazy people.

  Seeing that Al wasn’t a threat to him, Ethan turned toward me, a hesitant look on his face.

  I narrowed my eyes and was about to cuss him out when I doubled over; pain suddenly gripping my stomach like a vice. I grabbed the first thing close to me, which happened to be Ethan’s forearm. I gripped hard, my nails digging into skin as pain coursed through me like a tidal wave on an unsuspected small town.

  I knew I had to get to the hospital at once. I couldn’t wait. My biggest fear was getting to the hospital only for them to tell me I couldn’t get an epidural. Pain and I weren’t friends and the idea of pushing a head the size of a grapefruit out of my vagina wasn’t a pleasant thought.

  Once the contraction subsided, all eyes were one me.

  “Hospital,” I breathed out and the three jumped into motion. Jessica went inside to grab my purse, in which I was grateful. Ethan and Al however, they decided to not be helpful. In fact, they were downright despicable, arguing about who was going to help me to the car. I ignored them and made my own way to the front of the house. I had made it around the front of the house and headed for my car when someone grabbed my wrist.

  “I’m driving. Get into my car.” Ethan ordered, pulling his keys from his pocket.

  “I don’t think so, Wolf. She’s coming with me. I’m driving.”

  And so it went. They argued back and forth for what seemed like forever before Jessica spoke up.

  “You two are fucking idiots. I’m driving!” She snatched the keys from Ethan’s hand. You two get the fuck in the car before I shoot the both of you and leave you for dead.”

  “Thank god!” I added snatching my arm from Ethan and waddling to the back of the car. Jessica opened my door, helped me inside and climbed into the driver seat. She started the car and we waited. Why? Because the idiots were now arguing about who had the right to get in the back with me.

  “Get the fuck out of the way, Wolf.”

  “Touch her and you’ll die a painful death, Lacy.”

  Jessica and I looked at each other through the rearview mirror and at first, I thought Jessica was about to drive off and leave them two to figure their crap out. I almost suggested it but I was hit with another contraction.

  I cried out, gripped the headrest in front of me and dug my nails deep into the leather seat.

  I tried to breathe, tried to focus pain anywhere but in my body. It wasn’t working.

  I closed my eyes and groaned, rubbed my belly and prayed for this to be over soon.

  “Hey, I got you,” came a soothing deep voice that sent chills down my aching spine.

  I felt his presence first then his touch. I didn’t want to admit it, but the fact that he was close to me eased the pain and tension just a little bit.

  He rubbed my back in soothing circles. He spoke encouraging words in my ear, telling me to breathe in and out, reminding me that he was here and wasn’t going anywhere. I was so engrossed in the sound of his voice that I hadn’t realized we were moving until the contraction was over.

  Once the pain subsided, I sat up and stared into Ethan’s eyes. There was so many emotions raging in his gaze it was hard for me to keep my eyes on his. Nevertheless, I stayed firm and continued to look into his deep green eyes.

  “Are you really here?” I whispered, holding my breath for his response.

  Ethan gripped me by my neck and rested his forehead against mine.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m really here. I’m not going anywhere; I promise you that.”

  In regards to his word, so far, he’s kept his promise. He hadn’t left my side. He held me up through every contraction, talking to me, rubbing my back, forcing me to focus on him and not the pain. I wanted to throttle him, I wanted to yell at him to leave me alone, but I also wanted to tell him I loved him. I wanted him to tell me the same and I wanted to believe him when he told me that everything would be okay.

  “Who’s ready to have a baby?” questioned a male voice from the doorway of my room.

  I looked over Ethan’s shoulder to see my doctor walking inside the room. Would you believe Ethan had my OBGYN from D.C. flown by helicopter to Chesapeake Memorial? Ethan made a few calls and the man was in the air shortly after he hung up the phone. It took about forty-five minutes for him to get here.

  I was shocked at first but that shock quickly died as reality settled. Ethan would do anything for me. He’s said as much to me multiple times, I just didn’t buy it. Well, I was beginning to believe him now, I tell you that much.

  I raised the bed, which allowed me to sit up, and turned to my back. Ethan took my hand in his and squeezed reassuringly.

  Dr. Holcomb stepped further into the room with a huge smile on his face. Despite the pain I was in, I couldn’t overlook the man was hot. He was tall, dark and nicely built. He had a strong jaw, gorgeous model type features and dreamy eyes. If the man wasn’t married, and I wasn’t in love with someone else, I would’ve definitely gone to another doctor.

  Good thing Dr. Michael Holcomb and I were good friends. I had helped him out with legal issue years back. His cousin stole money from him in an investment scheme and used his name to rob about twenty others out of their retirement. I was able to gather the information needed to exonerate the doctor and put his cousin away for a very long time. I was also able to retrieve Dr. Holcomb’s money as well as anyone else that fell victim of Samuel Holcomb. Since then, he, his wife and I have remained friends.

  “Alright, let’s see how much progress you’ve made.”

  I groaned with dread, not looking forward to him shoving his fingers into my vagina. It hurt worse than the actual contractions.

  If you hadn’t guessed it, I didn’t get an epidural. My worst fears had come true. By the time I got to the hospital, I was told it was too late. I couldn’t believe it. I read online that some women who reached as far as ten centimeters were given an epidural. The nurse quickly explained that the decision was up to the hospital and according to their “policy”, for a non-C-section situation, I was too far along. Stupid freaking hospital!

  So yes, I’ve been in agonizing pain for hours upon hours with no end in sight. The contractions were coming closer and closer together. The pain was increasing to levels I didn’t know existed. Two hours ago, my doctor examined me and learned I hadn’t progressed past seven centimeters. He prescribed a drug to help my body along called Pitocin. Hopefully it worked and he was going to tell me it was time to start pushing.

  “Okay, you’re gonna feel some discomfort. I’m sorry about it but I’ll be quick, promise,” Dr. Holcomb advised and I prepared for the agonizing discomfort when pain rocked me like never before.

  “Oh god wait!” I screamed, closed my legs and reached for the rail, but found a warm hand instead.

  “I got you, breath Lex.” Ethan came closer and gave me soft eyes.

  “Argh… Go fuck yourself, Ethan! You Gotdamn breath!” I growled, eyes closed waiting for this pain to end just so this fucker of a doctor could inflict more pain.

  I felt Ethan get closer, his breath softly caressing my face. His lips grazed my ear and he said, just for my ears only, “Oh baby, I love it when you talk dirty.”

  I spluttered in response, half laughing half growling.

  “I hate you,” I admitted on a breath, opening my eyes to look at him. He just smiled at me.

  “Okay Alexis,” Doc touched my leg to get my attention. I looked down at him. "I promise I’ll be quick.”

  “Yeah, you better be.” Ethan said in a low tone, unfortunately not low enough.

  “Ethan!” I admonished for like the third time tonight.

  Dr. Holcomb chuckled. “It’s okay, Alexis. Believe me when I say I’m used to it. Now, take a deep breath for me and let it out slowly… that’s it. You’re doing great…”

  I closed my eyes and groaned in pain, trying not to kick him in the face. Ethan gripped my hand tight but I felt the tension coming off him too.

  Just when I was about to scream out and knee him in the face, Dr. Holcomb pulled his gloved fingers from my very painful vagina. He stood not looking very happy and tore off his gloves.

  “What’s the verdict?” Ethan asked.

  My doctor shook his head, walked over to the sink and disposed of the gloves in the nearby garbage. He then proceeded to wash his hands.

  “Unfortunately, Alexis you’re still seven centimeters.”

  “Are you serious?” Ethan asked.

  At the same time, I asked, feeling defeated tired and hopeless, “How could that be?”

  “There could be a number of reasons. The baby is too big, the umbilical cord is impeding the progress or your body isn’t getting the signal that it’s time to deliver this baby. Either way, we need to talk about plan B.”

  “Which is?” a female voice asked. I followed the voice and met the eyes of a concerned Jessica.

  For a minute, I had forgotten that both Jessica and Al were still in the room with us. For the most part, they stayed in the background, only asking if there was anything Ethan or I needed.

  Dr. Holcomb addressed Jessica’s question but kept his eyes on me and Ethan.

  “Okay, here’s the issue. Your water has already broken. Right now, you don’t have amniotic fluid protecting your baby. The longer he or she stays in your belly, the greater the risk of infection. We have done everything we can to push your contractions along, however nothing’s helping. I’m afraid the only alternative is a C-section.”

  I closed my eyes and blew out a nervous breath. I didn’t want a C-section. I wanted to give birth naturally. It felt as if I failed as a mother, as a woman. Lionel’s words came flooding back out of the blue and my heart sank. I knew I was overreacting. There were plenty of women who had C-sections. It was very common. I just…

  “Alexis.” I opened my watery eyes and met the sympathetic eyes of my doctor. “I understand how you must be feeling but this isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t make you less of a woman or a mother. Having a C-section won’t harm the baby in any way. All it will do is prolong your recovery time. That’s it. I’ll make an incision underneath your bikini line. I’ll go in and pull out your baby. Simple as that.” He squeezed my knee. “Believe me, sweetie, if there was any other way, I would tell you. But this is the safest way to deliver your baby and keep you two safe and healthy.”

  I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. I wanted to nod my head that I understood but I just couldn’t do it. I felt so crushed.

  My body took that moment to remind me of its shortcomings with another awful contraction. This time, I didn’t fight it. I cried out, letting the pain consu
me every part of my body.

  “Hey, can you guys give us the room for a few?” I heard Ethan say through my cries of agony.

  I heard my doctor say, “Sure” and that he’d be back. There was shuffling and then the room fell silent, except for the beeping noise from the monitor next to me and my cries. When the pain subsided, I opened my eyes and looked at Ethan.

  He had grabbed a stool and scooted close to my bed, never pulling his eyes from mine. He maneuvered my bed by lowering the level of the bed and raising my back in order to put us eye to eye. Exhaustion shrouded my entire body and I could see a bit of fatigue in Ethan’s eyes. I also saw determination, focus and resolve.

  He reached for my hand and laced his fingers with mine. “Hey, remember the time you were stuck on the high dive at the neighborhood pool and I had to go up there and get you?”

  I frowned and leaned back from him. “Are you kidding me right now? Why are you bringing that up right now?”

  He nodded. “Just bear with me, okay? Answer my question. Do you remember?”

  I stared at him for a few heartbeats before I nodded. I remembered that day and every day we spent together. We were fifteen and surrounded by a bunch of kids our age. I climbed the high dive to prove a point. I wanted to prove that I was cool, that I knew how to swim, and how to properly dive. Unfortunately, I was also afraid of heights at the time and that high dive was way higher than I thought.

  “Good. Do you remember what I told you on the ledge before we both jumped in the water together?”

  I grunted, nodded, closed my eyes and started rubbing my belly. Another contraction was building and it felt like it was going to be a big one.

  “Oh, goodness. Ethan, please get on with it.”

  “Right, sorry. Remember I told you that I had your back? I told you that whatever happens, we were in this together and I would never let you go. Remember? I then grabbed your hand squeezed it and we went flying. You remember?”


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