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Broken Promises

Page 42

by S. K. Lessly

  I nodded, growling between tight lips, my fist banging against the bed.

  Ethan wiped the hair from my face and caressed my cheek. As the pain subsided, I opened my eyes to find a fierce set of green ones giving me the business.

  He said, “I love you so fucking much, Alexis. I never thought I’d be here with you, having a baby. But we’re here and I’m so fucking thrilled to be experiencing this with you.” He kissed the back of my hand, his eyes holding mine tight. “No matter what happens, I’m here. I have your back. We can do this. We will do this. I’m never leaving your side, understand?”

  He rose from his stool and trapped my face between his hands. He tilted my face up to meet his. “I’m never leaving you again. Ever. It’s me and you. And in about an hour, it’ll be me, you and our daughter. Yeah, that’s right. We’re having a daughter and she’s going to be as beautiful as her mother.”

  “I’m scared, Ethan,” I confessed, tears pooling in my eyes.

  Ethan placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “I know baby, but I got you. It’s going to be fine. We got this. Okay? You got this. Yeah?”

  Feeling the excitement raging through him, I couldn’t help but smile and nod.

  “Let me hear you say it.”

  “I got this.” I placed my hand over our joined ones. “We got this.”

  “You damn right, we do.”

  He grinned at me and kissed me with so much love and passion, if I wasn’t in active labor, I would have jumped him.

  When Dr. Holcomb stepped back inside the room and told him we were ready to see our baby. He grinned at us. “Excellent. Let’s get you two prepped and ready to meet your baby.”

  Thirty minutes later I was prepped—lying on a cold ass bed, in a cold ass room—pain free and waiting to meet my baby.

  “Lex?” Ethan leaned close to my ear and rested his forehead against the side of my head. “The moment you’re able, I want my ring on your finger and my last name next to your first.”

  Shocked wasn’t the word to describe the feelings that rolled through me. Even the anesthesiologist warned us about keeping me calm. He said my blood pressure had just sky rocketed.

  I couldn’t speak but Ethan sent a nod his way, heated eyes still trained on me.

  “You don’t have to say anything now, baby. But in a few months’ time, I want it official and no it has nothing to do with you having my baby. It has everything to do with making you mine officially. It has to do with my feelings for you and the fact that I can’t spend another second without you.”

  I opened my mouth to protest but he touched a finger to my lips. He leaned in close and whispered, “Let me get this out, okay? Look, I know I fucked up royally. And believe me, I plan to make it up to you tenfold. Just note that I’m not playing games with you. You’re it for me and I will have you. Make no mistake about it. You will be mine.”

  “Alright you two, let’s get this party started. Are you two ready to meet your son or daughter?” My doctor asked us, oblivious to the happenings between his patient.

  I wanted to say something back, anything, but yet again words had escaped me.

  Ethan, however, did respond, a huge smile on his gorgeous face.

  “Yes, we are Doc. Introduce me to my baby girl.”



  Three years later…

  I’m a mother…

  Well, I was more than that, but I’ll start there.

  Three years or so ago, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. We named her Arya Michelle Wolf. She was eight pounds even and twenty-two inches long. The moment I heard her cry, I cried. I wasn’t the only one.

  Ethan had every woman in that room swooning, their ovaries probably begging for some attention. He was amazing to me before, during, and after I had the baby. Then once he made sure I was good, he never left our baby’s side.

  It was a very beautiful experience as well as a painful one, but as I said, he was there every step of the way. I didn’t completely forgive him that night. Just because he was amazing and loving and caring and made me swoon with promises of a life I had only dreamed about, he wasn’t off the hook.

  For at least two months, he was in the doghouse. No sex, which I might add was easy to do since I couldn’t have sex for six weeks after the baby. Still, I didn’t cuddle with him, much. I stayed strong and made sure he proved to me without a shadow of a doubt he was serious about everything he said. He was. Seven months later we were married in a small church on an island I never been, in front of family and friends. Well, my dad, Jessica, Billy and surprisingly, Al.

  Al and I had it out, finally, two days after I had Arya. There were no fireworks. I asked him to be honest about the CIA and shadowing me and he confessed that at first, he was doing his job. He watched me closely and hung around me because he was ordered to, just like Ethan had done. After he got to know me, he claimed things changed. We became friends and for him, he thought it could be more. Of course, he changed his tune when Ethan finally came home. He realized just by watching us argue and interact that we were made for each other.

  Hell, I could have told him that. In fact, I did. But you know men…

  Anyway, he and I remained friends, much to Ethan’s displeasure. When I told him that Al was coming to the wedding, I thought he would explode. I also thought Albert would disappear from the face of the planet, falling victim to Ethan’s wrath.

  However, that didn’t happen. Al said he just wanted to be friends and also make sure he, meaning Ethan, didn’t fuck up a good thing. He even brought a date to the wedding.

  All-in-all, my wedding night was beautiful. I had the most important people there with me celebrating my happily ever after. I couldn’t stop crying. Ethan’s eyes even watered for two point two seconds when he saw me in my wedding gown.

  I married the love of my life. I was beyond happy and I knew things could only get better.

  Fast forward to the present.

  I was lying in the dark, in my bedroom, waiting for my husband. I glanced at the clock next to the bed trying not to hyperventilate. The man was freaking late. He had called me over an hour ago, telling me he had landed and was heading home. What in the hell was taking his ass so long?

  I ran my hand through my unruly hair in frustration. Ethan, my beloved husband, was coming back from his first mission in years. Three, to be exact, and I was on pins and needles.

  He hadn’t quit the agency cold turkey. Ever since the birth of our first born, Arya, he had only assisted with mission preparations and training. He never left the US or Maryland for that matter.

  At first, I thought he wouldn’t last. But he proved me wrong. He managed to plant some roots here in the US as well as in me.

  Yes, after I had our baby girl, he promised the first chance he got, we were having more. I thought he was joking or high. Apparently, he wasn’t joking. Fortunately for me, I only had to do it once more. The second time he knocked me up, I was pregnant with twins.

  That pregnancy was hell on me. I was bedridden for the majority of the pregnancy and had complications that forced us to make a life changing decision that prevented us from ever having children again. But I was good with making that decision. I had three healthy children, rambunctious twin boys, and a beautiful, high strung little girl. I also had a husband that worshiped the ground I walked on. He would walk through fire for me, his words not mine. Although, the night he said that to me I had just finished fucking him so hard he saw stars and passed out, I gushed with giddiness knowing he meant every word.

  Anyway, my hero of a husband managed to become domesticated for three glorious years. He changed diapers, bathed our kids and became the father he never had. Our kids, hell, they adored him. Their little faces lit up every time he came through the door. Our gorgeous twin boys, who looked just like their father with wild light brown curly hair, not red, were all over the place.

  We decided to keep with the theme of favorite bad ass character names. We decided to name
our sons Jax and Jac. Jax represented the main character from the Sons of Anarchy Jax Teller and Jac, represented the main character from an old show that we one day binge-watched for weeks called 24. His name was Jack Bower—an operative for a secret government agency—played by the actor Kiefer Sutherland. Let me tell you, that show was off the chain good. Jack Bower was a serious beast. I loved him!

  Ethan adored his sons; however, he was smitten the most by Arya. She was his baby girl, the one besides me, who he’d kill in cold blood for. Not to say he wouldn’t do it for all of us. It was just a father-daughter thing. I understood it completely. It was exactly how I felt about my own father.

  Speaking of my dad, he moved to Maryland after Arya was born. He said he didn’t want to be far away from his grandchildren or me anymore. To say I was overjoyed would be an understatement. I had the two men I loved the most closest to me. What more could a woman want?

  The door to our bedroom opened and my husband, dressed in all black, walked inside. Damn, he looked hot as hell and very badass.

  His eyes immediately found mine, and I could see his features were ablaze with desire as he took me in.

  “You don’t play fair, do you?” he grumbled.

  I looked down at what I was wearing and smirked. I had decided to attack him the moment he walked inside the house. I was dressed in…well…nothing, actually.

  When I decided to get naked for him, I had debated where I would wait for him. At first, I thought about waiting in the living room so when he walked inside, he’d see me. But I changed my mind. What if he wasn’t alone? That would be embarrassing.

  I thought about waiting for him on our deck, naked. His adventurous ass would like having sex on the deck, the bay at our backs, the cool spring sea air carrying our lovemaking to the heavens. However, I didn’t want to scare the neighbors with my screaming. The cops appearing out of nowhere, guns drawn while I was bent over the banister getting fucked wasn’t something that I wanted to... uhh… relive.

  I learned my lesson and decided to wait for him in our bedroom. I figured me sprawled across our bed, in my birthday suit, would be just fine. He’d walk inside our bedroom, see me, strip then ravish me. After all, he’d been gone on said mission for three weeks. It was the least he could do.

  I sat up and studied him as he came fully into our room. He closed the door and dropped his bag next to our closet. Even though his eyes were raging like an inferno, his movements were slow. His body was a bit tense, which changed my thoughts from dirty one of concern.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him, climbing out of bed and walking to him, forgetting for an instant I was naked.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m good,” he replied but I could see he was lying.

  I had gotten an update from Billy earlier today on the mission he had gone on. Ethan made me promise not to hack into government sites anymore, unless it was work related. He told me if I wanted to check on him, to contact Billy. I gave him my word, of course; there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him. But I was beginning to regret my promise. Billy said everything went fine. Ethan got his man with minimal amount of effort. So, if that was the case, why did he walk stiffly as if he’d been hurt? And why did he have this faraway look on his face? It was as if his mind was still in the middle east somewhere, despite him standing before me.

  I reached him and traveled my hands up his strong arms, shoulders, to his handsome bearded face. I pulled up on my tip toes and brought his lips down to mine for a kiss.

  When I pulled back, I noticed his arms weren’t around me. Panic started to wreak havoc through my body.

  “Ethan, talk to me. What’s wrong? Billy said everything went smoothly. Was he lying?” My hands started to roam everywhere, the back of his head, his neck back and chest. I didn’t see him or feel him flinch, which was good. It meant he wasn’t physically hurt. At least, that’s what I assumed. But knowing my macho man, if he was hurt, he wouldn’t have showed such weakness.

  Ethan blinked a few times, watching me in silence before his hands finally touched me, caging my face in a pair of large, very talented hands. My body instantly responded to his touch. Goosebumps flooded my skin, wetness pooled at my sex. Hell, the man could just look at me and I’d melt for him.

  “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against my lips before he hit me with a punishing kiss that had my toes curling in the huge area rug underneath my feet. All thoughts of his mood vanished with the first stroke of his tongue against mine. I moaned in his mouth, wrapped my arms around his neck and angled my mouth so he could take me deeper.

  He let go of my face and gripped my hips. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We stood like that for a long time, kissing, petting, enjoying the feel of each other. When I felt his fingers push into my wet entrance, I exploded with pleasure.

  “Oh god, Ethan,” I moaned against his lips.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked, his voice gravelly and dark.

  I nodded. He smacked my ass before plunging back into my pussy. “Use your words, Alexis. Did…you…miss me?”

  “Yes,” I replied on an exhale. I rested my head against his, relaxing in his arms and relishing in the feel of my husband.

  God, my husband. I never grew tired of hearing that word when referring to him, or of using it. This was a dream come true and for a very long time I didn’t believe in dreams or happily ever after. But now I was a believer. I didn’t take for granted our time together. I knew it could be taken away at any moment, but that didn’t stop me from basking in happiness.

  Ethan pulled out of my sopping wet sex, stepped closer to the bed, and dropped me onto it. I bounced once then settled and watched my man undress for my viewing pleasure.

  Fuck, my husband was a sexy beast, his body a temple of raw strength and masculinity. He had a banging body, that was no secret but goodness he carried it well, effortlessly. Minimal body fat, pure muscle. The fool ate what he wanted and worked out when he felt like it and still looked good.

  He was the epitome of an alpha male. It was embedded in his pores. He couldn’t help coming off as anything less no matter where he was, or what he was doing, which I had to say was a turn on. It didn’t matter where we were or who we were with, just being next to him had my woman parts panting for him.

  “How much did you miss me?” he prodded, cutting into my thoughts.

  I grinned at him as he pulled off his black tee.

  “A lot,” was all I could say, the sight of tanned skin covering hard muscles making me speechless.

  “Oh yeah? Why don’t you show me? Spread your legs. Let me see my pussy. Show me just how much you missed me.”

  I grinned, loving when he talked dirty to me. My pussy wept for him every time and tonight was no different. I bent my legs at the knees and spread them for his perusal. I brought two fingers to my pussy lips and spread them too just so he could see just how wet I was for him.

  He groaned at the sight and licked his lips. “Fuck, baby, you’re gorgeous. I can’t wait to taste you. I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

  “Yeah?” I asked breathlessly, my two fingers immediately going to my clit. I started to circle my sensitive swollen bundle of nerves, teasing him and myself.

  It took him every bit of ten seconds to get completely undressed, crawl in between my legs, and take my pussy for the ride of her life. I arched my back the moment he sucked my clit into his mouth and damn if my orgasm didn’t take that moment to pull me under with a force that took my breath away.

  My back bowed deeper, giving him more of me in the process and he took every single drop of my desires with the eagerness of a starved man getting his first meal in years.

  I crested after what felt like forever, when my toes started curling again.

  “Ethan! Wait… I can’t, I—”

  “Yes, you can,” he commanded, sticking two fingers inside my pussy, curling them and stroking my hidden button sending me to the stratosphere.

  “Oh… oh… oh shiiiittt!!!!�
�� I screamed, sat up, and gripped his hair in between my fingers and fucked his face until the last of my second orgasm subsided. His beard added to the sensation, and I loved every minute of it.

  When I could breathe again, I fell back against the bed, boneless and panting.

  Ethan climbed my body and without waiting, slammed his hard dick inside me in one quick stroke.

  I gripped his shoulders and closed my eyes, needing a second to get used to him again. Even though it’s only been a few weeks since we had sex, it felt like a lifetime. He seemed as if he grew in size or my pussy shrank.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so good, so tight. Wet.” He lifted up until he rested on his hands. He looked down at me and took every inch of me in with a look that seemed to bore into my soul. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

  “Good, because right now I’m going to give you the hardest fuck of your life, until you’re screaming my name or until I grow tired, whichever comes last. Then I’m going to make love to you until you’re begging me to fuck you again.”

  My pussy clenched in response to his words, coating his dick even more. He groaned.

  “Yeah, you like that idea, don’t you?” I nodded again, unable to formulate words past my dry mouth.

  Ethan pulled almost all the way out and slid back in slowly, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. He dropped his weight on me and at first, I thought he had changed his mind about fucking me hard and rough, that was until he set my legs on his shoulders.

  He leaned in and planted a soft kiss to my lips.

  “I love you, Lex.”

  I smiled softly, and finally found my words. “I love you too, Ethan.”

  With that, Ethan proceeded to give me the hardest fuck of my life, before he made love to me until the sun broke the horizon.

  God, I love this man!


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