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Page 29

by L M Adams

  I turn back to Lucien, taking his large hand in mine and slip on his ring. “Ye and he and we – above all others.”

  At first, we thought to write vows to one another, but that turned bad quickly with our thoughts overlapping or one of us feeling inadequate to really put it to words… so we decided to just say what was important, us against everyone… forever and always.

  He takes his ring for me and slips it on my ringer. “Ye and he and we – above all others,” Lucien promises, I close my eyes as he leans in and kisses my lips so very softly, innocently – perfectly. I never thought we would make it… yet here we are, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Lucien looks quite pleased with himself as he pulls back. I guess he feels he won in the end, and strictly speaking, he did.

  I turn to Jack and repeat the same vow, “ye and he and we – above all others.” And he makes the same promise to me; that Lucien and I will be loved above all others and no one will ever be set above us.

  Our kiss is just as innocent, as if both men suddenly revere me in a different and new way. I don’t feel a hint of passion, instead it is all overwhelmed with a river of love. And even for a succubus it can be nice to be wanted and needed for something other than carnal pleasures.

  I let go of Jack’s hands and he turns to face Lucien. They each make the same promise – “ye and she and we – above all others.”

  Jack clasps Lucien’s hands and closes his eyes, bowing his head just a bit. I watch Lucien scan the audience. He glances at me. I smile gently at him.

  “I want to do this.” His thoughts filter clearly into my mind, more than emotion or impressions, real and actual words.

  I send him thoughts of peace. No one expects Lucien to actually claim Jack, but as Lucien’s eyes turn to Jack, I know Lucien cannot let this moment pass without giving Jack some token of his love.

  Lucien inhales deeply and I watch him close his eyes as he leans into Jack’s soft lips. I feel Jack’s surprise when instead of feeling Lucien’s forehead pressed against his; he feels warm lips on his lips. His surprise that Lucien wanted to do this, would do this, could do this. And then I feel Jack relax into the kiss, because yes there are a lot of questions, a lot of uncertainty and doubt, but what is more present is the knowledge that this is a special moment; and if ever there was a time for a man to kiss a man he loves, it would be on this day and in this moment.

  Lucien pulls back from the kiss and straightens up, he scans the audience, nods; looks back at the bemused Jack, nods; looks to me, grunts – “Yes well, you don’t have to stand there looking so pleased with yourself, Wench.”

  My grin just gets bigger – we did it, we’re married and now the happily ever after part can start.


  Jaevia - Reception

  Némion brings out a decorated wicker broom, in all honesty I don’t understand it, but she says it was a custom from when she was a human and it wouldn’t be right if she didn’t see it done for us.

  Arm in arm, Lucien, Jack, and I jump over the broom, the room erupts with cheers throwing flower petals into the air that seem to suspend in time floating above us.

  I’m overwhelmed with the love, joy and well wishes radiating out from everyone.

  “For fuck’s sake, I can’t stop crying,” I whine low.

  “You can cry as much as you want, Jaevia,” Jack says gently, and I realize his voice sounds deep with emotion.

  “Oh aye, this is a day for tears of joy,” Lucien isn’t unaffected either.

  So I just let things be and laugh-cry through the hellos as everyone comes up to give us their well wishes one by one.

  To our right is another set of doors thrown open wide leading out to a patio, people move towards it after giving us their love. Faces are a blur as I give each person my thanks… until Annette steps up.

  “You came?” I whisper.

  She nods, “How could I not, hmm?”

  Annette looks good, even if the small crinkles around her eyes have deepened a bit. Her strawberry blonde hair looks healthy, her eyes clear. I know she still mourns Big Mike, how could she not? How could any of us not? She moves to the side and a very pregnant Tala steps up, holding a black cat in her arms… Minx.

  Tala is radiant, long wavy brown hair, eyes wild; seeing and connecting with every werewolf in creation. Still, she had time to come see me get hitched and dragged along Minx as well.

  “Thank you!” I bawl out and throw myself at them. They wrap me in their arms, and I know it doesn’t fix everything, not even remotely; but their being here reminds me that some friendships are stronger than pain – and deeper than some loyalties.

  I pull back, “Are you staying?”

  “We can,” Annette whispers and I believe she was worried about how she would be received. My features relax, “Please stay.”

  She nods and they turn to go out onto the patio and join the others. I will make a point to go and find them later so we can have a good talk.

  Next up is Dem along with Nicole. I do have to say; the vampire looks dashing today. Nicole must have dressed him. He looks sharp in the all-white fitted suit; it has a bit of sheen to it with blood red cufflinks and a silver tie. But then he is still Dem, so he carries a matching top hat and cane.

  “Vee-Vee, you are the Goddess of my black heart,” he bows low. I laugh at him, as usual. He stands and gives me gentle air kisses.

  “My King,” he bows his head to Lucien. “My King,” he bows to Jack…. Lucien grunts, Jack huffs.

  “Thank you for coming, Nicole,” I smile, moving along, I know they don’t like Dem – but I do.

  “It was my pleasure, my Queen,” she closes her eyes and bows her head.

  In quick time we make it through the rest of the guests until the two I was hoping wouldn’t show up… do.

  I sigh, “Ariella, Matthias, I’m glad you could come.” I say blandly to the two impeccably dressed vampires who once held Jack’s heart in their clutches.

  It would be better if they had aged and turned haggard and weak. Hollow eyes and sallow cheeks… instead their flesh glows even in the sunlight – proof positive of the power they hold and the connection to Vayrá… to Jack; they still call their own.

  “Thank you for inviting us,” Matthias says graciously. Dark brown hair groomed perfectly, eyes intelligent and watching, kissable full lips, tall and strong. He and Ariella do make a stunning pair, even in the purity of the all-white; which I wouldn’t have guessed would be either of their ‘color’. She with the sable hair, lush and luxurious, ample bosom and a slender graceful neck – her skin so pure and white I can see the blue veins beneath the surface, filled with pilfered blood.

  “It was Jack’s idea,” I say flatly.

  It’s then I realize they haven’t even looked at Jack, as if even gazing at him causes them pain.

  “Cap…” Matthias starts.

  “I am your king,” Jack seethes, raising the hairs on the back of my neck just from the sheer venom that chases his words.

  A massive roll of power leaves him, smelling of the cherry sweet blood of Vayrá. Both Matthias and Ariella get to their knees, bowing their heads.

  Jack turns, grabbing both my and Lucien’s elbows, and firmly guides us out onto the patio – leaving his ex-lovers on their knees.

  I try to bite my tongue, part of me really not liking the fact that Jack decided to use our wedding in a power play. I know he asked, I know we agreed – but dammit I don’t have to like it.

  Now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to speak up on their behalf – it just won’t do to have them kneeling in the middle of my wedding… this isn’t the time for that.

  I leave it be for now… with Matthias and Ariella on their knees waiting for their king’s return. It’s time for food and dancing and drinking and fun – and I’m not going to let them get in the way of that.

  Out on the open patio with the large wooden pergola, the mood is light with laughter and happiness, most of the people not knowing about the
power struggle happening right underneath their noses. I decide to do the same and simply enjoy myself.

  At one end of the open stone laid patio is a long table for the wedding party. I go to sit in the center in a chair that looks more like a throne, with Jack on my left and Lucien on my right. The rest of the gang – my mother and father, Tabari, Frank, Dani, Kitty, Marcus, Tricia, Harper and Némion sit on either side of us.

  After everyone is seated with drinks, someone in a white tux runs over with a microphone handing it to Tabari. He stands smiling, “Thank you…” it’s not on. He flips on the switch to start again.

  “Thank you all for coming to enjoy this special day in celebrating a joyous occasion…” he clears his throat, “I’m sorry, I’m going to drag down the energy a bit… but someone needs to say it and I think I’m the person that’s supposed to and this is as good a time as any.”

  I look to Jack in question, he shakes his head no, he doesn’t know what’s going on either.

  “… Every… everyone knows that I betrayed Jaevia… Lucien, Jack… everyone,” he shakes his head, “everyone I’ve ever cared for, or has cared about me; I have betrayed at some time or another – or again and again,” he pauses, letting that hang in the air. “I’m not a good man…” he turns to look me in my eyes, “but I try, sometimes I fail… but every day I try – and that’s because of you Jaevia.” He glances at the crowd and looks down at the table, “What most people don’t know is that Jae is a romantic at heart,” he smiles, “…she loves a happy ending, she cries when watching most movies, she wants to save all of the broken things – even if they don’t deserve her…” he clears his throat gently. “She isn’t perfect, but that is why she gives us hope. She lives a life dedicated to trying, most days trying and failing but never being afraid of trying again. Trying to protect others, trying to keep the peace, trying to do what is best for the many and not just the few.” He looks around for a moment, “I think I can speak for most of the people here – we haven’t always done what was right, or good, or kind; but if Jaevia has shown us anything it’s that we can choose our destinies. We can choose who we want to be, we can choose to change. Some days it will be about putting one foot in front of the other… but at least we’re moving in the right direction. Some days we must just stand and hold true to the belief that we are capable and simply refuse to retreat.”

  He sighs, “We owe her more than what we have given her – me most of all. She is the one who is worthy, because when she has been given reason enough to hate the world and everyone in it… including me, she still chose to stand with us… yet few have come to stand beside her. She deserves more than we have given her, and I will not rest until everyone knows that. I will not rest until everyone loves her as I do, completely and unashamed as the wicked wretch that I am – I dedicate myself to the new Goddess,” He raises his glass, “To Queen Knightley.”

  “Queen Knightley!” The crowd cheers.

  “And the Kings of the Eventide!”

  “Long live the Queen and Kings!” The crowd cheers.

  Tabari waits for the crowd to calm a bit before he hands the mic to Harper. The young berserker stands as Tabari sits down, “Well, that’s going to be hard to follow.”

  Everyone chuckles.

  “Well… I met Jack and Jae while trying to dump a dead body,” he holds up a hand, “no worries I didn’t kill the guy… at least not that one.”

  Everyone chuckles again.

  “Jack… didn’t really like me…”

  “Hey!” Jack yells.

  “Oh stuff it, my King,” Harper bows, “like you stuffed me in your trunk.”

  Everyone laughs not knowing that isn’t really a joke. I cover my mouth with my hand trying to hide my smile.

  Harper turns back to the guests, “But Jae… yeah she is tough, but a big softie mostly. She really went out of her way to help a kid on a wrong path out. She offered me… a strung-out junkie, a job. Just because she didn’t want to see me struggle so goddamn much all of the time. Right now… she’s paying for treatment for my mother, trying to get her clean… quietly, that’s how she helps – never throwing it in your face, never announcing it to the world, never wanting anything from you other than your commitment to change and to just try your best. As Tabari pointed out… she isn’t perfect but… she tries. So many people won’t even do that. I know that she loves me like a big sister… or a mom sometimes with the way she can smoother me,” he adds with a droll, “we don’t always get along or see eye-to-eye but I wouldn’t trade her for any other Queen-slash-sister-slash-mom in the world. I’d follow her to hell… as long as she brings the beer.”

  Everyone laughs and Harper sits down handing the mic to Frank.

  My very serious captain of the guard stands and clears his throat, “Well… Jaevia pretty much hated me when we first met, I think I’ve gotten her down to a smoldering dislike… or at least tolerating me on occasion… as long as I don’t call her Ma’am… it makes her feel old.”

  I smile wide looking at him, “Don’t push it, Frank!” I shout.

  “Yes Ma’am…” he actually winks at me… smiling.

  “I could give quite a few reasons about why I follow her, but I will give one reason for why I’ll never leave… because she fights for people like me. The unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for – the orphans, the loners, the sick of hearts. She fights for the ones that no one wants and gives us all a place to belong…” he smiles at everyone, “that may be more than one, but one reason is all that you need. To the Queen.” He raises his glass, “And to the men who were lucky enough to be loved by her and strong enough to survive it.”

  Around and around the mic goes with everyone proclaiming why they love me and chose to dedicate themselves to me. It is humbling, and for the first time in a long time I find myself wishing once again that I could help people. They remind me that although I have failed a lot over the years, those failures were not without some triumphs and that my sacrifices did not always yield bitter fruits. I have saved some, I have saved more than many others could put claim to… I have done good in this world… perhaps it’s up for debate if it negates the evil.

  From Marcus and Tricia, to Annette and Tala and even the B-Boys, they stand, and they tell the story of how I saved them, and why they love me, and why I will always be their queen.

  I sit silently under the weight of their love and cry tears I wish I could keep inside but don’t really mind if they see… because these people love me, these people are my friends.

  Finally Jack takes the mic and stands, “I cannot say anything better than the others already have – I can only speak to the parts of her others fear. The parts of her that can roll over the earth like a darkened storm cloud, the parts of her that knows the taste of vengeance and the might of power. People often fear what they do not understand. But I understand her. You cannot send an innocent to hunt the monsters in the dark – you must send another monster, but one that also knows how to love, how to give compassion and knows when the killing must stop, and peace must reign. Jaevia is that kind of monster.” He seems to pause making some decision and sighs, “I will make this plain – to move against Jaevia and her interests in any way will bring with it the wrath of my powers as an Eventide King and the Blood King reborn, so it was said, so it is sworn.”

  “Jack!” I hiss… he can’t just make those kinds of proclamations!

  Before I can really find a way for him to take it back without making a scene, Lucien stands and takes the mic, I turn looking to him in horror.

  “There will never be anything in this world or any other, more important to me than Jaevia and Capaneus. I stand as an Eventide King and Ra reborn I promise to any that move against her or her interest in any way will die… I burned your world to the ground once, I’ll do it again.”

  My father stands up clapping over a dead silence and everyone’s shocked expressions… I hide my face.

  Fuck… and it was going so well.



  After the warm speeches of love followed by the threats of damnation… the dancing starts, because that’s a normal progression in my life.

  Jack went behind my and Lucien’s back and contracted out part of the NBSO – New Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, which he sometimes sits in on, to play our wedding… D.J. T3ch99 just wasn’t going to cut it for him nor was a generic pop list from the 90s.

  It’s custom for the groom and bride to go first, I dance with Luey first as primary dominant and then Jack… this was actually something they didn’t argue over… but then it’s time for me to dance with my father and the groom to dance with my mother and Jack isn’t backing down.

  “Sidra likes me more.”

  Lucien huffs, “We already decided.”

  “I changed my mind,” Jack shrugs.

  “You are a pain in my ass,” Lucien grumbles but capitulates the dance to Jack.

  Jack grins as he stands, “That’s what he said.”

  Lucien looks confused for a moment… then shock covers his face as he figures it out… quickly followed by rage.

  Oh god Jack, you really love playing dangerous games. But what can I do, but laugh?

  We finish our programmed part of the wedding and move into the part I’m looking forward to – the party, I’ve always loved a good party.

  Everyone is milling about, drinking and eating hors d’oeuvres as we wait for the main courses to be prepared. People especially seem to like the little coconut shrimp served on sword skewers… good going Luey.

  I know Izza is here without ever really seeing her because everything is going according to plan perfectly… everything but Ms. Kitty.

  She’s still dressed in her silver and white ceremonial robes. Stitched patterns of the sun, moon and earth on one long panel in the front. The back sports the silver pattern of a large gnarly tree with roots that look like they could grow down into the earth’s core. People keep looking into her hand and then sharply turning away… like they can’t get away from the crazy witch fast enough.


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