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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 26

by Amanda Bennett

  “That’s amazing, Jo. I’m glad that they were understanding. I mean, it’s not like it’s your fault.”

  “I know, I’m just glad that they saw it that way as well. I swear, it’s like drama seeks us out. Can’t we just go a year or more without somethin’ ridiculous happenin’?”

  “I hear ya, Jo. Every day I wonder if it’ll be the day that we all catch a break. I swear, since I met y’all, I’ve dealt with more shit than anything else in my life. Y’all suck.” She laughed, and my heart melted at the sound.

  “I miss ya, KJ, and I love ya.”

  “Me too, Jo.” Just then I heard cryin’ in the background and Kayla whisper “shit” under her breath. “Jo…”

  “I know, you gotta go. No worries. I’m glad I got to talk to ya. Give that little princess a big hug and kiss from her Uncle Jo.”

  “I will, bye.”

  After I hung up with Kayla I sat in my truck for a bit. I had missed mine and Kayla’s friendship so much, and it meant the world to me that we were finally back to how we used to be. Kayla was the one person in this world that I could always count on. Our relationship was somethin’ I never thought I needed in my life. I thought back to when I almost ruined everything we had with tryin’ to pursue her, even after she told me that it would always be Madison, but I was thankful that she stuck with me through all of my bullshit games I used to play. And I guess it was an added bonus that Madison and I were finally friends.

  I turned the engine over, ready to head out to Diem’s place, but somethin’ stopped me. I suddenly had this strange unnerving feelin’ that I was being watched. I glanced around the parking lot in search of what, I wasn’t quite sure, but when I didn’t see anyone or any cars out of place, I put my truck back into drive and took off. Apparently my paranoia was gettin’ the best of me.

  Chapter 43


  Things had been weird since we’ve been back from Texas, and I was really starting to worry about Joey. He would randomly call me lately, telling me how he thought he was being followed, and how things in his locker were going missing. Of course at first I was worried as well, but how could someone even get into the team locker room. That place had more security than Buckingham Palace. I was finishing getting ready for class when my phone began vibrating off of the counter. I caught it just as it was about to fall to the floor. When I saw Joey’s face pop up on the screen, a small smile tugged at my lips.

  “Hello, handsome.”

  “Well hey there, beautiful. How’s your mornin’ goin’?”

  “Brilliant. How are you feeling today?” I knew this would open up the floodgates for him to tell me all about his delusions, but I didn’t want him to think I didn’t care.

  “I’m good. Definitely feelin’ a lot better than I have been. I was just thinkin’ about ya and wanted to talk to ya for a minute before I have to run into practice. You gettin’ ready to head to school?”

  “I am, and I’m so glad that you’re feeling better. I worry about you.”

  “I know you do, sweetheart. And I’m sorry that I’ve been such an irrational asshat lately.”

  I started laughing as he called himself an asshat. I found Joey quite amusing when he used names and phrases I wasn’t used to hearing. “Are you comin’ to my game this Sunday? I know it’s only pre-season, but you’re my little good luck charm.”

  I could feel my cheeks flush, knowing that it meant so much to him for me to be there. “I believe I can make that work.” I giggled, “I have an exam to study for, but Troy and I will do some studying in the box while you’re playing.”

  “That’s not how this works, baby.” He chuckled. “You’re supposed to keep all your attention on me while you sit up in that giant cube above the field.”

  “Can’t I multitask?” I joked.

  “I suppose so. Alright, well I have to get to practice. I’ll call you tonight when I get home. Love you.”

  “Love you too, love.”

  I was halfway to school when Joey and I hung up, and I was extremely nervous about being on campus. Since we’ve been back from Texas people have been looking at me in a peculiar way, and as much as I didn’t want to let it bother me, I couldn’t help it. Everybody was jumping to their own conclusions and listening to the media thinking they knew the entire story, but they didn’t, and it bothered me to no end. As much as I wanted to tell the world the truth about what happened, I knew telling would put Joey’s career in jeopardy, and I wasn’t willing to do that.

  I was just about to enter the library when I ran into a rather hard structure. To my surprise, it was a man. “My apologies.” I muttered as I tried to walk around the tailored man in front of me.

  “No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. Are you alright?”

  My head snapped up in shock as I recognized his London accent. “London, right?”

  “Yes, how did you know.” A loud laugh vibrated through his chest as he quickly realized that I had an accent as well. “Aren’t I quite the wanker.”

  I laughed along with him, but found myself apologizing again and starting to walk away. The conversation had been innocent enough, but I was immediately feeling guilty for conversing with another man in what could quite possibly be misconstrued as flirting. I thought I was in the clear, but seconds later the man was tapping me on the shoulder. I turned, ready to let him know that I had a boyfriend and that I wasn’t comfortable with how our conversation was going, but he was quick to speak first.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “No, no, no offense taken. I’m just in a hurry. Sorry.” Before he could respond, I was running away from his captivating blue eyes that reminded me of the bluest ocean. I shook my head, trying to dislodge the overwhelming feeling of betrayal in my gut. Knowing that a sliver of me reacted to this beautiful man in a way that wasn’t copacetic to my relationship with Joey made me feel undeserving of his trust in me. But something about this man was familiar, and unfortunately for me, I couldn't put my finger on it, which in turn meant that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about this mystery man, until I figured out what it was about him that made me feel as though I knew him.

  Every class today went by at a glacial pace, and by the end of my last class, I was ready to tell my teachers and everyone else to bugger off. I was halfway out to my car when I heard someone calling my name from behind me. When I turned, I didn’t see anyone I recognized so I quickly turned back towards the direction of my car. Almost immediately, a rush of fear ran through my body as I felt as though someone was watching me, and I instantly felt compassion for what Joey said he had been feeling lately. My fingers gripped tightly onto the door handle when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned, keys in hand, ready to pounce on whomever was coming after me. When I realized it was Troy, my shoulders and body slumped over in relief.

  “Bloody hell, Troy. You scared the life out of me.” I gave her a tight squeeze, and then playfully slapped her on the shoulder.

  “Ow, sorry. I wasn’t trying to scare you, but I called your name.” She laughed.

  “I thought I heard my name being called. Your classes over?”

  “That’s why I was running after you. I have to go meet with my economics professor, so I’m going to be a little late getting home. Just didn’t want you to worry. You gonna be good?”

  I nodded, “I’ll be fine. Text me when you’re on your way home so I can know when to expect you?”

  “Of course. See ya in a bit.” Troy placed a chaste kiss to my cheek, and then she took off running in the opposite direction of where she came.

  Once I was in the comforting confines of my car, I started making my way out of the parking lot. I shot Joey a quick text as I was leaving, but he still hadn’t text me back as I pulled into my garage. As I glanced at the clock on the dashboard of my car I realized that he was most likely still in practice and that I wouldn’t hear from him for awhile.

  The more I thought about being home alone, the more frighten
ed I became. So instead of heading that way, I decided to go to the coffee shop down the street and get some homework done there. The lot was practically empty when I pulled in, which was a bit odd for a Tuesday afternoon, but I paid it no mind and entered. The intoxicating aroma of brewed coffee and tea tantalized every single one of my senses as I stepped over the threshold. The people here knew me all too well now and as I made my way up to the counter, John, a petite young fellow waved in my direction, letting me know that he would have my tea ready momentarily. I took a seat at one of the farthest tables that faced the front window, a window that gave me a perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge, and I let out an exasperated sigh. Today had felt as though it was the longest day in history, and I just couldn’t wait for it to be over. I heard footsteps behind me as I was lost in my own reverie. I turned, expecting John to be standing there with my Earl Grey tea and milk, but my jaw fell slack when my eyes were suddenly caught in his line of sight.

  “I saw you through the window and thought I’d come in and say hi.” His blue eyes twinkled as he spoke, and as much as I tried to fight it, I couldn’t help but be pulled into them. I must’ve been staring quite a bit longer than was acceptable, because he was clearing his throat with a toothy grin on his handsome face.

  I shook my head and tried to hide my embarrassment, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t meaning to stare. What are you doing here?”

  Before he even began to answer he was pulling out the chair across from me and sitting down, despite my protest. “Everyone at school talks about this place, and I guess inquiring minds wanted to know what all the fuss was.”

  I waved my hand in a motion that would let most people know that I didn't want them to join me, but he completely ignored it. What an asshat, I thought to myself, and a small chuckle escaped between my lips as I used the cute name Joey used all the time to describe people.

  “Did I say something funny?”

  I shook my head vigorously, “No, ignore me.” I smiled.

  “Kind of hard to.” He smoldered at me thinking, it was flattering I’m sure, but I found him to be anything but.

  “I don’t know too many students that come here. It’s a bit far from campus.” I could tell my words were getting to him, but he didn’t attempt to move from his seat.

  “You don’t say.”

  I began to fidget in my seat under his devious stare. Most girls would swoon over a man like him, but he was just making me uncomfortable. “I’m not trying to be rude, but is there something I can help you with?”

  “What can’t you help me with?” He muttered it a bit under his breath, but I knew damn well he meant for me to hear it. Cheeky bloke. “Well I don’t know too many people here, and I’m convinced it was kismet that I ran into you. I mean, what are the odds that I would run into a beautiful Brit all the way in California?”

  “What are the odds?” I sarcastically muttered.

  “So, what’s your major?” His tone of voice led me to believe that there was far more meaning behind the words he spoke, and he didn’t give a damn what my major is.

  “What’s your major?” I knew I was being evasive, but given who my boyfriend was, I could never be too careful.

  “Ah, I see what you’re doing here. Economics.”

  “You don’t say? My best friend is majoring in economics. Maybe you both have a class together?”

  “It’s possible.” The inflection in his tone made me think I was making him nervous, so I decided to use this to my advantage. But just as I was about to ask my next question, John instantly appeared with my tea and milk in hand.

  “Everything ok over here, D?”

  Instead of answering, I simply nodded in John’s direction, hoping that he understood the underlying meaning, given that I was always quite friendly with him. He simply nodded in return and turned on his heel to head back behind the counter.

  I turned my attention back onto the man in front of me. “So what is your Econ professor’s name?” I sat back, stirring my milk into my piping hot cup of tea.

  “Let’s not talk about mundane things such as school. Tell me about you.” He leaned forward on his elbows as if to show me just how interested he was in me, but I knew guys like him.

  “I’d rather not. Why don’t you start with your name.”

  “Now you’d like to know my name, huh? Playing a little hard to get, I like that.”

  He was such a smarmy wanker, but I figured if I wanted to get more information from him, and figure out who he is, then I had to play along. “Not hard to get, just your most basic question.” I gave him a twisted smile, hoping he would continue to think I was giving him a hard time, and not interrogating him.

  “My name is...Thomas.”

  “You had to think about what your name is?” I laughed.

  He hesitated for a second before answering me, “You make me nervous.”

  This was a lie.

  This guy was far too easy to read. “Well, Thomas, you still haven’t answered the previous question about your professor.”

  “Oh, who knows. So many teachers, it’s hard to keep track of all of their names, am I right?” He waved his hands as he prattled about.

  “Robinson, Sway, Gallagher, Joplin...”

  “And who are all these people I might ask?”

  “My professors.” He gave me a rather quizzical look, and I could see rage instantly appear on his face, immediately changing his entire demeanor.

  Usually I wasn’t quite as brazen, but I was sick of being this sheepish naive girl who let anyone and everyone manipulate and walk all over her. If being with a famous quarterback like Joey Green has taught me anything, it’s to stand up for myself, and make sure I always feel safe. And as of right now, I hadn’t felt an ounce of safety since being in Thomas’ presence. I was almost certain that I finally caught him off guard enough that he would stand up and leave, but it ended up having quite the opposite effect. Instead, this audacious man tucked himself under the table tighter, his eyes flaming with anger as he began speaking in a hushed tone.

  “I’m not quite sure why you’re finding it necessary to question every single thing about me, but it most definitely has me feeling as though you don’t trust a word I say to you. I’m curious as to what I’ve ever done to you to make you question me so?”

  I tried to swallow past the large lump that had grown in my throat, trying to compose myself before speaking. His eyes still had yet to tear their gaze from me, and his intimidation tactics were starting to work rather well. I wanted to be bold, to stand up to him and tell him to bugger off, and to never speak to me again, but that was beyond out of character for myself. But lucky for him, I hadn’t been feeling like myself as of late. No, instead, I just leaned forward in his direction and fingered for him to come closer. When he was mere inches away from my face, that’s when I dove in.

  “I’m not sure who you are, or what you want from me, but not for a single second do I believe that you just happened to run into me in the hallway earlier. If I was a betting woman, which I’m not, I’d be willing to bet that you are some type of stalker that gets your jollies from intimidating and trying to scare young women into dating you, or whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish here.” I pointed between the two of us. “Unfortunately, it won’t work on me, and I’m perfectly happy with my boyfriend.” I made sure to put a mass amount of emphasis on the word boyfriend, hoping this would deter him from any other advances he was planning. When I sat back, I caught sight of the smug grin that had his lips pulled up like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, and my stomach churned.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, Diem. But, I can promise you this, you’ll know who I am by the end of the week. You can bet on that.”

  My mouth fell open in shock as he stood and walked right out of the coffee shop. I wanted to feel as though he was threatening me, and that was how I was feeling, but his words almost held a promise in them, and that most certainly terrified me. I scrambled through my handbag in search
of my phone but kept coming up empty handed. I was about to toss the bloody thing across the goddamn floor, but luckily John stepped in front of me just before doing so.

  “Are you ok, D?” John was pretending to wipe down my table as he spoke to me, “That didn’t look like a friendly conversation at all.”

  “It wasn’t.” I tried to hide my abashed face, but John knew me well enough by now to know when I was lying. Hence the reason I gave him the weird head nod earlier.

  “I called Joey for you, and when he didn’t answer, I sent him a text as well. I wasn’t sure what to say because the head nod was vague, but he said he’s on his way. Please don’t be mad at me.” John’s head fell and I lifted my hand to his chin, pulling his face up so he was now forced to look at me.

  “How could I ever be mad at someone so sweet, who literally looks out for me like a little sister. You’re too kind, John. Thank you.” I pulled him into tight embrace before snatching my handbag off of the table and running out of the door. “If Joey shows up, tell him I had to do something.” I shouted behind me as I ran out to my car.

  I glanced down each direction of the street in search of Thomas, and I almost gave up hope of finding him, but then I saw him getting into a brand new BMW that was parked a ways down from where I was parked. I put my car into drive and carefully slid out of my parking space. I wasn’t quite sure what I thought I was going to accomplish by following this man, but I did anyway.

  I tried to stay back as far as I could without him noticing me, but unfortunately there wasn’t a ton of traffic at this time of day. He made a quick turn down a random side street, and I followed suit. When he made another turn, I recognized the street we were on as the one I took everyday from the coffee shop to my house. My heart leapt into my throat as we neared my house. Thomas slowed as he passed my house, but he never stopped. Deep down I knew I should’ve gone home. I should’ve pulled into my garage and ignored the gnawing feeling in my gut, but something told me to keep following him. I needed to know who this man was and where he was going.


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