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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 27

by Amanda Bennett

  A few minutes later, we were heading down a deserted part of town that led to an entire street lined with half built high-rise towers. I was glancing around at all the exposed metal beams that made up the soon to be exquisite buildings when he suddenly came to an abrupt stop. I slammed on my brakes, trying not to attract any unwanted attention to myself, and judging by the fact that Thomas exited his car without even looking around before he made his way into the building closest to where he parked, I knew I was safe. It was one of the only buildings that looked to be complete.

  I crouched down in my seat and watched as he typed something into the keypad located by the front door. He quickly yanked open the door, and then he was gone. Against my better judgment I slid out of my car, carefully closing the door as to not make too much noise, and slinked my way up to the front of the building. There was a sign on the outside that read Johnson Realty, but this building looked like anything but a real estate office. I cupped my hand and peered through the large front window not expecting to see anything, but I was completely thrown off guard when I saw him pull a camera from his knapsack and remove a memory card from it.

  He pulled a chair up to the large computer screen sitting in front of him, and pushed the memory card into the side of the monitor. A few seconds later, he stood and made his way across the room over to a printer where he snatched up what looked to be a picture. Upon him holding it up further, I noticed that it was a picture of me and Joey leaving the hospital in Texas.

  My feet began moving backward as my hands fell to my agape mouth, in shock. I was still trying to process what I had just witnessed, when my heel caught on a lifted part of the curb, causing me to fall backwards onto my rear. A loud yelp escaped me, and I forced myself to quickly recover and hobble back to my car before Thomas could come out and catch me.

  I yanked open my car door and slid down into the seat so I could lick my wounds. If only Joey could see me now. I was searching for my first aid kit in my glove compartment when I caught sight of an extremely irritated man looking in every direction he could. When I realized he was most likely looking for me, I threw my car in reverse and took off as fast as my car would allow me. When I thought I was far enough away, I pulled over, put the car in park, and tried to get my erratic breathing under control.

  When I finally felt comfortable enough to drive the rest of the way home, I slowly merged into traffic and headed that way. I was secretly hoping that Troy had made it home already, but as I pulled into the garage I didn’t notice her car anywhere. I knew I was being paranoid, but I closed the garage before exiting my car and making my way inside.

  I placed my keys and handbag on the kitchen counter as I glanced through the stack of mail next to it, suddenly realizing that I still hadn’t been able to find my cell phone. My hands were trembling as I frantically searched through my bag. When I came up empty handed again, I really started to have a panic attack. Before I knew it, I was running to the desk in the kitchen where my house phone sat, but I immediately remembered that I didn’t know Joey’s number.

  “Bloody hell...” I half shouted. I quickly scanned the rolodex in my mind trying to recall anyone’s number that I knew. I was just about to give up when I heard rattling at the front door.

  I grabbed a kitchen knife from the block and slowly made my way over to the door. Whomever it was that was trying to get in, obviously didn’t have a key, but they weren’t knocking either. I was still holding the house phone in my other hand and was about two seconds away from calling emergency services, when my front door sprang open wide. A yelp escaped me as the knife came up, but two seconds later, I was dropping the knife and running into Joey’s outstretched arms.

  “Jesus, baby. What the hell is goin’ on here?”

  “Oh my god, Jo. I’m so glad it’s you. You won’t believe the day I’ve had.” My arms instinctively tightened around his neck not wanting to ever let go.

  “Well as much as I love you, I’d prefer to be alive to do so, so ya gotta loosen your grip a bit, sweetheart.”

  “Oh sorry.” I blushed as I loosened them enough to pull back and plant my lips on his. Oh how I’ve missed him.

  “That’s a better way to say hello.” He laughed. “Let’s go into the kitchen.”

  We both sat at the kitchen table as I took a few deep breaths to clear my mind enough to speak.

  “So what’s goin’ on? And I tried callin’ ya, why aren’t you pickin’ up your phone?”

  “I don’t know where it is. The last place I remember having it was at the coffee…” My mouth went dry as the worst case scenario ran through my head. “I think someone stole it.”

  “How?” I shook my head in disbelief. “Diem, what’s goin’ on?”

  I cleared my throat, “It all started when I ran into this wanker in the hall at school. It threw me off a bit at first because I recognized his accent, but then I just went about going to classes. I had this distinct feeling that I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn’t place him. I would’ve just ignored the feeling, but then I got the same feeling you’ve been having where you think someone is following you. I could’ve sworn to it, Jo. But I ignored it and went to the coffee shop after leaving school, and he showed up there.”

  “The British guy?”

  “Yeah. He was saying all these weird things, and then when he got up to leave, I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. So I followed him.”

  Joey was immediately on his feet, pacing back and forth in front of me like a tiger hunting its prey. “Diem, tell me you didn’t?” He ran his hands down his face, and that’s when I knew he was frustrated with me.

  “I did, but Jo, it’s a good thing. I followed him to some new construction downtown. I wasn’t going to get close enough for him to see me, but I was peeping through the window, and I watched as he printed a picture. Joey, it was a picture of us, when we were leaving the hospital in Texas.” I chanced a look over at Joey’s gorgeous face and saw that he wasn’t angry anymore, but almost fearful.

  Chapter 44


  I couldn’t believe the words that were comin’ out of her mouth. Not only did she not call and tell me about this random dude “bumpin’” into her all day, but then she fuckin’ followed him? What the hell! I closed my eyes tryin’ to compose myself so I didn’t take my frustration out on her, but I was findin’ it real hard not to. When I turned to look at her, my heart melted. Her eyes had a soft sparkle to them, and I knew she was a few seconds away from cryin’, and that was somethin’ I wasn’t prepared to let her do.

  “Come here.” I motioned for her to snuggle into my arms. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She didn’t say a single word, just nodded into my chest. When I felt as though she was somewhat calm, I led her over to the couch, pullin’ her onto my lap. I tucked a long blonde strand of hair behind her ear just before placin’ a long drawn out kiss to her luscious lips.

  “What are we gonna do?” She whispered against my neck.

  “I honestly don’t know. We need to figure out who this guy is.” I was just about to tell her we should call the police, but her head popped straight up, and her entire body went rigid.

  “I know who he is. I remember seeing him outside the hospital after you held that press conference. He’s either a reporter or paparazzi.” Her body began to shake, and I wrapped my arms a tiny bit tighter around her waist. “Oh my god, Joey. I’ve seen him before then as well. He is paparazzi. I remember seeing him on multiple occasions when we’ve been out. And I’m almost certain he’s the one who took my phone. It’s the only logical explanation, because I had it on the table next to me at the coffee shop.”

  “Ok, first thing’s first, we need to call and suspend your service. Get on your laptop and wipe your phone clean before he has a chance to break into it and get anything on it you don’t want anyone to see.” She nodded in agreement as she made her way over to the coffee table to retrieve her laptop. As she did that, I pulled out my phone and sent a mass text to everyone letti
n’ them know what’s goin’ on, and to not respond to anybody for comments or anything like that.

  I was making my way back towards the kitchen when I happened to notice something odd out of the corner of my eye. Troy and Diem have a huge potted orchid on a long side table against their wall in the living room. I’d never paid much attention to it, until now. Upon closer inspection I noticed a small black box about the size of a die. When I reached out to grab it, I realized what exactly it was that I was holding. I turned around and faced the way the tiny camera was facing, and almost lost my shit knowin’ that whoever put it there could see the entire living room, including the front door and the landing of the stairs. I instantly began seein’ red as rage flowed through my entire body. What the hell is goin’ on?

  I tucked the tiny camera into the front pocket of my jeans as I contemplated whether or not to tell Diem what I’d just found. I knew how wrong it was to even contemplate not tellin’ her, but I also didn’t want her to be even more scared than she already was. But I also had to remember that where there’s one, there are many. Which meant a full sweep of her house was in order.

  Diem was bendin’ over the counter in her tiny denim shorts, that to be honest, left very little to the imagination. I slid between her ass and the counter, wrappin’ my arms gently around her waist as I pressed my excitement for her into her round backside. She turned slightly in my arms, wrappin’ her tiny arms around my neck as she lightly pressed her lips against mine.

  “I need you, Joey.” She whispered in a husky tone.

  I simply nodded as my fingers made quick work of unbuttoning her shorts. The distinct sound of my hands slidin’ her zipper down had me harder than I’d been in a long time. Everything in me yearned for every last bit of her. My lips fell to the top of her shoulder, placin’ featherlike kisses to her delectable skin. My mouth captured hers as I pushed my hands down between her panties and her ass, letting them fall to her feet. I quickly cupped her bare ass in my mit sized hands as I picked her up and set her down on the cool marble countertop.

  A small moan escaped from between her swollen lips as my mouth left heated trails from her neck down to her breasts. I pulled her tank top and the lacey cup of her bra to the side, as I captured her pointed nipple in my mouth, suckin’ it in as I teased it with the tip of my tongue. She arched her back into me, pressin’ her full breasts into my clutches. Without breakin’ contact with her gorgeous form, I released my ragin’ hard on from my pants and slid into her. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist as I rocked in and out of her at a slow and deliberate pace. I was about to pump into her again, when her heels dug deep into my backside.

  “Harder, Joey.” Her voice was laced in desire, and at that very moment, I would do absolutely anything this woman asked of me.

  I quickly obliged, pushin’ into her harder than I had before, just prayin’ I wasn’t hurtin’ her. With every movement her moans grew, and I knew she was gettin’ close. I slammed into her a few more times feelin’ her walls clenchin’ around me, suckin’ me in, every time I tried to pull back. I watched her face as pure pleasure reached her every feature, her breasts bouncin’ as I slammed into her at a dizzying pace. When her eyes fluttered open and caught mine in her line of sight, I couldn’t bring myself to look away. She was so fuckin’ beautiful, and she was all mine. Neither of us had looked away, and the intensity of the way we were connecting in this very moment had me at my breakin’ point.

  My left hand clutched the back of her neck as my right hand took her breast into it. With a few more pumps we were both cuming harder than either of us had thought possible. I half expected her to look away as she found her release, but she never did, and that had me feelin’ somethin’ I’d never felt in my entire life. We have had sex so many times before, but this time was different. This time it felt as though she had given herself to me completely and without hesitation. Words weren’t necessary in this moment, and I wasn’t even sure if I’d be able to say anything coherent even if they were. All I could say was I love you, but I knew that was enough for her.

  As my erratic breathing began to slow, I pulled out of Diem and reached for the hand towel that was on the stove behind me. I gently pressed it against her, soakin’ up the remains of what was seriously the best sex I’ve had in my life to date, as a sly smile crept across my face.

  “And what is that smug smile for, ya bloke?”

  I lightly pressed my lips to hers, “You make me so fuckin’ happy, Diem. You know that, right?”

  A slight blush began to creep up her neck and into her cheeks as she tried to look away and hide her face from me. I dipped my finger beneath her chin, pullin’ her beautiful face up to meet my gaze.

  “Yes, I am aware, but it quite literally melts my heart hearing you say it.” She smiled.

  “Good.” I smiled back.

  I bent down to pull my pants back into place, when the tiny black cube fell to the ground, clatterin’ against the tile. I tried to quickly and nonchalantly scoop it up and back into my pocket, but Diem was immediately jumpin’ down off of the counter and reachin’ out for it. I let out an aggravated sigh as I pushed my hands back through my hair.

  “What the bloody hell is this?” Her tone was serious, but seein’ my girl in the current state she was in, I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me. Of course this only angered her further. “What the hell is so damn funny, Joey Green?” Her hand was now on her bare hip, her breast still hangin’ out of her tiny tank top and bra and nothin’ else. When she looked down at what I was seein’ she immediately began hysterically laughin’ right along with me.

  “I’m so sorry…” I managed to get out between my uncontrollable laughter. “But I can’t take you serious like that.” I pointed at her bare breasts that were now bouncin’ around as her body shook with laughter.

  Her hands quickly tucked her breast back into her top, and then she pulled back on her panties and shorts. We were both tryin’ to get ourselves under control when my laughter came to an abrupt stop. “Fuck!” I half-shouted as I realized that I had gotten distracted by Diem’s ass that I didn’t finish lookin’ for the other cameras, and now, the perv who put them in Diem’s house most likely just witnessed me ravaging my girl.

  “What is it?” Her laughter faded and she quickly took on a serious tone.

  “That little black cube in your hand,” I pointed at her hand that was holdin’ it, “that’s a camera, love. I found it on the front table by the orchid. I was comin’ in here to look for other ones when your fine ass began beckonin’ to me.” I smiled a coy smile as I tried to make light of the serious situation we found ourselves in.

  “Are you serious?” Diem’s face went white as she spoke, and I was instantly at her side, pullin’ her into my tight embrace.

  “It’s gonna be ok. I’m gonna figure this shit out. I promise.” I placed a chaste kiss to the top of her head before pullin’ back to go on a hunt for the rest of the cameras.

  “I want to help.” Her voice was faint, but I heard every word. I nodded as I wrapped her hand in mine.

  About an hour later, we were completely finished scourin’ the house. We found six more cameras, all placed in plants or behind electronics throughout the house, but the one that angered me the most was the one we found by her TV in her bedroom, facin’ the bed. I wanted to freak the fuck out and scream at the top of my lungs, but I knew doin’ that in front of Diem wasn’t the best idea. Instead, I began a nice long conversation with her.

  “Baby, who has been in your house lately?”

  “Honestly, I don't know. I don’t know if Troy has had anybody over, and the only other person was the cable guy. But I wasn’t here when they came by. Troy was.”

  “When does she usually get home?”

  Diem glanced up at the clock on the wall behind me in her living room and let out a long sigh. “Not for another two hours.”

  “Damn it!” I half shouted as I slammed my fist down on the coffee table, causin’ Diem to jump. “So
rry, baby.”

  “It’s ok. I completely understand your frustration.” She placed her dainty hand on top of mine, causin’ relief to wash over me.

  We sat in silence for what felt like forever before I finally spoke. “Diem, you can’t stay here.” I knew me sayin’ this was goin’ to start a fight, but I knew I couldn’t be here all hours to watch her, and that scared the ever livin’ shit outta me.

  “Joey, I’m not leaving my home.”

  I jerked my hand out from under hers and quickly stood as I began pacin’ the length of the room. “Why are you bein’ so goddamn difficult? You do realize that somebody was in your house and planted cameras, right?”

  “Of course I understand that, but I can’t let whoever it is have that much control over my life.”

  “You do realize that you may not have a life to have control over if we don’t figure out who did this, and what they want.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, Joey. You don’t know that.”

  My blood was boilin’ as she spoke. There was no way she was this naive. What did she think this person, or persons was interested in doin’ by settin’ up cameras. I’ve seen this shit in the movies before, and it never ends well for the girl.

  “Do we think that this paparazzi guy might be behind it?”

  She shrugged her shoulders as her gaze met mine, “It’s possible. I mean, look at the lengths he went to just to meet me.”

  I nodded as I tried to slow down my rage. “Diem, I don’t know what to do.”

  Diem was up on her feet, strollin’ towards me as I spoke. When she got to my side, she slipped her arms around my waist, givin’ it a tight squeeze. “We’ll figure it out.” She whispered into my chest.


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