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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 28

by Amanda Bennett

  And that’s all it took for me to realize what I needed to do. I dug into my front pocket and pulled out my phone. Without a second thought, I clicked on Glenn’s name. I took a few deep breaths as I waited for him to answer.

  “Hey man, how’s it goin’?” I hated to spoil his good mood, but I didn’t have a choice.

  “Hey, it’s goin’. Look, Glenn, I need your help.”

  “Holy shit, what’s goin’ on?”

  I told Glenn about the dickhead that pretended to run into Diem at school and the coffee shop, and how we figured out who he is. I told him about the cameras, and how I wasn’t sure what to do now. But most importantly, I finally admitted that I needed his help.

  “Calm down, Jo. We’ll figure this shit out. What do you need me to do?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea.”

  “Ok, let’s start with trackin’ this asshole down. I’ll call the private investigator that we used before. Are you good if I tell Madison what’s goin’ on?”

  I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holdin’ in, “Of course. Get whoever you can to help.”

  “Ok, good. I’ll see what we can dig up on him. Tell Diem to go about her normal life as if she doesn’t know anything. Oh, and Jo?”


  “You need to put the cameras back where you found them. I know it sucks, but at least Diem will know where they’re at now and she can move around them. But we need this guy to think that nothin’ is wrong. You understand me?”

  I stood there in Diem’s living room noddin’ my head in agreement, but quickly realized that Glenn couldn’t see me. “Yeah, I got it. Thanks, Glenn.”

  “Of course, bro. You know I’ve always got your back. I’ll call ya in just a bit after I speak to Madison.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I hung up and made my way into the kitchen where Diem was patiently waitin’ to hear the outcome of my conversation with Glenn. “Baby, you’re not gonna like what I’ve gotta tell ya, but...we gotta put the cameras back up.”

  She pushed back from me, shakin’ her head vigorously, silently protestin’ what I said. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I know, but Glenn said that we need to go about our business as naturally as possible, and I agree with him. It’s the only way we’re gonna be able to catch this asshole.” I pushed my fingers back through the sides of her hair, tuckin’ them behind her ears as I lovingly cupped her face in the palms of my hands. “But now that you know where they are, you can avoid them. Don’t avoid them all the time because we need him to think we don’t know, but when you get dressed and stuff, just go into the bathroom. Do you think you can do that for me?” She nodded into my hands, and I pulled her into a tight embrace, tryin’ to comfort her as much as I could.

  Chapter 45


  It took us a bit to remember where we found all the cameras, but we finally got them all put back in their rightful places. As uncomfortable as it made me to know that someone would be watching my every move, it was a bit comforting knowing that Joey and Glenn would keep me safe. I felt violated in a way that I never thought possible, and as much as I wanted to go stay with Joey and run away from all of this bullshit, I knew that I needed to prove to myself that I could take care of myself with or without him.

  I was about to tell Joey how I was feeling, and about my insecurities, but then his phone rang. I could tell by the tone in his voice that it wasn’t Glenn, and before I could ask who it was, he was holding the phone out for me to take.

  I kept my voice low so whoever it was on the phone couldn’t hear me, “Who is it?”

  “It’s Kayla.”

  An instant rush of relief washed over me as I pressed the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Diem. Madison just told me what happened. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah. Thank you for reaching out.”

  “Of course. You know, after all these years, I still can’t believe the shit that happens to all of us. I’m so sorry that it’s happening to you now too.”

  “I appreciate that, Kayla. But I take responsibility for the choices I make in my life. I chose to be with Joey knowing what his life entails, and I will continue to choose him every day, no matter what. That’s how much I love him.”

  “And I respect that, I do. I just want you to know that we’re all here for you, no matter what. You’re family.”

  My heart swelled to epic proportions as Kayla spoke those two words of acceptance that I so longed to hear. After all these years, she was willing to accept me as her family, and that meant more to me than anything else anyone could say to me. “That means the world to me, Kayla. Truly. But I don’t want you to say that just because I’m in trouble now. This is all rubbish, but I don’t want sympathy from my sister either.”

  “No, no. That’s not why I’m sayin’ that, Diem. I honestly mean it. I know we haven’t spent an enormous amount of time together, but I truly feel like we are working towards building an awesome relationship. You are my sister, not because a blood test would prove it, but because I care about you and your well being. I love you, Diem. Honest.”

  I was overwhelmed and consumed by her sentiment that tears began to steadily stream down my cheeks. I tried to keep my composure as I quickly swept them away so that Joey couldn’t see that I was crying. The last thing I needed was for him to see me being weak, all the while trying to convince him that I was strong enough to handle all of this. And as I stood in my living room staring out the window, I tried to find the right words to express myself to my sister.

  “Diem, you still there?” Kayla’s voice brought me back to now, and I shook my head to clear out the fog that was clouding my thoughts.

  “Yeah, I’m still here. Sorry, love.” I was hoping that she couldn’t hear my voice crack and shake due to my crying. “I’m lucky to have you in my life, Kayla. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “Of course. Well I’ll let you get back to it, I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you’re doin’ ok.”

  “Thanks. I’m doing well, just a bit shaken is all.”

  “I get it. Cami and I have had our fair share of run-ins along the same lines and as much as I want to say that it gets doesn’t. I mean, eventually it will, but until we catch the bastard, you’re not gonna feel one hundred percent safe. So make sure you lean on all of us, especially Jo, for support. Even if you think it’s the dumbest thing in the world, and you’re pretty sure no one will want to hear it, pick up the phone and reach out.”

  “I will, Kayla. I promise. Thanks again for this, for everything. You’re the best sister a girl could ask for.”

  “Alright, I expect to know more a bit later, once Madison and Glenn figure some things out I will call y’all back. And you should probably go out and get a new phone, or even maybe a burner phone. I’ll talk to ya soon, hun.”

  “Sounds good, love. Thanks again.”

  “Don’t mention it, sis.”

  The line went dead and as I pulled the phone down from my ear in a daze, I couldn’t help but stare at the black screen. I was completely and utterly lost in my own thoughts when I felt Joey’s strong arms wrapping me up tight from behind. My eyes fluttered shut as I fell back against him, giving myself over to all the love that this amazing man was constantly offering me. It was a love I’ve never felt before, and one I was most certainly never giving up on. Joey Green was quite literally my knight in shining armor.

  “How did that go?” His lips were right next to my ear and barely above a whisper, instantly raising goosebumps across my sensitive skin.

  “Smashing.” I smiled. “She called me family, Jo.” Joey pulled my face to the side enough to kiss me, but not just any ordinary kiss. No. This one was full of passion and love, and it electrified me to my very core. In this moment, I knew Joey could tell how much this meant to me, and that meant everything to me.

  “I told you it would happen, love. With Kayla it just takes patience.” Joey kissed me one mor
e time, and then pulled away, turning me around in his arms so that I was now facing him. “I hate to do this to you, but I gotta get to practice. Are you gonna be ok?”

  “Joey Green I am not some dainty princess sitting high in a castle that needs saving. I am perfectly capable of handling myself.”

  “I know you are, baby, but you can’t fault me for wantin’ to take care of you. I love you.”

  “And I love you too, but you have to let me breathe. If I need anything at all, I’ll call you.” I rolled my eyes in irritation. I know he meant well and that his intentions were pure, but I was a pretty tough girl.

  “And how do you plan on callin’ anybody without a phone?”

  “Jo, I have a house phone. I’ll manage. Besides, Troy should be home in less than an hour.”

  “Fine!” He pouted, “But I don’t like it. Not one single bit.”

  I stood on my tiptoes, both of my hands on either side of his face, “I know you don’t, love, but I promise to check in with you.” Our lips melded together one last time before I was all but pushing him out the door. “I’ll talk to you soon. Have a bloody marvelous time at practice.” One more kiss to his lips and a gentle shove, and he was walking down the pathway to his truck. A small wave later and I was closing the door behind me.


  The sun was beaming through my bedroom window, practically blinding me, and I couldn’t help but wonder what time it actually was. I sat straight up in bed, violently kicking the covers off of myself as I realized that it was a school day. I immediately pushed myself off the bed and ran for my bathroom. Glancing at the clock, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have enough time to shower this morning, so I threw my hair up in a high messy bun, swiped a bit of mascara on my lashes, and then brushed my teeth as quickly as possible.

  I ran into my closet, discarding my pajamas on the floor, and pulled on a tight white tank top and a cute pair of skinny denim overalls. It was still summer outside so I opted for flips flops today instead of having to put on socks and tennis shoes. Once I was completely dressed, I gathered up my bag and everything else I needed for class, and began making my way downstairs.

  My foot had just hit the bottom step when I heard Troy’s voice echoing throughout the downstairs. “Hey girl, can I ride with you today? My car has been acting up lately, and I don’t trust it to get me to and from school today.”

  “Of course.” I laughed. “But we have to leave now. Well, after my coffee, now.”

  I made my way over to the counter where the Keurig machine sat and made quick work of getting my daily dose of caffeine. Last night was long, and emotionally taxing, and I was feeling as though coffee was going to be my only saving grace today. Luckily, Troy took everything really well, even the whole camera situation, which surprised me to no end. I half expected her to freak out, and then want to move out, but she did neither, and for that I was grateful.

  Ten minutes later and we were on the road headed towards school. The closer we got, the more nervous I became, but I couldn’t let on to anything, so I just turned up the radio and tried to drown out the anxiety trying to eat me from the inside out. I had to keep reminding myself that worrying myself to death wouldn’t change anything.

  We pulled up out front of campus, and I eased my car into one of the only parking stalls left on the side of the building that was closest to my classes. Troy and I said our goodbyes, and then I made a beeline for my first class.

  I made sure to notice all of my surroundings as I made my way to the biology lab, but I must’ve let my guard down for a second too long, because before I knew it, that dodgy wanker was walking in my direction. It was too late to turn and head the other way, but there was no way in hell I was letting this bloody bastard get to me. I turned the corner and was only about fifteen feet away from the classroom door when he sidestepped in front of me, blocking the entrance.

  “Can I help you?” I muttered beneath my breath.

  “You most certainly can. I believe you left this at the coffee shop yesterday. I just wanted to do the gentlemanly thing and return it to its rightful owner.”

  I was ready to verbally rip him to pieces, when Joey’s voice broke through my thoughts, reminding me that I needed to play it cool. Let him believe that I didn’t know exactly who he is. “Oh my god, thank you so much. I’ve been riddled with worry. How kind of you.”

  “Well I am quite the gentleman. You should let me show you just how much of a gentleman I really am.” A smug smile covered his face as he had the audacity to reach out and rub my forearm.

  “I need to get to class. Maybe I’ll see you later?”

  “You bet you will.”

  That smug smile stayed on his face as I walked around him and headed into class, and it took everything in me not to turn around and smack that smug smile right off of his bloody face.

  The day was going by at a glacial pace, and I absolutely couldn’t wait to go home, even though it didn’t quite feel like home anymore given the fact that I was now on full display for a complete stranger. I only had one class left, but it quite literally bored me to tears, so I made a hasty decision, and left for the day. Troy had a lab she had to stay after school for today so I wasn't obligated to give her a ride home, which made my decision that much easier to make.

  I was half way out to my car, when I began hearing loud footsteps behind me. I slowed just a bit and quickly turned to my right to see who was walking behind me. But when I turned around, there was no one to be seen. I shook my head, thinking that I was becoming extremely paranoid, so I continued to walk. This time I picked up the pace just a bit, but so did the footsteps that echoed behind me. I pulled my keys out of my bag and hit the unlock button at least ten times, just to be sure. I flung open the door and then pulled it shut tightly before hitting the lock button. When I chanced a look out my side window, I still saw nobody.

  I turned over the ignition as I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my erratic beating heart. I put the car in reverse and glanced up at my rear view mirror before slowly backing out of the parking space. As I made my way out of the car park, I noticed Thomas’ BMW, or what looked like his, following me out. I wish I could say that it surprised me, but I wasn’t naive. He knew exactly what he was doing, and I knew his intentions.

  As I pulled onto the highway, I kept glancing back in my mirror to see how far behind me he was. Part of me wanted to speed away from him, but the other part of me knew that he wasn’t going to give up so easily. A few miles before the exit to my place, I decided to take a chance, I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal, flying across three lanes of traffic, making a quick getaway towards, where, I had no idea, but everything in me was screaming for me to flee. I made a quick right after exiting on the off ramp, and found myself headed in the direction of downtown. I glanced at the dashboard clock and a smile so small began to form on my lips as I realized that I was near the ferries.

  I made a quick left and then a quick right, before pulling into the first available spot I could find. Despite the fact that it was still summer outside, I reached for my lightweight sweater in the back seat. Summer in the Bay Area has been my absolute favorite, because even when it’s ninety degrees outside, it only feels about seventy-five, maybe eighty with the cool breeze that comes off of the bay. Quickly realizing that I was running out of time, I pulled myself out of the daze I found myself in, grabbed my handbag, and went running for the docks. I clicked the lock button as I crossed the street and let out a slight sigh of relief as I purchased my ticket for the next ferry to Alcatraz.

  “Looks like you bought your ticket just in time, ma’am. The ferry leaves in five minutes and you bought the last ticket.”

  The sandy brown hair teenager had no idea how much relief his words brought to me, smiled a cheeky smile. “Oh good. I was hoping you’d say that.” I smiled.

  “Well have a fun time. Do you need a pamphlet?” He reached for the stack of papers in front of me that had ALCATRAZ scrawled across it in big bold bl
ack letters.

  I snatched one and gave a small wave to the young man, “Thank you.”

  “You bet.”

  As I made my way over to the hoard of people anxiously waiting to board the ferry, I rummaged through my bag to find my phone. I let out an aggravated sigh when I saw what time it was. Joey would still be in practice, and as much as I needed him to know where I was and where I was going, I didn’t want to worry him for no reason. I shoved my phone back into my bag and began moving with the crowd to board the ferry. My head bounced back and forth as I looked around for any sign of my stalker. It was exhausting to be this cautious, but my life depended on it, and I wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

  A few minutes later, I was handing the kind older gentleman my ticket, and then I made my way up to the top deck towards the front, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. When the ferry began pulling away from the dock and I started to feel quite a bit safer, I made a split second decision to send Joey a text. More than anything it would put my mind at ease having him know where I was, especially given the fact that I would be gone for a few hours or more. Even if he didn’t read it until he was done at practice, I know he’d thank me for it regardless.

  Headed to Alcatraz for the day.

  He was following me again, but

  I’m ok. I’ll try calling you when we

  Dock. Love you, D

  As the guide prattled on and on about Alcatraz’s history and the bay, I began to finally relax a bit. I settled into the uncomfortable acrylic bench seat, taking in all the sights around me. Since moving to the states I hadn’t travelled much, besides California and Texas, I had barely even seen what this country, let alone state, had to offer. And though I’d been in San Francisco for over a year now, I still hadn’t done the touristy things that most people do here, like go to Alcatraz.

  I remembered learning about the prison in school, but because it was in a completely different country, my professors never really spoke about it in depth. Although it killed me that Joey wasn’t here to explore with me, I still found myself being thrilled and overrun with excitement. It was the same feeling I felt on Christmas morning.


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