Unlocking the Past
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identifying individuals, 235–238
Lindahl’s rates of DNA breakdown, 28–32
mitochondrial, 46, 61–66, 99, 138, 147, 148, 153, 170, 178, 195, 233, 258, 261
of mummies, 21
Neanderthal, 68–72, 289
nuclear, 61–63
Pääbo clones, 21
the PCR, 23–26
and proteins, 205
reading the blueprint, 202
restriction enzymes break the chain, 16
sequencing, 59–60
sperm test, 40
stability of, 29
and study of diseases, 263
time frame for ancient DNA analysis, 41
and tuberculosis, 273
value of long-chain structure, 200
Watson and Crick’s discovery, 15
working with targeted fragments, 16, 17
dodo, 12, 141
dogs, 81, 136, 138, 139, 140, 156, 273
Dominican Republic, 27
Dorset, 162
Drancourt, Michel, 269
Eagle Pub, Cambridge, 15, 16
Earth’s crust, 94, 206, 207, 279
East Africa, 55, 57, 184
Easter Island, 176–179, 180
Eastern Fertile Crescen, 122–124
The Economist, 114
EcoRI enzyme, 16
Eglinton, Geoff, 10, 30, 31, 32, 35, 200
Egypt, 162, 176, 184, 185, 222
Egyptians, ancient
blood types, 8
diet, 222–223
mummification, 90, 203–204
tuberculosis, 270
einkorn wheat, 113, 125
Ekaterinburg, Russia, 238, 241
El Yaral, 148
electron microscopy, 213
electrophoresis gel, 235, 242
elements, 223
elephants, 75, 142, 143, 150, 205, 278
Elizabeth II, Queen, 240
emmer wheat, 125–127
energy molecules, 130, 206–207
England see Britain
and bones, 89
Crick on, 15
restriction, 16, 17, 19, 113, 196, 235, 236
epidemics, 265
Equus, 20
Ethiopia, 152, 186, 195
ethydium bromide, 21, 24
Eurasia, the horse in, 145, 147
agriculture, 107, 187–192, 199
ancestry and civilizations, 187–192
blood groups, 203–204
cattle, 152–154
culture, 163
gene loci, 165–166
the horse arrives in, 145
Neolithic, 145
new artefacts in, 106
origins of European civilization, 163–164
vast body of information on, 163–164
Evans, John, 9
Evershed, Richard, 217–220, 222, 226, 227, 230
in action, 109, 241
Darwinian, 20, 52–54, 73, 104, 144
dispersed, 11, 31, 97, 108–110
hominid, 206
human, 41, 54, 55, 57, 73, 74, 99–101
linear, 162
random, 57
the rate of, 56, 60, 67
unilinear, 161, 162, 247
virus, 21
Extinct DNA Study Group, 19, 27, 28
extinction, 52, 65, 108, 140, 141, 144, 146, 157, 199, 205, 281
family structures, 245, 258
family trees see phylogenies
farming see agriculture
Farrell, Brian, 28
fatty acids, 207, 215, 222, 227, 230, 274
fatty substances, 8, 9, 206
Feldhof Cave, Neander valley, near Dusseldorf, 50, 69, 81
fermentation, 221–223
Fertile Crescent, 105, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 122–124, 127, 135, 136, 149, 150, 154, 156, 164, 187, 188, 212, 287
Fiji, 178
Finland, 188
first principal component, 167
200-million-year-old, 28
in Chinchorro societies, 255
Florida sinkholes see Little Salt Spring; Windover Pond
Florida State University, 23
flotation, 7, 8, 101, 103, 107
boiling, 220–221
production, 7
remains, 7
roasting, 222–223, 226
see also diet
food chains, 130, 211, 212, 224–226, 256, 265, 271, 295
forensic science, 235, 237, 286
Fornacieri, Gino, 263
Forster, Peter, 172–175
Fort Victoria, 153
fossils, 9, 12, 20, 26, 27, 29, 38, 40, 54, 55, 57–58, 65, 67, 70, 107, 138, 143, 151, 277–279
France, 191, 269
Neanderthal samples, 72
fuel, 7, 117, 120, 206
Fungi, 81, 82, 89
digestion of DNA, 38–39
and hair, 228
and PCR, 35
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), 31, 217, 218, 219, 220, 226, 227
Gatersleben, Germany, 127
GC/MS see gas chromatograph/mass spectrometry
Geigl, Eva-Maria, 290, 291
gelatin, 41, 69
gene cloning of ancient DNA, 17, 22
gene frequencies, 21
gene maps, 165–168, 287
amelogenin, 242, 243
coding, 59, 62
cytochrome b, 39, 40, 62, 142
mitochondrial, 40–41
number of, 60
protein-building, 202
transfer between unrelated organisms, 15
genetic bottleneck, 76, 111, 121, 128, 147, 170, 172, 176, 182
genetic engineers, 17, 22
genetic fingerprinting, 235, 236
genetic information recovery, 15
genetic variation, 99, 120, 165, 167, 168, 187
genetics, Neanderthal, 68–72
Germany, 19, 127, 163, 191, 271
Gernaey, Angela, 274, 275, 279
Gerstenberger, Julia, 242–243
giant sloths, 141
gibbons, 56
Gilford, John, 24
Gimbutas, Maria, 145, 163, 167, 187
Glastonbury, 1, 6
Glastonbury Ware pottery, 1
glutenins, HMW (high molecular weight), 125–126
glycerol, 207
glycine amino acid units, 202
goats, 109, 135, 136, 149
Golenberg, Edward, 27, 28, 29, 30, 123, 143, 207
Goloubinoff, Pierre, 120, 121, 129
Golson, Jack, 178
gorillas, 56, 57, 78, 99,
Gottingen, 242, 245
Gould, Stephen Jay: Wonderful Life, 9
grain crops, 100, 103, 153, 210, 211
see also barley; cereals; rice; wheat
Grant, Bill, 86
Gray, George, 6
Great Zimbabwe, 153
Greece/Greeks, ancient, 125, 126, 149, 184, 264, 270
Green, Roger, 180
Greenberg, Joseph, 169–173, 175
Greenland mummies, 91
Grimaldi, David, 28
grinding stones, 210, 211, 212, 225
guanine (G), 16, 25, 29, 202
Guizhou province, China, 122
gut flora, 231, 276, 277, 278
haemoglobin, 16, 205
Hagelberg, Erika, 36, 142, 157, 173, 177–182, 236–238, 250
and diet, 227–229, 255
keratin in, 16
Hanaura hill, near Takuta-Nishibun, 254
Hanni, Catherine, 248
haplotypes, 112, 138, 139, 153, 156, 178, 186, 190, 191, 240, 243, 251, 253
mitochondrial, 66, 156, 175, 182, 241, 243, 244, 253
Y, 196, 243, 244, 256
Harappa, 150–151
Hastorf, Christine, 121
Hather, Jon, 212
Hauswirth, Bill, 83, 249, 250, 251
Head, Ian, 279
Hedges, Robert, 36
Heidelberg, Germany, 53, 271
Helen-on-the Walls church, York, 268
Hemudu, China, 123
herbivores, 136, 140, 169, 224, 226
food chain, 224
migrating, 169
Herrmann, Bernd, 242, 245
Heun, Manfredd, 113, 114, 127
Heyerdahl, Thor, 176, 177, 178
Higgs, Eric, 109, 110, 112, 114, 136
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), 234, 274
Higuchi, Russell, 19, 20–21, 123
Himalayan range, 122
Hippocrates, 270
Hirschfeld, Hanna, 203
Hirschfeld, Ludwik, 203
HLA see human lymphocyte antigens
Hodder, Ian, 150
Holtz, Irene, 210, 211
hominids, 41
brow-ridges, 50, 53
collective improvement, 106
dating of, 58
fate of, 73
Neanderthal man, 52–54, 67–72
Olduvai Gorge finds, 55
and progress, 54–55
time scale, 57, 64
Homo erectus, 53, 54, 67, 289, 290
Homo heidelbergensis, 53
hopanes, 279
Hopewell culture, 225
hormones, 16, 129
horses, 71, 136, 139, 140, 141, 144–148, 159, 257, 293
Höss, Matthia, 143
house construction, 7
Hudson Bay, 174
human culture, 161
attributes of, 49
diversity, 99–100
Human Genome Project, 61, 77, 78
human lymphocyte antigens (HLA), 250, 251
adaptability of modern humans, 108–109
co-existence with Neanderthals, 71, 72
as a single species, 49
Hummel, Susanne, 242, 245
hunter-gatherers, 106, 115, 131, 132, 135, 187, 189, 190, 191, 232, 247, 251
Hurles, Matt, 182
Huxley, Thomas, 52
hydrocarbon, 206
hydrofluoric acid, 291
hydrogen, 219, 223, 233
hydrolysis, 87
hydroxy-apatite, 89, 215
hypervariable segments, 63, 69, 70, 72, 151, 172, 240, 248, 253
Ice Man see Oetzi
ice sheets, melting, 97, 98, 108
Idaho, 26–28, 30
Illinois River, 174, 247
Illinois State Museum, 174
immunoglobulins, 165, 205
immunology, 203, 214
Inca societies, 272
India, 57, 114, 122, 139, 143, 145, 148, 153, 203
Indo-European languages, 145, 163, 184, 187
Indus Basin, 136
Indus Valley, 150, 153
Industrial Revolution, 52, 106, 218, 266
industrialization, 259, 270, 271
infant mortality, 265
infra-red spectroscopy, 9, 217
insects, 2, 7, 11, 27, 34, 35, 36, 53, 54, 81, 82, 277, 278
Institut Pasteur, Lille, 248
insulin, 16
introns, 118
Inuit, 169–172
invertebrates, 7, 11, 56, 81, 82, 282, 289
ionic pressure, 290
Iran, 125, 135
IS6110, 273
isotopes, 193, 223–225, 227–231, 255–260
isozymes, 110, 119, 121
Israel, 71, 103, 105, 109, 125, 127, 135, 186, 208, 275
jackals, 138
Jaihu, China, 123
Jalisco Valley, Mexico, 113, 119
Japan, 123, 124, 138, 199, 271
Jarmo, 105, 135
Java, 50, 53, 54
Java Man, 54
Jericho, 105, 125
JOIDES Resolution, 83
Jordan, 116, 125
Judaea, 36
Jurassic Park (film), 28, 37
Justinian Plague, 265, 266, 269, 282
Kadwell, Miranda, 149
Karagadag mountains, Turkey, 113
Kazakhstan, 145, 146
Kenyon, Kathleen, 105
keratin, 16, 87, 228, 255
Kilu Cave, Buka Island, 213
kinship studies
early farming society, 247
hunter-gatherer community, 247
pre-Columbian community, 247
Kislev, Mordechai, 109
Kleve, Germany, 245
Kon-Tiki voyage (Heyerdahl), 177, 182
Konigsfeld, Earls of, 242, 245
Konya Plain, Turkey, 150
Kossinna, Gustav, 163
Krings, Matthias, 72, 186
!Kung bushmen, 107, 185
Kurgan cultures, 145, 187
La Mula, 211
Lake Neuchatel, Switzerland, 5
lake villages, 5, 6, 291
Lalueza Fox, Carles, 185, 186
Lambesc, France, 269
Laos, 122
Lapita beach, New Caledonia, 178, 181
Lapita pottery, 178, 180, 181
LBK (Linear Bandkeramic) culture, 191
Leakey, Louis, 55
Leakey, Mary, 55
leaves, 2, 26, 27, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 82, 104, 218, 219, 272
Lebanon, 125
Lee, R. B. and I. De Vore: Man the Hunter, 107
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 286
legumes, 103, 125, 135, 136, 211, 226
Leicester University, 86
Lena River, 96, 170
Leonard, Jennifer, 12, 139
leprosy, 268
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 221, 222
Levine, Marsha, 147
lignin, 91, 92, 208
Lindahl, Tomas, 28–34, 36, 49
lipids, 9, 31, 45, 110, 207, 208, 209, 217–223, 226, 227, 229–233, 274, 275, 279
Lister, Adrian, 145–147, 159
Little Salt Spring, Florida, 24, 83
Llamas, 86, 148, 149
Lleren, 211
loess soils, 191
London University, 207, 212
London Zoo, 149
Louise of Hesse-Cassel, 240, 241
Lowenstein, Jerold, 204, 205, 214
Loy, Thomas, 213–216
Lu, C., 19
Luojiajiao, China, 123
lysosomes, 89
McDonald lecture, Cambridge University, 189
Macko, Steve, 228, 229, 232, 255–256
MacNeish, Richard, 119, 122
Magadan, Siberia, 205
Magnolia latahensis leaves, 26–28, 30, 32, 37, 41, 116, 143, 207, 277
Maillard products, 93
Mainz Museum of Natural History, 19–20
maize, 101, 113, 119–122, 124, 129, 130, 209–212, 225–226, 233
enslavement, 140
evolution, 53
New World, 140
and PCR, 34
mammoths, 36, 41, 71, 72, 96, 141–144, 157, 158, 204–205
Manchester University, 126
Manchuria, 170
manioc, 211
Mapuche Indians, 182
Maria of Aragon, Marchioness of Vasto, 263, 264, 269, 276
Marseilles, 269
mastodons, 143, 144, 205, 278
matrilineage, 246
matrilocality, 246, 248, 249, 259
Mauer, near Heidelberg, 53
Mauritius, 141
Meadow, Richard, 136, 150
Meare, 6
meat, 219, 227, 229
medicine, 21, 264–265, 270
Mediterranean, 108, 127, 183, 185, 186, 194, 203
Mehrgarh, 136, 150
Melanesia, 76–77, 179
Mellaart, James, 150
Menez-Dregan, Brittany, 290
Mengele, Dr Joseph, 236–238, 240, 256
Menozzi, Paolo, 165
Merriwether, Andy, 171–172, 174
Mesopotamia, 183
metalworking, 164, 187, 225
Mexico, 113, 119, 122, 129, 139
ngelo, 263
Michigan, 27, 32, 143, 279
micro-organisms, 81, 222, 224, 264, 265, 276
microsatellites, 237, 240, 242–245, 250–251
microscopy, 41, 213, 286
Middle East, 106, 114, 187, 188, 191
migrations, 5, 161, 164, 285
first steps across America, 168–173
and lineages, 173–174
ocean crossings, 176–178
the pre-Columbian ‘Oneota’ of Illinois, 174–176
milk, 226, 227, 270
millet, 101
mineralization, 116
minerals, 32, 208, 218, 275
Miocene epoch, 36, 37, 116, 207–208
mitochondria, 39, 40, 46, 61–67, 99, 111, 117–118, 138, 147–148, 155, 156, 170–172, 178, 180, 240, 249, 254, 261, 287
mitochondrial control region, 13, 63, 69, 70, 138, 141–142, 172, 175, 178, 180, 187, 193, 194, 240, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253
mitochondrial diversity, 249
Mitochondrial Eve, 64–67, 71, 111, 112, 138
mitochondrial lineages, 66, 171, 182, 249
Moa, 38, 141
Mohenjo-Daro, 150
molecular archaeology, 11, 12, 43, 139, 197, 223, 235, 269
molecular biology, 21
molecular clocks, 58–60, 67, 71, 120, 121, 126, 138, 139, 155, 171, 172, 264, 287
molecular genetics, 165, 168
molecular revolution, 110
molecular science, 11, 21, 55, 79, 287
change, 56
energy, 206
long-chain, 59, 86, 87, 218
and oxidation, 87–88
protein, 214
Monagrillo shell mound, 211
Mongolia, 144, 146
New World, 56
Old World, 56, 57
serum albumin studies, 56
Morro site, 255
mosses, 93
Mullis, Kary, 22, 23
mummies, 9, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28, 36, 86, 89, 90, 91, 148, 162, 173, 185, 203–205, 256, 263, 272, 273, 276, 281, 285
Munich Institute of Zoology, 33, 40, 68, 70
Murdock, George Peter, 246
mutation, 40, 56–58, 60, 61, 63, 72, 118, 120, 125, 142, 155, 174, 175, 185, 186, 191, 232, 295
Myanmar (Burma), 122
Mycobacterium genus, 234, 272, 273
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 276
mycolic acids, 274
mycolipids, 276
Na-Dene, speakers, 169–172
Native American languages, 169
Native Americans, 139, 169, 171, 175, 180, 248
Natural Environmental Research Council, 10
natural history, 8, 52
Natural History Museum, London, 34, 37, 74, 159, 190
natural selection, 40, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 60, 128, 144
Nature journal, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31, 37, 45, 61, 75, 177
Neanderthal man, 46, 52, 53, 54, 68–74, 76, 99, 108, 111, 128, 132, 141, 186, 208, 289, 294, 296
Near East, 114, 124, 153–155, 163, 187, 208, 232
Negev Desert, Israel, 275
Neolithic deviation from nature, 265, 270, 273
Neolithic Revolution, 104, 106, 273, 293
Neolithic sites, 105, 152, 191
Netiv Hagdud, 109
New Caledonia, 178
New Guinea, 64, 138, 179, 212