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Elsie's New Relations

Page 5

by Martha Finley


  "Farewell, God knows when we shall meet again." --Shakespeare.

  The next morning the captain and Max were out together on the beach beforeViolet and the little girls had left their rooms. The lad liked to bealone with his father sometimes. He had always been proud and fond of him,and the past few months of constant intercourse had greatly strengthenedthe bonds of affection between them. The boy's heart was sore at thoughtof the parting that must soon come, the captain's hardly less so. Hetalked very kindly with his son, urging him to make the best use of histime, talents and opportunities, and grow up to be a good, honorable anduseful man.

  "I want to be just such a man as you are, papa," Max said, with anadmiring, affectionate look up into his father's face, and slipping hishand into his as he spoke.

  The captain clasped the hand lovingly in his, and held it fast.

  "I hope you will be a better and more talented man, my boy," he said,"but always remember my most ardent wish is to see you a truly good man, aChristian, serving God with all your powers."

  At this moment a voice behind them said, "Good-mornin', cap'n. I'se got alettah hyah for you, sah."

  "Ah, good-morning, Ben, and thank you for bringing it," said the captain,turning round to receive it.

  "You's bery welcom, sah," responded Ben, touching his hat respectfully,then walking away toward Mr. Dinsmore's cottage.

  "From Washington," the captain remarked, more to himself than to Max, ashe broke the seal.

  Max watched him while he read, then asked, a little tremulously, "Must yougo very soon, papa?"

  "Within three days, my boy. But we won't say anything about it until afterprayers, but let Mamma Vi and your sisters enjoy their breakfast inpeace."

  "Yes, sir. Papa, I wish I was going with you!"

  "But think how your sisters would miss you, Max."

  "Yes, sir, I suppose they would. I hadn't thought of that."

  "Besides, I want you to take my place to Mamma Vi as nearly as you can,"added his father, looking smilingly at him.

  "O papa, thank you!" cried the boy, his face growing bright with pleasedsurprise. "I will try my very best and do all for her that I can."

  "I don't doubt it, my son. And now let us go in, for it must bebreakfast-time, I think."

  Lulu and Grace ran out to the veranda to meet them with a glad,"Good-morning, papa," and holding up their faces for a kiss.

  It was bestowed heartily, as he stooped and gathered them in his arms,saying in tender tones, "Good-morning, my dear little daughters."

  The breakfast bell was ringing, and they hastened to obey its summons.They found Violet already in the dining-room, and looking sweet and freshas a rose, in a pretty, becoming morning dress.

  The captain chatted cheerfully with her and the children while he ate,seeming to enjoy his beefsteak, muffins and coffee; but Max scarcelyspoke, and occasionally had some difficulty in swallowing his food becauseof the lump that would rise in his throat at the thought of the partingnow drawing so near.

  Directly after breakfast came family worship. Then as Violet and herhusband stood together before the window looking out upon the sea, hegave her his Washington letter to read.

  She glanced over it, while he put his arm about her waist.

  "O Levis, so soon!" she said tremulously, looking up at him with eyes fullof tears, then her head dropped upon his shoulder, and the tears began tofall.

  He soothed her with caresses and low-breathed words of endearment; ofhope, too, that the separation might not be a long one.

  "What is it, Max?" whispered Lulu, "has papa got his orders?"

  "Yes; and has to be off in less than three days," replied Max, in huskytones, and hastily brushing away a tear.

  Lulu's eyes filled, but by a great effort she kept the tears from falling.

  The captain turned toward them. "We are going into the other house,children," he said. "You can come with us if you wish."

  "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir," they said, and Grace ran to her father and puther hand in his.

  They found the Dinsmore and Travilla family all assembled in the parlor,discussing plans for the day, all of which were upset by the captain'snews.

  His ship lay in Boston harbor, and it was promptly decided that they wouldall leave to-day for that city, only a few hours' distant.

  As the cottages had been rented furnished, and all had for days past heldthemselves in readiness for sudden departure, this would afford ample timefor the necessary packing and other arrangements.

  All was presently bustle and activity in both houses. Zoe and Edward, withno painful parting in prospect, made themselves very merry over theirpacking. They were much like two children, and except when overcome by therecollection of her recent bereavement, Zoe was as playful and frolicsomeas a kitten.

  "Can I help, Mamma Vi?" asked Lulu, following Violet into herdressing-room.

  Vi considered a moment. "You are a dear child to want to help," she said,smiling kindly upon the little girl. "I don't think you can pack yourtrunk, but you can be of use here by handing me things out of the bureaudrawers and wardrobe. There are so many trunks to pack that I cannot thinkof leaving Agnes to do it all."

  "My dear," said the captain, coming in at that moment, "you are not to doanything but sit in that easy-chair and give directions. I flatter myselfthat I am quite an expert in this line."

  "Can you fold ladies' dresses so that they will carry without rumpling?"asked Violet, looking up at him with a saucy smile.

  "Perhaps not. I can't say I ever tried that. Agnes may do that part of thework, and I will attend to the rest."

  "And may I hand you the things, papa?" asked Lulu.

  "Yes, daughter," he said, "I like to see you trying to be useful."

  They set to work, Violet looking on with interest. "Why, you are anexcellent packer, Levis," she remarked presently, "far better than I orAgnes either."

  "Thank you," he said, "I am very glad to be able to save you theexertion."

  "And you do it so rapidly," she said. "It would have taken me twice aslong."

  "That is partly because I am much stronger, and partly the result of agood deal of practice. And Lulu is quite a help," he added, with anaffectionate look at her.

  She flushed with pleasure. "Are you going to pack the other trunks, papa?Max's and Grade's and mine? And may I help you with them?" she asked.

  "Yes, is my answer to both questions," he returned.

  "Where are Max and Gracie?" asked Violet.

  "I told Max to take his little sister to the beach, and take care of andamuse her," the captain said in answer to the question.

  "Don't you want to be out at play, too, Lulu?" asked Violet. "I can helpyour papa."

  "No, ma'am, thank you," the child answered in a quick, emphatic way. "I'da great deal rather be with papa to-day than playing."

  He gave her a pleased look and smile, and Violet said, "That is nice,Lulu; I am very glad his children love him so."

  "Indeed we do, Mamma Vi! every one of us!" exclaimed Lulu. "Papa knows wedo. Don't you, papa?"

  "Yes, I am quite sure of it," he said. "And that my wife is fond of mealso," with a smiling glance at her, "and altogether it makes me a veryhappy man."

  "As you deserve to be," said Violet, gayly. "Please, sir, will you allowme to fold my dresses?"

  "No, for here comes Agnes," as the maid entered the room, "who, I daresay, can do it better. Come, Lulu, we will go now to your room."

  Violet stayed where she was to direct and assist Agnes, and Lulu was glad,because she wanted to be alone with her father for a while.

  When her trunk was packed he turned to leave the room, but she detainedhim. "Papa," she said, clinging to his hand, "I--I want to speak to you."

  He sat down and drew her to his side, putting an arm about her waist."Well, daughter, what is it?" he asked kindly, stroking the hair back fromher forehead with the other hand.

  "Papa, I--I wanted to tell
you that I'm sorry for----" she stammered, hereyes drooping, her cheeks growing crimson.

  "Sorry for your former naughtiness and rebellion?" he asked gently, as shepaused, leaving her sentence unfinished.

  "Yes, papa, I couldn't bear to let you go away without telling you soagain."

  "Well, daughter, it was all forgiven long ago, and you have been a prettygood girl most of the time since that first sad week."

  "Papa, I do want to be good," she said earnestly, "but somehow the badnesswill get the better of me."

  "Yes; each one of us has an evil nature to fight against," he said, "andit will get the better of us unless we are very determined and battle withit, not in our own strength only, but crying mightily for assistance toHim who has said, 'In me is thine help.'

  "We must watch and pray, my child. The Bible bids us keep our hearts withall diligence, and set a watch at the door of our lips that we sin notwith our tongues. Also to pray without ceasing. We need to cry often toGod for help to overcome the evil that is in our own hearts, and thesnares of the world and the devil, 'who goeth about as a roaring lionseeking whom he may devour.'"

  "Papa," she said, looking up into his face, "do you find it hard to begood sometimes?"

  "Yes, my child; I have the same battle to fight that you have, and I amthe more sorry for you because I know by experience how difficult itsometimes is to do right."

  "And you have to help me by punishing me when I'm naughty, and making medo as I ought?"

  "Yes, and my battle is sometimes for patience with a naughty, disobedientchild."

  "I think you were very patient with me that time you kept me shut up solong in this room," she said. "If I'd been in your place I'd have got agood switch and whipped my little girl till I made her obey me at once."

  "Do you think that would have been the better plan?"

  "No, sir. I think you'd have had to 'most kill me before I'd have givenup, but if I'd been in your place I couldn't have had patience to wait."

  "You need to cultivate the grace of patience, then," he said gravely. "Nowcome with me to Max's room, and let us see if we can pack up his goods andchattels."

  "Papa, I almost think I could pack it myself after watching you pack allthese others."

  "Possibly; but I shall do it more quickly, with you to help in getting allthe things together."

  Every one was ready in due season for departure, and that night the twocottages that for months past had been so full of light and life, weredark, silent and deserted.

  Arriving in Boston, the whole party took rooms at one of the principalhotels. There they spent the night, but the greater part of the next daywas passed on board the captain's vessel.

  The day after the parting came; a very hard one for him, his young wifeand children. Little feeble Gracie cried herself sick, and Violet found itnecessary to put aside the indulgence of her own grief in order to comfortthe nearly heart-broken child, who clung to her as she might have done toher own mother.

  Max and Lulu made no loud lament, but their quiet, subdued manner and sadcountenances told of deep and sincere sorrow, and, in truth, they oftenfelt ready to join in Gracie's oft-repeated cry, "Oh, how can I do withoutmy dear, dear papa?"

  But they were with kind friends. Every one in the party showed themsympathy, pretty presents were made them, and they were taken to see allthe sights of the city likely to interest them.

  Grandma Elsie particularly endeared herself to them at this time by hermotherly tenderness and care, treating them as if they were her ownchildren.

  Their father had given each two parting gifts, a handsome pocket Bible,with the injunction to commit at least one verse to memory every day, anda pretty purse with some spending money in it; for he knew they wouldenjoy making purchases for themselves when visiting the city stores withthe older people.

  So they did; and Lulu, who was generous to a fault, had soon spent her allin gifts for others; a lovely new doll for Gracie, some books for Max, abottle of perfumery for "Mamma Vi," and a toy for Walter.

  Violet was much pleased with the present to herself as an evidence ofgrowing affection. She received it with warm thanks and a loving embrace."My dear child, it was very kind in you to think of me!" she said. "Itmakes me hope you have really given me a little place in your heart,dear."

  "Oh, yes, Mamma Vi, indeed I have!" cried the little girl, returning theembrace. "Surely we ought all to love you when you love our dear father somuch, and he loves you, too."

  "Certainly," said Max, who was standing by; "we couldn't help loving sosweet and pretty a lady if she was nothing at all to us and we lived inthe same house with her, and how can we think she's any less nice andsweet just because she's married to our father?"

  "And how can I help loving you because you are the children of my dearhusband?" responded Violet, taking the boy's hand and pressing it warmlyin hers.

  Some hours later Violet accidentally overheard part of a conversationbetween her little sister Rose and Lulu.

  "Yes," Rosie was saying, "mamma gives me fifty cents a week for spendingmoney."

  "Ah, how nice!" exclaimed Lulu. "Papa often gives us some money, but notregularly, and Max and I have often talked together about how much wewould like to have a regular allowance. I'd be delighted, even if itwasn't more than ten cents."

  Violet had been wishing to give the children something, and trying to findout what would be most acceptable, so was greatly pleased with the hintgiven her by this little speech of Lulu's.

  The child came presently to her side to bid her good-night. Violet put anarm around her, and kissing her affectionately, said, "Lulu, I have beenthinking you might like to have an allowance of pocket money, as Rosiehas. Would you?"

  "O Mamma Vi! I'd like it better than anything else I can think of!" criedthe little girl, her face sparkling with delight.

  "Then you shall have it and begin now," Violet said, taking out her purseand putting two bright silver quarters into Lulu's hand.

  "Oh, thank you, mamma, how good and kind in you!" cried the child.

  "Max shall have the same," said Violet, "and Gracie half as much for thepresent. When she is a little older it shall be doubled. Don't you wantthe pleasure of telling Max, and taking this to him?" she asked, puttinganother half dollar into Lulu's hand.

  "Oh yes, ma'am! Thank you very much!"

  Max was on the farther side of the room--a good-sized parlor of the hotelwhere they were staying--very much absorbed in a story-book; Luluapproached him softly, a gleeful smile on her lips and in her eyes, andlaid his half dollar on the open page.

  "What's that for?" he asked, looking round at her.

  "For you; and you're to have as much every week, Mamma Vi says."

  "O Lu! am I, really?"

  "Yes; I too; and Gracie's to have a quarter."

  "Oh, isn't it splendid!" he cried, and hurried to Violet to pour out histhanks.

  Grandma Elsie, seated on the sofa by Violet's side, shared with her thepleasure of witnessing the children's delight.

  Our friends had now spent several days in Boston, and the next morningthey left for Philadelphia, where they paid a short visit to relatives.This was their last halt on the journey home to Ion.


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