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Elsie's New Relations

Page 6

by Martha Finley


  "--to the guiltless heart, where'er we roam, No scenes delight us like our much-loved home." --Robert Hillhouse.

  Elsie and her children had greatly enjoyed their summer at the North, butnow were filled with content and happiness at the thought of soon seeingagain their loved home at Ion, while Max and Lulu looked forward withpleasing anticipations and eager curiosity to their first sight of it,having heard various glowing descriptions of it from "Mamma Vi" and Rosie.

  Their father, too, had spoken of it as a home so delightful that theyought to feel the liveliest gratitude for having been invited to share itsblessings.

  It was looking very beautiful, very inviting, on the arrival of ourtravellers late in the afternoon of a warm, bright October day.

  The woods and the trees that bordered the avenue were in the height oftheir autumn glory, the gardens gay with many flowers of the most variedand brilliant hues, and the lengthening shadows slept on a still greenand velvety lawn.

  As their carriage turned into the avenue, Elsie bent an affectionate,smiling look upon Max and Lulu, and taking a hand of each, said insweetest tones, "Welcome to your new home, my dears, and may it prove toyou a very, very happy one."

  "Thank you, ma'am," they both responded, Max adding, "I am very glad,Grandma Elsie, that I am to live with you and Mamma Vi."

  "I, too," said Lulu; "and in such a pretty place. Oh, how lovelyeverything does look!"

  The air was delightful, and doors and windows stood wide open. On theveranda a welcoming group was gathered. Elsie's brother and sister--HoraceDinsmore, Jr., of the Oaks, and Mrs. Rose Lacey from the Laurels--and hercousins Calhoun and Arthur Conly; while a little in the rear of them werethe servants, all--from old Uncle Joe, now in his ninety-fifth year, downto Betty, his ten-year-old great-granddaughter--showing faces full ofeager delight.

  They stood back respectfully till greetings had been exchanged betweenrelatives and friends, then pressed forward with their words of welcome,sure of a shake of the hand and kind word from each member of the family.

  Mr. Dinsmore held little Gracie in his arms. She was much fatigued andexhausted by the long journey.

  "Here is a patient for you, Arthur," he said, "and I am very glad you arehere to attend to her."

  "Yes," said Violet, "her father charged me to put her in your care."

  "Then let her be put immediately to bed," said Arthur, after a moment'sscrutiny of the child. "Give her to me, uncle, and I will carry herup-stairs."

  "To my room," added Violet.

  But the child shrunk from the stranger, and clung to Mr. Dinsmore.

  "No, thank you, I will take her up myself," he said. "I am fully equal toit," and he moved on through the hall and up the broad stairway, Violetand the doctor following.

  The others presently scattered to their rooms to rid themselves of thedust of travel and dress for the evening.

  "Well, little wife, is it nice to be at home again?" Edward asked, with asmiling look at Zoe, as they entered their apartments.

  "Yes, indeed!" she cried, sending a swift glance around the neat andtastefully furnished room, "especially such a home, and to be shared withsuch nice people; one in particular who shall be nameless," she added,with an arch look and smile.

  "One who hopes you will never tire of his company, as he never expects toof yours," returned Edward, catching her in his arms and snatching a kissfrom her full red lips.

  "Now don't," she said, pushing him away, "just wait till I've washed thedust from my face. Here come our trunks," as two of the men servantsbrought them in, "and you must tell me what dress to put on."

  "You look so lovely in any and every one of the dozen or more that I havesmall choice in the matter," laughed the young husband.

  "What gross flattery!" she exclaimed. "Well, then, I suppose I'll have tochoose for myself. But you mustn't complain if I do that some time whenyou don't want me to."

  The two Elsies had lingered a little behind the others--the old servantshad so many words of welcome to say to them--the younger one in especial,because she had been so far and so long away.

  And the babe must be handed about from one to another, kissed and blessedand remarked upon as to his real or fancied resemblance to this or thatolder member of the family.

  "It do 'pear pow'ful strange, Miss Elsie, dat you went away young lady andcome back wid husband and baby," remarked Aunt Dicey. "And it don't seembut yistiday dat you was a little bit ob a gal."

  "Yes, I have come back a great deal richer than I went," Elsie returned,with a glance of mingled love and joy, first at her husband, then at herinfant son. "I have great reason to be thankful."

  At that moment Mrs. Travilla became aware that Max and Lulu were lingeringnear, as if not knowing exactly what to do with themselves.

  "Ah, my dears," she said, turning to them with a kind and pleasant look,"has no one attended to you? Come with me, and I will show you yourrooms."

  They followed her up the stairs, and each was shown into a very pleasantroom furnished tastefully and with every comfort and convenience.

  Lulu's had two doors, one opening into the hall, the other into hermamma's bedroom.

  Elsie explained this, adding, "So, if you are in want of anything orshould feel frightened or lonely in the night, you can run right in to theroom where you will find your mamma and Gracie."

  "Yes, ma'am, that is very nice; and oh, what a pretty room! How kind andgood you are to me! and to my brother and sister, too!" cried Lulu, hereyes shining with gratitude and pleasure.

  "I am very glad to be able to do it," Elsie said, taking the littlegirl's hand in one of hers and smoothing her hair caressingly with theother--for Lulu had taken off her hat. "I want to be a mother to you, dearchild, and to your brother and sister, since my dear daughter is too youngfor so great care and responsibility. I love you all, and I want you tocome freely to me with all your troubles and perplexities, your joys andsorrows, just as my own children have always done. I want you to feel thatyou have a right to do so, because I have invited you."

  She bent down and kissed Lulu's lips, and the little girl threw her armsabout her neck with impulsive warmth, saying, "Dear Grandma Elsie, I loveyou and thank you ever so much! And I mean to try ever so hard to begood," she added, with a blush and hanging her head shamefacedly. "I knowI'm often very naughty; papa said I gave him more anxiety than Max andGracie both put together; and I'm afraid I can't be good all the time, butI do mean to try hard."

  "Well, dear, if you try with all your might, asking help from on high, youwill succeed at last," Elsie said. "And now I will leave you to wash anddress. I see your trunk has been brought up and opened, so that you willhave no difficulty."

  With that she passed on into Violet's rooms to see how Gracie was. Shefound her sleeping sweetly in Violet's bed, the latter bending over herwith a very tender, motherly look on her fair young face.

  "Is she not a darling, mamma?" she whispered, turning her head at thesound of her mother's light footstep.

  "She is a very engaging child," replied Elsie. "I think we are all fond ofher, but you especially."

  "Yes, mamma, I love her for herself--her gentle, affectionatedisposition--but still more because she is my husband's child, his dearbaby girl, as he so often called her."

  "Ah, I can understand that," Elsie said, with a loving though rather sadlook and smile into Violet's azure eyes, "for I have often felt just so inregard to my own children. What does Arthur say about her?"

  "That she is more in need of rest and sleep than anything else at present.He will see her again to-morrow, and will probably be able then to give mefull directions in regard to her diet and so forth."

  "You will come down to supper? you will not think it necessary to staywith her yourself?" Elsie said inquiringly.

  "Oh, no, mamma! I shall dress at once. I should not like to miss beingwith you all," Violet answered, moving away from the bedside. "Ah!" withsudden recollection, "I have b
een quite forgetting Max and Lulu."

  "I have seen them to their rooms," her mother said, "and now I must go andattend to Rosie and Walter, and to my own toilet."

  "Dear mamma, thank you!" Violet said heartily.

  "My dear, I consider them quite as much my children, and therefore myespecial charge, as yours, perhaps a trifle more," Elsie returned withsprightly look and tone as she left the room.

  Agnes was in attendance on her young mistress, and was presently sent toask if Lulu was in need of help, and to say that her mamma would like tosee her before she went down-stairs.

  "I don't need anything till I'm ready to have my sash tied," answeredLulu, "and then I'll come in to Mamma Vi and you to have it done. She wasvery good to send you, Agnes, and you to come."

  "La! chile, it's jus' my business to mind Miss Wilet," returned Agnes."An' she's good to eberybody, ob cose--always was."

  "What did you want to see me for, Mamma Vi?" asked Lulu, as she presentlyentered her young stepmother's dressing-room.

  "Just to make sure that your hair and dress are all right, dear. You knowwe have company to-night, and I am particularly anxious that my littleLulu shall look her very best."

  The child's face flushed with pleasure. She liked to be well andbecomingly dressed, and it was gratifying to have Mamma Vi care that sheshould be. Mrs. Scrimp was so different; she had never cared whetherLulu's attire was tasteful and becoming or quite the reverse, but alwaysroused the child's indignation by telling her it was all sufficient if shewere only neat and clean.

  "Am I all right?" she asked.

  "Pretty nearly; we will have you quite so in a minute," Violet answered."Tie her sash Agnes, and smooth down the folds of her dress."

  "Mamma Vi, is that strange lady any relation to you?" asked Lulu.

  "Yes, she is my aunt, mamma's sister."

  "She is pretty, but not nearly so pretty as Grandma Elsie."

  "No; I have always thought no one else could be half so beautiful asmamma."

  "Why, Mamma Vi, you are yourself!" exclaimed Lulu in a tone of honestsincerity that made Violet laugh.

  "That is just your notion, little girl," she said, giving the child akiss.

  "Oh, I have eyes and can see! besides, papa thinks so, too, and Max andGracie."

  "Yes, my dear husband! he loves me, and love is very blind," murmured Vi,half to herself, with a sigh and a far-off look in the lovely azure eyes.Her thoughts were following him over the deep, wide, treacherous sea.

  She stole on tiptoe into the next room for another peep at his sleepingbaby girl, Lulu going with her; then hearing the tea-bell, they went downto the dining-room together.

  They gathered about the table, a large cheerful party, the travellers fullof satisfaction in being at home again, the others so glad to have themthere once more.

  Zoe was very merry and Rosie in almost wild spirits, but Max and Lulu, towhom all was new and strange, were quite quiet and subdued, scarcelyspeaking except when spoken to, "Mamma," Rosie said, when they hadadjourned to the parlor, "it's lovely out of doors, bright moonlight andnot a bit cold; mayn't I take Max and Lulu down to the lakelet?"

  "Do you think the evening air would be injurious to them, Arthur?" Mrs.Travilla asked, turning to her cousin.

  "I think there is malaria in it, and would advise them to stay withindoors until after breakfast to-morrow morning," he answered, drawing Roseto a seat upon his knee.

  "Then you'd better let us go," she said archly, "so you can have somemore patients. Don't you like to have plenty of patients?"

  "That's a leading question, little coz," he said laughingly, toying withher curls. "When people are sick I like to have an opportunity to exercisemy skill in trying to relieve and cure them, but I hope I don't want themmade sick in order to furnish me with employment."

  "I want to show Lulu and Max the beauties of Ion, and don't know how towait till to-morrow," she said.

  "Then take them about from one room to another, and let them look outthrough the windows upon its moonlit lawn, alleys, gardens and lakelet."

  "Oh, yes, yes! that will do!" she cried, leaving his knee in haste tocarry out his suggestion.

  Max and Lulu, nothing loath, accepted her invitation, and they ran in andout, up stairs and down, the young strangers delighted with the views thusobtained of their new home and its surroundings.

  Rosie said she hoped they would not be required to begin lessonsimmediately, but would be allowed a few days in which to enjoy walks,rides, drives, and boating.

  "I'll ask grandpa and mamma if we may," she added, as they re-entered theparlor. She hastened to present her petition, and it was granted; thechildren were told they should have a week in which to enjoy themselvesand recover from the fatigue of their journey, and would be expected toshow their appreciation of the indulgence by great industry afterward.

  Lulu was standing a little apart from the rest, gazing out of the windowupon the moonlit lawn, when a step drew near; then some one took her bythe arm, and in a twinkling she found herself seated upon a gentleman'sknee.

  Looking up into his face, she saw that it was Mr. Horace Dinsmore who hadthus taken possession of her.

  "Well, my little dark-eyed lassie," he said, "no one has thought it worthwhile to introduce us, but we won't let that hinder our makingacquaintance. Do you know who I am?"

  "I heard Rosie call you Uncle Horace."

  "Then suppose you follow Rosie's example. If you are as good as you arebonny, I shall be proud to claim you as my niece."

  "But I'm not," she said frankly. Then hastily correcting herself, "I don'tmean to say I'm bonny, but I'm not good. Aunt Beulah used to say I was theworst child she ever saw."

  "Indeed! you are honest, at all events," he said, with a look ofamusement. "And who is Aunt Beulah?"

  "The person Gracie and I lived with before papa got married to Mamma Vi."

  "Ah! well I shall not regard her opinion, but wait and form one formyself, and I shall certainly be much surprised if you don't turn out apattern good girl, now that you are to live with my sweet sister Elsie. Inthe mean while, will it please you to call me Uncle Horace?"

  "Yes, sir, since you ask me to," Lulu replied, looking much gratified.

  At this moment the door opened, and Mr. Lacey walked in. He had come forhis wife, and when he and the others had exchanged greetings, she rose tomake ready for departure.

  Calhoun Conly rose also, saying to his brother, "Well, Art, perhaps itwould be as well for us to go, too; our friends must be tired after theirlong journey, and will want to get to bed early."

  "Suppose you all delay a little and unite with us in evening familyworship," said Mr. Dinsmore. "It is a good while since I have had allthree of my children present with me at such a service."

  All complied with his request, and immediately afterward took leave. Thenwith an exchange of affectionate good-nights the family separated andscattered to their rooms.

  Lulu was not quite ready for bed when Violet came in, and putting her armaround her, asked, with a gentle kiss, "Do you feel strange and lonely inthis new place, little girl?"

  "Oh, no, Mamma Vi! it seems such a nice home that I am very glad to be init."

  "That is right," Violet said, repeating her caress. "I hope you will sleepwell and wake refreshed. I shall leave the door open between your room andmine, so that you need not feel timid, and can run right in to me wheneveryou wish. Good-night, dear."

  "Good-night, Mamma Vi. Thank you for being so good to me, and to Gracieand Max," Lulu said, clinging to her in an affectionate way.

  "My child," returned Violet, "how could I be anything else to the childrenof my dear husband? Ah, I must go! Mamma calls me," she added, hurryingaway as a soft, sweet voice was heard coming from the adjoining room.

  Lulu finished undressing, said her prayers, and had just laid her head onher pillow, when some one glided noiselessly to the bedside and a softhand passed caressingly over her hair.

  The child opened her eyes, which had already
closed in sleep, and saw bythe moonlight a sweet and beautiful face bending lovingly over her.

  "Grandma Elsie," she murmured sleepily.

  "Yes, dear. Rosie and Walter never like to go to sleep without agood-night kiss from mamma, and you must have the same now, as you are tobe one of my dear children."

  Lulu, now wide awake, started up to put both arms round the neck of hervisitor. "Oh, I do love you!" she said, "and I'll try hard to be a goodchild to you."

  "I believe it, dear," Elsie said, pressing the child to her heart. "Willyou join my children in their half-hour with mamma in her dressing-roombefore breakfast? I shall be glad to have you, but you must do just as youplease about it."

  "Thank you, ma'am; I'll come," said Lulu.

  "That is right. Now lie down and go to sleep. You need a long night'srest."


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