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War by Other Means

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by Robert D Blackwill

  Iran: Chinese geoeconomics related to, 138, 140, 143; cyberattacks against, 60; cyberattacks by, 61, 65–66; energy industry in, 38, 87, 103, 208, 209, 211–212, 236, 343–344n50; foreign exchange crisis in, 192, 282n64; Iranian hostage crisis, 171–172, 190; Middle East peace process and, 194; North Korean black market sales to, 105; Qatar investment in, 40; sanctions against, 58, 59, 66, 138, 143, 189–190, 197–200, 211–212, 216, 222, 249, 343–344n50; Venezualan relations with, 140; Yemen support from, 6

  Iraq: energy industry in, 208; Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, 5, 133, 194, 215; Middle East peace process and, 194; sanctions against, 59; U.S. military actions in, 35, 46, 254

  Islamic Infrastructure Financing Facility, 241

  Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), 5, 133, 194, 215

  Israel: cyberattacks by, 60; economic assistance to, 69, 200–201, 339nn75–76; energy industry in, 6, 205; investment policies related to, 56; loans to, 80; Middle East peace process and, 194, 200–201

  Italy: sanctions against, 36

  Japan: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank absence of, 115; boycotts against, 107, 108–109, 110; Chinese geoeconomics related to, 4, 94, 106–110, 112, 135, 304n102; coercive geoeconomics response of, 41; cyberattacks against, 109; economic assistance by, 71, 73, 110, 243, 288n151; energy industry/consumption in, 212, 213, 217, 236; financial and monetary policy in, 79, 80, 82, 293n192, 321n100; investment policy in, 53; Pacific Islanders Leaders Meeting in, 110; rare earth bans against, 107–108, 304n102; sanctions impacting, 58, 109; Taiwan relations with, 98; territorial sovereignty claims against, 106, 107, 108–109, 110; Trans-Pacific Partnership talks including, 12, 217, 230; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 3, 94, 106–110, 166, 230, 232

  Jefferson, Thomas, 2, 154, 155–156

  Jetly, Rajshree, 122

  Jin Baisong, 109

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 3, 165–166, 168

  Johnson, Simon, 182

  Johnson & Johnson, 63

  Jordan: energy policies in, 85; Gulf countries’ economic assistance to, 5; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 50, 175, 241

  JPMorgan Chase, 66, 67, 73, 107

  Kabila, Joseph, 201

  Kagan, Robert, 35, 46, 174

  Kazakhstan: energy policies/industry in, 85–86, 208; Eurasian Union involvement of, 70

  Kelanic, Rosemary, 43

  Kennan, George, 162–163, 166–167, 253

  Kennedy, John F., 3, 164, 169

  Kennedy, Paul, 74, 289n162, 289n164

  Kerry, John, 201

  Kessler, Martin, 181

  Keynes, John Maynard, 31, 178, 184, 331n111, 331–332n116

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 167

  Kim, Samuel, 102

  Kim Jong Un, 103

  Kindleberger, Charles, 76

  Kiribati: PALM participation by, 110

  Kirshner, Jonathan, 80, 146

  Kissinger, Henry, 36, 168, 169, 170, 175, 179, 266n36

  Koizumi, Junichiro, 107

  Korean war, 163

  Kramer, Andrew, 51

  Krisciunas, Rolandas, 77

  Kristol, William, 174

  Kuhn, Robert, 149

  Kuwait: economic assistance by, 71, 133

  Kwangson (Foreign Trade) Bank, 105

  Kyrgyzstan: energy industry in, 85; Russian geoeconomics in, 34, 51

  Landes, David, 74

  Laos: Chinese geoeconomics in, 111, 116, 117–118

  Latin America: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 4, 96, 274n55; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 2, 159, 242–245. See also specific countries

  Latvia: euro adoption by, 77

  Leanca, Iurie, 52

  Lebanon: economic assistance to, 69, 72

  Lee Kuan Yew, 134–135, 191

  Lee Teng-hui, 96–97, 102

  Lend-Lease policy, 3, 159–160, 162

  Lenihan, Ashley Thomas, 57

  Lewis, James, 64

  Liberal economic thought, 30–32, 177

  Liberia: Chinese relations with, 44

  Libya: economic assistance to, 72, 133; geoeconomic backfires related to, 133–134; investment policy in, 56; Qatar’s investment in, 34, 72, 132–133

  Licensing requirements, 135–136, 170

  Li Keqiang, 43, 123, 149

  Lin, Kenneth, 100

  Lincoln, Abraham, 2

  Litan, Robert, 202

  Lithuania: euro adoption by, 77; Russian trade policy with, 50

  Liu Guijin, 45

  Liu Xiaobo, 129

  Livingston, Robert, 155

  Lloyd’s, 58

  Loans: Chinese geoeconomics using, 40, 45, 73–74, 79–80, 118, 125, 139–140, 275n60; economic assistance via, 73–74; financial and monetary policy related to, 79–85, 144–147, 192; Russian geoeconomics using, 34; U.S. geoeconomics using, 3, 28, 79–80, 159–160, 162, 166, 195, 248–249

  Locklear, Samuel J., III, 237

  Louisiana Purchase, 2, 155

  Lovett, Robert, 163

  Lukashenko, Alexander, 34

  Luttwak, Edward, 22, 26

  MacArthur, Arthur, Jr., 156

  Malawi: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 140

  Malaysia: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 111, 116, 117, 120

  Mallaby, Sebastian, 139, 141

  Mandelbaum, Michael, 6, 8, 24, 26

  Manzi, Jim, 227

  Mao Zedong, 95, 102, 257

  Margvelashvili, Girogi, 50

  Markey, Daniel, 125

  Marshall, George, 3, 162–163

  Marshall Islands: PALM participation by, 110

  Marshall Plan, 10, 49, 82, 161, 163

  Ma Ying-jeou, 97–98, 100, 101

  Mazarr, Michael, 74

  McAfee, 64

  McDonald’s, 136

  McDonnell-Douglas, 26

  McKinsey, 214

  Mead, Walter Russell, 23, 172

  Meade, José Antonio, 230

  Mercantilism, 30–32

  Mercedes, 36

  Merkel, Angela, 234

  Meshaal, Khaled, 133

  Mexico: energy industry in, 38, 207, 208, 236; financial and monetary policy impacting, 82; geoeconomics of, 34, 256; NAFTA with, 180, 181, 230–231, 293–294n201; Pacific Alliance with, 242; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 189

  Micronesia, Federated States of: PALM participation by, 110

  Microsoft, 136

  Middle East / North Africa Incentive Fund (MENA-IF), 195–196, 239

  Middle East / North Africa Trade and Investment Partnership (MENA-TIP), 195–196, 239–240

  Military power and actions: Afghanistan-Soviet conflict as, 27, 171–172; Afghanistan-U.S. conflict as, 35, 46, 254; American Revolution as, 154–157; challenging American, 35; Chinese use of, 44, 46, 58, 62, 95, 96, 110, 112, 121, 122–123, 134; Crimean-Russian conflict as, 46, 210, 223; cyberattacks related to, 60, 62, 68; geopolitics involving, 23, 24–25, 44; Georgian-Russian conflict as, 35, 46, 210; hybrid geoeconomic strategies with, 28–30, 35–36; investment policy and, 58; Iraq-U.S. conflict as, 35, 46, 254; ISIS response as, 5, 194; Korean war as, 163; military aid as economic assistance, 29–30, 68–74, 122, 163; NATO actions as, 167, 170, 234, 253; 9/11 terrorist attacks and response as, 122, 174–175, 197, 202–203, 254; North Korean, 103, 105, 163; Sudan-South Sudan conflict as, 44; UAE airstrikes as, 133; Ukraine-Russian conflict as, 36, 210, 223; U.S. Civil War as, 156; U.S. foreign policy involving, 1–2, 3–4, 35, 46, 121, 122–123, 154–162, 163, 166–176, 194, 221–223, 228, 234, 248, 253–254, 255, 256; Vietnam War as, 3, 168, 328n61; World Wars I and II as, 3, 28, 36, 157–162, 251; Yemen Houthi rebel conflict as, 6, 71

  Miller, J. Irwin, 166

  Miller Committee, 166, 168, 169

  Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 110

  Modi, Narendra, 94, 126–127, 233, 313n237

  Moghanjoughi, Ali Akbar, 40

  Moldova: Russian trade policy with, 50, 52, 131, 276–277n10, 277n19

  Monetary policy. See Financial and monetary policy

  Mongolia: economic assistance to, 242

  Monroe, James, 155
  Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 159, 160

  Morocco: U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 175

  Morrow, Holly, 147

  Morsi, Mohamed, 5, 28, 39, 71, 81, 88, 132, 200

  Mubarak, Hosni, 28, 71, 88, 200

  Mugabe, Robert, 46, 137–138

  Mullen, Mike, 187

  Murphy, Chris, 185

  Mussolini, Benito, 36

  Myanmar: Chinese geoeconomics in, 111, 114, 116, 117, 118–120; contracts bolstering autocratic regimes in, 45, 46

  NASDAQ, 63

  National Economic Council (NEC), 247

  National Security Council, International Economics Directorate, 247

  Nauru: PALM participation by, 110

  Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 85–86

  Netherlands, the: economic assistance by, 243; Russian trade policy with, 51; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 157–158

  New Silk Road, 84, 94, 118, 124–125, 149

  New York Times: cyberattacks against, 62

  New Zealand: PALM participation by, 110; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership with, 181

  Nexen Inc., 148

  Nicaragua: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 96

  Nigeria: Chinese relations with, 44; energy industry in, 206, 207, 208, 236

  Night Dragon, 64

  9/11 terrorist attacks and response, 122, 174–175, 197, 203, 254

  Nitze, Paul, 167

  Niue: PALM participation by, 110

  Nixon, Richard, 3, 168–170, 175, 176, 330n101

  North American Development Bank, 230

  North American energy revolution: climate change issue pursuit via, 218–219; environmental considerations with, 216; fracking in, 204, 205–206, 216; geoeconomics of, 16, 38, 90, 201–202, 204–219, 235–236, 342n36, 343–344n50; global market changes related to, 38, 215; horizontal drilling in, 205; infrastructure, construction, and services boosts from, 214, 216; international geopolitical landscape reshaped by, 207–213; job creation via, 214; light tight oil (LTO) production in, 38, 206, 207, 212–213, 214, 216; manufacturing sector boosts from, 214; new energy landscape including, 205–207; overview of, 204–205, 219; price impacts of, 208–212, 213, 214, 219, 342n36; sea-lane protection and, 207; sharpening geoeconomic instruments due to, 216–219; sources of American advantages from, 214–216; U.S. foreign policy/national interests as result of, 215, 235–236

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 180, 181, 230–231, 293–294n201

  North American Investment Fund, 230

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 36, 51, 165, 167, 170, 230, 234, 253

  North Korea: black market sales in, 105–106; Chinese geoeconomics related to, 93–94, 102–106; contracts bolstering autocratic regimes in, 45; cyberattacks by, 61, 64, 66; energy policy in, 86, 103; Korean war in, 163; Kwangson (Foreign Trade) Bank in, 105; military power and actions in, 103, 105, 163; sanctions against, 59, 91, 105–106; special economic zones in, 104, 105

  Norway: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 129; energy industry in, 38; investment policy in, 56; state capitalism in, 37; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 157

  Obama, Barack/Obama administration, 25, 66, 70, 91, 127, 181, 183, 192, 194, 195–196, 198, 216, 222, 229, 233, 234, 239, 240, 247, 248, 252, 253

  Office of Economic Warfare, 161, 202

  Official development assistance. See Bilateral development assistance

  Oil industry. See Energy industry

  Oman: economic assistance by, 5

  Omnibus Trade and Competitive Act of 1988, 182

  Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 38, 90, 175, 206, 208, 212, 219

  O’Sullivan, Meghan L., 204

  Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), 243–244, 249

  Pacific Alliance, 242

  Pacific Energy Zone, 236

  Pacific Islanders Leaders Meeting (PALM), 110

  Paine, Thomas, 154–155

  Pakistan: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, 124–125; Chinese geoeconomics related to, 94, 120–128, 311n197; economic assistance to, 71, 72, 125–126, 201; military power and actions in, 121, 122–123, 248

  Palau: PALM participation by, 110

  Panetta, Leon, 65

  Papua New Guinea: PALM participation by, 110

  Pastor, Robert, 30

  Paulson, Hank, 83

  PDVSA, 45

  Perlez, Jane, 116

  Peru: economic assistance to, 242; Pacific Alliance with, 242

  Philippines: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 4, 111, 112–113, 114, 116, 120, 131, 145, 314n6; economic assistance to, 70; energy industry in, 314n6; National Grid Corporation in, 116; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 12, 156

  Pihlman, Jukka, 142

  Poland: energy industry in, 210, 217; Russian trade policy with, 5

  Poroshenko, Petro, 51, 277n17

  Powell, Colin, 180

  Project 863, 61–62

  Project Independence, 175

  Putin, Vladimir, 5, 34, 36, 51, 84, 86, 210, 234, 347n31

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 56, 72, 133–134

  Qatar: cyberattacks against, 64; domestic market features in, 89; economic assistance by, 71, 72; energy industry in, 87, 206; financial and monetary policy in, 81; investment policy in, 28, 34, 40, 53, 56, 57, 132–133

  Qualifying Industrial Zones, 50

  RAND Corporation, 139

  RasGas, 64

  Reagan, Ronald, 172–173, 253

  Reilly, James, 93, 96, 107, 115

  Repsol, 43

  Republic of the Congo: North Korean black market sales to, 105

  Rio Tinto, 63, 273n48

  Rodrik, Dani, 188

  Romania: U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 165

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2–3, 159, 160, 251

  Rosneft, 40, 42

  Rostow, Walt, 164–165, 328n61

  Rothkopf, David, 25

  Rouhani, Hassan, 199

  Rousseff, Dilma, 40

  RSA, 63

  Rubin, Robert, 82

  Russia: Chinese alliances with, 39, 40, 54, 83, 130, 150, 213, 323nn119–120; contracts with, bolstering autocratic regimes, 45–46; Crimean relations with, 5, 46, 210, 223; cyberattacks by, 60, 61, 65, 67, 191–192; Cyprus bailout by, 5, 39, 132, 133, 260–261n15; domestic market features in, 89; Eastern Partnership with, 51, 52–53; economic assistance by, 5, 69–70, 71, 73, 132, 133, 200; energy industry in, 4–5, 38, 40, 42, 54, 59, 85–87, 90, 147, 150, 167, 206, 208, 209–210, 212–213, 217–218, 235, 236, 323nn119–120; Eurasian Union support by, 5, 34, 50, 70; financial and monetary policy in, 79, 80–82, 83–84, 347n32; geoeconomic policy choices of, 4–5, 39, 222, 224–225; Georgian relations with, 5, 35, 46, 50, 60, 210; Greek bailout by, 5, 39, 132; Hungarian bailout by, 39, 132; investment policy in, 34, 39, 53, 55; sanctions against, 59, 67, 79, 132, 136, 143–144, 197–199, 223, 234–235, 337–338nn67–68; state capitalism in, 36, 37, 42, 88; taxes and tariffs in, 42; trade policy of, 5, 50–53, 131, 276–277n10, 277n19; Ukranian bailout by, 39, 55, 73, 81; Ukranian encroachment by, 4–5, 36, 210, 223, 256; U.S. Alaska purchase from, 156; U.S. foreign policy addressing, 36, 234–235, 256 (see also specific countries, sanctions against). See also Soviet Union

  Salem, Paul, 72

  SALT II, 170

  Samoa: PALM participation by, 110

  Samore, Gary, 198

  Sanctions: Chinese geoeconomics involving, 59, 96, 105–106, 109, 138; cyberattacks in response to, 66, 67; effective use of, 36, 58–59; embargoes decoupled from, 267n44; financial and monetary policy impacting, 78–79, 90, 91, 143–144, 192; Iranian, 58, 59, 66, 138, 143, 189–190, 197–200, 211–212, 216, 222, 249, 343–344n50; North American energy revolution impacting, 216; North Korean, 59, 91, 105–106; Russian, 59, 67, 79, 132, 136, 143–144, 197–199, 223, 234–235, 337–338nn67–68; U.S. geoeconomics involving, 36, 58–59, 66, 67, 90, 91, 96, 105, 132, 136, 138, 143–144, 152, 155–156, 189–190, 192, 196–200, 216, 222, 223, 234–235, 244, 249, 337–338nn67–68, 343–344n50

  Sanger, David, 68

; Santiago Principles, 57

  São Tomé and Principe, 140

  Sargent, Daniel, 22

  Sarhoo, Niranjan, 127

  Sata, Michael, 129

  Saudi Arabia: cyberattacks against, 64, 65; economic assistance by, 5, 69, 71, 72, 125, 133, 211; energy industry in, 38, 43, 64, 65, 85, 87, 208, 210–211, 236; investment policy in, 88

  Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), 64, 65

  Say, Jean-Baptiste, 156

  Schmidt, Helmut, 49, 76–77, 82

  Segal, Adam, 65, 285n107

  Seward, William, 156

  Shah, Pir Zubair, 125

  Sharif, Nawaz, 124, 127

  Shen Danyang, 135

  Shinzo Abe, 73

  Shultz, George, 252

  Singapore: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 116, 120, 134, 150–151, 213; domestic market features in, 89; energy industry in, 213; Taiwan relations with, 98; Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership with, 181

  Sinopec, 43

  Smith, Adam, 30–31, 32, 177

  Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), 58, 211

  SolarWorld AG, 62

  Solomon Islands: PALM participation by, 110

  Sony Pictures, 66, 91

  South Africa: Chinese geoeconomics impacting, 96; Standard Bank in, 41

  Southeast Asia: China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement in, 115; Chinese geoeconomics in, 94, 111–120, 131, 145, 147–148; investment and infrastructure projects in, 115–117, 119–120; supporting historical allies in, 117–118; territorial sovereignty claims in, 111–112; trade policies impacting, 112–113, 115, 119–120, 131; U.S. relations in, 111–112, 113–114, 156. See also specific countries

  South Korea: Chinese geoeconomics related to, 4, 135; cyberattacks against, 64; economic assistance by, 73, 118; economic assistance to, 166; energy industry/consumption in, 212, 213, 236; financial and monetary policy in, 321n100; investment policy in, 53; Korean war in, 163; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 166

  Sovereign wealth funds (SWF), 54–57, 88, 89, 137, 269n20, 279n39, 279–280nn44–46

  Soviet Union: Afghanistan invasion by, 27, 171–172; Angola civil war involvement of, 170; Cold War with, 33, 34, 163, 164–173, 176–177, 253; collapse of, 173, 253; embargo against, 163–164, 171–172, 173; Sputnik I launch by, 164; U.S. geoeconomics impacting, 27, 59, 159–160, 162–168, 169–173. See also Russia


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