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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 20

by India R. Adams

  I nod, struggling to swallow, hoping she and I can find our way through this unexplained exhaustion. Our steps slow even more when we see Dereck leaning against his parked truck, waiting for us. His hand lies on his chest when he sees us.

  Sky’s eyes finally overflow. “Why does the sight of him give me hope?”

  She’s so right. He’s some sort of life source for us. I feel the pull immediately.

  Dereck observes her tears. “I won’t leave you alone in this, Sky, whatever it is. I’m here. Okay?”

  She nods as she goes straight to him, crying.

  He looks tortured as he pushes off his truck. “Come ’ere, girl.”

  Instead of being overwhelmed with double girlfriend duty again, Dereck seems consumed with worry for both of us. He no longer lets either of us out of his sight unless I insist on going home. With all he learned at the dinner, he begs me to stay at his house as much as possible. And if I stay, Skyler stays.

  Since it’s summer, my parents always accept the phone call with my excuse—“I’m staying at Jolene’s” or “I’m staying at Sky’s.” My parents haven’t talked to Sky’s mom since the fallout when Skyler’s dad went to prison years ago. They never call her house to check on me. They call my cell phone only, and not often. My mom is presently sober, so I’m not needed.

  Faith and Jolene have spoken with Sky’s mom, assuring her that there’s no hanky-panky going on at Dereck’s when Sky sleeps with me in the spare bedroom. For some reason, that seems to be the last thing on Sky’s mom’s mind. She’s just thankful Sky and I are attached at the hip again. And attached we are.

  A few days ago, Dereck woke us in a panic. He was shaking us both, so worried. “Please wake up.” We did, but I couldn’t understand what was wrong. He kept touching our faces. “You’re both crying…” He wasn’t just touching us. He was wiping away matching tears.

  I don’t remember what made me so sad, but I think Sky did because she asked, “Dereck, can we finish our nap in your room?”

  His hand fell to his chest as his shoulders sank. “Of course. Come on.”

  In his bed, Skyler quietly asked, “Dereck, could you stay with us till I fall back to sleep?”

  I scooted from his side of the bed to the middle, to make room as he lay down. “I think I’ll just stay with you if that’s okay. Could use a nap myself.”

  From the other side of me, Skyler sighed. “That’s okay with me.”

  Our odd little trio has found a new routine. Sky and I now take our daily naps in Dereck’s bed, sometimes with him. When we wake, Dereck tries to motivate us. He drags us to a movie or dinner—anything low key—but Sky’s naps aren’t solving her mysterious exhaustion. And as she worsens, so do I.

  Tonight, leaving the movies, Dereck has to hold us both by the hand to get our drained bodies back to his truck. Even half asleep, I see strangers pointing and judging the rich guy for having two young girls clinging to him. I guess they are imagining perverted things when, little do they know, he’s carrying our emotional baggage that can’t yet be seen, but I hope we figure it out soon. I’m whittling away, along with Skyler.

  Since Dereck can’t get us to leave his house anymore, tonight he’s grilling outside. Part of me thinks the steaks smell delicious, but the other part can barely stand the thought of chewing. Sitting at the dining room table, Rocco tries to hide his labored breathing as he witnesses his favorite person withering away. I force myself to eat, allowing Roc and Dereck to focus on a pale Skyler.

  Rocco’s fork shakes as he brings it to Sky’s mouth. “Please. Just one more bite.”

  Sky turns gray and apologizes, then she crawls into Dereck’s lap. I understand why. Maybe she can’t see his light as I can, but her body craves the peace it gives her.

  Rocco gestures. “Dereck, why is your promise to Serenity also covering my girl? I know you don’t want to push her, but”—he points at Sky—“this one needs to eat.” Watching Roc and Dereck reminds me of that day on the boat, when Dereck was forcing Josh to let me stay in the water and become stronger. Now Roc is doing something similar with Dereck.

  Dereck inhales. “I don’t know. Sometimes they feel as one to me.”

  Rocco nods and seems to have pity for his best friend. Then he smirks at Sky—who is in his best friend’s lap. “Don’t torture me, Lil’ Mama.” His face falls. “They told me you don’t think you’re good enough for me.” She tightens her hold on Dereck. “Skyler, nothing could be further from the truth. I. Don’t. Care about whatever is making you go through this.”

  She peeks out from under Dereck’s chin and stares at Roc.

  He nods. “I only care about you.”

  Faith watches, sitting quietly in a dining chair, but she doesn’t seem afraid. I think that’s the only thing keeping the Crew from collapsing with worry. They trust this woman. She grins, “Mr. Martelli, maybe you should speak of a certain chocolate milk I saw you hide in my Frigidaire?”

  Sky’s dark, sunken eyes show a tiny spark. “You brought me milk?”

  Rocco squints at Faith. “Yes, but someone wasn’t supposed to have seen that.”

  Faith shrugs. “I say use what’s in your favor.”

  Rocco takes a deep breath. “Sky, I will give you the chocolate milk if you come back to me and take one more bite.”

  Quietly, Sky slips from Dereck and sits in the chair next to Rocco. She picks up her fork, staring at Rocco, and takes a bite. He starts to say something but stops when he sees her take another bite, never breaking eye contact with him. Her eyes well as she swallows then whispers, “Thank you, Rocco.”

  He stares at her, struggling to swallow. Faith stands with a smile, pats him on the shoulder, and says, “I’ll go get that milk. Well done, young man.”

  It’s now a common occurrence for Faith to find the TV blaring and the three of us sleeping on the couch. Faith says Dereck, Sky, and I look like a comical sandwich. I’m thankful she’s so understanding. I try to tell her that as we stand in the kitchen, but she giggles.

  “Don’t be ridiculous! If only every seventeen-year-old was so lucky.”

  Dereck holds a tired Sky to the front of him with me hugging his back. Faith’s laughter makes us smile, and that seems to be the highlight of Dereck’s long day. “Mom, I love you. My girls smiled.”

  Faith touches his face. “They’ll be fine. I promise.”

  The front door opens. “Movie night!” Rocco walks into the kitchen and stops in his tracks, eyeing Sky and Dereck. “Why are you holding my girl again?” He hands me a DVD. “Can you please have better control over your boyfriend?” Then he plops into a lazy chair and demands, “Dereck, I need popcorn.”

  This is code for My turn, brother, take a break. The code works.

  Sky releases Dereck to go find another favorite lap. Rocco smiles big for her until she crawls into his lap and snuggles to his broad chest. With Sky no longer able to see his face, Rocco’s eyes close, and his head leans against hers. He hands her a treat. A little voice says, “Thank you, Rocco,” as she opens her chocolate milk.

  “Anytime, my angel.”

  Bottom line, the Crew doesn’t know why Sky and I are drowning.

  Josh and Jolene come over for dinner, but Sky is about to fall asleep at the table.

  Roc says, “I will personally put you to bed if you eat two more grapes.”

  She manages a tired smile and does as asked. The fork isn’t picked up again—Skyler and I go to bed.

  I forgot to kiss Dereck good night when Rocco took us up to Dereck’s room, so after Sky falls asleep, I go downstairs. When I hear them talking, I sit on the bottom step as quietly as possible. I hear Dereck’s voice.

  “If one won’t eat, the other won’t eat. One sleeps, both sleep. It’s like they are… one.”

  Jolene says, “That’s how it was
before you.”

  Faith’s voice echoes with confidence, “The truth is almost all forward.”

  Josh tells Faith, “Dereck thinks you know what’s going on.”

  I hear nothing. Then Rocco sounds defeated. “But you’re not going to tell us.”

  “Not my story to tell.”

  Jolene is haunted. “Are they going through the same thing?”

  “Yes and no.”

  “Mom, throw us a bone.”

  I hope to get some answers, as well. I’ve just been too tired to ask.

  Faith explains, “These two girls are so connected that they’re going through major changes together, but not from the same source. Don’t you find it odd that they both break through barriers at the same time?”


  “Look, I know you’re teenagers, and everything feels as if it revolves around only you, but this is bigger than ‘the Crew.’ It’s almost like things have been building in the girls’ lives and causing other things to happen because their time has come… for change. Everything is aligned now.”

  Josh sounds baffled. “Faith, sometimes you talk so mystical, I can’t follow you.”

  Faith’s chuckle is bewildering. “Yes, but somehow you still trust me. Instincts are a powerful gift. Look, signs are all around you. Josh and Jolene, as strong as you two are, could you have handled this alone?”

  The table is quiet again.

  “Okay, so out of all your friends, Dereck and Rocco were the two juniors you selected? And Serenity and Skyler just happen to accept them just because you said to? Your instincts told you who and when. The girls’ instincts told them the right people are with them now. So, something shifted. Now, everyone is in place for the next phase. You will all see them through.”

  “Mom, stop talking over my head for a minute. Are the girls going to be okay?”

  “All is as it should be.”

  “Faith.” Josh sounds as if he wants to ring her enlightened neck.

  Then Teddy Bear gently says, “This is not just the girls’ struggle… we are part of this lesson, too?”

  I can almost hear her smile. “Ah, the big guy wins the prize.”

  She holds my hand as we walk through the flowers. I watch my feet land on dirt, gravel, and a color-changing earth. During our quiet stroll on a never-ending trail, flowers bend over to touch us as we walk by. “What are we doing?” I ask.

  “We are walking your path.”

  “It seems to never end.”

  “That’s because it is all connected.”

  Shockingly, the sober, calm side of my parents is requesting an appearance. I’m touched they care for once, so I ask Jolene to take me home. I don’t want Dereck dropping me off, raising suspicions about where I really spend my time. She also drops Skyler off at home to get more clothes and hang with her family for the day.

  Tonight, my parents and I actually watch TV together. Dad is grumpy, my mom is distant, but we’re together. Beggars can’t be choosers.

  In the morning, Sky is on my mind more than usual, maybe because we had our first night apart in weeks.

  Dereck calls. “You guys okay? Can I come get you now?”

  I laugh. “Breathe. I was just about to walk to Sky’s house and round her up. I’ll call ya soon.”

  All the cars are at Skyler’s—her sisters’, her mom’s. Hmm, unusual. Someone always has somewhere to be. This is definitely a house full of girls. So, usually all that can be heard is…

  “Where are my jeans?”

  “Mom! Tell them to stop taking my stuff!”

  “Anybody have gas money?”

  “Did you take my lip gloss again?”


  I open the door without knocking—as usual—and find none of the predictable chaos. Sky’s mother and sisters are sitting on furniture surrounding Sky, who lies on the couch as if on her deathbed. I shouldn’t have left her for the night. Their expressions show no shock at Skyler’s condition. They know what’s wrong with her. I instantly realize they’ve known all along. And by the look in their eyes… “Oh my God, you’re letting me in.”

  “Skyler made us promise. I’m sorry, Serenity.” Her mom appears worn to the bone.

  One sister motions for me to sit next to her. I don’t. I can’t move yet. So she says, “We know you all have been longing for answers.”

  All the voices I’m hearing are strained and weak.

  “I think she just wanted it to go away.”

  “But all you guys did was worry.”

  “I thought Josh and Jolene were going to kill me,” Sky’s mom says. I did, too. “Thank you for not giving up. She needs the Crew.”

  I’m on the edge of the truth—something we’ve been waiting for—and now, I’m scared to know. The women in front of me are so exhausted that I know that whatever they have to say will change me forever. I try to hear and believe Faith’s words—all is as it should be.

  But how could anything this bad have a meaningful cause?

  I slowly walk to Skyler. The only place I want to sit is with her. The blue angel eyes that bring light into my world have been turned into red, bloodshot holes of despair. My Sky has aged ten years overnight. The light from her guardians—the Crew—kept her alive. On her own, Sky has been sucked completely dry. I sit with an awareness of the seriousness of her condition. As I touch her face, tears fall down mine. What did I miss? What did my dream try to tell me? The dream with the cloaked one told me to listen. I didn’t do a good job—I didn’t listen to Sky or my instincts when I needed to. I shall listen now.

  I face her mom. “I’m ready.”

  “Skyler was walking to her car after work… late one night—” She starts crying.

  So Skyler’s sister continues. “Skyler was alone, and… a man came up behind her and covered her mouth—”

  My dream—my mouth had an invisible hand over it!

  “—and forced her into the backseat of her car.”

  Skyler’s face slams into her pillow.

  Oh my God. My Sky was…

  Tears flow from every set of eyes that see nothing at this moment but poor Sky, alone with this stranger.

  “And he forced himself onto—”

  My body falls to Skyler’s. We both cry hysterically. Her muffled screams from behind the pillow blend with mine. I can now hear—feel—this man all over her, and I want him to burn in hell as I scream, “Nooooo!” This bastard took her innocence, her light, and damaged her soul! If I didn’t need to stay by her side, I would run. Run until I found him and killed him myself. Wait… find him…

  I sit straight up. “Did they catch him?”

  To judge is to be unworthy

  To judge is to not understand

  No matter what you choose

  It is your choice

  And I will hold your hand

  As I hold her in her bed, humming the melody that’s hummed to me in my special dreams, I try to soothe Sky until she falls asleep.

  “I should have let him come.” Skyler’s lungs are worn out from crying.

  I softly ask, “Who, Sky?”

  She clings to me. “Rocco. You told me to call. I should have listened.”

  My heart sinks. My dream was a warning. We all should have listened.

  Chapter Nineteen


  As I’m waiting for her to slip into a much-needed slumber, my cell phone is exploding. It vibrates with missed calls and texts, including one that I can’t ignore any longer—Dereck.

  It reads: You have 5 minutes.

  Meaning, before I drive over there and come unglued on your ass. I read him loud and clear.

  In a group text, I give a simple reply: Her truth… tomorrow.

No responses.

  I pray for the Crew and wish for them to have courage through the night.

  Her breathing is finally deep. My Sky is asleep. I let go of her sweet little hand and quietly slip out of her bed. Her sisters and mom are waiting in the kitchen. Their drawn faces show they are emotionally spent, but they know I have questions that I didn’t dare ask in front of Sky. Sitting at the kitchen table with my extended family, I ask.

  Some questions have horrific answers.

  Shock swirls around me as I walk home. Even the warm morning sun doesn’t take away my dark thoughts. Skyler’s car didn’t break down; she just couldn’t stomach getting back in it again. Bruno scooped up Sky in her weak moment because she thinks that all she’s worth. And this—what happened to my angel—is why she thinks Rocco is too good for her. The tragic incident has brought Sky to her knees and has made her the easiest prey for all, especially to the mist that was already inspecting her. I want to punish myself for not being there—not protecting her, not knowing what would happen to her—but she needs me. It’s time to put my wishes and needs aside for hers.

  Skyler has asked me to tell the Crew. It’s too painful to relive. She has also asked me not to tell Rocco. With her self-esteem damaged beyond belief, if Roc looked at her any differently than he does now, it would kill her. I promised to find a way to get her through this. But I don’t know where to begin.

  I turn the corner of my driveway and stop. Josh, Jolene, and Dereck are sitting on his tailgate. Their faces are solemn as they wait for the verdict. My body drags forward, down the driveway. As I quietly pass, they follow.

  With my parents at work, I sit on my fireplace across from the couch the three of them are sharing. These people that love Skyler unconditionally are about to fall into a frightening pit, and I have to be the one to push them in.


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