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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 21

by India R. Adams

  After the chilling words cross my lips, my world splits in two. Surrounding emotions—lights of energy—are too strong, and I’m sucked into two different realities. One eye sees Jolene on the couch, crumbling in slow motion. The other eye sees a dirty hand over my Skyler’s mouth as she struggles. Her eyes are terrified as he shoves her into the backseat of her car. She knows her petite size is no match for his.

  Dereck tries to hold Jolene as misery engulfs her motherly instincts.

  Skyler screams and fights as he rips at her clothing.

  Josh numbly stares into the abyss that is swallowing his soul.

  She scratches his face as she wars for her life.

  Dereck yells for Josh to help with Jolene, but Josh is traumatized, frozen.

  He holds her little hands over her head as she pleads for him to stop.

  Josh shakes his head, possibly to be released from the hell he is now in.

  Her eyes. Her eyes have given up as his spent body collapses on top of her—

  Holding Jolene, Dereck screams, “Josh!” over her bellows.

  My world finally reverts to my own. So does Josh’s. He jolts as he finally hears Dereck’s plea to properly console Jolene and snaps his body to face him. Horror crosses his face when he sees Jolene’s condition. Her wails are gut wrenching. Josh takes hold of her. “Baby! Oh God, Joles. I’m here. I’m here.”

  She turns to him, grabs his shirt, and screams, “She was raped!”

  Josh, trying to calm her down and handle his own grief as well, has tears rolling down his face. He holds her. “I know. I know.”

  She’s completely distressed. “It makes so much sense now.”

  Josh holds her. “I know. All of it.” His head rests on hers. “Serenity, who… who did this?”

  I look down and shrug. Josh’s eagle eyes squint as he reads me.

  Dereck comes and sits with me. “She didn’t report it, did she?”

  Jolene goes silent except for her chest heaving.

  Josh growls. “Why. Not?”

  No one is going to judge Sky with me present. “Because she was violated! She was alone, damn it!”

  Josh’s eyes slam shut as he tries to cover Jolene’s ears.

  “That man did horrible things to Sky! He used her for hours, and in more ways than one! Her sisters suspect we only know half of it.” Grabbing my chest, looking for relief, I keep yelling. “After that horrible experience, all my Skyler wanted was a shower, not talking to a bunch of men in white lab coats with her legs in stirrups. She shut down, and her family did what they could to convince Sky to keep breathing.”

  I know it was the wrong decision. I know that most police are very gentle and trained to handle a rape victim, but I’m relating to how Sky, in her tormented state, viewed it. Josh nods at me with wet eyes, not lecturing me for my tirade. Then, his face changes—his light changes. Something stirs in him. He kisses the top of Jolene’s head then stands. Josh runs out my front door. By the time we get to the end of my driveway, Josh is running as fast as he can down the road.

  Over the past several years, he has given his all to protect his baby girls, but this was out of his reach. Someone got past his barrier of love. So he’s choosing to reach for what he can—Skyler. As he jumps over Sky’s fencing, I can tell he’s more broken than ever before. Josh stands in front of her porch, staring at her door, tears rolling down his face, waiting to see if she will let him in—waiting to see if she will let him help her through the worst.

  Her door slowly opens. Their eyes meet.

  His shaky, outstretched hand is saying how sorry he is.

  Hers, slipping out through the opened door, is saying she may die.

  Josh won’t let that happen. He leaps up the front porch stairs to his angel, his baby girl.

  All along, Faith has known what tragedy Sky experienced. She said all the signs were there, so she had counseling already lined up, waiting for the right time—for us to understand, for Skyler to be ready. Skyler’s sisters sent Faith flowers to thank her for paying for the counseling, something they could not afford. Skyler’s mother called Faith, and Faith has kept that conversation to herself—said it’s between loving moms.

  I told Faith that I will never forget what she has done for my best friend and how, someday, I will help someone else in need. She smiled and said knowingly, “I believe you will, Serenity.”

  Skyler chose not to keep her car. She chose never to see it again. I wanted it destroyed. Jolene wanted it out of Sky’s sight, immediately, so we retrieved it when Sky was gone with her mom. Skyler’s mom had asked for it to be sold because they need to pay the balance off and could use the extra cash. Dereck said he found a buyer and gave her cash—double what the car was worth.

  Jolene and I sat with Dereck in his truck as Josh got behind the wheel of Sky’s car. The door hadn’t even closed before he turned an awful shade of green.

  “My poor brother,” Dereck said. “Jolene, get behind this steering wheel.”

  Jolene got behind the steering wheel as Dereck pulled Josh from the car.

  Not a word was shared among Jolene, Josh, and me as we followed Dereck to the junkyard. Dereck handed over more cash and the car keys to an employee, then he got in the backseat of the truck with a silent Josh. The employee drove the car, then it was moved to a huge compactor. Many sniffles echoed as we watched the annihilation of that little red car that used to play loud music and safely transport the Shorties, every day. What happened to Sky was not the car’s fault, but we needed retribution. With no criminal in sight, the car paid the price.

  Josh and Jolene took Skyler to counseling, twice a week, for the first two weeks. Dereck said it was important for the Wise Ones to feel as though they were contributing since they are such parental figures. The counselor has since scheduled Sky for counseling just once a week because she’s doing so well. Skyler really likes her, and we can see the color coming back into Sky’s face.

  The Crew is being counseled by Faith on how to handle Sky. “Never push for answers—this is a delicate time. Always let Sky start and lead any conversation, if she wants to talk about it. Most of all? Listen—just listen.”

  We have had some very healthy cries with Skyler—the strongest person I know. We don’t push her to tell Rocco the truth. Teddy Bear has not seen her since we found out, but he gets regular reports from Dereck that she’s coming back to us. Rocco doesn’t press for answers. He’s just happy that Sky is breathing again. He knows he has a special place in Sky’s heart, and if she wants him not to know, well, he’s a very smart young man.

  Once Sky released her truth, I also started coming back. I’m eating regularly and not sleeping all day, so Dereck has eased his tight hold on me, and once again, I’m under the “worry” radar. I sleep at home at night, or with Sky. Sky’s rape has been so consuming for us all that we put her first, right where she belongs.

  “What do you want to do for your birthday, Baby Doll?”

  “Oh, you’re right! I’d forgot. Uh, what do you think Sky’s up for?”

  Skyler has picked a river trip—she knows me well. She says it’s time to be a part of the world again. I know what she really means. She misses Rocco.

  Chapter Twenty


  My eyes follow her as she appears and disappears into the grass, which has grown taller than us both. I think of how much I want her arms around me. Her embrace is like being held within sun rays.

  “A little alone in this?” She’s right behind me.

  “It’s for the best. Don’t want to worry them. Besides, Sky needs them more than I.” I don’t turn around—I don’t want her to see my lie.

  “Ah, Skyyyy.” Her voice is sounding more real with each visit to my dreams.

  I suddenly start to gasp for air. “I… I—”

Her hands quickly turn me. My wish is met—I’m in her arms. Her humming puts me at ease. I rest my weary head on her shoulder as I watch the flowers bow to the wind. I feel secure in her hold, even as we both gradually lift from the ground. We rise above the flowers, slowly rotating. I don’t ask questions until the field under our feet blends into white light.

  “What is happening to us?” With her, I am calm.

  “Preparing you.”

  My feet hit the ground. I wish she were real. I sit on the edge of my bed and think of Dereck—his words, “I love you.” With all that has happened, I have yet to say the words in return. I don’t know why. I do love him. Maybe out of guilt because I’m still lying?

  Taking a deep breath, I roll my neck, stretching, trying to get blood through this sore body. Another rough night. I am hiding this most recent episode for Skyler’s sake—Dereck’s sake, everyone’s sake.

  Looking in the mirror at my shoulder shocks me. The bruises are getting harder to cover. I will keep my T-shirt on in the river. I wonder if my daddy knows that at two a.m., I fought for my mother’s life on what should be a special day for me.

  Downstairs, Father is gone and my drunk mom is sitting at the kitchen table. Gazing at me, she slurs unrecognizable words. There is no cake, no candles, no celebration for the day she brought me into this world. I tell myself, “Happy Birthday, Serenity,” and head out the door to Sky and Jolene waiting in my driveway.

  I’m feeling down, so I’m thankful Jolene’s car is carrying Skyler and me to freedom—the river. We pull up, and Sky becomes motionless in the middle of the backseat, staring out the front windshield. It’s time for another step forward.

  I look at Sky, but she says, “Go ahead. I just need a minute.”

  I follow her sight. Rocco. Waiting for her. Watching her. It is powerful.

  Jolene gestures at me. “I got this, birthday girl. Go.”

  My heart begins to pound for Dereck as I get out of the car. I need him so badly it hurts. All he has to do is smile, and I take off running for him. He opens those strong arms and catches me as I leap. I hold his face. “I love you.”

  His eyes widen, but before he can say a thing, I kiss him—kiss him hard. Dereck bends over with me still in his arms, his moan telling me I made him a happy man.

  “Dear God, Dereck. In public?” Josh heckles from his truck.

  Dereck ignores Josh and, with a smile, pulls his lips from mine. “Best words in the world, baby. Happy birthday.” I squeeze his neck as he puts me down. When I pull my arms down, my sleeve accidently rolls up. He points. “Damn. How did you get that?”

  “Klutz is my middle name.” I want to vomit.

  “I never see you klutzy—”

  Before he can investigate me further, something catches his attention—Sky. Her head hangs low as she walks toward the silent one—the one who hasn’t seen her since we learned the truth. Her body is riven by shame that hasn’t shown until now. At moments like this, I can see how deep her wounds are and what a long road lies ahead of her. Seeing her evident torment, Rocco looks away, his watery eyes glistening in the sun.

  He swallows hard then studies her, right in front of him, looking at the ground, perhaps searching for words to explain shutting him out as she did.

  “Rocco, I—”

  “You don’t have to tell me anything, Skyler O’Donnell.” She gazes up, and he gently touches her face. His voice cracks. “I missed you.”

  Her tears begin to fall, and her arms fly around his waist. His own tears finally descend as he kisses her head, over and over. He seems so relieved Sky is back in his arms. Nuzzling him, Sky appears thankful, too.

  Jolene is emotional, observing, so I’m shocked when Josh picks me up and spins me around. “I heard it’s someone’s birthday!”

  Jolene wipes her tears, nodding to herself, and heads over to us. With my feet dangling, I squeeze the life out of his neck as he carries me to his truck.

  “Look what your boyfriend did.” Josh points at helium balloons attached to my tube. “You’re gonna get tangled up and drown.”

  “She won’t let me buy her anything for her birthday, so balloons it is.”

  Jolene gives a loud “Huh” in the background.

  Josh chuckles. “No! My present first.”

  Still in his arms, I tilt my head. “Joshua, no presents.”

  “Stop bitching.” Josh sets me down.

  Jolene smiles at him endearingly and says, “No, mine first because yours is sweet and has to be saved for… close to last.” Then she hands me a decent-sized box wrapped in purple paper. I think of the cloaked one and the purple flowers we visit as I treasure a gift I haven’t even seen yet. “Well?”

  I look at Jolene and smile. “Thank you.”

  “Shouldn’t you open it first?”

  I nod and rip through the paper.

  Boots. Jolene has given me a brand-new pair of brown leather cowgirl boots. They are simple, just the way I like them. I try to say thank you again but just choke and cough through heavy emotions. She hugs me. “I love you, too.”

  With red eyes, Sky hands me a blue gift bag. “I thought this color blue was pretty.”

  I softly say, “You love blue.” I pull out a white T-shirt with a purple flame on it. I gasp and stare at her.

  Sky’s flip-flop plays with a pebble on the ground. “I’ve been dreaming of some weird lady in a cloak lately.” I cover my mouth. “She said to imagine a purple flame and throw my troubles and worries into it… That… that it may help. I want you to have help, too.”

  I hug her so tightly. “Best gift ever.”

  Josh complains, “Hey, haven’t seen them all yet.” He gestures. “Rocco?”

  Roc hands me an envelope. “It was my job to get jeans. With me not being much of a shopper, I enlisted my mom, who asked what size you are. Apparently, ‘tiny’ is not enough to go on, so I got you a gift card.”

  I’m so humbled as I hug his waist. “Thanks, Teddy Bear.”

  With a huge smile, Josh opens his driver’s door and pulls out a cake. Seeing that takes all the strength I have. I burst into tears. My mom forgot but not Josh. I don’t know why I continue to set myself up for failure, hoping my parents will someday love me properly, but I do. So when these friends give, for no other reason than simply being kind, I am touched deeply and am aware that there is such good in this world.

  For some reason, Josh sticks his tongue out at Dereck. “See? She likes simple.”

  Nodding and blubbering, I ask, “Can I have some?”

  “Of course—”

  “No!” Jolene pulls out a lighter and lights my candles. “Okay. Now.”

  I cry even harder as the Crew stands around me and sings “Happy Birthday.” Some may have been insulted or wanted a grand party. Not me. We’re in a dirt parking lot, next to a truck, in the woods, yet nothing could make this day any better.

  Dereck smacks me on the butt. “Serenity, can you follow me in your car? I need to drop off Josh’s truck.” I know this routine well, so I head to Jolene’s car. “No, your car.”

  I glare over my shoulder as if my boyfriend has lost his mind. “I don’t have a car.”

  “You’re right. It’s a Jeep.”

  I stop. I hear giggling and chuckling.

  Slowly, I turn to face Dereck. “What have you done, Mr. Hamilton?”

  He points at a Jeep behind a tree. “Kinda ignored your request?”

  This beautiful red Jeep sits there smiling at me. Everyone gathers around as I walk to the vehicle my brain can’t comprehend. Standing next to the Jeep, Dereck begins to grovel. “Serenity, hear me out. You need a car. It’s no big deal. It’s small. And used! Jolene said you’d never accept what I wanted to get you. So I say, let’s compromise. Meet in the middle.”

sp; I cringe. “Middle? Dereck, this is a car.”

  “A Jeep.”

  “Whatever! Dereck, I’m speechless and full of gratitude, but… no way!”

  “Serenity, I need to know that you’re able to leave your house if needed. It’ll give me peace of mind.” His voice lowers. “I’m serious. I need you to do this for me.”

  Jolene solemnly nods. “We would all feel better if you said yes.”

  “In all fairness to the guy,” Josh says, “this is how he’s kept me off your back. Now, you’ll have a way out if your mom… your dad—” He shakes his head.

  My hands cover my face. “Oh, Dereck… I… this… it’s such a big deal… and I don’t have money for—”

  “I kinda already have your insurance prepaid, and there’s a gasoline credit card in the glove compartment that you won’t see a bill for—”

  My eyes bug out. “Dereck, I—”

  “For me. Please.”

  “Dereck, thank you so much for such an offer, but this is a marriage kind of gift. You and I are too young for such elaborate—”

  “Fine. If you ever choose to dump me, I’ll take it back.”

  “And if you dump me?”

  His eyes squint as if I have said something completely absurd.

  I growl. “Dereck.”

  “Okay, if the sun falls from the sky and lands on me, you can consider us broken up, and I will take back your Jeep.”

  “You will be dead. How can you take it back?”

  He taps his chin. “That is a tricky one.”

  I fill my lungs, ready to holler that he’s insane, when Josh grabs the keys from Dereck and puts them in my hand. “Read the key chain and say thank you like a good girl before I beat your ass.” I’m appalled and look at Jolene for backup. She shrugs. Damn it.

  The key ring has three words—I love you.


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