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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 22

by India R. Adams

While we’re preparing to get in the water, Dereck whines, “Why are you staying in your T-shirt?”

  Last night flashes through my mind. “Uh, don’t want too much sun on my shoulders.” I wink as a diversion. “It’s hot. It’s August ninth, Dereck.”

  “I know. My Baby Doll’s birthday.”

  Standing in the water, Skyler observes Rocco tying her floating tube to his. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Rocco continues. “What does it look like, Lil’ Mama?”

  She crosses hers arms. “Okay. Why are you doing this, Rocco?”

  “I was here for the last adventure. I’m trying to avoid any mishaps.”

  A glimpse of old Sky peeks through as she growls, “I am not a mishap.”

  “You’re practically inner twins with one—who almost drowned—so I figured you’re next.” He plops into his tube. “You should be thanking me instead of giving me all this grief.” He pats her floating device, which is securely attached to his. “Woman, get in your tube!”

  His big blues smile up at her. She mumbles but gets into her tube.

  Our float is under way. The balloons floating above my head entertain me until I hear Dereck sounding like a pilot coming over the speakers on a plane. “If I could have everyone get in their upright positions, lift your feet, and tuck your butts, we are now entering Serenity’sss rapidssss.”

  “One little near-drowning, and now it’s my rapids?”

  Roc’s brows furrow. “How many ‘drownings’ should it take? In fact, Sky, I think I should hold your hand to keep you in your tube.”

  “What? You’re being ridiculous.”

  “I guess I can survive the beating I’m sure to receive from El Ca-pee-ton if anything were to happen to you. No, don’t you worry, Lil’ Mama. I will keep silent as I run around the football field—like a million times just because you don’t want to—”

  “Oh my God! Fine! Here.” She holds out her hand. “Better?” Grasping her hand tightly, Rocco grins, quietly floating along in rapids that are nowhere near violent enough to have Sky soaring through the air, but she doesn’t pull away.

  With them ahead of us a little bit, Mama Hen whispers, “Is she ready for that?”

  Dereck answers, “Rocco is one of the kindest guys I know. He could help her through this, if she wants to open up.”

  Josh confirms, “Being a male slut doesn’t diminish the fact that he has great insight.”

  The thought of Sky being truly happy again warms my soul. She glances back and studies the four of us watching. “Easy, lovebirds and cupids. Roc and I are just tubing.”

  “What, us?” Roc points between them. “Never even crossed my mind.”

  “Never?” She bats her long eyelashes.

  “Well, I, uh, want… date—”

  “Happy birthday!” yell voices from across the river. My balloons are giving me away.

  Jolene hollers back, “Hey!” while waving. “Pull over, everyone, it’s Alex and Payton.”

  We make our way across the river. Skyler, the first one there, is getting out when a guy strolls right up to her. “Well, hello there.” He stares at her feet and checks her out all the way up to her pretty blues. Then he says, “And goodbye.”

  As he walks away, Skyler recoils. “That’s a first,” she says but bumps into a wall. She turns around and is now face to chest with Rocco—who has been standing behind her for the whole eye ogle. Sky glares up and points her little finger. “Mammoth! I’m gonna have to date you, aren’t I? ’Cause having you around is scaring away all my future prospects. You’re the size of the Empire State Building, for God’s sake.” She stomps off, complaining, “Are all Italians this damn stubborn?” She struggles to drag her tube that’s bigger than her. Rocco turns to us and gives a huge smile and a big ol’ thumbs-up.

  We’re speechless.

  Noticing our expressions, Roc asks, “What?”

  Jolene walks past him to follow Sky. “Remind me to hug you, Roc.”

  “For what?”

  Josh walks past him. “For saving our lives, brother.”

  Josh, Jolene, Dereck, and I have been with Sky for weeks—crying, hugging, and wondering if she will ever fully return to us. Rocco has been with her for not even a full hour, and she’s already showing the first signs of real spunk and fight. I will love Roc forever.

  Rocco runs to catch up to Sky. “Now that we are dating, can I kiss you?”

  She winces. “What? I was kidding—”

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited to kiss you?”

  Jolene steps forward to interfere, but Josh gently grabs her elbow.

  Sky continues, “Rocco, I’m not sure you’ll want to date me if you know—”

  “Months. Months, Sky.” He picks her up and stands her on a rock so they see eye to eye.

  “But, Rocco, you need to know—”

  “That I’m crazy for you, that’s all I need to know. Please let me kiss you.”

  “Well, yes, but—”

  Rocco doesn’t stop staring. “Josh, you may want to close your eyes.”

  Josh looks away. “My baby.”

  Sky says, “Rocco, I think—” He leans in and places his lips to hers. Rocco holds Sky in a powerful kiss that is innocent yet miraculous. He doesn’t shut his eyes until her arms wrap around his neck, and she melts to him. Their mouths open for each other. This incredible kiss—a long time coming—might just be making up for every missed moment.

  “Can I look yet?”

  Jolene inhales freely. “Only if you want to see how much he already loves her.”

  Josh opens one eye, then grabs his heart. “I love being right.”

  She elbows him.

  Alex and Payton start introducing Josh and Jolene to the two new guys they’re hanging with. Still ankle deep in water—because I’ve been watching Sky—I take a step and almost fall back on a rock. Before I can even say ouch, Dereck scoops me up. “Dereck, it was a pebble.”

  He looks dumbfounded. “Uh, I can’t explain what just happened.”

  With all the stuff going on at home, I love feeling Dereck’s affections. Whether unexplainable or just kind, they stir me. They make me want more of him. I reach for his face and gently pull him to me for a kiss. We haven’t had enough time for strong kisses because of Skyler’s and my exhaustion, but nothing is in my way right now. I slide my tongue into his mouth, and he seems just as starved for much-needed, good old-fashioned make-out sessions. His mouth is so tender that I could stay here for an eternity.

  Struggling for air, Dereck puts me on my feet. I whisper, “I need you… closer to me.”

  His forehead falls to mine, and his hands cup my face. “Do you know what you do to me when you say things like that, especially after you lay a kiss on me that has already left me on a cliff?”

  I kiss him again. “I need alone time with you, Dereck.”

  His fingers slide into my belt loops, and he pulls on me. I can feel parts of his body reacting to mine. Shakily, he whispers, “We can float ahead, or we can have time tonight.” He kisses me, and something in my belly calls to him—aches for more.

  “Yes, tonight,” I say, almost hypnotized. “Wait… I can’t tonight.” I think of my mom being alone with Father. Chances are he will be present again, like last night. She won’t survive without me.

  Dereck’s insides are set afire. His light tells me so. He’s no longer a hormonal teenager that needs me in ways that could make a church girl blush. Now he’s entering protective-Dereck mode, and our delicious moment disintegrates into drama. “She’s drinking again,” he growls.

  I know he’s angry because I didn’t tell him. “Shhh, please don’t do this… it’s my birthday.”

  Dereck is biting his lip, staring down the river.

nbsp; “Hey, don’t worry. I have a Jeep now—”

  “Will you drive away? If anything goes down with your dad, will you get in the Jeep and come to me?”

  I want to swallow my tongue as it betrays him. “Y-Yes.”

  “Okay, birthday girl, but I can only stand by for so long. A time is going to come when you need to trust me. If you promise to trust me, and I mean a promise you intend to keep, I will leave you alone for the day. Only today. Deal?”

  I try to distract him with a kiss, but he pulls away. “No. No, Baby Doll. I know better than to touch those lips and still try to see straight. Promise, or I’m going to Josh, right now.”

  My next distraction is my ace in the hole—my pout—but Dereck must mean, business because he starts to step around me to tell the Wise Ones. I grab his waist. “Okay, okay. I promise, but today is mine.”

  After some socializing, we’re back on the river. I kept my distance from Alex, and no one questioned me about it. I have the man she still wants. She hates me. What is there to discuss? She was hanging all over some guy that seemed… suspicious to me. And I didn’t miss the way she kept looking to see if Dereck was witnessing her embarrassing display of slobbery affection.

  The mood of the Crew has changed. Dereck hasn’t told them what is going on, but my friends are far from stupid—they’re observing Dereck stewing in his tube. Dereck’s words keep echoing in my head—lose the battle but win the war… promise to trust me… I love you. Dereck reaches for my hand, and I feel his love and his soul telling me, I’m not mad at you, Baby Doll. This makes me relax, and my eyes close to soak up the sun.

  Still floating above the growing white light, we’re now sitting, facing each other, holding hands. “You are right to want to trust him.” Her face is shadowed by her brown cloak.

  Wind begins to gather strength, threatening to blow and move us, so I wrap my arms around her neck in a panic—I have to know before they take her. “Who?”


  She’s ripped from my embrace—

  “Dereck!” I jerk awake.

  “I’m here.” He’s floating in the water next to my tube, still holding my hand. “I just needed to cool off.”

  I lie back down, wanting to shake the feeling of something coming. Run from the unseen dark storm hovering over me. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

  Probably seeing my distress, Dereck distracts me. “Can I get a ride home, birthday girl?”

  It works. I gasp. “Dereck! I have a Jeep!” I leap out of my tube.

  Holding me and my tube, he smirks. “You do?”

  I kiss his nose. “How can I ever repay you?”

  Josh covers his eyes. “They’re going to do it soon. I just know it.”

  Jolene laughs. “Just ’cause he bought her a Jeep?”

  “No, because of how she asked that question. My baby girl never sounded sexy before.” He mutters to himself, “Damn, Dereck.”

  “How’s this my fault?”

  I attempt to climb back into my tube. “I wish we were having sex.”

  Josh shrieks, “What?”

  Dereck’s eyes widen. “What?”

  “Yes, you keep being all respectful and putting the brakes on—” I slip, and my ass is presented on a tube platter for Dereck’s view. Again.


  “Josh! She keeps putting it in my face!”

  Jolene winks. “Now we know why.”

  I laugh—“Yes, ma’am”—as Dereck pushes me back into my tube. I get situated, saying, “Can you imagine the sweet lovemaking I would have with this gentle man?”

  Jolene is right with me. “Nothin’ like some sweet, sweet love.”

  “My first time was taken from me!”

  Our heads snap to Sky. I’m instantly ashamed of the conversation. Josh is out of his tube in the blink of an eye, swimming to her as she cries. Rocco stares at me for confirmation; I close my eyes and nod. Clinging to her tube, Josh grabs Sky’s hand.

  Jolene seems disgusted with herself, grabbing her chest. “Oh, Sky. I’m so sorry—”

  “No. Don’t be. I love you. You should be able to talk about sex whenever you want, but hearing about Serenity’s first time and… and how wonderful it will be makes me realize I will never have that.” With Skyler’s misery growing and her emotions overflowing, we do as we were told. We listen. “It’s gone! My first time is gone!” She faces Josh and grasps at the hand holding hers. “Josh! I want it back! I want the beauty they speak of! Josh, please!”

  He kisses her hands but says nothing.

  We listen.

  After her healthy rant of unspeakable pain, her sobs subside, as does her dream of reclaiming innocence. “He took it from me. He took it from me…”

  Not one eye is dry. Everyone’s heart aches as we witness her reality being exposed.

  “He did not take it from you, not what Serenity is talking about.”

  All heads face Rocco to see if it is truly him speaking with this incredibly soothing voice. “I don’t know who hurt you, and you don’t need to share it with me if you don’t want to, but that person did not hold you and give you the love you so deserve. Therefore, all he got from you was a physical moment that has passed. And he, along with that moment, is gone. What’s coming to you is honesty, love, compassion, and the beautiful moment that you can hold in your heart for the rest of your life. That, my sweet angel, he did not take from you. That is yours.”

  Motionless, Skyler stares at him as though those words are the most perfect words she could’ve ever heard. After a pause, she swallows. “You don’t… think… I’m… damaged goods?”

  “What happened to you is not who you are. It might change who you become, if you let it. But what I see is a strong young woman pushing forward. Sky, I want to be by your side even more than ever because of that, and I believe your strength will help you choose not to let this travesty own you. Damaged goods? No way. Admiration for who you are? Yes, that’s what I see.”

  Skyler continues to stare at him, and relief oozes from her body. It’s not even necessary to have my kind of gifts to see it. She slowly nods then lies back in her tube, closes her eyes, and… smiles.

  No one’s smile has ever made me cry before, but this is no ordinary smile.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Lights Go Out

  “Look! I have windshield wipers!” I’m excited as I get behind the wheel of my first vehicle.

  Dereck’s eyes are going left and right, following the blades. “Yes, but it’s not raining, Serenity.”

  “I have a Jeep—with a horn! Listen.”

  Beep! Beep!

  Dereck smiles.

  “Dereck, you didn’t spend all your money on this, did you?”

  He keeps smiling, shaking his head as if I’m clueless about his wealth. “No, I’m good.” I give him a famous eagle eye. Dereck chuckles and gestures with his palms. “Easy, Josh Jr., here’s the facts. My mom said when I was younger, my dad sent way too much money to her for child support, so she put it away for me. And he still sends me a check, every month. I call it guilt money. I normally work during the summers but didn’t this year—I was too busy chasing some girl around.”

  He winks at me; I melt.

  “My mom taught me to save. And my accountant and lawyers have made some great investments for me. This Jeep didn’t even put a dent in my financial planning. So make sure you fill the tank with your new gas card, or the Jeep will break.”

  “It will break?”

  “Yes, they tend to stop running with no fuel.”

  “Smart ass.”

  “Ya good now?”

  I inhale deeply. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Great. Now watch where you’re going, before I buy you driving lessons.”

  “What? I’m a good driver. Josh taught me.”

  “Did he teach you to keep an eye on the road?”

  “I got this, Hamilton.”

  “What you got is the attention of the officer pulling us over. Do you use your mirrors, like, at all?”

  “What?” My eyes race to my rearview mirror that I may or may not have been using. “No way!” Sure enough, I’m being pulled over. “Oh my God. Am I going to jail?”

  Dereck reaches into the glove compartment. “If you don’t pull over, you are.” His head jolts as I run over a curb to avoid my prison sentence. “Get new tires, check.” Dereck points ahead. “There’s a pothole over there if you want to damage the suspension.”

  “The what? Suspension—Dereck! This is serious!”

  Dereck’s so calm and collected, as though this is a part of his everyday world. “Pull out your license.” From the middle console, I immediately dig through my purse, throwing belongings all over the Jeep while looking for my wallet. “Um, Serenity?”

  I’m panting with nerves. “Yeah?”

  “Now might be a good time to roll down your window.”

  “What?” Dereck points behind me. I look over my shoulder and jump. “Oh, shit!” The black officer is so tall he has to duck down to see in my window. I fumble to roll down the window because I don’t know where the button is yet. “Hello, Officer. How are you—”

  “License and registration, please.”

  Borderline hysterical, I reach back into my purse. “Oh, Dereck. The officer is crabby, and I don’t know what a registration is—”

  Dereck hands me a piece of paper. “This should help.”

  The officer says, “I’m pulling you over because you were weaving over the lines.”

  “Told ya,” Dereck singsongs.

  Out of the side of my mouth, I whisper, “Shut up,” and hand over my license and the piece of paper to the officer.

  Mr. Crabby reads it. “Says here that the vehicle is registered to a Dereck Alexander Hamilton?”


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