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Dragons of Asgard

Page 20

by Logan Jacobs

  hand, only it appeared to be ripped. She stared up at me with curiosity, and I

  shook my head slightly to clear it before I crouched down in front of her.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  “She wouldn’t answer me,” Kas said from behind me, and I could hear

  the concern in her voice.

  “You are Valkyrie,” the woman hissed in a lilting, almost musical


  “Whoa,” I said, and I held my hands up. “Kas is good, she helped me

  save you.”

  “Valkyrie do not come here,” the woman huffed with a shake of her

  head. “The light elves and Valkyrie do not get along.”

  “I see,” I muttered, and I turned to Kas and raised an eyebrow at her,

  but she just shrugged like she had no idea what the woman was talking about,


  “I’m only half Valkyrie if it helps,” Kas offered, but the elf just eyed

  her warily.

  “I’m Rath,” I said before I gestured to my companions. “This is Blar,

  and that’s Kas. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Asta,” the woman answered, and then she looked at Blar and

  cocked her head to the side. “He is… your pet?”

  “Not exactly,” I replied. “He’s… my friend.”

  “How strange,” the elf murmured, and her white eyebrows furrowed

  over her golden eyes. “I have never heard of a dragon friend. Dragons just eat

  and breed and destroy.”

  I realized then this woman could see Blar in his true form.

  “Do you not interact with the dragons?” I asked, since I was curious as

  to how this world worked when we’d just seen a group of dragons in a valley

  an hour ago.

  “No.” Asta shook her head. “We leave them be, and they leave us be.

  Or so we hope.”

  “How did you know he was a dragon?” I asked.

  “He breathed fire,” the elf girl said in a serious tone.

  “Right,” I agreed with a frown. “But Kas enchanted him to look like a

  dog, how can you see him?”

  “Light elves can see through enchantments and other magic,” she

  scoffed. “We are magical beings ourselves.”

  “I see,” I murmured. I was curious to learn more about that, but I

  didn’t want to push the issue at the moment, so I looked down and saw she

  clutched her coin purse tighter. “Is your coin purse ripped? I’m sure my friend can help with that.”

  I turned to Kas, and she rolled her eyes, but I gave her a look that said

  ‘give the judgmental elf girl a chance, we don’t know this world’, so the

  sorceress sighed and leaned down.

  “I can,” Kas said. “I can fix it if you’d like.”

  “You would do that?” Asta asked, and her yellow eyes narrowed with


  “Yes,” the blonde answered. “If you’d like me to.”

  “Okay,” Asta agreed a little reluctantly, and she poured her coins out

  into her hand then handed the bag over to Kas.

  “Let’s get you off the ground,” I said as Kas started a spell to fix the

  ripped bag.

  I offered my hand to the elf girl, and she looked at me for a moment

  before she took it and allowed me to help pull her up.

  “Thank you for saving me,” she said, and her pink lips parted into a


  “We’re happy to help,” I said with a smile, and Blar proudly nodded

  his little head. Then I heard Kas grumble something, but I ignored it. “Where

  are you traveling to?”

  “Everywhere,” Asta answered and shrugged, “nowhere. I’m on my

  own now, so I go wherever I feel like. I want to look at all places. I’ve never

  seen a Valkyrie in this world, though, nor have I seen an Aesir with a


  “Neither of us mean your home any harm,” I assured her. “Kas is only

  part Valkyrie, and she draws her magic from dragons and their scales. We

  were able to find some scales in your world that will be very useful to her.”

  “I see,” Asta said with a slight nod. “And you?”

  “I found Blar in Asgard when he was still an egg,” I explained. “We’ve

  bonded, and I came to other worlds to look for more dragon eggs to see if I

  can train other dragons as well.”

  “Hm,” Asta hummed as she narrowed her eyes and scrutinized me.

  “We really didn’t know there was any sort of trouble between Valkyrie

  and elves,” Kas said with a smile as she handed Asta her newly fixed coin


  “She’s right,” I agreed. “If we had, then we would have been more


  “You are lucky you ran into me, then,” Asta said.

  “I’d say it’s the other way around,” Kas chuckled. “But honestly, my

  mother passed away when I was young, I don’t remember her at all, so I

  don’t really know much about that half of me.”

  “I am sorry to hear that,” Asta replied, and she seemed sincere. The elf

  looked down to the ground, then back up at us with bright yellow eyes. “My

  mother and father have passed away as well, that is why I am out on my


  “Oh.” I frowned as I turned to Kas, then back to Asta. “Why don’t you

  come with us for a while? We’re traveling around as well.”

  “You’d like me to travel with you?” Asta asked as she cocked her head

  to the side.

  “You said you wanted to see all places?” I reminded her.

  “I did, yes.” She nodded. “I am just surprised you would offer me so

  quickly, but I suppose you two are good, since you risked your lives to save


  “Maybe traveling with us would help you see not all Valkyries are

  bad,” I said with a shrug. “Kas is incredible, and she’s a wonderful sorceress.

  Plus, it’s safer to travel in numbers. There might be more of those draugrs

  around, or other creatures.”

  “Well,” Asta murmured as she looked over at Kas and pursed her lips,

  but then she glanced back at Blar and me and smiled slightly. “Alright, I’ll


  “Great,” I said, and I couldn’t contain the grin that came over my face.

  I didn’t know why exactly, but something told me Asta could be

  important to our journey. Besides, there was something about her that pulled

  me in. She and Kas were a couple of the most gorgeous women I’d ever seen,

  and now I got to have both of them around, at least for a while.

  Part of me worried Kas might be upset with me for inviting Asta to

  join us since she and I had just soul bonded, but that was part of the reason I

  felt comfortable doing so. Kas and I’s relationship was secure, we were

  bonded, and I sensed that bond down to my core.

  “Should we head home, then?” Kas asked. “I don’t really want to run

  into another of those undead things.”

  “Good idea,” I agreed. We also didn’t know exactly when the portal

  would close, and we’d already been in this world for some time, so it was

  better to be safe than sorry. I turned toward the portal and reached out both

  my hands toward the women. “Ready?”

  “Are we leaving this realm?” Asta asked with a frown. “I thought we

  would travel here.”

  “We use these portals to get around,” I explained. “And they all close

  within a certain number
of hours. We need to get back through before it

  closes, but we can always come back later if you want to come home.”

  “I see,” the elf said, and her white eyebrows pulled together slightly as she thought. “Well… I suppose there is nothing for me here. And a new

  realm could be exciting. So, I will go.”

  “Good,” I said with a smile, and I reached my hand out again.


  As much as I wanted to look around the world some more since we

  now knew there were dragons here, we didn’t know how long the portal had

  been opened, so it was safer to head back home. Besides, we’d found several

  dragon scales and added a beautiful new companion to our party. Overall,

  we’d still had a wonderful day, and I had a lot more to think about now that

  I’d seen the dragon babies with their mother.

  “Ready,” Kas said, and as she smiled at me and took my hand, her

  violet eyes were filled with excitement.

  I realized then she understood we were bonded as well, and there was

  no resentment that Asta had now joined our party.

  “I’m ready, too,” Asta announced. Her yellow eyes still looked a bit

  hesitant, but I just grabbed her hand and led all four of us through the portal

  and back to Asgard.

  Chapter 12

  Once we were back in Asgard, I knew the girls were hungry, and too

  tired to make it back to my home, so I started a campfire and gathered some

  wild vegetables and greens for dinner.

  “What is it you’re cooking?” Asta asked as she sniffed delicately at the

  steam that came from the pot.

  “It’s a stew,” I told her, but then I considered she wasn’t from our

  world. “I’m sorry, I should have asked what you could or couldn’t eat.”

  “Our worlds are not so different that I can’t eat your food,” she

  chuckled. “Besides, it smells delightful, I’d like to try some.”

  “It’ll be ready soon,” I told her, and Kas smiled at me.

  The elf girl still seemed skeptical of Kas, but she watched as the

  blonde Valkyrie played with Blar while I cooked. Kas threw a small stick for

  him and taught him how to fetch, though I think the little dragon was only in

  it for the pumpkin seeds.

  I prepared a leek and potato stew for the group, along with some

  cornbread. I always kept a bag of flour and cornmeal handy even though

  Larena often gave me bread. Mine never turned out to be quite as good as the

  old woman’s, but I still liked to try, and each time I found it got a little bit


  Once the meal was finished cooking, I dished the four of us up bowls. I

  set Blar’s down by the fire, along with his little piece of cornbread, and

  handed Asta and Kas their own before I picked up my own bowl and placed a

  large spoonful of stew into my mouth. It was delicious, and I closed my eyes

  to savor the taste for a moment. I’d always enjoyed a good stew, and they

  were one of the dishes I thought I’d mastered out here on my own, whenever

  I purchased a bowl in town I never felt it was up to par. It could always use a

  little something extra, and it was for that reason I hadn’t eaten anywhere in

  the city in a long time. Food was better if I prepared it myself, it seemed.

  “Oh, my,” Asta sighed through a mouthful of stew, and her eyes closed

  in pleasure.

  “Rath’s a pretty good cook,” Kas chuckled.

  “This is spectacular,” the white-haired elf girl told me with a smile,

  then she turned to Kas. “Does he cook for you every evening?”

  “Most often,” Kas said with a shrug. “I’m not a very good cook


  “What about you, Asta?” I asked. “Do you like to cook?”

  “I have not cooked in a long time,” the elf girl said. “Not since my

  parents died.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said with a frown. “You’re welcome to cook here anytime you’d like.”

  “I appreciate that,” Asta said, and her yellow eyes looked down then

  back up at me through thick white eyelashes.

  My stomach jumped, then, but I quickly looked away to regain my

  composure. Asta was gorgeous, but I didn’t want to make her or Kas feel


  Instead, I looked down at Blar, who’s bowl was now half empty. The

  little dragon looked up at me with his face covered in stew, smiled, licked his

  lips, then went back down for some more.

  He was quite a bit like me.

  I shook my head and reached down to stroke his back. He had such a

  fun personality, and even though I hadn’t had him for long, I couldn’t

  imagine my life without him.

  After dinner was over, I gathered the bowls and rinsed them with some

  water, and by the time I turned around, Asta was curled up next to the fire

  with Blar nestled in her snowy hair. Both of them were fast asleep, and I

  couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle.

  “That didn’t take long, did it?” I whispered to Kas as I sat down next to

  her across the fire from the sleeping elf and dragon.

  “She must have been exhausted,” Kas murmured. “I’m sure it was hard

  being out there on her own.”

  “I’m glad we were able to help,” I said.

  “Me, too,” Kas told me with a smile. Her strawberry-blonde hair was

  lit up by the firelight, and her violet eyes were bright and searching as she

  looked at me.

  “You’re beautiful,” I told her, and I reached out to place my hand on

  her soft, warm cheek.

  “I need you,” the blonde whispered as her violet eyes locked onto


  “What do you mean?” I asked, though my breath had already

  quickened at her words.

  “I need to feel you inside of me,” she pushed, and she placed her hands

  on my chest and pressed them hard against me. “I need to feel your seed


  “Asta and Blar are right there,” I whispered, since I was worried the elf

  girl might wake up and see us. As much as I wanted Kas, I also didn’t want to

  freak out our new companion.

  “Please, Rath,” Kas begged, and her breath grew shallow as she ran her

  hands over my chest and abs. “I need to feel you, I’ve waited long enough.”

  “Well,” I started, and I bit my lip. I so badly wanted to just say yes, but I was still concerned about our new party member.

  “I’ll be quiet, I promise,” Kas whispered, and she leaned in to kiss my

  neck. “I just… have a need only you can satisfy.”

  “Ohhhh,” I groaned as her soft, red lips caressed me. “Yeah, yeah,

  we’ll just be quiet.”

  “Mhmmmm,” Kas murmured, and the vibration tickled my neck and

  sent a shiver down my spine.

  The blonde continued to kiss along my neck, then up to my jawbone as

  her hands worked on my tunic. Then she pulled the long piece of fabric over

  my head then started to work on the string that held my pants tight.

  She was eager, and her enthusiasm made me rock hard. I could hear

  her heavy breaths and see her eyes rake over every inch of my body as her

  hands worked on my pants.

  “Oh, gods, I want you so bad,” she whimpered under her breath.

  “I want you, too,” I whispered back as I moved my hands along her

  body to se
ttle on her heavy, full breasts.

  Kas let out a loud moan when the tie to my pants finally came undone

  and my erection sprang out and landed in her hands.

  “Shhh,” I reminded her, but she just looked up at me with eyelids

  heavy from desire.

  “I need you,” she gasped again, and she stood up and ripped off her

  tunic dress to reveal her naked body.

  I stared at her nude glory for a minute. Her pale skin was cast in an

  orange glow from the fire, and the golden curls that covered her womanhood

  glistened for me already. Her nipples were hard and taut, and the sight of

  them made my cock twitch.

  Kas crawled on top of me then as I sat cross-legged, and her sex

  hovered just inches from the head of my erection.

  “You feel so good,” she moaned as she ran her hands down my arms

  and back.

  I reached up to pinch her pert, red nipples, and she threw her head back

  and let out a loud groan.

  “You said you’d be quiet,” I chuckled softly as I put my hand over her

  mouth. “I’m going to have to keep you quiet, aren’t I?”

  Kas locked eyes with me then, and I felt her warm breath on my hand

  as she lowered herself onto my cock. My hand vibrated as she moaned into it,

  but I just held it tighter in place as she sat on my lap.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as Kas slowly took the whole of my erection. Her

  pussy was ready for me, soft and wet, but she was still tight enough to cause

  an almost unbearable amount of friction along my girth as I penetrated her.

  I pulled my hand away from her mouth, then, and reached around to

  cup her perfect ass as she wrapped her legs around my back and ground

  against me, but she quickly started to moan again, so I leaned forward and

  captured her mouth with mine to quiet her.

  The blonde’s curls bounced as she ground her hips up and down on my

  erection, and her hair’s floral scent overwhelmed me as they brushed past my

  face. It was dainty and feminine and made me want her all the more.

  “Oh, gods,” Kas gasped as she pulled her mouth from mine to whisper

  into my ear. She clung tightly to my shoulders as she continued to grind

  against me. “I can feel your pleasure as if it were my own.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I can feel how bad you want me,” she breathed. “Our bond, I can…

  feel your pleasure as you scrape inside of me… as I feel my own as you do


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