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Dragons of Asgard

Page 21

by Logan Jacobs

  so… I feel both… Ohhh, Rath… This… It’s incredible… It’s… ”

  Her voice trailed off as her nails dug into my back, and her pussy

  spasmed around me with pleasure.

  The feel of her orgasm made my cock twitch, and I held her in place as

  I savored every last pulse that ran through her.

  “You’re so sexy,” I moaned as I ran my fingers through her long, pink-

  gold curls.

  I grabbed her hair and gently tugged back so her long neck was

  revealed to me, then I began to kiss down it to her collarbone and finally to

  her breast. I took her taut nipple into my mouth, and as I toyed with it, she

  began to move faster on my cock.

  “The bond feels so good… It’s amazing… Ohhhh, I’m so glad I’m

  yours,” she groaned, and she started to moan louder, so I pulled her head

  down to mine to take her mouth once more. Her loudness only made me want

  her more, but I didn’t want to wake up the whole world, either.

  Kas bounced up and down as I held onto her hips and helped her keep

  pace, and before I knew it, her pussy spasmed on me again as another orgasm

  rolled through her. This time, I didn’t hold her in place, though, I gripped her

  hips tightly and moved her on my cock. Just when I thought her orgasm was

  over, she came again, and her body tensed against me as she was overcome

  by pleasure.

  “I just… keep… climaxing,” she hissed. “It’s incredible. I feel it all,

  Rath. I feel all of you feeling me. This bond… I love it.”

  “You do seem to really like it,” I whispered.

  “I need your seed,” she breathed against my mouth. “Fill me with

  yourself, Rath. Give me every drop. I want to feel what you feel when you

  pour deep inside of me.”

  “As you wish.” I pulled her down onto my cock hard, then, and as her

  body tensed with yet another orgasm, my cock twitched, and I growled as I

  released deep inside of her.

  My seed sprayed up like a geyser and coated her womb like milk

  filling a bowl, and Kas let out a powerful scream as she felt my pleasure

  amplify with her own. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand, even

  though I knew it was already too late. People a mile away could have heard

  her cries of pleasure.

  We sat there for a moment, spasming together as my cream filled her

  accepting body, our breaths heavy and strained until I was able to breathe

  normally again. Then I looked down and realized Kas was fast asleep against

  my chest. Our lovemaking and the sensation of the bond she got from me had

  clearly knocked her out with ecstasy, and I smiled to myself at a job well


  I lifted the blonde off my lap and slowly slid my cock out of her

  dripping tunnel, and then I laid her gently by the fire and covered her up with

  one of the blankets I kept nearby.

  Once she was situated, I turned to stoke the fire, but I was startled to

  see Asta laying across from me with her yellow eyes open.

  “Shit,” I breathed as I made eye contact with the elf girl. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were awake.”

  “It’s alright,” Asta whispered, and her yellow eyes raked over my body

  and reminded me I was still naked, so I grabbed my tunic from the ground

  and covered my manhood.

  “I, uhhh,” I stammered and rubbed the back of my neck. “I didn’t mean

  to wake you.”

  “I enjoyed watching you two together,” Asta said, and her face was

  serious, though her eyelids were heavy.

  “Oh,” I said, unsure exactly how to respond. “Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome,” the white-haired woman replied nonchalantly, and

  then she cocked her head to the side and looked at me. “You must be an

  incredible lover. The Valkyrie seemed to enjoy herself… many, many times,

  and I saw your sperm flow like a river from her when you slid free. It was


  “I, uhhhh,” I stammered again, even more unsure of what to say to


  “Perhaps I am jealous,” Asta sighed, and then she closed her eyes.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but after just a few seconds, the beautiful

  elf’s breathing was even with sleep.

  Part of me wondered if she would even remember the encounter in the

  morning, or if she’d been in some sort of sleepwalking state. I didn’t dwell on

  it too much, though. I was exhausted from lovemaking, so I laid down by Kas

  and closed my eyes as well.

  The next morning, I woke before the women and Blar and went to

  gather us breakfast. Asta had slept on one side of the fire, and Blar, Kas and I

  had slept on the other side.

  I took a moment to admire the sleeping women.

  Asta’s pale hair laid next to her, and it was so long and thick it was

  almost like an entirely different entity all on its own. Her bright pink lips

  were parted slightly as she took in slow and steady breaths, the morning light

  shone down on her pale skin, and she looked even more beautiful than she

  had when we’d met the day before. We hadn’t spent much time together the

  previous night, since when we returned to Asgard it was nearly dark, and

  Asta seemed incredibly tired after being attacked by the draugr. She’d eaten

  some dinner, then immediately fallen asleep by the fire, and we hadn’t

  disturbed her. Except for her waking up to see me naked, but part of me

  hoped she wouldn’t remember that encounter. I’d tried to keep Kas quiet, but

  she’d still managed to wake up the elf girl.

  Kas slept soundly on her side of the smoldering fire pit with Blar

  curled up in her long blonde locks. The little dragon was nestled into her

  neck, and he snored lightly as he slept. Kas’ red lips were pouted out even more than usual, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss them, but I didn’t

  want to risk waking her up.

  So, I went to the river and caught us some fish for breakfast. Then,

  once I got back to our campsite, I got the fire going again and boiled some

  rice to go with the fish. I also cut up the last of the bread Larena had given us

  and set it out on leaves for each of us. We’d need to go to my house soon and

  grab some fruits and vegetables for our travels, but I’d worry about that later.

  “Mmm,” Kas moaned just then, and she sat up with her eyes still


  Blar tumbled away from her as she pulled her hair out from under him,

  and I had to laugh at his shocked expression.

  “Good morning,” I chuckled.

  “Morning,” the blonde said, and she stretched and yawned, then

  reached over to stroke under Blar’s chin.

  “I thought everyone could use some breakfast after yesterday,” I

  explained as I gestured to the cooking fish and rice.

  “Good thinking,” Kas agreed, and she looked over at Asta, who still

  slept soundly. “She must have been exhausted.”

  “I’m sure she was.” I nodded. “She said she traveled on her own.”

  “I bet that’s already tiresome,” Kas said with a frown. “Plus, she got attacked yesterday. I wonder how often that happens since she’s always on

  her own.”

  “Far too often, I’m sure,” I murmured with a shake of my head.

  “I’m glad you asked her to join us.” Kas smiled as she
glanced back at


  “You are?” I asked as I raised my eyebrows. “I wasn’t sure, since she

  seemed to dislike Valkyrie so much.”

  “I’m not crazy about that part,” Kas chuckled. “But you’re right, this

  will give her the opportunity to see me for who I am instead of judging me

  based only on my lineage. Besides, I think it’s good to have other travelers in

  the group sometimes. I bet there’s things she knows we wouldn’t have even

  thought of.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay with it,” I said, and I smiled at the blonde. She

  was remarkable in every way, and I found something new to love about her

  every day.

  “Something smells good,” Asta mumbled, and Kas and I both turned to

  look at her. The white-haired elf woman sat up and blinked her beautiful

  yellow eyes at us, then smiled wide and stretched out her arms. “Is that


  “It is,” I laughed. “I thought everyone would be hungry.”

  “I’m starved,” she admitted.

  “Rath is a great cook,” Kas added.

  “This isn’t anything special.” I shrugged. “Just some fish I caught this


  Blar walked over to me, then, and sniffed at the fish in the pan on the

  fire before he looked up at me and smacked his lips.

  “It will be done soon,” I told him, and he jumped up into my lap so I

  could scratch under his chin.

  He’d already grown even more, and he now took up the whole of my

  lap. It would get more and more difficult to hide him, but I wasn’t ready to go

  to the council, not yet at least.

  I thought about what they might say while our breakfast finished

  cooking, then I served each of us a plate, and we all ate quietly.

  Blar ate his fish first, and he looked up at me with a little smile when

  he was done. I smiled back, patted his head, and wondered if all species of

  dragon had as good of taste in food as he did.

  “That was delicious,” Asta sighed after a few minutes, and I looked

  down at her plate to see it was completely empty.

  “I’m glad you liked it,” I chuckled. “I made some extra in case anyone

  was still hungry. Would you like more fish and rice?”

  “Yes, please,” she said, and she handed me her plate.

  I dished her up some more and handed it back to her, and I felt then

  that it was a good thing I’d invited her to join the party. With how tired and

  hungry she was, I didn’t think she’d been doing well on her own. She was a

  sweet girl, though, and I was happy Kas and I could help her in some way.

  “I told you Rath was a good cook,” Kas laughed, and she flashed a

  smile at me.

  “You were correct,” Asta agreed through a mouthful of fish. Then the

  elf girl swallowed loudly and turned to me. “What will we do today?”

  “We can see if there’s an open portal nearby,” I said. “We’ll need to go

  back to my house sometime soon to gather some fruits and vegetables for our

  travels, but we can do that whenever.”

  “I’d like to go on an adventure with you,” the white-haired woman

  confessed with a small smile. “I want to see more of what you do.”

  “Sure,” I agreed. “We can do that. Kas, what do you think?”

  “I’ll check the map,” the blonde said, and she set her plate down and

  reached for her satchel.

  “Oh, please finish eating first,” Asta argued with a frown. “I didn’t

  mean to interrupt your meal.”

  “It’s alright,” Kas told her, and she pulled out the map and looked it over. “It looks like there is a portal open today. Two, actually.”

  “Great.” I grinned, but then I noticed Blar trying to sneak over to Kas’

  plate. “Blar!”

  The little dragon stopped and looked at me, then laid down, as if he

  was just wanting to sit by the fire. I glared at him to let him know I didn’t buy

  his act for a second, but he just rolled over onto his back and tried to look

  cute and innocent while he showed me his tummy.

  “You had yours,” Kas chuckled and grabbed her plate from the ground.

  “Once Kas has finished eating, we’ll head over to the closest portal,” I

  told Asta.

  “Alright,” the elf girl agreed with a fervent nod. She was obviously

  excited to have joined our party, and she seemed to be warming up to Kas

  already. I figured it wouldn’t take long, since Kas really was a wonderful

  person, and there was no reason for Asta to dislike her. It did make me

  curious about this feud between the Valkyries and the Light Elves, but I

  thought I’d wait until Asta was more comfortable with Kas to ask about that.

  While Kas finished her breakfast, I put out the fire and looked over the

  map. The new portal wasn’t too far of a walk from where we currently were.

  Part of me wished it was a bit further away even, since I wanted to show Asta

  Asgard and all the beauty it had to offer. I figured she’d be with us for a while, though, and there would be plenty of time to show her around.

  Even if we wouldn’t have to walk too far to get to the portal, it was

  already a beautiful morning. The wind was floral smelling from the spring

  flowers, and the sun was up high in a clear blue sky. It was warm, but not hot,

  and I enjoyed the feel of the heat on my face as I sat down and sharpened my


  “I’m ready whenever everyone else is,” Kas announced after a minute.

  “Let’s go,” I said with a grin at both girls.

  Blar hopped up from where he had laid down earlier and shook his

  little body before he ran over to me and put both of his front paws on my

  legs. I pulled out the rope we used as his leash and began to tie it around him.

  “Is that necessary?” Asta asked, and she tilted her head to the side.

  “It just makes him look like more of a dog to everyone around,” Kas


  “Will he run away if you don’t have it on him?” the elf girl wondered.

  “No,” I said with a shake of my head, and I thought about what she

  was saying and stopped tying the lead. “You think you can handle being off

  leash today?”

  Blar looked up at me excitedly and nodded his little head, and I noticed

  then that his horns had gotten bigger, too. He was growing so damn fast.

  “Alright.” I smiled and stroked his scaly skin. “Just stay close. And no

  stealing food.”

  “The leash may not be necessary,” Kas chuckled, “but commanding

  him not to steal food sure is.”

  All three of us laughed, then, but Blar rolled his little eyes before he

  turned and headed for the tree line.

  I let Blar run ahead of us as Kas used the map to lead us to the portal.

  “You made this map yourself?” Asta asked as she looked over the

  blonde’s shoulder.

  “Yes,” Kas said with a smile. “I soul bonded myself to Rath in order to

  grow my powers. Before, it was very rudimentary, but now I was able to give

  it so much more detail.”

  “You soul bonded yourself to him?” Asta gasped, and she looked at

  both of us with wide eyes. “You must really love each other, and he must be

  very powerful.”

  “He does tame dragons.” Kas blushed and looked down, but I couldn’

  help but smile.

  I thought I really did love the blonde. The way I felt about her was

  different than what I’d felt for any woman before her. Something between us

  just clicked, like we’d been locked together all our lives already.

  “I’m happy to have Kas bonded to me,” I said, and the sorceress

  looked up at me with her violet eyes.

  “She certainly seems to be powerful,” Asta mused. “That map is

  impressive. And she is quite beautiful as well.”

  “Thank you,” Kas murmured as her cheeks flushed pink, and she

  nudged the elf girl with her elbow. “So are you.”

  “I know,” Asta said with a nod, and Kas and I exchanged a look before

  we laughed.

  “I’m guessing nobody really compliments anyone in your world?” I


  “There is no need.” The elf woman shrugged. “All light elves are


  I opened my mouth to comment, but Blar began to bark ahead of us,

  and I looked up to see we had nearly reached the portal.

  “Good job,” I told the little dragon.

  Kas, Asta, and I walked toward the swirling pool of air, ready to enter,

  but Blar stepped in our way and barked at us.

  “Is he alright?” Asta questioned, and she looked slightly scared of our

  smallest companion.

  “He’s never done this before.” Kas frowned.

  “Blar,” I said, and I knelt down so I was on his level. “What’s wrong?”

  The little dragon turned toward the portal, then back to me. He

  stomped his feet, huffed, and shook his head from side to side.

  “He doesn’t want us to go in there,” Kas whispered, and she eyed the

  portal curiously.

  “No,” I agreed. “He doesn’t.”

  But why? What was different about this portal? Was it because we had

  Asta with us? Blar was great at communicating, but he still wasn’t able to tell

  us exactly what he knew about this place.

  I sighed and thought for a moment. I didn’t want to miss out on an

  opportunity to go through a portal and find eggs, but at the same time I had to

  trust my instincts, and they said to trust Blar. He’d never steered me wrong

  before, and I didn’t think he would now. Still, I was curious as to where this

  portal led that was so bad.

  Then it dawned on me as I recalled what Kas had told me about the

  other worlds.

  “Blar,” I said quickly, “does this portal lead to Helheim?”


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