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Dragons of Asgard

Page 28

by Logan Jacobs

  against it affectionately.

  “It’s almost as if he knows the dragon inside,” Kas whispered. “How is

  that possible?”

  “Dragons are connected to each other,” Asta said. “Or so we say in my


  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Dragons rarely fight among themselves,” she explained. “It’s as if

  they have an instinct to love one another.”

  “That’s beautiful,” Kas murmured with a soft smile.

  “It is,” I agreed, but then I heard some male voices, and I knew men

  from our warband were headed our way. “I’ll hide the egg, you all quickly go

  through and see what else you can find.”

  “We just take things?” Asta asked, and she blinked at me.

  “Yes,” I chuckled as I wrapped the egg in the dark cloth from the box.

  “We defeated this tribe, so now we loot.”

  “Oh.” The elf grinned at me. “I like being with you more and more,


  “Be quick, though,” I said. “I can hear other men coming.”

  The girls rushed out of the tent while I looked around until I found a

  tough leather bag to put the egg inside. Blar stayed with me, and when I put

  the egg away, he stared at the bag with sad eyes until I offered for him to get

  in, too. The little dragon perked up then and hopped into the satchel, and I

  patted him on the head before I ducked out of the tent and started to look

  around the room.

  The girls had already started a pile near them, so I found a wagon and put their things into it, then I looked around and found a few things of my

  own to toss into the mix. The girls were drawn to whatever jewelry they

  could find, along with clothing and scrolls. I was surprised to see a couple of

  small daggers in their pile, but I was also proud they would think to grab

  them. I took whatever weapons I could get my hands on, along with any

  coins I saw, a few satchels that were always good to have around, and some

  household items like blankets and cookware.

  Once the cart was full, I ushered the girls out just as several other men

  from our warband came down the hallway.

  “Anything good down there?” one asked in a gruff voice.

  “We found some stuff,” I answered. “There’s plenty left.”

  He grunted and kept walking, so I led the girls back out of the cave and

  over to where we’d entered Jotunheim through the Bifrost.

  The rest of the group was still looting, but there didn’t appear to be

  much around except for the cave, so most of the men were picking over the


  Eira came up to us, then, and she glanced down at my companions and

  me and the bright blue blood that splattered our clothes.

  “It seems you did well,” the warband leader said with a slight smile.

  “We managed,” I joked.

  “I saw what your… dog could do,” Eira said, and she looked me up

  and down with bright green eyes that suddenly seemed hungry. “It was


  “Thank you,” I replied, and I looked to Blar, down in the bag with the

  egg. I presumed the elders had informed Eira about Blar, and she must have

  kept an eye on us during the battle to try and see if it was true.

  “He looks so much like a true dog,” Eira mused, and she reached her

  hand down toward Blar. “This enchantment works well.”

  Blar narrowed his eyes as her hand got closer to him, and he let out a

  little bark when she tried to touch him. Eira startled and jumped back slightly,

  then looked at me with wide eyes.

  “He’s aggressive?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No,” Kas said, and she walked up and stroked Blar’s chin. “He just

  doesn’t like you.”

  “He can learn to like you,” I chuckled. “Maybe give him a fruit gift

  next time?”

  “I see,” the warband leader muttered, and her jaw set as she regarded

  Kas, but she quickly turned her attention back to me. “I’m always impressed

  with your skills, Volrath. I’d like to discuss them over a pint of mead

  sometime. What do you say?”

  I was confused for a second, but then I saw Kas roll her eyes, and I

  realized Eira was hitting on me. I’d always felt that she liked me, but it

  seemed seeing me with Blar, or possibly me with two other beautiful women,

  had pushed her to make a move.

  What an interesting turn of events. I supposed women were as

  competitive as men were in some pursuits.

  “I think that will have to wait,” I said with a small smile. “We’ll need

  to meet with the elders after this is over. Maybe after?”

  “After, then. Seek me out.” Eira smiled at me, and then she gestured to

  the Bifrost behind us. The rest of the men started to head back toward it as

  well, but with her permission, we could beat them back home and not have to

  wait in line.

  “Thank you,” I replied, and I turned to usher the girls back through the

  portal between worlds.

  “Oh, and Rath,” Eira called out after me, and I turned around to see her

  still smiling at me. “Don’t keep me waiting long.”

  I felt my cheeks go slightly red, but I just nodded and headed through

  the portal with the girls. I’d never really thought Eira was attainable, strictly

  because she was the leader of my warband, and I knew she didn’t date the

  men who she commanded. It seemed she was willing to make an exception for me.

  I looked forward to having that mead as much as she did, but at the

  moment, I needed to get the egg in my satchel to safety.

  I pulled the cart behind me as we went through the portal, and the

  Bifrost keeper nodded at us when we came through. I nodded back, and the

  girls and I walked out across the rainbow bridge and headed back toward


  I led the girls back to my house and started a fire without unpacking. It

  was late afternoon, and it would be dark soon, plus I was starved after such

  an intense battle.

  I took the egg inside and placed it under my bed so it wouldn’t get too

  warm from the fire, since I didn’t want it to accidentally hatch. After that, I

  started some dinner for us as the girls went through the loot we’d recovered.

  It was more than I’d ever gotten from a single battle before, and I was happy

  with what we’d taken. Blankets, some weapons and jewelry that could either

  be sold or repurposed, and a few coins as well.

  The girls had found some things of their own, too, and they chatted and

  went through their loot while I made us dinner and Blar napped by the fire.

  We’d have to turn the egg over to the council tomorrow, and I was curious to

  see how that would go, but for the moment I was happy to just listen to the girls talk about the jewelry they’d found and what they planned to do with it.

  They’d taken off their armor from earlier and put on clean tunics, but I

  noticed there were still a few drops of blue blood on Kas’ neck, and I thought

  it cute she’d missed them. Both of the women had done well with the battle,

  especially considering it was their first one, and I was excited to see what else

  they were capable of. I knew from our previous encounters with enemies that

  Kas had some skills, but she’d proven herself quite
the brave warrior today.

  She took on the powerful enemy head on and never once gave up.

  I’d been less confident in Asta’s skills, only because I’d yet to see her

  fight, and when she’d encountered the draugr, she hadn’t seemed very

  capable. On the battlefield, though, she’d shown she had potential. It hadn’t

  fully manifested yet, but she’d remembered some of the moves I’d taught her,

  and she’d shown she was fearless against an enemy, perhaps too fearless. She

  needed some work, that was for sure, but she was smart and capable, and I

  was confident I could turn her into a great warrior yet.

  I was incredibly proud of their efforts. I thought they’d be hungry, so

  for dinner I made a large pot of potato, leek, and cabbage stew, and I made

  them a special dessert of cooked peaches with spices.

  Once the stew was ready, I gathered some bowls from inside and

  dished them up. Then I handed each of the girls one and set one in front of

  Blar. I also got the girls and I a couple of pints of mead from my personal barrel, and I put a small bowl of water next to Blar’s food bowl, too.

  The little dragon lifted his head from where he slept, stretched,

  yawned, then started to lap up the stew. It was the slowest I’d ever seen him

  eat, so I thought he had to be as tired as the rest of us were.

  Battles were often much shorter than most people would expect, but

  the amount of physical and mental exertion you put out was extremely great.

  Plus, the adrenaline crash was something else. I was always tired after a


  Kas and Asta thanked me, then took heaping spoonfuls of stew and

  devoured them.

  “This is amazing,” Kas moaned.

  “It is quite good,” Asta agreed, then she picked up the pint of mead and

  looked at it curiously. “What is this?”

  “Mead,” I explained. “It’s alcohol made from honey.”

  “Ah,” the elf girl said with a nod, then she downed the whole pint in

  just a few seconds while Kas and I watched in horror. The elf girl wiped her

  mouth then and went back to eating as if nothing had happened.

  “Um,” Kas chuckled. “You might want to take it easy with that, it can

  get you drunk pretty quickly if you’re not used to it.”

  “Actually, I find your alcohol is far less potent than what we have in my home world.” Asta shrugged. “It tastes much better, though.”

  “Hmmmm,” Kas hummed, and she turned to look at me as she stifled a


  “I’m glad you like the mead,” I chuckled. “There’s plenty more


  “Do you make it yourself?” Asta inquired.

  “I do,” I said. “But you can buy it in town as well.”

  “I’d like another pint, please,” the elf girl said with a smile.

  “You got it,” I laughed as I grabbed her glass and went back inside to

  fill it up.

  We all ate in silence then. Blar was the first one done, and he just

  pushed his bowl away then plopped back down by the fire with a heavy sigh

  and went back to sleep.

  Kas was done next, and she stared at the fire with sleepy eyes until I

  ushered her to bed.

  “Come on,” I said as I grabbed her by the arm and startled her out of

  her half-asleep food coma.

  “Huh?” she asked, and she looked up at me with heavy lids over her

  violet eyes.

  “You’re going to bed,” I said with a smile, and I pulled her up gently, walked her inside, and set her on our bed.

  “Are you going to be awake for much longer?” she whispered as her

  violet eyes blinked with heavy sleep.

  “I’ll probably be joining you soo--”

  “You should… put Asta to bed,” Kas muttered.

  “Hmmm?” I asked as I stared into her eyes.

  “She needs you, too,” Kas whispered.

  “Are you…” I started to say, but then Kas just smiled at me and raised

  her finger.

  “She watched us,” Kas said.

  “I know,” I replied.

  “That’s only part of the reason she wants you, though,” Kas purred.

  “She is adrift and searching for meaning in her life. She needs something to

  hold onto. Take her, Rath. Claim her body as you did mine and give her

  purpose. Our little tribe of dragon tamers will grow stronger.”

  “Are you…” I started to ask, but the beautiful Valkyrie just sighed,

  turned her face onto the bed, and was immediately asleep.

  “I guess that’s a blessing,” I whispered as I covered her up then headed

  back outside.

  “It was an exhausting day,” Asta sighed when I sat down again.

  “It was,” I agreed. “You did well, though. I am proud of you.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile. “I was impressed with your

  fighting as well.”

  “I appreciate that,” I replied. “But I’ve been in plenty of battles, and I

  still remember my first. You must have been nervous.”

  “A bit,” she admitted, then she looked down at the fire and back up at

  me through long, white eyelashes. “I knew you would be there to protect me,


  “Oh,” I said, and I felt my breath catch as she stared at me with bright

  yellow eyes. Her pale skin had an orange glow from the fire, and her lips

  looked pouty and so kissable. “Of course. I’d never let you or Kas get hurt.”

  “You are a valiant male,” she praised, and she scooted closer to me on

  the bench.

  “And you’re a beautiful woman,” I murmured, and I was mesmerized

  by her golden eyes as she continued to move closer to me.

  “You don’t mind that I am a Ljosalfar?” she whispered.

  “I think you already know the answer to that,” I chuckled as I reached

  my hand up to caress her chin and cheek.

  Her skin felt like silk, and I wanted to feel her entire body against


  “You said I was your Ljosalfar… when we were in town.” Her yellow

  eyes stared into mine. “You wrapped your arm around me and pulled me

  close. I was yours… For a few minutes.”

  “It was to protect you,” I whispered.

  “You don’t want to own me?” she asked as her cheeks began to blush.

  “I do want to possess you,” I purred, “but you also deserve to be


  “And you deserve to be rewarded,” she breathed, then she leaned up

  and placed her soft, pink lips against mine.

  My heart rate kicked up a notch, and I instinctively reached around to

  place my hands on her back and pull her in closer to me.

  The feel of her body in my hands was almost too much to bear, I

  wanted more of her, all of her. I wanted to grasp her tightly and bury myself

  inside of her.

  Asta kissed me deeper, then. She opened her mouth to let my tongue

  in, and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and grasped my hair with

  one hand while she pulled me in closer with the other.

  My hands moved down to her waist, and I savored the feel of her lean

  curves before I glided my hand up to her small elven breast. I could feel her

  taut nipple underneath the fabric, and I pinched it lightly until she gasped and pulled her mouth away with a loud moan.

  “Oh, Rath,” she breathed into my ear. “I want you so bad.”

  I growled at her admi
ssion and kissed my way down her neck, then I

  yanked her tunic over her head, so I could see what was underneath.

  Asta bit her lip and looked up at me as I took in the sight of her naked

  body in the fire light. She had beautiful pale skin, and the bright pink nipples

  on her peach-sized breasts matched her lips perfectly. My eyes caressed over

  the smooth skin of her stomach and down to her sex, and a groan vibrated

  deep inside my chest when I saw no public hair on her mound.

  The elf woman spread her legs for me, then, so I could see her slit, and

  she reached her hand down to rub herself while she looked at me.

  “I’m so wet for you,” she moaned, and her lids were heavy with desire.

  “I want you so bad. Please fill me, Rath. I want to be yours.”

  My cock twitched hard as I took in the sight of her pussy lips. She was

  ready for me, but I wanted more. I wanted to taste her before I made her


  So, I grabbed Asta by the waist and laid her down on her back by the

  fire, then I kissed up her inner thigh as she gripped my hair with both hands.

  Once I made it to her mound, I began to devour her with a hunger I’d

  never felt before. She was unbelievably tight, and even the tip of my tongue had trouble forcing its way deep into her tunnel, but she liked each of the

  attempts, and her body quickly began to quake.

  “Oh, yes!” she screamed as she gripped my hair tighter and tossed her

  head back with pleasure.

  She tasted sweet like fresh fruit, and I lapped at her until her body

  began to tighten under me. She went rigid and quiet for a second, and then

  she screamed in pleasure as I felt her pussy spasm against my tongue. Her

  cum tasted even better than my mead, and I suckled on her as she rode out a

  first and second orgasm.

  Once she’d finished and she laid on her back panting, I lifted myself up

  onto my knees, pulled my tunic off, and yanked my pants down so my cock

  sprang free.

  “Ohhh,” she whispered as her yellow eyes locked onto my cock. “It

  is… impressive. I can’t wait to feel it spread me open. Just like you did with


  “I’ll go slow,” I said as I set my tip against her slick pink lips, and then

  we both let out soft gasps as I inched slowly into her.

  “Mmmmmm,” she purred when I was about a quarter of the way inside

  of her, and we both watched my shaft slide out of her a bit, and then probe in


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