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Dragons of Asgard

Page 29

by Logan Jacobs

  more to be swallowed by her greedy pussy.

  “You are very tight,” I gasped as I felt her velvety walls crush the top

  half of my cock. She was like a closed fist that I was trying to force open, but

  her grip was slowly loosening with each forward and backward movement of

  my spear.

  She was dripping wet, which helped, and after a few minutes of us

  gasping and panting while her tunnel slowly gave way to the girth of my

  cock, she finally spread open enough, and I was able to thrust into her with

  one smooth motion that put me in so deep I nearly lost myself right there.

  “Finally,” I growled as I felt her tunnel tremble and grasp around me

  like a vibrating sheath of a sword.

  “You feel so good inside of me,” Asta breathed, and she stared up at

  me with hungry yellow eyes.

  “Can elf women bear Aesir children?” I moaned as I began to thrust in

  and out of her at a slow pace.

  “I have heard rumors of half-bloods,” she gasped as her yellow eyes

  rolled back into her head.

  “And?” I prompted as I began to increase my tempo.

  “And if that is the case, our child will be powerful and beautiful,” she


  “Gooooddddd…” My cock twitched with her admission that she

  wanted to birth me a child, and I started to thrust in and out faster.

  Her body felt so good against mine, and she was so hot and wet I

  couldn’t contain myself any longer. I could still taste her on my tongue, and

  the taste drove me wild as I pumped my hips against her thighs and ass.

  “Harder,” she begged as she wrapped her legs around my waist to hold

  on. “Deeper… My womb is ready for you, Rath.”

  I obliged and began to thrust harder into her until she arched her back

  with pleasure and lifted her breasts up toward me. Then I leaned down and

  suckled on one of her bright pink nipples while she ground her hips against


  “Your cock is so big,” she moaned, and she moved her hips against

  mine in an effort to get me to thrust once more. “It feels so good, please give

  me your seed, Rath. Breed your dragon tamer blood with mine.”

  I growled against her breast, then reached back to grip her long white

  hair and hold her in place as I pumped my hips as hard as I could. My cock

  throbbed inside her with each thrust, and just when I thought I couldn’t hold

  it any longer, Asta threw her head back and cried out as her pussy spasmed

  around me.

  “Ohhhhhh!” she screamed for the third time, and she clenched around

  me as if I was causing her excruciating pain.

  Her orgasm brought me to the brink, and I felt my cock pulse as my

  release numbed my body.

  My balls and penis tightened, and an ocean of my frothy sperm broke

  free of the dam. I could feel it swell and gush inside of her tightness, and as

  her tunnel eagerly milked my shaft, I released what felt like a half gallon

  more into her slender body. Each spasm we enjoyed just poured more of

  myself into her, but the beautiful elf woman almost seemed to enjoy the

  sensation of my cum flooding her womb more than she did her own persistent


  “Mmmmmm, yessssss!” she gasped into my ear as I emptied myself

  inside of her over and over again. “Fill me with your seed. Give me

  everything, Rath. I’m yours to fill.”

  I held her in place until I was completely dry, then we both laid there

  breathless and still connected while her tunnel attempted to suckle the last

  drops from my rod.

  Slowly, I pulled myself out from her, and Asta bit her lip and pouted


  “Did you not want me out?” I chuckled as I watched a cup full of my

  cream dribble out of her spread open tunnel and pour onto the grass.

  “No,” she sighed as she licked her lips. “You feel so good when you

  fill me up.”

  That sentence made me want her again instantly, but instead I leaned

  down and took her mouth with mine.

  Then our kiss grew more passionate and deeper until she pushed me

  away with a hot growl.

  “Rathhhh,” Asta pouted, and she climbed on top of me, with her sex

  just inches away from my still throbbing cock and still dripping with my


  “Yes,” I breathed, and I reached up to grip her nipples between my


  “Please, give me more,” she begged, but she didn’t wait for my

  answer. “Please make me yours.”

  Then she just lowered herself down onto my cock, and I tossed my

  head back and groaned at the feel of myself inside of the beautiful elf once


  This was the perfect end to a victorious day.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, I woke by the fire with Asta still wrapped around

  me from the night before. We’d fallen asleep after another round of love

  making, and the elf girl still laid naked across my chest, with her breath

  coming heavy and even.

  I blinked as I looked up at the bright sky. It was well past dawn, and

  we needed to get a move on for the day. Suddenly, I smelled something

  delicious, and I realized then the fire was going.

  “Shit,” I breathed, and I sat up quickly so Asta rolled off me and lifted

  her head.

  “What’s wrong?” the elf girl asked.

  “I think I startled him,” Kas chuckled from across the fire where she

  stirred something in a pot in front of her.

  “You did,” I said, and I eyed the sorceress carefully. I knew she’d

  hinted that she wanted me to take the elven beauty as a lover last night, but

  sometimes women were known to change their minds. Kas did seem to be in

  high spirits, so I thought that was a good sign.

  “Did you two have fun last night?” Kas asked, then, and she flashed

  me a devilish smirk.

  “Ah, I, ummm… ” I stammered and rubbed the back of my neck while

  Asta put her tunic on.

  “I did,” the elf girl said, and she smiled at Kas before she ran her

  fingers through her vibrant, but very messy from our love-making, white hair.

  “You aren’t upset, Kas?”

  “Me?” the blonde asked. “No, I’m not angry. Why should I be?”

  “I did not ask you,” Asta sighed. “I thought you wouldn’t mind

  sharing, but I will also admit I wanted to ask forgiveness instead of


  “You are fine,” Kas assured her with a smile. “Rath and mine’s

  relationship is still new, but I have no reason to be jealous, since I know he

  and I are bonded together forever.”

  “Right,” I agreed, and I was instantly relieved I hadn’t pissed off a

  powerful sorceress, not that she could do anything to really harm me since we

  were soul bonded, but still. If I focused inward, then I could feel Kas’ energy,

  and I could tell she truly believed what she’d said. She wasn’t angry at all, in

  fact I couldn’t find any sense of animosity toward Asta or me.

  “I made breakfast,” the beautiful strawberry-blonde announced, and

  she reached down to pet Blar, who laid down beside her by the fire.

  “Oh, good,” Asta sighed. “I’m starved.”

  “Me, too.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

bsp; Kas dished each of us a plate of freshly baked bread, simmered apples,

  and freshly squeezed orange juice. It was delicious and filling, but all I could

  think about was the egg just inside my house under my bed.

  We had to give the egg over to the elders today, though I wasn’t

  exactly sure that’s what I wanted to do. Kas and I had spent so much time

  already looking for eggs, and here was one right in our hands, but I couldn’t

  risk hatching it with the way the council was acting. They knew more than

  they were letting on, of that I was sure, and I refused to take part in any sort

  of scheme. I’d give them the egg and move on from there.

  Besides, I was sure I could figure out where they held the eggs if

  necessary, then I’d be able to get them if I needed to. I didn’t anticipate that

  would happen, but I was ready for anything. Still, even if the council had

  possession of the eggs, they obviously couldn’t hatch them without me, or I

  was sure they already would have.

  After breakfast, I went inside and got dressed, and then I pulled the egg

  out from under the bed to admire it once more before I turned it over to the

  council. Blar came up and sniffed at it again, and I set it down by him so he

  could nuzzle it.

  “You don’t want to give it to them, either, do you?” I sighed, and Blar

  shook his little head at me.

  I reached over and petted his snout, and he rubbed his horns against my

  palm. Seeing the way Blar was, and even seeing those dragons in the world

  of light elves, I didn’t understand how anybody could think they were

  murderous monsters. The elves lived in peace with them, so why couldn’t


  “Rath?” Kas asked, and I turned to see her in the doorway. “Are you


  “Yeah,” I said with a small nod, and I placed the egg gently back into

  the bag. Then I slung the satchel over my shoulder and opened it so Blar

  could hop inside.

  He curled up around the egg and settled down into the bag with a small


  “I know you don’t want to give it to them,” Kas said, “but I’m sure it

  will be fine. We have to trust the council.”

  “Thanks, Kas,” I murmured, but I didn’t blindly trust the council like

  she did. I still felt they knew too much that they weren’t sharing.

  However I felt, I was happy to head to the council with Kas, Asta, and

  Blar by my side. My team was small, but it had grown faster than I could

  have ever thought possible. None of it was expected, but I was glad the four

  of us were together now.

  We started the walk through the busy streets of Asgard and to the

  castle. It had been nice out earlier, but now the sky was filled with a slight

  darkness. The clouds were gray, and it looked as though it might rain. I

  thought what a strange omen this was as we reached the castle gate and

  walked through.

  I led the girls up the stairs and straight to the hall of Elders, and this

  time the guards didn’t stand in our way. They just moved aside, and I nodded

  as we passed into the grand stone hallways.

  The three council members grew quiet as I opened the door, and then

  Rinbar called out to greet us.

  “Volrath,” he said, and his long black hair shook as he leaned forward.

  “I hope you bring us good news.”

  “We do,” I replied as I walked up to the steps and stopped there.

  “You have collected the egg?” Preyna asked, and her cold brown eyes

  took in the whole of our group.

  “Yes,” I agreed, and I reached into the satchel and grabbed Blar to put

  him on my shoulders before I retrieved the egg and held it carefully with both


  “Well done,” Beyer congratulated us, and his blue eyes stared straight

  at the colorful egg in my hands.

  “You may set the egg there,” Preyna instructed, and she pointed to a

  large basket on the side of the stairs I hadn’t noticed before.

  “I’m glad we could be of service,” I said in my best authority pleasing

  voice. I still hated this whole thing, but I needed to play the part. The council

  didn’t need to know I didn’t trust them, it was better if they thought I wasn’t

  suspicious at all.

  “You can still be of service,” Preyna added.

  “Elder?” I asked, and my eyebrows pinched together in confusion. We

  had completed the task they’d sent us on, so what else could there be?

  “There is another egg to be collected,” Beyer explained, and his eyes

  narrowed, as if to watch my reaction closely.

  “Another egg?” I repeated.

  How was this possible? Dragons had been little more than a myth and

  legend a week ago, but since I’d found Blar, the Elders suddenly knew

  exactly where several eggs were located?

  Now, my suspicions only grew.

  “In your friend’s home world,” Rinbar explained with a gesture to

  Asta. “In Alfheim, the world of the Ljosalfar.”

  “I see,” I murmured with a small bow. “We would be honored to

  retrieve it.”

  “I’m afraid there is no time for formalities,” Preyna said.

  “Yes.” Rinbar nodded. “This is time sensitive, so you will need to

  leave immediately.”

  “It will take a few moments for us to return to my home and get our


  “Do what is needed, but move quickly,” Preyna urged.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “You may use the Bifrost,” Rinbar added. “There is a cart outside that

  will take you to it.”

  “I’m sorry,” Asta spoke up in a small voice, and she stepped forward.

  “How will we know where this egg is?”

  “There is a map in the cart for you,” Beyer said. “Expect a fight.”

  I wanted to say something, to ask questions about what the hell was

  happening and the vague, yet urgent, instructions they had provided, but

  instead I just nodded and ushered Kas and Asta back outside.

  We headed down the steps and found the cart that was to take us to the


  “We need to make a stop,” I told the driver, who was a younger male

  with shoulder length dark brown hair and a plain face, and then I gave him

  directions to my house.

  “Are you sure we have time?” Kas asked. “The elders said to move


  “They also said to expect a fight,” I reminded her. “We aren’t going to

  just jump into battle without our proper armor.”

  “That does make sense,” Kas murmured as she chewed on her bottom


  I knew she respected the council, and I did as well, but not enough to

  run headfirst into a fight without being prepared. That was how you got

  yourself killed, and I wouldn’t take that risk with myself, my women, or my


  The cart moved quickly, so it didn’t take long for us to get to my

  home. Then I stopped the cart driver when I saw the break in the trees that led

  to my house and told him to wait for us.

  “Let’s go,” I told the girls as we hopped out of the cart.

  Once we made it into the house, I took off the blue tunic I’d been

  wearing and put on the black one I’d recently worn into battle. Then I donned

>   my breastplate and forearm guards and retrieved my newly upgraded axe

  from its place beside my bed.

  The girls were still getting dressed, so I waited for them outside with

  Blar, and I picked some fresh apples from the tree for our cart ride to the Bifrost. I wasn’t sure the girls would be hungry, but I knew I could use a

  snack before a battle, and Blar had already eaten a quarter of his apple by the

  time the girls came out.

  Asta wore the same pale-yellow tunic I’d bought for her at the market,

  and she’d thrown her long white hair back into one thick and long braid that

  hung down her back. She had her dark metal forearm and shin guards on, and

  her small sword hung by her hip.

  “Where’s your breast plate?” I asked her when I realized something

  was missing.

  “Oh, oops,” the elf girl giggled, and she ran back inside.

  “Sorry,” Kas said with a frown as she walked over to me. “I should

  have reminded her.”

  “You were busy yourself,” I chuckled, then I looked down at Kas.

  “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks,” the blonde said, and she blushed slightly.

  Her long strawberry-blonde curls were pulled back into two braids,

  though some wisps still framed her face beautifully. She had on the same

  white tunic I’d bought for her at the market, but instead of her mother’s

  armor, she now wore the black armor she’d picked out. It was a deep colored

  steel with two forearm guards, greaves, and a breastplate that showed off her large bosom. The material was so dark in the sunlight it almost had a violet

  tinge to it that matched her eyes, and the whole dark aesthetic just made her

  look much more battle ready. She also had a plain longsword tied to her hip.

  I’d tried to encourage her to get a different one, perhaps a little bit shorter,

  but she’d insisted that was the one she wanted, so it was what she got, and I

  had to admit it looked great on her.

  “Okay,” Asta announced as she came out of the house. “I’m ready


  “Good.” I smiled, and I handed each of them the apple I’d picked for

  them. “I thought you might want something for the ride to the Bifrost.”

  “Thank you,” Kas said as she took a bite. “I was feeling slightly


  “Me, too,” Asta agreed.

  “Apparently, Blar, too,” Kas chuckled through a mouthful of apple as

  she looked down at the little dragon, who’d already polished off his own


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