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Dragons of Asgard

Page 58

by Logan Jacobs

  I caught the axe by the handle and smiled up at the little dragon. He

  could definitely hear me, and he was following my lead.

  Now that the minotaur only had one axe, though, I wanted to see what

  my little dragon could do, so I commanded him in my head to attack.

  Though nobody else would have noticed, I saw the little blue dragon

  give a slight nod as he whipped around the room.

  The minotaur was badly burned by now. The hair on his legs was

  singed, and the room smelled of burnt hair and smoke. Still, the beast let out

  another snort, and he flipped his axe in his hand as he watched Blar whip

  around in an effort to try and get close again, but on his own terms.

  A second later, the bull-like creature reared the axe back and sent it hurling through the air. He’d aimed it just in front of where Blar was headed

  so the dragon wouldn’t have time to stop himself from running into it, but

  Blar quickly opened a portal and popped through on the other side of the axe.

  There was a loud clanging sound as the axe hit the stone wall of the

  room, and the minotaur immediately ran to grab it, but Blar let out a fire blast

  that heated the metal so the beast dropped it back down onto the ground with

  a loud screech.

  The little dragon knew this was his opportunity now that the minotaur

  was weaponless, so he began to swirl around the huge creature and became

  nothing but a little blue blur.

  The minotaur reached around his body wildly as he tried to capture

  Blar, but it was no use. Blar got closer and closer, and he began to scratch the

  beast every couple of seconds so I could see the marks appear and the red

  blood that flowed from them.

  The creature let out a war cry, and I saw him focus his energy inward.

  Then the minotaur lashed out and grabbed the little dragon by the tail,

  and I stood up from my seat, ready to jump in if necessary.

  That beast had my dragon, and I wouldn’t allow anything to happen to


  Chapter 31

  Blar struggled to get away as the monster reached for him with the

  other hand, but before the minotaur could get his opposite hand around him,

  Blar let out a fire blast right in the beast’s ugly face.

  The minotaur dropped Blar out of reflex, and the small, blue dragon

  took the opportunity to fly directly into the monster’s neck and rip a huge

  chunk out of it with his mouth.

  Blood squirted out as the minotaur gurgled, and I knew the little

  dragon had hit an artery.

  The huge creature tried to reach for his neck to hold the blood in, but it

  was too late. He fell down to his knees first, then he tumbled forward onto his

  face with one final gurgling sound.

  Blar landed lightly on the back of the creature and spat out the piece of

  his throat he’d ripped out. Then he looked up at me and smiled proudly. His

  little mouth and body were coated with blood, which made his smile slightly

  more sinister looking than usual, but somehow, it was still adorable.

  I realized then that I was still standing, and a smile broke out across

  my face as I ran down toward my little dragon.

  He’d done it. He’d won.

  Blar flew into my arms, and I rubbed all over his face and told him

  what an excellent job he’d done while everyone behind us cheered.

  “Magnificent!” Rinbar remarked with a hearty chuckle. “What a

  fighting spirit!”

  “Blar has most certainly proved his worthiness today,” Preyna said

  with a wide grin.

  “I’m quite impressed,” Beyer added, and he clapped a couple of times

  as he looked at Blar with curious blue eyes. “He’s really something.”

  “We must decide on what our next steps will be,” Rinbar mused as he

  stroked his chin. “We will summon you back here within a few days.”

  “Until then, please celebrate, on us,” Preyna offered, and she walked

  down the steps to hand me a small coin purse.

  “There is also a cart outside, ready to take you wherever you’d like to

  go,” Beyer said. “This is the start of great things for our people.”

  “Thank you,” I replied with a smile, and I turned to see the girls and

  the twin dragons run down toward me.

  Inger and Uffe immediately began to nuzzle Blar, and Kas and Asta

  reached up and stroked him on the back and under his chin.

  “You did well today,” Preyna said, and everyone stopped to look at the

  beautiful yellow-haired woman.

  Blar smiled up at her then, and she reached her hand out so he could

  nuzzle it.

  “We’re all very proud of you,” the council woman continued, and then

  she looked up at me. “I trust you will continue your training in the


  “First thing in the morning,” I told her with a grin.

  “Yes, that sounds right,” she chuckled. “Go, drink and be merry. We

  will see you soon enough.”

  I gave her a slight bow, and then the girls and I headed outside.

  As we stepped into the sunshine, I felt a great sense of relief and

  accomplishment. The guards at the door said nothing, but I saw one of them

  raise his eyebrow at the blood that covered Blar, which only made me laugh.

  We found the cart quickly, and I checked the coin purse Preyna had

  given us. There were twenty gold coins inside, more than enough for an

  evening of celebration, in fact, it was enough for a week of celebration.

  I instructed the cart driver to take us to the market first, then home. I

  wanted to grab a few things for us to enjoy during the evening.

  Once we got to the market, we all hopped out, and I headed to my

  favorite turkey leg stand first. I bought enough legs for each of us, then I

  turned to Blar.

  “What do you want?” I asked him. “You pick anything.”

  The little dragon smiled and licked his lips. Then he looked around and

  sniffed for a moment before he walked over to a booth nearby that sold

  pumpkin pies.

  “Pumpkin pies it is,” I chuckled and moved toward the booth, but Blar

  stepped in front of me.

  I narrowed my eyes at the little dragon, and he stomped his front feet

  on the ground.

  “I think he wants you to make them,” Kas giggled.

  “I think you’re right,” I laughed. “Alright, I’ll make a couple of pies

  when we get home, but what else would you like for dinner?”

  We all explored the market for a little while, and everyone picked

  something to contribute to dinner. Blar found a vendor who had fresh honey

  rolls, so we bought some of those. Kas and Asta decided on smoked salmon

  with bread and cheese, and Uffe and Inger both wanted fruit filled pastries, so

  I grabbed some of those for the ride home, and I even brought the driver one.

  Based on his reaction, I didn’t think anyone ever bought him things

  while he was on the job, but he was incredibly grateful, and we took off

  toward home.

  As we rode, the afternoon sun sank lower into the sky, and Asgard was

  covered in a sweet orange glow from the impending night. The day had

  grown cool, and we all ate our pastries quietly as we enjoyed the lulling rock

  of the cart as it glided across the cobblestone streets.

  Once we arr
ived at our home, I tried to tip the driver, but he told me he

  was instructed not to take it, since the council members had already paid him

  for his services. He did thank me once more for the pastry, and then he

  smiled and headed back toward the castle.

  As I walked into the courtyard, my body became more relaxed than it

  had been all day. It was good to be home. We’d had a stressful day, but now

  we could celebrate and unwind.

  Asta went into the house and grabbed us each a pint of mead while

  Blar lit the fire.

  “Come here,” I chuckled as I picked up the still gooey and blood

  covered dragon.

  I removed his armor, and it was then I noticed some fresh blood come

  from a small puncture wound on his side. I quickly did a check of his body

  and found two more punctures, each deeper than the last. He also had some

  bruises, though I was less concerned with those.

  “Let’s get you in the bath first off,” I told him, and I headed toward the

  house to start a bath for the little dragon.

  “Is everything alright?” Asta asked. She was coming out of the house

  as I was going in, and she could tell by my face that I wasn’t happy.

  “Blar has a few injuries,” I said, and I pursed my lips.

  “Let me see,” Kas offered as she stood behind Asta with some bowls

  and plates in her hands, but she quickly set them back down onto the counter

  and patted the bed so Blar would climb up there.

  The little dragon looked at me and rolled his eyes, but I wasn’t taking

  any chances.

  “I know you think you’re fine,” I told him, “but we don’t want those to

  get infected, and we need to clean you up.”

  “A good battle scar is only more proof that you are a great warrior,”

  Asta assured him, and then the little dragon lifted his head up slightly and

  hopped up onto the bed so Kas could inspect him.

  I started the water for the tub, and Uffe and Inger crawled on the edge

  as they watched it fill up.

  “You can hop in if you’d like,” I chuckled as I watched the two of


  Uffe didn’t hesitate. He dove into the water, laid on his back, and

  enjoyed the warm feel of it. Inger wasn’t so sure, though. She flapped her

  wings and hovered above it while she dipped her little back foot into the

  water. Once she realized it was nice and warm, she settled in next to her brother, and they both cooed as they floated around happily.

  “Let’s get Blar cleaned up,” Kas said with a smile. “Then I’ll put some

  healing salve on him. The punctures aren’t too deep, so there’s no internal


  “Thank you for looking him over,” I sighed.

  “Of course,” the Valkyrie replied, and she grabbed Blar and placed

  him gently into the water.

  “He did so well today,” Asta praised, and she handed me my mead.

  “He did,” I agreed, and I held up my glass. “To Blar!”

  “To Blar!” the girls echoed, and we each took a drink.

  The little dragon somehow even managed to swim with a cocky

  attitude, and I wondered if we should praise him so much.

  “We’re going to give him a big head,” I chuckled.

  “I think he deserves it right now,” Asta giggled. “Those creatures were


  “I wouldn’t want to go up against them,” Kas added.

  “I wouldn’t, either,” I said, and I turned to Blar. “Those were difficult

  opponents, especially for you. Your fire didn’t affect them as much as it does

  some other things, but you still gave it your all, and it paid off. I’m very

  proud of you. Plus, today revealed another power of yours.”

  Blar smiled and let out a little squeal, and the twins and him began to

  play in the water.

  “I thought I saw that as well,” Kas mused. “Did he transport himself


  “It appeared that way to me, too.” Asta nodded.

  “I think it has something to do with the fact he can see into the

  portals,” I theorized. “I don’t know if he meant to do it or not today, but he

  must have made his own portals to travel through.”

  “Do you think that’s how he did it?” Kas gasped with surprised round


  “I think so,” I replied.

  “That would make sense,” Asta agreed. “There are many tales of

  dragons who can travel through worlds.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes, of course,” the elf girl replied. “I will have to tell you some.

  Many are tales we tell children about the dragons who traveled to other

  worlds and brought back things to our own home.”

  “That sounds lovely.” I smiled.

  “So, what will we do now that the tournament is over?” Kas asked as

  she picked up a piece of peach and handed it over to Blar.

  “We’ll train harder,” I said, and I turned to the little dragon. “We’ll get

  stronger, and when the time comes, we’ll defeat the Jotun and bring dragons

  back to Asgard. How does that sound?”

  Blar nodded enthusiastically in response, and I reached down to stroke

  him under his chin.

  My little dragon and I would be heroes soon enough.

  After we gave the dragons a bath, I started on the pies for us, and we

  all sat out by the fire and ate our dinners. The turkey legs were as delicious as

  usual, though the dragons were unable to finish a whole one to themselves. In

  fact, they ate a good bit of everything in front of them, but soon enough they

  were all asleep next to the fire, with their little round bellies rising and falling

  with each heavy breath.

  I took another drink of mead, but then I heard the girls giggling, so I

  turned and raised an eyebrow at them.

  They were across the fire from me, and they whispered and giggled

  with each other as I looked at them.

  Kas’ blonde hair looked beautiful with the orange glow of the fire light

  dancing off it, and her plump, red lips appeared even more so with the

  shadows all around.

  Asta’s yellow eyes lit up behind the fire light, and I could tell from her stare she was hungry for me.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked with a slight smirk.

  “Nothing,” Kas drawled. “We were just talking about how the dragons

  were asleep.”

  “They are,” I agreed, but I just stared at the two girls in front of me.

  “We were thinking…” Asta said, and she bit her lip. “Maybe we could

  have some fun now.”

  “What did you two have in mind?” I asked, even though I could feel

  their desire rolling off their bodies like sun rays.

  The two girls looked at each other, and then they giggled again before

  they stood up, grabbed me by the arms, and started to lead me toward the


  I felt my pants grow tight with excitement, and I couldn’t help but feel

  as though I was in a dream. I had two beautiful women leading me to the


  Once we were inside, Kas shut the door behind us and lit the lanterns,

  while Asta leaned in to kiss me on the neck.

  “You’re so sexy,” Kas cooed as she pulled up my tunic and yanked it

  over my arms.

  “Isn’t he?” Asta sighed as she slid her hand down my stomach and />
  over my abs. “I want you so bad.”

  “I want you both as well,” I purred as the two women kissed my neck

  and torso and giggled playfully.

  “Should we give him a show?” Kas whispered, and I looked down at

  the violet eyed temptress.

  “Let’s get these off,” Asta whispered back, and she reached over and

  pulled Kas’ tunic off.

  Her smooth curves were in full view in the light of the lanterns, and the

  sight took my breath away. Her red nipples were already taut and ready, and I

  could see the valley between her thighs was wet already. Her long,

  strawberry honey curls framed her face and extended down her body, and she

  stared at me with violet eyes as her ample chest rose and fell with excitement.

  “Now, your turn,” the Valkyrie whispered, and she leaned over and

  kissed Asta’s neck as she reached for the bottom of her tunic.

  The elf girl threw her head back and let out a low moan as Kas kissed

  along her jawline. My breath grew heavier as I watched and felt their pleasure

  build, then Kas pulled Asta’s yellow tunic over her head in one swift motion

  to reveal the smooth, pale skin underneath. The elf’s pink nipples protruded

  from her small breasts and begged to be touched, and her slender waist gave

  way to ample hips that I wanted to pull toward me.

  “Now that just leaves you,” Kas giggled, and she and Asta leaned in

  and kissed down my torso toward my ever-growing erection

  The feel of their mouths on me drove me wild, and soon the two of

  them were on their knees in front of me.

  Asta bit her soft, pink bottom lip as she reached forward and undid the

  string on my pants. Once she pulled them down slightly, my erection sprang

  free, and I heard her take in a quick gasp before she looked up at me with

  hungry yellow eyes.

  “Oooh, you look so tasty,” Kas breathed as she gripped my cock with

  one hand.

  Then the blonde took the whole of my erection into her mouth, and I

  fell back slightly against the door at the feel of it.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as her warm mouth enveloped me.

  “Mmm, he likes it,” the Valkyrie cooed.

  “My turn,” Asta whispered, but Kas wasn’t ready to give me up yet.

  So, instead she moved slightly to the side, and both of the women placed

  their mouths on my shaft and licked it from base to tip.

  I could feel their heated desire grow as they licked and sucked on my


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