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Dragons of Asgard

Page 59

by Logan Jacobs

  cock, and it made my erection throb even harder as my own lust built up

  inside of me.

  After a couple of minutes of their mouths on me, I couldn’t take it any


  I needed to be inside them.

  “Come here,” I growled, and I grabbed each of them by the arm,

  walked them back to the bed, and stepped out of my pants as I did so.

  The two women fell onto the mattress as they let out a couple of sexy

  laughs, and I grabbed Kas by the hips and flipped her over so her ass was up

  in the air for me.

  Her pussy glistened with wetness, and I could feel her ache for me

  through our bond, so I quickly slid myself inside of her, and we both gasped

  at the feel.

  “You’re so wet,” I groaned, and I pulled out slightly only to slide in


  “For you,” the Valkyrie panted. “Only for you. Forever.”

  Once I was inside Kas, I reached down and pulled Asta to me to take

  her lips with my own. The elf girl moaned into my mouth, and she ran her

  hands all down me as I thrust in and out of Kas.

  I reached down and cupped Asta’s small breasts, and I pinched her

  nipples slightly so she threw her head back in pleasure as her body shuddered

  under my touch. Then I slid my hand over her smooth stomach and slipped two fingers inside her wet and ready pussy.

  “Oh, yes,” Asta whispered. “I love that.”

  “I know,” I chuckled as I used one hand to pleasure the elf girl while I

  used the other to hold Kas’ hips in place so I could thrust harder and harder

  into her.

  Our urgency began to build, and I could feel both of the women’s

  bodies tighten in preparation. I knew then they could both feel my pleasure,

  as well as each other’s, and just when I thought I couldn’t stand it any longer,

  each of them let out a loud cry of ecstasy as their pussies twitched around me.

  Kas’ sex gripped my cock, and Asta’s gripped my fingers. Both of them

  spasmed and twitched, and I threw my head back and enjoyed the feel of their


  “Mmm, my turn,” Asta begged after we caught our breath.

  Kas scooted forward to make room for Asta, and the blonde sat against

  the wall with her legs spread wide so I could see her dripping wet sex on


  Asta backed her ass up to me then, and I slowly slid my cock in inch

  by inch while Kas watched with hungry violet eyes.

  “Oooh, this makes me want you even more,” the Valkyrie gasped, and

  she started to touch herself, but Asta grabbed her legs and slid her forward.

  “Mmm, you look so good,” the elf girl said. “I bet you taste of Rath.”

  Asta placed her lips on Kas’ pussy then, and the sorceress panted and

  let out a moan as the elf woman licked and sucked on her.

  Kas grabbed handfuls of Asta’s white hair, and I continued to thrust in

  and out of the elf girl. My pleasure built up as I watched the two of them

  enjoy each other, and my cock throbbed inside Asta’s velvety walls.

  I sped up my pace, and I could feel all of our tension build together.

  “Mmm, please give us your come,” Kas moaned.

  “Oh, yes,” Asta gasped as she tore her mouth away from Kas’ pussy.

  “Fill me up, please, Rath.”

  “I want some, too,” the sorceress pouted.

  “I’ll give it to both of you,” I growled.

  I could feel them begin to peak, so I kept the pace, and a second later,

  Asta’s pussy twitched as it gripped my cock with pleasure, and Kas cried out

  as she came into the elf girl’s mouth.

  That was all I could stand. I pulled out of Asta and quickly flipped her

  around while Kas moved forward so the two were on their knees in front of


  My seed sprayed over each of their chests and into their open mouths

  until there was nothing left, but then the two of them took turns sucking on the end of my cock to get every last drop out. They then turned and licked the

  rest off each other’s faces, breasts, and mouths while they each stroked my

  cock and balls with their hands.

  “Hmmm, you both are making me hard again,” I growled as their

  fingers played my cock back to full mast. “Maybe I should start a bath. It will

  be a tight fit, but I think we can all get in.”

  “We like tight fits,” Kas laughed.

  “Mmm, that was incredible,” Asta breathed as she licked the final drop

  of my cum off Kas’ nipple. “I could go for more in a hot bath.”

  “Why weren’t we sharing him before?” Kas chuckled. “This was


  “It was both your ideas, but I agree, we should have thought of it

  sooner.” I shook my head as the water filled up the tub, and I thought I

  wouldn’t mind this becoming my new sex routine one bit.

  “But this time…” Kas started to say as she stepped into the hot tub.

  “This time?” I asked.

  “This time, you need to make sure you fill both of our wombs with

  your seed,” Asta finished for the other woman as she also stepped into the


  “Well, I shall do my best,” I chuckled.

  Chapter 32

  A few days passed while we let Blar heal and relax, but this morning it

  was cool and sunny, and Blar and Inger played in the grass as they chased

  each other and wrestled around. I sat outside with Asta and drank tea while

  she, Uffe, and I watched the two little dragons become a swirl of red and


  The elf girl looked beautiful in the bright light of the morning. Her

  long, white hair flowed gently around her face with the breeze, and her pink

  lips parted as she lifted her cup up to her mouth again. She wore a dark blue

  tunic with a white ribbon tied around her waist, and I loved the look of the

  deep colored cloth in contrast to her pale features, since it just made her

  appear that much more mysterious and beautiful.

  Kas came out of the house with her map and took her seat across the

  fire from me. Her long hair was a mass of blonde curls that framed her face

  and splayed out in all directions. I wanted nothing more than to reach out

  across the fire, take one of the stray locks in between my fingers, and feel

  how soft and silky I knew it was. The sorceress wore a red tunic with a

  golden band at the waist, and the sleeveless top of the fabric showed off her

  slender arms and shoulders as she opened the map up on her lap.

  “How does it look today?” I asked, though we hadn’t gone anywhere

  in a few days.

  “There’s three portals open,” the blonde sorceress answered, and she

  bit her lip while her violet eyes pleaded with me to take her on an adventure.

  “Do you think Blar has had enough time to heal?” Asta wondered.

  “I’m sure he has,” I agreed with a nod, then I stood up and raised my

  voice. “Blar, Inger, are you up for checking out a portal?”

  The two dragons stopped mid play, scurried over to my feet and

  nodded enthusiastically, and Inger even let out a little cry of excitement.

  “I think they want to go,” I chuckled, and I was happy to get back to

  our usual routine as well. It’d been a nice few days of relaxing and allowing

  Blar time to get back to his full strength, but we needed to continue to work

/>   hard if we were going to bring dragons back to Asgard anytime soon.

  “I’d say so,” Kas laughed.

  After we finished up our tea, we all got dressed and put on our armor

  and weapons so we’d be ready for whatever portal we went through. We took

  it easy as we made the long walk to the countryside. I enjoyed the coolness of

  the morning as we walked, though it grew hotter as the day continued on. It

  was mid-morning by the time we made it to the first portal, and when we

  stopped, I turned to my little blue dragon.

  “Midgard?” I asked Blar as we stood in front of the swirling air, but

  the little dragon shook his head.

  “How about Jotunheim?” Kas asked, and again it was a no.

  “Hm,” Asta hummed as she tapped her chin in thought. “What about


  Blar nodded, and the girls and I all looked at each other with wide


  “Let’s go to the next portal,” I suggested.

  “Agreed,” the elf girl laughed.

  “I never want to go back there again.” Kas shuddered, but Blar looked

  slightly disappointed.

  “I know,” I said with an eye roll, “I’m sure they had some nice fruit

  you were able to fill up on last time, but we can’t go back there. It’s too

  strange, and we get nothing done.”

  Blar rolled his eyes back at me before he followed Kas toward the next

  portal. He was back to his usual sassy self, but I wouldn’t have it any other


  When we arrived at the next portal, the girls and I went through every

  world we could think of, but Blar still said no.

  “What are we forgetting?” I asked, and I racked my brain to try and

  think of where the portal could lead.

  “Let’s see,” Kas hummed, and she began to count on her fingers. “It

  doesn’t go to Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim, Midgard, or

  Asta’s home world.”

  “Not the world of fire, either,” I added.

  “Right,” Kas said, and her blonde eyebrows pulled together. “Which

  world am I not thinking of?”

  Blar sighed heavily then and looked up to the sky. He knew where the

  portal led, and he was obviously waiting for us to figure it out.

  “Hey,” Kas said, and she narrowed her violet eyes on him and put her

  hands on her hips. “I don’t need your attitude right now, little guy, okay? If

  you could just talk already, that would make this a whole lot easier.”

  Blar’s eyes opened wide, and he looked over to Inger as if to comment

  on Kas’ own attitude, which just made the sorceress huff and cross her arms.

  Both of them were so hard headed sometimes, but all I could do was chuckle.

  “Oh, I’ve got it!” Asta exclaimed, and she turned to Blar. “Is it


  Blar nodded fervently, and Asta bounced on the balls of her feet and let

  out a little excited squeal.

  “I got it!” the elf girl cheered.

  “Good job,” Kas told her, then she stuck her tongue out at Blar, who

  only returned the favor.

  “Alright, you two,” I laughed. “I think we’re okay to go through this

  one, but let’s keep it civil.”

  “He started it,” Kas muttered, but I just laughed again and kissed her

  on the forehead.

  The dragons climbed onto our shoulders then, and we all joined hands

  and hopped through the portal.

  The first thing I noticed once we were on the other side was how foggy

  the place was. The milky white clouds swirled at our feet and led out to the

  sparse black and white speckled trees that surrounded us. It appeared to be

  almost night time, but I couldn’t be sure considering how thick the fog was.

  The fog could be blocking whatever sunlight there was from getting through

  the trees, so really it could be any time of day. I also felt a sort of gentle spritz

  of water on my face, as if I were standing near the ocean and the mist from

  the waves caught me just slightly. I couldn’t tell where the water was coming

  from, but it made the whole place feel cooler and darker.

  It was definitely much colder here than it had been in Asgard when we

  left, and I felt the cool air whisper past my cheeks as a gentle breeze blew

  across us.

  “I don’t see anything,” Kas murmured, though there seemed to be

  nobody around.

  “I don’t, either,” I agreed. We seemed totally alone in this place, and I

  wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but for the moment we

  weren’t in any danger, so I figured we had time to explore some before we

  decided whether or not to leave.

  “It smells of rain,” Asta mused as her yellow eyes darted around. “But

  the ground is not wet.”

  “Let’s walk this way,” I suggested, and I led the girls and the dragons

  through the trees.

  As we walked, Blar, Inger, and Uffe got a few feet in front of me, and I

  reminded them to stay close. The fog was so thick it would be easy to lose

  one of them, since they walked so close to the ground.

  Though we saw no one and heard no animals around, I still somehow

  felt as though we needed to be quiet. I guessed the girls felt it, too, because

  we were all silent as we walked through the dark forest and headed

  somewhere we didn’t know.

  The world itself was so quiet and dim that I felt any sound we made

  would disrupt the strange calmness of the place. The ground was a deep

  grayish colored dirt, and there were occasional puddles we had to step

  around, but I never saw these wet spots until we were right up on them.

  I turned my head from side to side and could barely see the trees

  surrounding us, but I made out a few details. The trunks were black, white-

  speckled, and thin, with very few branches, and they seemed to reach up into

  the sky forever, but I couldn’t see much above us because of the mist. Asta

  was right, the place smelled of rain, but aside from the puddles, it didn’t seem

  as though it had rained in a long time. Nothing was truly wet as we walked,

  but occasionally I would reach out, brush my hand across a tree, and find it

  just the slightest bit moist.

  We walked on for about half an hour or so, and I was just about to give

  up and head back to the portal when I heard something new.

  “What is that?” Kas whispered, and I knew she heard it, too.

  “It sounds like water,” Asta added.

  “I think it’s a brook,” I said, and my eyebrows pinched together as I

  listened to the sound. It definitely was water, and it was moving, though how

  fast I couldn’t be sure, but something about the sound made me want to go to


  I wasn’t sure why, but I felt compelled to go toward the water.

  I was sure there was nothing I could find near water that would help us

  in any way with our training, but something pulled me toward the sound of

  the babbling brook. It was like my feet moved forward of their own accord,

  and I could do nothing to stop it.

  The girls didn’t seem to mind, though, and we followed the sound

  through the trees until we came to a huge black rock that towered over us.

  The stone was shiny and jagged, but definitely impenetrable. At first, the

ht of it shook me, and I thought I’d lost the sound of the water, but after a

  moment I heard it again, and I began to follow along the edge of the huge

  rock as the sound of the water grew closer and closer.

  “Where are we going?” Kas hissed behind me, but I could do nothing

  but continue forward.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered back with a shake of my head.

  I looked in front of me then and saw Blar, Inger, and Uffe just a couple

  feet ahead, and they almost appeared to know exactly where they were going.

  There was no hesitation in their steps, which only made me more curious

  about where our end result would be.

  Finally, we came to an opening in the large rock. It was about ten feet

  tall and five feet across, and when I looked through, I could see a clearing

  inside with more of the black rock across from us. Maybe it wasn’t a rock at

  all, maybe it was a house of some sort. The water sound was so close, but as I

  looked through the doorway, I didn’t see any rivers or brooks.

  The dragons were right at my feet, so I held up a hand to tell them to

  stay there. Then I took a step toward the door, and just as my body passed under it, I heard a voice in my head.

  What is your business here? the voice asked, and I recognized it was in

  my head because it felt the same as when the wolf had spoken to me, only

  this was a different voice altogether. This voice was low and calm, and it

  gave me a sense of serenity almost.

  “Rath?” Kas asked, and I turned to see her staring at me with panicked

  violet eyes. “What’s wrong? You just stopped all of the sudden.”

  “There’s, uh, there’s someone talking to me,” I said, and I looked back

  and forth between the girls.

  “What do you mean?” Asta inquired, and her white eyebrows pulled

  together in confusion.

  “It’s like the wolf,” I explained. “They’re speaking to me inside my


  “Again?” Kas gasped, and her eyes grew even larger.

  “What did they say?” the elf girl asked, and she leaned forward with


  “They asked what our business is here,” I said.

  “What did you say?” Kas asked.

  “I haven’t said anything yet,” I answered, since I was still confused as

  to what this newfound ability was to hear people in my head.

  “You have to answer them,” Asta pushed.

  “Okay,” I agreed, and I looked back through the doorway. “My name


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