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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

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by Nikhil Parekh

  No blissfully blossoming fantasy should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a rustic idea; which kept dwindling infinite times even before it took ephemeral shape,

  No profusely embellished skin should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; nakedly fragile; when just born,

  No overwhelmingly eloquent tongue should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; babbling worse than a child; while in divinely deep sleep,

  No insurmountably thundering echo should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a disastrously squeaky voice; nimbly caressing the rocks,

  No unsurpassably successful businessman should ever forget; that he was once upon a time; a wholesomely ignoramus novice; just starting to learn the tricks of the manipulative trade,

  No unbelievably scented lotus should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a tiny bud extruding from mammoth chunks of dirt all around,

  No entity celestially married should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; philandering like a mosquito to manifest its romance into reality,


  No invincibly powerful organism on this earth should ever forget; that it was once upon a time withheld by the Lord; in the realms of mesmerizing heaven,

  And no Human; possessing even the most Herculean strength on this planet should ever forget; that once upon a time he was an uninhibitedly crying child; trying to hide deeper and deeper inside the chest of his sacrosanct mother.


  If you taught it gruesomely ghastly crime; all it ever learnt was indeed crime; nothing else but treacherously lambasting and invidious crime,

  If you taught it menacingly manipulative politics; all it ever learnt was indeed politics; nothing else but devastatingly ribald and worthless politics,

  If you taught it lethally pulverizing power; all it ever learnt was indeed power; nothing else but disgustingly lecherous and unforgivable power,

  If you taught it indiscriminately dividing bloodshed; all it ever learnt was indeed bloodshed; nothing else but the most insanely maniacal blotch on mankind called bloodshed,

  If you taught it remorsefully insipid dilapidation; all it ever learnt was indeed dilapidation; nothing else but the realms of ghoulishly jejune and sordid dilapidation,

  If you taught it malevolently criminal hatred; all it ever learnt was indeed hatred; nothing else but the lunatically frozen and lugubrious corpses of hatred,

  If you taught it ghastily bombarding devastation; all it ever learnt was indeed devastation; nothing else but bizarrely ungainly and agonizing devastation,

  If you taught it truculently devilish obsession; all it ever learnt was indeed obsession; nothing else but vindictively vociferous and meaningless obsession,

  If you taught it morbidly sickening loneliness; all it ever learnt was indeed loneliness; nothing else but salaciously thrashing and rotting loneliness,

  If you taught it lackadaisically wastrel sky staring; all it ever learnt was indeed sky staring; nothing else but wastefully nonchalant and decaying sky staring,

  If you taught it sanctimoniously slavering sin; all it ever learnt was indeed sin; nothing else but the hell of disastrously charring and brutal sin,

  If you taught it barbarically unending war; all it ever learnt was indeed war; nothing else but the vultures of dreadfully ostracizing and petty war,

  If you taught it dolefully dissolute dastardliness; all it ever learnt was indeed dastardliness; nothing else but demonically cursed and dithering dastardliness,

  If you taught it egregiously spurious lies; all it ever learnt was indeed lies; nothing else but viciously grotesque and dolorously dammed lies,

  If you taught it miserably orphaned abuse; all it ever learnt was indeed abuse; nothing else but licentiously lascivious and discordantly distorted abuse,

  If you taught it preposterously ridiculous imitation; all it ever learnt was indeed imitation; nothing else but sleazily threadbare and inconsequential imitation,

  If you taught it bawdily disoriented religion; all it ever learnt was indeed religion; nothing else but cold-bloodedly diving and fanatically marauding religion,

  If you taught it savagely disintegrating tyranny; all it ever learnt was indeed tyranny; nothing else but ruthlessly puerile and victimizingly venomous tyranny,

  If you taught it satanically indescribable snatching; all it ever learnt was indeed snatching; nothing else but nondescriptly obsolete and flagrant snatching,

  If you taught it unfathomably incarcerating greed; all it ever learnt was indeed greed; nothing else but sardonically opprobrious and disparaging greed,

  If you taught it inexplicably debilitating disease; all it ever learnt was indeed disease; nothing else but heinously crippling and vengeful disease,

  If you taught it traumatically dying ostentation; all it ever learnt was indeed ostentation; nothing else but salaciously notorious and livid ostentation,

  If you taught it hideously crucifying torture; all it ever learnt was indeed torture; nothing else but doggedly excoriating and lascivious torture,

  If you taught it severely macabre ghosts; all it ever learnt was indeed ghosts; nothing else but extinguishingly evanescent and morose ghosts,

  If you taught it obnoxiously dolorous stench; all it ever learnt was indeed stench; nothing else but disdainfully impeding and thwarting stench,

  If you taught it unthinkably imbroglio trash; all it ever learnt was indeed trash; nothing else but severely battering and despondent trash,

  If you taught it unsurpassably irate hostility; all it ever learnt was indeed hostility; nothing else but corpulently debasing and reprimanding hostility,

  If you taught it fecklessly inflated pride; all it ever learnt was indeed pride; nothing else but perilously sinister and ephemerally slithering pride,

  If you taught it inconsolably terrorizing sorrow; all it ever learnt was indeed sorrow; nothing else but punitively fretting and abominable sorrow,

  If you taught it pallidly insomniac degeneration; all it ever learnt was indeed degeneration; nothing else but indigenously corrupt and oblivious degeneration,

  If you taught it absurdly demoralizing slang; all it ever learnt was indeed slang; nothing else but sloppily imprisoning and disappearing slang,

  If you taught it horrendously stunting adultery; all it ever learnt was indeed adultery; nothing else but impudently stripping and poisonously orphaning adultery,

  If you taught it impeachingly derogatory promiscuousness; all it ever learnt was indeed promiscuousness; nothing else but nefariously expurgating and maiming promiscuousness,

  If you taught it abhorrently unending extinction; all it ever learnt was indeed extinction; nothing else but castigatingly devilish and slaughtering extinction,

  While so astoundingly sensitive was the mind of the infant; that if you taught it immortally unassailable love; all it ever learnt was indeed love; celestially forgetting all of the above; harnessing every ingredient of its blood with nothing else but; the

  spirit of perpetually Godly and timeless love.


  It was a bundle of overwhelmingly sparkling joy; please don’t mercilessly maraud its flesh; with your obnoxiously uncouth nails,

  It was a sacrosanct leaf of freshly blossoming life; please don’t invidiously inundate its immaculate brain; with your horrendously truculent tales of bizarre manipulation,

  It was a fairy having just descended from the heart of celestial sky; please don’t gruesomely maim it with your indiscriminately cold-blooded stride,

  It was the ultimate fulfilling fantasy of any two perpetual lovers; please don’t heinously strangulate the last iota of breath from its innocuously Godly body; with your infernos of indescribably sordid malice,

  It was a quintessentially ardent constituent in God’s chapter of timeless procreation; please don’t ghastily blind it forever; even before it could open its mesmerizing eyes,

  It was an Omnipotent lantern illuminating count
less dwellings besieged with disparaging despair; please don’t ruthless snap its hands; with your fangs of vindictive hatred,

  It was an unassailable harbinger of humanity; please don’t venomously poison its holistically vibrant soul; with your lecherously stinking world of politics and crime,

  It was an astoundingly eclectic and unconquerable prince; please don’t lay a battlefield of your pugnaciously acrid thorns in whatever path that it crawled and blissfully tread,

  It was a fountain of inexorably unending happiness; please don’t satanically thrash its ears; with your whips of derogatorily unforgivable savagery,

  It was an everlastingly smiling doll which embraced all mankind; please don’t sinfully replace its bountifully adorable laughter; with your ghoulish teardrops of torturously penalizing hell,

  It was the most divine fantasy of every organism alive; please don’t hideously cripple its unblemished originality; with your disparaging greed and ostracizing prejudice,

  It was an unparalleled jewel of the poignant eye; please don’t salaciously rip apart its skin; with your profusely blood stained and barbaric butcher knife,

  It was a blessing from the cosmos to all fraternity of mankind breathing and alive; please don’t trade its innocently benign flesh; for your sinister wads of debasing money,

  It was the most impregnable Sun of tomorrow; a spell bindingly guiding light; please don’t horrifically confound its boundless resplendence; with your cloudcovers of treacherously gory night,

  It was an unfathomable cistern of perennial enchantment; please don’t bawdily kick it with your bohemian toes; always sunk way beneath the graveyards of insane lifelessness,

  It was the greatest star ever shining on marvelous earth divine; please don’t brutally plagiarize it with corpses of illiteracy and pernicious sodomy; instead of gifting it with effulgent toys,

  It was a horizon which had absolutely no end; please don’t vengefully asphyxiate its chords of celestial existence; with the disdainful abhorrence for all surviving; ostensibly burgeoning in your eyes,

  It was an immortal heartbeat pulsating with unstoppable life; please don’t tyrannically deprive it of all the fathomless tributaries of love; that it was destined to assimilate every unfurling minute of its beautiful life,

  In the name of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord O! Devil; please don’t in anyway harm the new born child; even if your desire to kill transcends everything else on

  this planet; you can readily take my life; but please don’t harm the child; don't you dare harm the freshest outcry of newborn life


  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life;  both of whom for me were the most ecstatically ravishing  entities; on this fathomlessly enchanting Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most unbelievably artistic and poignantly sensitive entities; on this boundlessly enamoring Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life;  both of whom for me

  were the most unsurpassably surreal and limitlessly fantasizing entities; on

  this timelessly enthralling Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most triumphantly sacrosanct and bountifully virile entities; on this

  spell bindingly ever-pervading Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most compassionately humanitarian and symbiotically melanging entities; on this unceasingly fructifying Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most vivaciously exuberant and optimistically brilliant entities; on

  this unbelievably symbiotic Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most intrepidly tangy and ebulliently unconquerable entities; on this spectacularly panoramic Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most jubilantly charismatic and inimitably priceless entities; on this timelessly Omnipotent Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most impeccably mollifying and ubiquitously effulgent entities; on

  this inexhaustibly redolent Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most iridescently vivacious and tranquilly ameliorating entities; on

  this unfathomably blessed Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me

  were the most chirpily extravagant and unstoppably burgeoning entities; on

  this Omnisciently insuperable Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most truthfully undefeated and righteously bestowing entities; on

  this uninhibitedly heavenly Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most fantastically embellished and informally heartfelt entities; on this immaculately invincible Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most eternally liberating and blissfully vibrant entities; on this victoriously Omnipresent Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most benevolently philanthropic and wholeheartedly Samaritan entities; on this indefatigably proliferating Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most patriotically unflinching and fearlessly divine entities; on this unbeatably emollient Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were

  the most synergistically consummate and ardently affable entities; on this impregnably transcending Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in life; both of whom for me were the most dexterously molded and creatively evolving entities; on this fabulously twinkling Universe,

  O! Yes; there were definitely two women in life; both of whom for me were the most eclectically adept and unshakably harboring entities; on this magically mitigating Universe,

  The first one of them was my perpetually Godly Mother who gave me birth to

  relish the astoundingly unlimited gifts of this planet. Whilst the second one was my Heavenly Beloved; who not only made me feel unassailably alive in this lifetime; but was the cardinal reason for my rebirth an infinite more times to enjoy an infinite more lifetimes.


  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Businessmen; astoundingly manipulating even the most infinitesimal nuances of trade; handsomely seated on

  the absolute zeniths of corporate victories,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Magicians; possessing the unbelievable ability of transforming even the most tawdrily decrepit piece of junk; into unconquerably glittering gold,


  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Politicians; dexterously governing the pragmatic lives of countless million people; right at their surreptitiously slippery fingertips,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Warriors; altruistically shedding even the last bone of their spines for the service of their venerated motherland; whilst wholesomely capturing every element of the devil in mind; body and spirit,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devils; the most despicably hedonistic curmudgeons of insanity; satanically massacring every thing that they encountered in vicinity; without the tiniest reason or rhyme,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Astrologers; amazingly able to portend even the most obfuscated of happenings to unfurl; centuries later than this very vivaciously breathing day; today,

  Some introduced
themselves as the greatest of Philosophers; holding boundless organisms in an unimaginably spell-bound stupor; as they indefatigably

  sermonized the ideals of exhilarating existence and ultimate death,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Gamblers; where an infinite currency coin first slipped from their palms like ecstatically melting; before astutely multiplying itself into fathomless more of its very own kind,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Musicians; timelessly rekindling even the most lugubriously livid parchment of the atmosphere; with victoriously unfettered rhapsody,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Sportsmen; majestically recoining the definition of whichever game that they played; perpetually ensuring their place in the most spectacularly emollient of legend books,


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