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The Womb - Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood - volume 2

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by Nikhil Parekh

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Pioneers; evolving an inexhaustibly fructifying revolution; out of inanely dying wisps of battered nothingness,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Dancers; flexing even the most obsolete crannies of their bodies to myriad colors; shapes and forms; timelessly

  bewitching the atmosphere of even the most monotonously deadened of night,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Fantasizers; perennially galloping in the full fervor of life in those inscrutably tingling spaces; which were beyond the definitions of infinite infinity,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Swimmers; profoundly enjoying it only when there was the most truculently devastating storm at sea; when waves as ferociously tall as the sky; intransigently whipped them on every part of their naked form,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Street-Smarts; deplorably spitting an ocean of deplorable slang; at even the most non-receptively robotic bits of concrete in the gutter can,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Robbers; wholesomely dumbfounding the law on every conceivable occasion; stupefying millions of true soldiers with the parasitically profane treachery in their glib heels,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Philanderers; flirting with an infinite women at one given moment; almost proclaiming themselves to have given birth to the entire of the limitless living kind,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devotees; selflessly beheading the most intriguing of their scalps at the feet of the Almighty Lord; at the slightest of innuendo,

  Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Wrestlers; indefatigably overpowering every element of perceivable weakness in the Universe; with the sheer and most ardent tenacity of their robustly bulging muscle,

  Whilst I introduced myself as a hopelessly devastated and irretrievable  loser in every commercial aspect of life; but nevertheless and solely as the “Son” of my unconquerably Omnipotent and eternally compassionate mother.


  Give me the most treacherously stagnating of lies; or give me the most triumphantly blazing Sun of gloriously unfettered truth,

  Give me the most invidiously crippling of disease; or give me the most spell

  binding rainshowers of eternally fructifying prosperity,

  Give me the most sadistically perverted of insomnia; or give me the most celestially mollifying and perpetually reinvigorating of rest,

  Give me the most viciously stoning of torture; or give me the most astoundingly Omnipotent atmosphere of ubiquitous prosperity,

  Give me the most obliviously rotting of dilapidation; or give me the most

  robustly burgeoning mists of unbelievably ecstatic freshness,

  Give me the most sinfully massacring coffins of betrayal; or give me the most compassionately invincible valleys of perennially liberating camaraderie,

  Give me the most hedonistically delirious of slavery; or give me the perennial wings of freedom to timelessly and unabashedly discover my own identity,

  Give me the most hopelessly crucifying of abuse; or give me the most unassailably proliferating of victoriously undying blessing,

  Give me the most raunchily diabolical of prejudice; or give me the most impregnably benign spirit to disseminate the mantra of unconquerably symbiotic humanity; till the very last breath of my life,

  Give me the most diabolically penalizing of prison; or give me the most pristinely panoramic gorges of stupendous wonderment; to tirelessly enthrall even the most infinitesimal of my senses,

  Give me the most flagrantly sacrilegious of deterioration; or give me the most fantastically ameliorating of virility; which instantaneously engendered me to spawn into countless more of my kind,

  Give me the most haplessly inexplicable of misery; or give me the most insuperably redolent power to portend even the most inconspicuously fragile element of my enchanting destiny,

  Give me the most lethally asphyxiating of venom; or give me the most bountifully heavenly elixir to triumphantly transcend over even the most obfuscated devil in life,

  Give me the most lecherously vomiting of monotony; or give me the most benevolently blessed brain; which had the unfathomable temerity to fantasize

  even beyond the land of infinite infinity,

  Give me the most brutally tormenting of cancer; or give me the most infallibly fiery blood in my veins; which possessed the tenacity to overtopple even the mightiest of satanic devils,

  Give me the most cadaverously fetid of ghost; or give me the most undefeated

  form of life in every of my stride; as I galloped towards the ultimate epitomes of venerated paradise,

  Give me the most inevitably squelching coffin; or give me the most indomitably perpetual cistern of breath; that lit a fire of unsurpassable hope on every speck of the atmosphere that it fell,

  Give me the most perniciously salacious dungeon of tawdry betrayal; or give me the most Immortally untainted sky of limitlessly blessing love,

  Give me the most heinously cursed form of orphaned death; or give me the most unconquerably iridescent Universe of life; which none could ever dream to besiege,

  And give me whatever you choose to O! Omnipotent Mother; I would still accept it with the most symbiotically effulgent of smile; without the tiniest of angst in my heart; soul and breath; if only you just allowed me to wholeheartedly and open-handedly receive the same at your; timelessly divinely feet


  It was only a mother who so majestically bore you 9 months in her Omnipotent womb; nourishing every ingredient of your blessed body and bone; with her very own pricelessly inimitable blood,

  It was only a mother who delivered you so celestially to the world; not letting even the most infinitesimal of scratch engulf your persona; whilst bearing the most indescribably excruciating of pain,

  It was only a mother who so compassionately suckled you with her sacrosanct

  milk; mollifying even the most mercurial trace of your irascible hunger; although she was uncontrollably shivering in cancerous disease all the time,

  It was only  a mother who so holistically taught you how to walk; following

  and tracing even the most oblivious footstep of yours; whilst you kicked your baby feet in uninhibited abandon towards her impeccable face,

  It was only a mother who so obsessively searched every cranny of this earth;

  to feed you with the best food and fruit available; bearing countless a whiplash of the sadistically pugnacious society in the entire process,

  It was only a mother who so unsurpassably trembled in the freezing winter night; but enveloped every inch of your tiny form in the last altruistic robe adorning her venerated body,

  It was a only mother who so endlessly fought against the entire planet; just so that you wholesomely followed even the most unconventionally evanescent dreams of your heart; just so that you blossomed till realms beyond infinite infinity in whatever symbiotic you chose to do,

  It was only a mother who so irrefutably believed every voice that emanated from your soul; even as the entire Universe ignominiously slandered you and incarcerated you

  in ghoulishly crippling chains,

  It was only a mother who so magnanimously condoned even the most unpardonable of your sin; infallibly believing it when you said that it had happened quite inadvertently from your demeanor,

  It was only a mother who so indefatigably prayed to the Omniscient Almighty

  Lord for your perpetual betterment; whilst herself pathetically emaciating on a coffin of cadaverously fetid thorns,

  It was only a mother who so selflessly and forever showered her countless blessings upon your impoverished form; even though at times you rebuked her; and lived in separated dwellings after earning your own livelihood,

  It was only a mother who so brilliantly sketched even the most ethereal ingredient of your form with the redolent blood in
her veins; even in the most diabolically crucifying of blackness,

  It was only a mother who so perennially congratulated you at the even the most fugitive of your accomplishment; whilst the entire tawdry planet unceasingly laughed at your inanely frigid foolhardiness,

  It was only a mother who so inexhaustibly stood guard by your side all day

  and satanic night; invincibly safe-guarding you from even the most dreariest voice of the devil; whilst you snored in bounteous heaven’s paradise,

  It was only a mother who so unabashedly sold herself to every tangible trace of the chauvinistic male demon; just in order to earn that extra penny; which would add an undefeated glint to each element of your survival,

  It was only a mother who so indefatigably harnessed even the most fleeting trace of your creativity; epitomizing the artist effulgently radiating from your breath; to perpetually blend with the Omnipresent Almighty Lord,

  It was only a mother who so royally ameliorated you from the dungeons of torturous pain; metamorphosing even the most unstoppably bleeding of your wounds into the unassailable light of the Morning Sun; with just a single of her miraculous caress,

  It was only a mother who so immortally loved you as her child; immortally dedicated every beat of her heart to your ecstatic creation; for a countless more of her lifetimes,

  It was only a mother who so timelessly nourished every aspect of your truncated existence with her unflinchingly godly breath; tirelessly pumping victorious life in your mind; body; soul and spirit; even after she inevitably left for her heavenly abode, 


  And yet you fecklessly decrepit human molecule overlooked everything that she’d done for you; cannibalistically overlooked the incomparable sacrifices that she’d made to enable you to live an unlimited number of lifetimes; ruthlessly embossing your father’s initials instead of hers between your name and surname; just because it’d been going on since thousands of years; and just because your spuriously stupid society said


  Not even the most indomitably peaking and handsomely compassionate of

  mountains could ever dream of perennially protecting me; as much as,

  Not even the most tantalizingly tangy and intrepidly fearless of oceans could ever dream of bountifully revitalizing me; as much as,

  Not even the most celestially sacrosanct and pristinely blessed of cows could ever dream of holistically purifying me; as much as,

  Not even the most vivaciously virgin and indispensably mollifying droplets of rain could ever dream of victoriously liberating me; as much as,

  Not even the most optimistically brilliant and unceasingly divine of Sunlight could ever dream of insuperably inspiring me; as much as,

  Not even the most resplendently tranquil and irrefutably altruistic of shadows could ever dream of endlessly pacifying me; as much as,

  Not even the most ebulliently mystical and impeccably benign of moonlight could ever dream of timelessly consecrating me; as much as,

  Not even the most fathomlessly majestic and unsurpassably unhindered of skies could ever dream of inexhaustibly freeing me; as much as,

  Not even the most Omnipotently blessed and symbiotically fortified of milk could ever dream of perpetually nourishing me; as much as,

  Not even the most inscrutably enthralling and vividly embellished of forests could ever dream of forever entrancing me; as much as,

  Not even the most redolently inimitable and unassailably royal of lotus’s could ever dream of limitlessly befriending me; as much as,

  Not even the most fantastically potent and everlastingly fructifying of seeds could ever dream of gloriously burgeoning me; as much as,

  Not even the most supremely invincible and unprecedentedly vibrant of paradise could ever dream of unceasingly blessing me; as much as,

  Not even the most eternally glorifying and serendipitously stupefying of rainbows could ever dream of insurmountably bewitching me; as much as,

  Not even the most candidly scintillating and indefatigably honest of mirrors could ever dream of truthfully reflecting me; as much as,

  Not even the most magically ameliorating and wonderfully crystalline of streams could ever dream of bounteously quenching my thirst; as much as,

  Not even the most ingeniously original and boundlessly mitigating of fantasies could ever dream of miraculously alleviating me; as much as,

  Not even the most unconquerably Omnipresent and ubiquitously ever-pervading

  of messiahs; saints; lovers and heartthrobs could ever dream of harmoniously

  rekindling me; as much as,

  As much as my immortal mother is forever crazy about even the most infinitesimal aspect of my existence; as much as my mother protected me from even the most diminutive trace of the devil before I could emanate my very first breath; as much as my mother endlessly blesses me even in the most oblivious of her dreams; as much as my mother admires me more than what anything could have admired anything else on this fathomless Universe; as much as my mother forgives me more than what the Lord could have forgiven any organism alive on this aristocratic earth; as much as my Mother breathes my and solely my reflection in each of her breath; and in every of her lifetime.


  Those fingers of hers might be too infinitesimally tiny for the world to comprehend; inarticulately swishing all the time; in free bits of exotic space,

  But each compassionate caress of theirs; imparted my disastrously dithering countenance with such marvelous rejuvenation; that no other caress on this endless

  Universe; could ever fathom to bequeath.

  Those eyes of hers might be too incoherently flirtatious for the world to comprehend; unknowingly swirling in boundless directions; at a single time,

  But each resplendent twinkle of theirs; bestowed upon my manipulatively besieged visage with such majestic exhilaration; that no other twinkle on this gigantic Universe; could ever perceive to bequeath.

  Those lips of hers might be too inconspicuously mumbling for the world to comprehend; hardly able to explicitly pronounce their own identity; timelessly

  searching for the right word,

  But each poignant kiss of theirs; flooded my murderously bereaved soul with such an unfathomable ocean of mesmerizing melody; that no other kiss on this limitless Universe; could ever envisage to bequeath.

  Those feet of hers might be too ludicrously tiny for the world to comprehend; perennially tucked under the profusely silken quilt; sporadically changing their

  complexion with the swaying winds,

  But each divine impression of theirs; overwhelmed my malevolently faltering conscience with such irrefutable righteousness; that no other impression on

  this fathomless Universe; could ever imagine to bequeath.

  Those voices of hers might be too innocuously abstruse for the world to comprehend; sounding to some as pathetically rambunctious balderdash,

  But each magical incantation of theirs; soothed my tyrannically dictatorial nerves so much blissful royalty; that no other incantation on this unsurpassable Universe; could ever conceive to bequeath.

  Those ears of hers might be too frigidly soft for the world to comprehend; capriciously flapping to even the most diminutive draught of breeze,

  But each inscrutable reverberation of theirs; drifted my abhorrently plagued existence so heavenly towards the aisles of exuberant rhapsody; that no other reverberation on this unprecedented Universe; could ever visualize to bequeath.

  Those cheeks of hers might seem too insignificantly insipid for the world to comprehend; resembling the purest shades of white from the; ebulliently midnight


  But each vivacious blush of theirs; maneuvered my ungainly tottering footsteps so celestially to blazing victory; that no other blush on this mammoth Universe; could ever fantasize to bequeath.

  Those freshly budding crusts of her teeth might seem too nimbly unwarranted for the world to comprehend; occasionally getting stu
ck with the robust pinks of her tiny tongue,

  But each ardent chattering of theirs; impregnated my impoverished visage with a tenacity so invincibly resolute; that no other chattering on this gargantuan

  Universe; could ever dream to bequeath.

  Those nostrils of hers might seem too lividly inconsequential for the world to comprehend; at times making her minuscule bundle in the cradle invisible; to even the most stringently brilliant of light outside,

  But each aristocratic breath of theirs; enshrouded my lugubriously dwindling persona with such astounding exuberance; that no other breath on this scintillating Universe; could ever visualize to bequeath.

  And those heartbeats of hers might seem too capriciously evanescent to the world outside; at times making it difficult for strangers to discern as to whether she was lifeless or vibrantly alive,

  But each immortal bonding of theirs; made each element of my traumatically beleaguered life blossom with so much unconquerable love; that no other bonding on this tireless Universe; could ever cogitate to bequeath.


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