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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

Page 3

by Jennifer Louise

  As if reliving the scene in her mind, she takes in a stuttering breath. “Um… yeah… well it was definitely something that I have never seen before.”

  Now it was my turn to look at her puzzled, even though I already knew the answer. “Is this your first time here?”

  She was staring down at her drink, searching for answers, and nods. “Yes. Crystal is an acquaintance of mine and has been asking me to come check out her club. I’m not sure why though. It’s not my thing but this is an interesting place. She must have thought I would enjoy myself.”

  “Are you? Enjoying yourself?” She had me intrigued by her innocence and faint southern accent.

  “Yes. I’m enjoying a night out and so far, the company.” She was adorable as she shyly peered at me through her long lashes.

  She was an easy one to read. In every business deal that I close, I’m ruthless but that is because I can get a read on people. I have the best advantage that way. Her telltale signs are endearing. I was instantly drawn to her curiousness.

  I wondered if the thought of being dominated in the bedroom was something she would be interested in exploring. While I don’t consider myself a Dom by title, I do enjoy dominating during sex. Having that sort of control, just fuels the lines of passion even more and heightens the experience.

  “What line of work are you in?” I was drawn into the depths of her baby blues and I want to know everything I possibly can about her.

  She gave me a sexy little smirk. “Now Aidan. Isn’t that one of the rules of Club Manhattan …that you don’t know who anyone is? Doesn’t that add something to the mystique of it all?

  “So, you’re a lawyer then?” She audibly gasps and her plump pink lips pop open. I had to cross my leg, resting my ankle over my knee. Just from that little sound, even over the noise of the music, it made my dick twitch with excitement envisioning those lips wrapped around my cock.

  She was visibly taken aback but with amusement in her voice. “Wow! Am I that transparent or are you just psychic or something?”

  I chuckled, amused. “Or something. Okay confession time. I may have asked Crystal about you. I noticed you the minute you walked in and sat at the bar. Before Crystal had a chance to come up and greet you, I pulled her aside for a little chat.” She was eyeing me cautiously. But she was also intrigued by my confession.

  “Well, Crystal wouldn’t tell me anything about you, so I feel I’m at an unfair advantage. I think it’s only fair that you tell me something about yourself. What line of work are you in?”

  “Well I’m not a lawyer so you can rest easy about that.” She feigned a look of hurt feelings at my comment.

  “Hey! What is wrong with lawyers?” She had a twinkle in her eye and was finding this banter amusing.

  “There is abso-fucking-lutely nothing wrong with lawyers. I happen to think they are hot and sexy especially when they are trying to be all assertive and lawyer-like.” She was easy to rile up and I was having fun with it.

  “Well that is just because I have learned to take control of my life and giving control back to my clients. It’s a rewarding career when I can win a case and get what my clients deserve. And I rarely lose. Women don’t deserve to be treated less or given less just because they are women. I stand up for their rights when no one else can.”

  “Wow. That is a passionate plea if I have ever heard one. I usually think lawyers are just out for themselves and how much money they can make from it all. You though. There is something about you that is unique. Almost like you do this to right a wrong. Am I close?”

  I can see now that I have hit a nerve. Her mask of control that was starting to slip is now firmly back in place. “Aidan. I think you are sexy man that could have any woman in this place. I’m just not sure that I’m what you are looking for.”

  To show her how serious I was, I shifted in my seat and placed both of my hands on either side of her face, gently cupping her cheeks. “Chloe. I am looking at you. You’re beautiful, and I’d like to get to know you better. I don’t know what you think I’m looking for, but I’m here. With you. What do you say? Can I take you to dinner one day this week?”

  I’m not sure where her self-doubt is coming from, but I felt the tension leave her body at the closeness of our bodies and the words that I whispered seductively to her. Her scent enveloped me. She smelled like vanilla and lavender, and I just had to close my eyes for a second to take it all in.

  She didn’t try to move away. Instead, she leaned into the touch of my hands still holding her face adoringly. “I’d like that.”

  I let go of her face so that I could place a chaste kiss on her expecting lips, skimmed my lips ever so softly across her jaw, and nuzzled my nose behind the tender skin below her ear. Her breath hitched at our contact, and I heard the sweetest sound… “Aidan...”

  That one word. My name from her mouth. That is all it took for our lips to once again find each other. They were soft and inviting as I patiently waited for her to let me in. When her lips parted, and her tongue darted out to lick my bottom lip, I took that as my invitation. It was a sensual kiss. Not urgent or taking but passionate and slow. A soft moan escaped from her throat and my dick instantly went hard.

  I leaned into her body and grabbed ahold of her waist. She instinctively moves when I tug on her hips and she straddles my lap. With a leg on each side of my waist, I feel her wet, hot heat against my swollen cock that is straining against the zipper of my pants. It’s screaming to be released and I’m trying to keep it under control.

  Kissing her is intoxicating. She tastes so fucking sweet. I can tell she is having an internal battle with herself. Not wanting to completely let go but too far gone to care. I slow down the kiss and start to suck on her bottom lip. That earned me another moan.

  I reluctantly stop kissing her to slide my lips down her neck. I can feel the pulse in her neck and it’s out of control. “Fuck. The sounds you are making are going to make me cum in my pants.”

  “Aidan. Oh, God, I’m so close.” She is rocking her hot body against the hard ridge of my cock. I grab the glorious globes of her ass and give them a firm squeeze pushing her down against my lap and grind against her.

  “Take whatever you want from me baby.” Her breath hitches and she is locked into her zone. Our eyes meet, and she bites her bottom lip, getting ready to come apart.

  “Chloe. I’ve got you. Just let go.” With that, she closes her eyes and her head falls back in ecstasy. I still have a firm hold on her ass and I continue to grind and stroke myself against her to ride out her pleasure. She is dazed and sexy as fuck in this moment. I could sit here and watch her do this over… and over again, never getting tired of the blissful expression on her face.

  As she is coming down from her orgasmic high, she blinks at me a few times as if just realizing what she just did and where. She blushes hard mumbling an apology and scrambles off my lap.

  “Chloe. Just stay here a few more minutes. No one is looking at us. You do remember where we are right? I guarantee you, a lot more has happened in this place.”

  But before I can say anything else, she has a mortified expression on her face and she is heading straight for the exit. It takes me a few seconds to realize that she’s leaving, and I take off after her. Relief washed over me when I see her still standing outside the door, but she is frantically trying to hail a cab.

  “Chloe. Stop. You don’t have to run away from me. Can we go back inside and talk?” A sudden protective nature comes over me and I’m not ready to lose this connection.

  “I’m so sorry Aidan. I don’t know what came over me. It has been a long time for me and I guess I just got carried away. I’m really not this type of girl.” She is pleading her case with her eyes and her face and is flushed with embarrassment.

  “Chloe don’t ever apologize for taking what you need and especially not from me. You deserve to let go occasionally, and you were beautiful when you did.”

  “Please stop. Nothing about me is beautiful. I
’m so boring and plain Jane. I mean just look at me?”

  “I am looking at you. You’re beautiful, sexy, smart… shall I keep going because I can think of a whole lot more to say about you. I have a feeling that you are one hell of an amazing woman, Chloe. Why do you doubt that?”

  She makes a move to go back inside and I gently place my hand on the small of her back to guide her. We make our way back through the club and to where we were just sitting. She has a forlorn air about her, and I have a feeling that I’m not going to like the answer to my question. But I dare ask it anyway.

  “Chloe, why would you doubt that you’re a beautiful woman? When is the last time someone told you that?”

  “I really don’t think you want to hear about my life drama right now. Let’s just say that I had a previous messy relationship and hearing you say those nice things to me, triggers bad memories. It’s just all so confusing to me.”

  The expression on her face was one of dejection and regret. I could sense that she didn’t want to talk anymore about it, but there was a story lurking underneath those melancholy eyes of hers. I was going to let her tell me when she was ready.

  What did this guy do to her to make her doubt herself so much?

  Chapter 5


  What the actual fuck is wrong with me? I just met the sexiest man I have ever seen, and I literally climbed on top of him and grinded myself to an orgasm. Right there. On the couch. Of a club. Okay it’s a sex club. But still. Really, Chloe!

  It’s like he can see through my bullshit. I try to put up a wall to show that I’m strong and confident. But I’m not. The minute I get close to someone, especially a man, all my insecurities of my past come back to haunt me.

  You will never be like the other women Chloe. You are weak and pathetic Chloe. No one will ever put up with your shit Chloe.

  How many times have I heard my ex-fiancé tell me all those things and so much more? He made me feel worthless, like he was the best person for me because no one else would ever want to be with a girl like me. Years. Two years of emotional berating.

  Now this man. Aidan. He is telling me the opposite of what my ex used to say to me. Even in my internal mind, I can’t bear to say his name. it’s too painful. Too painful to put a name to the memory.

  As I sit next to Aidan at the club, still dazed from my out of body orgasmic experience on his lap, I turn to study his strong features. He is watching another scene play out on the stage. His profile is just as impressive with his high cheekbones and strong jaw line. He was flexing his jaw like he was working out a problem in his head.

  I could tell he was giving me some space and time to clear my thoughts.

  “Architectural Design.” I heard him blurt out and turn to me. “You asked me earlier what line of work I’m in. Architect by trade.”

  “That must be a rewarding job. Designing a structure from a rendering and then seeing those plans come to life in a new building.”

  “It’s. It has been a passion of mine to refurbish lower income communities and bring them back to life, so to speak. Of course, I also work on new projects as well as buying and selling properties in the real estate market and creating new urban living and working spaces. I also try my hand at some interior design as well.”

  “Wow! It sounds like you dabble in a little bit of everything.” He wasn’t arrogant about his impressive resume as he was confident. By the way he describes it, I could tell he had passion.

  “What can I say. I’m a bit of an overachiever. It’s a blessing and a curse.” His low timber chuckle sent another wave of chills through my body. Damn. I don’t quite understand these feelings I’m having. What was this guy doing to me?

  “You mentioned earlier about dinner. What did you have in mind?” It seems a bit odd now to start with dinner, considering I just grinded myself to an amazing orgasm on his lap. I wasn’t at all sure if I should even entertain the idea of going out on a date. I hadn’t been on a date since before my ex.

  “Don’t over think it Chloe. It’s just dinner. At a restaurant. Just two people getting to know each other better.” I sighed and took in the sincere expression on his face. He genuinely looked at me like he would be crushed if I turned him down. It was all so confusing for me to process. I realized that he was waiting for an answer.

  “Sure. I guess I could join you for dinner. What did you have in mind?” My pulse is quickening even at the thought of going on a date.

  “I was thinking of the new steak house on Lexington Avenue. I heard they have an excellent wine menu.” Ok, restaurant. That is a neutral place.

  “Actually, that is a few blocks away from my office. I can meet you there after work. What day is good for you?” You are doing great so far, Chloe. Don’t let him see you sweat.

  He pulled out his phone and brought up his calendar. “How about Wednesday. Is six o’clock okay for you?”

  I mimicked him by pulling out my phone and checked my calendar as well. “Yes. Six o’clock works for me.”

  “While you have your phone out, can I get your number?” The low timber of his voice made me feel like I was a teenager again and the little butterflies in my stomach, which I have been keeping at bay all night, just fluttered at a rapid speed.

  I rattled off my number while he programmed my contact info into his phone. “Here, let me call you and you can have my number too.” Embarrassingly enough, I forgot to put my phone on vibrate so when my phone rang, the sound of Carrie Underwood came belting out of my phone.

  “Country music huh? I would have pegged you for more of an indie chick.”

  “Well I am from Georgia, so it’s kind of a prerequisite to like country music.” I giggled at that remark and the twang in my voice was heavier than normal. I giggled! What is wrong with me?

  “That’s cute…. your laugh. I like to see you smile. You should do that more often. Maybe we need to spend more time together so that I can hear that sound again.”

  I didn’t know what to do with his sexy, flirty advances. Against my better judgement and the war with myself that I was battling inside my head, I already agreed to dinner next week. I didn’t have a response for his comment. I don’t take compliments well at all, so I just smiled at him again.

  The scene on the primary stage had finally wrapped up and the house music was starting to ramp up, making it hard for us to have a conversation.

  I leaned over towards Aidan’s ear so that he could hear me better. “I had a really nice time, but I think I’m going to call it a night and head home.”

  Reaching for his cell phone he was pulling up an app and typing in a message. “Okay, my car service is right outside. I will give you a ride home.”

  “Aidan, you really don’t have to do that. I can take a cab home.”

  “Absolutely not. Besides, this will give me a chance to spend more time with you and it will be quieter this time.” The seductive intensity in his eyes scared me. I’m not sure if I could trust him or myself alone…in a car… in the backseat.

  Aidan escorted me out of the club with his hand on my lower back guiding me towards the exit. His subtle touches, like when he was talking to me and he touched my arm or leg, subconsciously or not, it affected me.

  I glance at the bar quickly and see Crystal talking to a guest. She looks up and glances my way, holding her pinky and thumb up to her ear and mouths silent words to me. “Call me later.” I nod politely and see her wink in our direction.

  True to his word, there was a black town car waiting out by the curb. “How did a car get here so fast?”

  Aidan opened the door to the back of the car and ushered me in. Once we were settled and I gave the driver my address, did he answer my question.

  “I used the car service app that Grayson designed. It detects my location and sends the nearest driver.”

  “Hmm. Interesting. I had no idea Grayson was into app design.”

  “Well, long before he got into the club business, he dabbled in technology. It was
really more of a hobby for him than a profession.”

  “How long have you known Grayson and Crystal?”

  “I helped Grayson and Crystal draw up plans to remodel the club. My interest was piqued when I realized what type of club it was. After the redesign was done, he offered me a membership.”

  “I’m guessing then that you know all of the secret doors, alcoves and rooms in that place.” An odd feeling rises in my chest. I suddenly feel disappointed that we didn’t get to explore more of the club.

  “Only because I helped redesign it, not because I have used any of the rooms. At least not yet.”

  I was surprised by his admission. “Really? You are a member of one of the most exclusive BDSM clubs in New York and you have never used any of its services?” I also caught the word “yet” in his statement but decided to let that slide.

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “What can I say? There hasn’t been someone that I wanted to experience those services with.” His stare was so intent that I had to look away. He couldn’t possibly be implying? Could he?

  Turning back to face him, I was saved by the car coming to a slow stop to the curb of my apartment building.

  “Interesting.” He says gazing up at my building. “I thought the address sounded familiar but now that we are here, I see it’s one of my buildings.”

  “You designed this building?” Well if that isn’t fate or kismet or something, I don’t know what is. And there are those damned butterflies again.

  As if he was reading my mind he says, “It’s like fate or kismet... or something.” The sexy gleam in his eyes was just about my undoing. His eyes pulled me in, inviting me to make the next move. I had already been and done so many things out of my comfort zone tonight, that I knew I had to look away.

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Aidan, it was a really great night and I can’t wait for dinner on Wednesday.” My voice was low and as shy as I was feeling, I didn’t want the night to end but I knew it was for the best.


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