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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

Page 4

by Jennifer Louise

  Aidan opened the door and stepped out to let me follow, holding his hand out to help me out of the car. “Chloe, it was an amazing night. I’m really glad that we met.”

  With that, he once again placed his hand on my lower back and guided me up to the door of my building. The door man quickly opened it up for us. Aidan stepped back as if to let me pass. But at the last minute, he pulled me by the elbow and spun me around and my body crashed into his.

  His lips were on mine before I could protest. His one hand was pressing on my back nearly fusing our bodies together. His other hand was holding the back of my head in place as he devoured my mouth with a toe curling kiss.

  He pulled away as fast as he started and left me standing there breathless. “Until Wednesday, Chloe.” With that, Aidan turned on his heel and got back into his awaiting car.

  Dazed with lust and desire from his breathless kiss, I turned back to see my doorman still standing holding the door. I gave the man a polite nod and headed through the door. “Good evening, Ms. Weston.”

  “Good evening, Frank.” And with that I floated up to my apartment.

  Chapter 6


  I feel a new sense of awakening. It’s like I can see things clearer, smell things better, but my thoughts are all consumed. With her.

  I have never in my life anticipated going on a date as much as I have been thinking about the one Chloe and I have this week. I have not stopped thinking about her since our night together at Club Manhattan. I have never met a woman as passionate about her work or as focused on what she wants to do and how she is going to get there. It’s almost as though she has no other life than the work she does.

  Given our brief conversation at the club, I don’t think she has many friends nor has she dated or had a serious relationship in a while. With my workaholic lifestyle, I don’t always have time for hanging out with friends either. Sure, I have business acquaintances and contacts that I interact with regularly, but none that I would consider best friends.

  We do however have Crystal and Grayson Morrison in common. If it wasn’t for them and their club, I would not have met Chloe. I enjoy my time there to unwind and not worry about the hassles of the regular club scene. It’s my place to escape and destress from long hours of working to keep my million-dollar business running smoothly. I’m in control of all aspects of my business and all areas of my life. If I don’t have a plan in place, it usually means that I’m distracted.

  Montgomery Design and Architectural Urbanism is the name of my firm. My 75-floor high rise office building is on Madison Avenue near the MOMA. I designed the entire top floor of the glass and modern deco designed building as my office spaces. My office faces Central Park, and if the weather is clear enough, I can see the Central Park Zoo. All the interior offices on the top floor are glass walls with sleek modern design elements like steel exposed beams in the ceilings to give off the edgier urban feel.

  My corner office is lined on all sides with floor to ceiling windows, letting in natural light. At night, it’s like being directly under the stars. Not only do I own this building, but I also retrofitted the entire floor below me as a living space.

  When I designed the building, I wanted a place for people to live, work, shop and play. There are shops, restaurants, condo suites, a workout center, and parking garage fit for the trendiest of urban living. The trendy aspect of my designs best sums up my life as well. I’m just as comfortable in an expensive designer suit, as I am in a sport coat and jeans.

  The building itself, from the outside, has a resemblance of a work of art with an eclectic array of modern sculptures on the ground with water and fire elements in the lobby. Without being too flashy and over the top, I wanted to have a place showcase all my designs in one centralized location. It’s my own personal design showroom.

  As I take my private elevator down to my apartment, I contemplate going to the club. But for some reason, it just wouldn’t feel right being there without Chloe. I just met this amazing woman and I cannot stop thinking about her.

  Pulling out my cell phone, I decide to see what she’s doing. Just to follow up on our plans for this week. When the phone gets to the third ring, I think it’s going to voicemail, but then she answers, and she’s bit out of breath.

  “Chloe Weston.”

  I was taken back a bit and turned on by the breathiness of her voice. “Hey Chloe Weston. It’s Aidan Montgomery. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  I hear muffled sounds in the background as if she is fumbling with her phone and I start to get a little concerned. “Um no. Not a bad time. Just getting in a few miles on the treadmill. What’s up?”

  I felt relieved by that revelation considering where my mind went. “I just wanted to call and say that I really had a great time the other night and to firm up our plans for dinner on Wednesday.”

  “I had a really great time too Aidan. It was an interesting experience being at the club. Um… yeah…. about dinner…. I’m not so sure that it’s such a good idea after all. I feel like everything is moving too fast for me.”

  A moment of concern washed over me. I wasn’t ready for that response and I didn’t want her to cancel on me. I knew she was skittish. I would just have to be patient.

  “Chloe. It’s just dinner. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen. I promise. I will be on my best behavior.” I tried to make light of the situation given our first encounter at the club.

  I could still hear her breathing heavy from her run on the treadmill but at least she was thinking about it and hadn’t hung up on me. “I just still feel really embarrassed about the other night. That isn’t who I am Aidan.”

  “I know Chloe. I don’t think any less or different about you because of it. Just say you will still meet me?” I held my breath waiting for her answer.

  “Okay, I guess it does sound harmless enough but I’m still meeting you at the restaurant. It would feel less awkward for me that way.”

  “Whatever makes you feel comfortable, Chloe. You can set the pace. I will see you at six then on Wednesday?”

  “Six o’clock on Wednesday. Thank you, Aidan, for being patient with me. It really means a lot to me.” I hated hearing the trepidation in her voice. I was the one always in control, but I realized that maybe this time, she needed to have the reigns.

  “Of course, have a good evening Chloe, and enjoy your workout.”

  “Thanks. See you soon.”

  Hanging up I too had an unfamiliar tightness in my chest. Like I was holding my breath the entire time, hoping that she wouldn’t turn me down and run away from me again. It was an odd feeling to have given my relationship history. I wasn’t a one-night-stand type of guy, but I was always the one taking the lead.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about all the possibilities of where we could take this. I wanted to be the one to break her out of her shell and to help her find herself. She may not realize it, but I have a feeling that if she were to let herself truly go, she would find that she has an inner, sexy vixen that I know is hiding in there somewhere. There are so many things that I want to show her and to have her experience with me.

  Chapter 7


  Wednesday got here a lot faster that I was ready for. It’s not because I was dreading our dinner date, but because I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I couldn’t concentrate all week and it was especially hard after talking to Aidan on the phone the other night. But it was finally here. Date night with Aidan.

  My assistant at the firm was also glad that today was Wednesday because all I have done for the past few days is asking her to do the same tasks repeatedly. I could not remember when or if I asked for certain files or notes because my brain was so preoccupied. She knew something was up and that I had plans on Wednesday because I had her block off my schedule. But I usually don’t talk about my dating life to the people I work with. Oh, who am I kidding? I haven’t had a dating life to not talk about.

  Until Aidan.

p; I sense that we are more alike and have more in common than we realize. We are both workaholics and are driven to succeed in our careers, leaving little to no time for socializing. Sure, I have clients and coworkers that I spend time with but no one that I’m close enough to call a best friend. I had one of those once and he betrayed me in so many ways.

  Curiosity got the better of me this week as well. My obsessive need to know everything about Aidan had me looking him up online. From the articles, I read that he was a successful businessman, made it onto the Forbes 500 list last year, and ironically enough also the Times list of most eligible bachelors. He is thirty-two, one of New York’s sought-after architects, and owns the largest urban architectural firm. Quite the impressive resume. It still had me doubting why he was taking an interest in me.

  We at least had Crystal and Grayson Morrison in common. Given that we met at their club gave us something else in common to talk about. When I got home from the club that night, I sent a quick text to Crystal to let her know I was ok and thanked her for inviting me to the club. She was very reassuring to let me know that Aidan was a good guy and I couldn’t go wrong with dating him.

  I’m still amazed at the fact that we hit it off rather quickly. Although, I’m still embarrassed about the fact that I was so bold as to climb into his lap and grind against him. Now that is a way to leave a first impression. But in some ways, it made me feel sexy and empowered.

  I have had steamy dreams and fantasies about him and what he is like in bed. Ever since that night. I have never had those types of thoughts about anyone before. Thoughts that felt so real and feelings like there was a real connection.

  I have had daydreams about what it would be like to be with my favorite hot actor or musician. But those thoughts and fantasies always seemed so unattainable.

  Until now.

  This time, I felt my inner vixen whispering to me, wanting to come out and play. It was a new experience and somewhat like an awakening for me. It was all so confusing for me to process.

  I couldn’t concentrate any more at the office, so I decided to head home early and unwind. Something I never did. Thinking a glass of wine would help calm my nerves.

  I decided to take a long, hot shower and not think about Aidan. That was easier said than done. As my hands trailed over my body under the hot spray of the water, letting the soap caress my skin, my hands circled my breasts and pinched my nipples slightly. I closed my eyes and a vision of Aidan popped into my head. As my hands continued to trail down my body, I could feel my breathing pick up.

  My fingers dipped into the folds of my pussy as I felt my body clench around them. I needed this release. I needed to feel Aidan’s strong fingers, but my hands would have to do. I feverishly brought myself to the brink of release and then over the edge of glory.

  Shuddering from the aftershocks of my orgasm, as my eyes regained focus and my breathing came back to normal, I was then able to feel a little calmer than before.

  I always thought that pleasuring myself was a dirty act and that I should be ashamed of myself for letting it happen. Or at least that is what my ex would say. He said it wasn’t necessary since I had him. Little did he know, that I needed that release when he couldn’t give it to me. He was selfish that way. I got to resent the times that he wanted to have sex. It felt like an act and I was just going through the motions. It wasn’t love at all. I should have sensed the difference. My body did.

  As I stepped out of the shower, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, giving myself a pep talk. You can do this. It’s just a date. A date with a sexy as fuck man. One that has strong hands and a fierce glare. Daring to take you to the heights of pleasure and back again. One that….

  Shit! I was trying to focus and psyche myself up not get all hot and bothered again. I was all over the place with my feelings. Timid. Shy. Lustful. Sexy. Fucking horny as hell.

  When I wandered back into my bedroom to get dressed, I glanced at my phone and there was a text from Aidan. I smiled at the thought that he was thinking about me.

  Aidan: Can’t wait to see you. Are you sure that I can’t persuade you into letting me pick you up? My promise still stands. I will behave. ;)

  I quickly sent him back a response. My resolve was starting to break. What is the harm in him picking me up? He said I could set the pace.

  Chloe: I guess that would be alright. I will let the doorman know you are coming.

  Aidan: Thank you for trusting me Chloe. I will be there soon.

  Chloe: Looking forward to it.

  Trusting him. That is what I was doing. It was a hard concept for me to understand. Do you deserve a man like him? That was a more logical question to grasp.

  I finished drinking my glass of wine as I got ready. It was summertime in New York, so I decided to wear another dress. This time it was a halter style, teal blue that would complement my blue eye color and my blonde hair. I paired my dress with strappy sandals with higher than my normal work heels. Aidan is so tall. I needed the heel height.

  I dried and curled my hair into soft curls and waves, hoping to give off a classic vibe. I didn’t want to look all done up, so I kept my makeup light and stuck to neutral colors.

  When six o’clock rolled around, I had paced my front foyer several times but got wise around the fifth lap and kicked off my shoes. When the buzzer finally sounded, and my doorman called up, I was on edge again.

  There was a hint of amusement in my doorman Frank’s voice as he called up to my apartment. “Ms. Weston, there is a gentleman here in the lobby to see you.”

  “Thank you, Frank. You can send him up.” I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my small clutch purse and proceeded to pace my foyer in anticipation of his arrival at my door. When I head a soft knock at my door, I felt as though I had just run a mile the way my heart was beating, and I was so winded and breathy that I thought I would pass out. I reminded myself that It’s just a date. He said I could set the pace. A gauntlet of emotions was still coursing through me. Don’t over think this Chloe.

  I took a deep breath and opened the door to take in the most gorgeous brown eyed man that could ever walk this earth. He was devastatingly handsome, standing there in a classic black suit and white shirt, sans a tie. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, showing just a hint of his sun kissed chest. The best part was the smoldering smile that he was wearing. The smile that lit up his face and made my panties melt.

  He stood with his broad shoulders squared, one hand in his pant pocket and the other clutching a deliciously fragrant bouquet of red roses. He was rooted in his spot, as if he was unable to move. I, on the other hand, wanted to throw myself at him, and climb his beautiful body. It appears my mind and body were on two different pages. I would never be so brazen as to act on what my body wanted me to do, again. I already made that mistake in the club. My mind had other thoughts entirely. You are just fooling yourself to think that this will turn into something real. I couldn’t silence the thoughts that were consuming me.

  When I finally realized that we were just standing there staring at each other in my doorway, I took a step back and invited him in, closing the door behind us. I finally find my voice. “Hi Aidan.”

  His hulking frame towered over me and had me backing up against the wall of my foyer. His eyes were boring into mine and as if he was in his own trance did he say, “Chloe, forgive my manners. I brought these for you.” He extended his arm the short distance that was left between us and handed me the bouquet of roses. Peering up through my lashes as I inhaled the sweet aroma of the flowers. “Aidan, these are beautiful. Thank you.”

  “Not as beautiful as you. You look amazing in that dress.” His eyes appreciatively scanned up and down my body with a hooded glare.

  “Thank you. Let me put these in some water.” I walked quickly into the kitchen that was straight ahead on the other side of my open living room. I was uneasy about him seeing me in my private space. I just had the basics as far as furniture goes; couch, end tables, coffee table
with lamps, and a comfy overstuffed, floral printed chair that I just couldn’t leave the store without buying. The main wall in my living room was lined with floor to ceiling shelves, dedicated to my prized possessions. Books. I like to curl up in my amazingly, comfy chair that I couldn’t live without, and read a book.

  I didn’t see the need to go overboard with furnishings when it was just me. I like the shabby chic look, so everything is weathered and old, and nothing matches, but it works for me. It all reminds me of the time spent growing up with my grandmother. My other pride and joy were the pictures on my stark, white walls of me and my grandmother. She was everything to me and I’m just glad that I had my photo albums with me when I left Georgia five years ago.

  I could see Aidan taking in my small but quaint apartment and studying the family pictures that I had so lovingly placed around the room. He looked comfortable there in my living room, almost at home. That made me take notice of what my life has been missing.

  I walked up behind him as he was studying a picture, in one of my many mismatched frames. “That is me and my grandmother at my college graduation. She was so proud of me that day. She was so excited, you would have thought it was her getting that degree.” I laughed softly at the memory. “My grandmother raised me when my mother couldn’t, and I have no idea who or where my dad is. It was just the two of us growing up. She was all of the family that I had, except for a few distant cousins.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me Chloe.” I could see the concern and admiration for how hard it was for me to open-up to him about my past.

  I cleared my throat, trying to dial back the tears that threated to spill from my eyes. “Um... yes, right. Shall we get going?” I couldn’t think of what else to say. He was staring so intently at me that I was almost knocked over.

  “Not before I do this.” His lips were on mine before I could blink. With his hand firmly planted on my lower back, there wasn’t a space between us. His lips moved with mine and our tongues danced with a burning passion. Just as I started to lose myself in his kiss, he pulled away and touched his forehead to mine.


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