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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 29

by Nikita Parmenter

  He leads me to the back of the store, pointing out the blank music paper on the way. I have no idea how much someone would need so I grab a couple books of it just to be sure. When we get to the music books, he points out the section with the more complicated ones and then leaves me to choose.

  I need to do this quickly before Rylie gets curious.

  I get a classical piano book that says it’s for advanced musicians and the same for the guitar and then pick up a Christmas song book that has all the classics. From what the guys have told me he would never play it with me there since he only ever played in front of them and no one else but still, I can’t resist buying it. I love Christmas songs and maybe after a few drinks he might be willing to play them?

  I take my haul back to the elderly cashier and he commends my choices, which makes me feel a bit better about what I decide to get. Just as he’s finished bagging everything Rylie pops back up.

  “All done?”

  “Yeah sorry you’re having to follow me around like this” I apologise.

  “It’s no problem. I’ve actually gotten a few more presents so it’s all good” she grins as we exit, “do we get to stalk the guys yet?” she chuckles.

  “I’ve just got to get some MMA pads and gloves for Jensen and then we’ve got to stalk, Rafe, Trick, Cash and Luc” I chuckle as she excitedly leads me to a sporting store.

  I quickly buy the pads and gloves for Jensen; I found an MMA studio here in town and I thought it would be something he would enjoy.

  We walk around searching for the guys for a bit before I finally spot Rafe through the window of a bookshop. I’m glad to see that his love of reading hasn’t disappeared over the years since I’ve been gone. He always had a book with him wherever he went when we were kids. Rylie looks surprised though and I just grin, it’s obviously not a hobby he advertises as much anymore and if you’re going to judge a book by its cover, pun intended, then the giant of a man, that has muscles galore and would be formidable in a fight is probably the last guy you’d expect to like to read.

  “Engage ninja stalker mode” I whisper loudly causing Rylie to promptly burst out laughing.

  Rafe walks towards the till and I take the opportunity to dart into the store and over to the shelf he was looking at. He only walked away with one book and from the colour of the cover, it was the first one of this series. I scan the shelves and note that there are five other books in the same series. I hope he likes the book he bought because I buy him the rest of them once he’s exited the store and the tills are clear.

  “One down, three to ninja stalk left” I chuckle and Rylie smirks as we go in search of one of the others.

  “Hey, isn’t that Luc and Cash?” Rylie asks.

  She points to an alternative clothing store that sells loads of band t-shirts and alternative clothing. From driving with Cash this weekend, I know what his favourite bands are and that gives me an idea. Whilst me and Rylie wait for him and Luc to leave the store, I search my phone for concert tickets for his favourite band, they’re playing in New Orleans in June, so I buy him two tickets. Then viciously shove down the jealousy that tries to rise at the thought he might want to take a date with him. Once I’ve fought it back semi successfully, I decide on impulse, to get tickets for the rest of us too. We can make it a whole vacation sort of thing. I glance up to check if the guys have come out of the store yet.

  The guys are nowhere in sight, but a flash bright yellow hair catches my eye and makes me scan the area again, curiously. There was this kid in my old school, Jeffery I think his name was? Anyway, he was painfully shy and quiet but always stood out because of his bright yellow hair. I mean no offence to him or anything but it was dyed banana yellow, it made him stick out like a sore thumb, add in his timid nature and he was a target for the assholes at my old school. Fortunately, he had a couple of friends that used to stick up for him, but I did have to get involved once a couple of years ago.

  I glance around not seeing the banana yellow hair anywhere, I must’ve imagined it and even if I didn’t the chances of it being that kid would be slim to none.

  “You looking for the guys? They left like five minutes ago” Rylie tells me standing up and gathering her bags from by the bench.

  “I thought I saw someone I knew from back home, that’s all” I chuckle, doing the same and grabbing my bags.

  I grab Cash a band tee of his favourite band, so I have something to actually give him at Christmas as they sent the tickets by email. I suppose if I find a printer I could print them out for him. Something to think about later.

  “Which way did they go?” I ask Rylie since I was so distracted and didn’t notice.

  “That way I think, Luc, pulled Cash in there” she points to well-known sports brand store.

  We walk over stealthily, no doubt looking absolutely ridiculous to anyone who is paying us any attention. We peak through the window of the store but I’m not fortunate this time and I can’t see them from here, so we sneak further in probably looking highly suspicious now. I peak around a display and see Luc staring lovingly at a pair of dark blue Adidas RMD1’s not usually my style but I can appreciate why he likes them. He leaves the store without them though so I know I can get them for him. Slight problem though, I don’t know his shoe size. I debate momentarily before I text Trick.

  Me: What size is Luc in shoes? Don’t ask him!!!!

  Trick: 12, you ok Sweetheart? Missing you.

  Me: I miss you too, nearly done and then we can eat. I’m fine, shopping is exhausting.

  He better not of asked him.

  I buy Luc his shoes and then remember that his birthday is going to be whilst we are at the cabin on January fourth, so I need to get him a present for then too. Hoping that he hasn’t changed too much in the years I’ve been gone. I once again search my phone as I blindly follow Rylie who is searching for the last of the guys, Trick.

  I find a tattoo studio nearby that has excellent reviews and looks incredibly clean and professional from the pictures online. Just to be sure though I show Rylie the place and she says it checks out. I buy Luc a gift card for a day session. He should be able to get a good chunk of artwork done in that time or even an entire piece if it’s not too big.

  Even when we were eight, he was obsessed with tattoos and always said he wanted them when he was older. Whilst I’ve already got my phone out, I find a local spa and buy a luxury package for Jenny. I have no idea what to get for Rob though so I’m going to have to ask Trick.

  “Dude, what the hell?” Rylie exclaims amused as I smack into the back of her still staring at my phone.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realise you’d stopped” I chuckle rubbing my forehead where it hit the back of her head.

  “You definitely should not take up, ninja stalking full time” she chuckles.

  She nods towards the store in front of us and I spot Trick gently running his fingers over some charcoals and coloured pencils. Like with Rafe when we were kids Trick never went anywhere without his sketch book. I haven’t seen him do any drawing since I came back though, and for some reason I can’t help but feel there’s more to the story when he turns away from the art supplies and leaves without them. I feel like there’s a story here and I hope I’m not doing the wrong thing but I purchase him the charcoals, some high quality colouring pencils and a couple of sketch books. One a large A3 size and the other a smaller one so he can easily carry It in his backpack.

  “Done” I grin, “I am so fucking starving. As much as I enjoyed this I think the majority of my shopping is going to be done online from now on” I grumble, as we walk towards the food court.

  I can see the guys already occupying a couple of tables and waste no time carefully dumping my bags by one of the tables before flopping down on the nearest lap, which just so happens to be Jensen and snuggling in.

  “Er, hi there Ever” he chuckles. “You ok Angel?”

  “Shopping bad, feet hurt, food, coffee” I say eloquently.

  The guys all c
huckle at me.

  “My treat, can someone get me a peperoni pizza please? I don’t think my feet are going to let me get back up, you guys get whatever” I mumble into Jensen’s chest, his fingers running up and down my back soothingly.

  I fish my card out from my bra and wave it around in the air for someone to take.

  “Don’t even try to argue with me right now” I half-heartedly growl.

  “You got it Ever” Riot chuckles, placing a kiss on the top of my cheek. “Come on guys lets go get food.”

  “Don’t even think about it” Rylie suddenly growls.

  My head snaps up to see Cash with his finger wrapped around the zipper to the garment bag that’s holding my dress.

  “Cash” I sing, he glances up at me, “like Rylie said, don’t even think about it. You get to see that dress for the first time when I’m in it at the Winter Formal, not a second sooner.”

  Cash immediately holds his hands up in surrender. “You got it Ever, I was just curious” he chuckles.

  The guys soon come back with the food and I scoot off of Jensen’s lap so I can eat properly. Remembering that I need to get Rylie something, I once again search on my phone and find a place that can custom paint her bike. I get a gift card and call it good, hoping she likes it.

  “Trick, what should I get your dad for Christmas?” I ask around a mouth full of pizza.

  “Erm I’m not sure, he’s into golf at the moment?” he says but like it’s a question.

  “Fantastic, thanks dude that was excellent help” I say sarcastically causing him to chuckle.

  Deciding to just go with it though since I have no other ideas for what the fuck to get him, I order him a set of golf clubs that seem to have the best reviews. If they’re wrong then he can just return them. It’s the thought that counts right?

  Actually since I have my phone out anyway, I could really do with some new underwear, but I can’t be bothered to find the store here. I want to eat and then go the fuck home, we still have school tomorrow and shopping seems to have drained me, who knew shopping could do that to someone?

  Still eating my pizza, I let the conversation flow around me as I search up the only underwear shop, I know, Victoria secret and oh my freaking hell. There are so many pretty pairs of underwear in so many different styles. I add far too many to my basket, mainly lace it seems I like lace, I never knew. I do get lots of different styles though, boy shorts, thongs, high legged, I get them all. And then I get some big and comfy ones in pretty colours for when shark week happens once a month. I know some girls have cutesy nicknames for their periods but mine hurts like a bitch which in turn causes me to act like a cranky bitch, so shark week is a pretty apt description all fucking round.

  I then find the bras and end up doing the same thing, putting all sorts of styles and fabrics in my basket and trying my best to match at least some of them with the panties. I have absolutely found a new obsession, I’m just about to go to my basket to checkout when I notice they do sleep wear too, I control myself a little bit better and only get a couple of sets and then move to the loungewear section of the website.

  I don’t control myself nearly so well there I think I’d pretty much live in loungewear if I could get away with it. I’m definitely going to try to over winter break, I’m sure the guys won’t mind. I go to my basket and freeze at the total, that’s a lot of money but I remind myself that even though I’ve spent a lot of money today, most of it has been on presents for other people and that it’s perfectly ok to buy myself something. Also, that my limit this month is six thousand dollars and I still have a substantial amount left even if I buy all the pretty things in my basket. I hold my breath as I checkout and I even pay extra for express shipping so it will definitely get here before we leave for the cabin next Wednesday.

  I grin happily and Cash raises his eyebrow at me from across the table.

  “I bought something for me.”

  “Good, Dragonfly. You deserve it” Riot smiles softly as they all smile soft smiles at me.

  “Are you guys ready to go?” I ask, “I’m ready to chuck on my new sweats and watch a movie, ooo and Rafe’s hot chocolate pretty, pretty please” I grin at Rafe who chuckles and nods, I do my happy dance in my seat.

  “Sounds good to me Ever” Luc grins at me a soft look in his eyes.

  “You want to come and watch a movie Rylie?” I ask.

  “I can’t. I’ve got homework to do and I promised my dad that I’d come straight home after shopping or he wasn’t going to let me come in the first place” she frowns.

  “Next time then” I grin.

  We clear up our mess and then the guys help me and Rylie grab our bags. We put Rylie’s in her car, and I grab my school backpack out of the front, then they take me over to Trick’s big truck loading in my bags and theirs.

  “No peeking!” I yell. “Jensen I’m looking at you” I scold as I get into the truck.

  “How the fuck did you know I was going to peek?” he asks incredulously as the other guys chuckle.

  “Because I know you” I smirk at him as he gets in.

  “Let’s get home, shopping sucks” Rafe grumbles, his voice rough.

  “Gotta say I agree with you, Big Guy.”

  Once we get home the guys help me take the bags up to my room and I rummage through them finding something comfy to wear and incredibly pleased with everything I got today. I must admit I’m nervous about Atlas’ presents and Trick’s if I’m being completely honest with myself. We spend the rest of the evening watching the next marvel movie after the one which we watched at Cash’s on Saturday. That night after everyone has to go back to their homes, I end up with Trick and Riot in my bed, I even dream happy dreams.

  I slam my locker door shut. I’ve been getting odd looks all throughout my morning classes today and I honestly can’t work out why. At first, I thought I’d forgotten something fundamental like to put on pants but after a couple of panic inducing seconds, I realised that wasn’t the case. Rylie hasn’t been in any of my morning classes either and every time I pulled out my phone to message her, I’d get caught. So, I haven’t been able to ask her if she knows what the fuck is going on. I tried asking Jensen and Cash who were in each of my morning classes, but they just shrugged at me. It seems so long as it’s not threatening to me, they’re not that bothered, or they have something to do with it. I eye Riot suspiciously out of the corner of my eye.

  I wonder.

  “What?” He asks.

  “I’ve been getting odd looks all morning” I raise my eyebrow, even more convinced now the idea has taken root, “know anything about that?”

  “Come on” he says as he outright ignores my question, “we’ll be late for lunch and I’m starving” he says throwing an arm around my shoulders and steering me towards the cafeteria.

  At least I’ll be able to ask Rylie on the way to my afternoon class if she knows what’s going on. I have a feeling that if I tried to ask her at lunch whilst all the guys are around, she wouldn’t get very far in the explanation. It’s obvious when I arrive at the table after getting a burger and fries that something is absolutely going on. Rylie has a massive shit eating grin on her face and the guys are acting overtly nonchalant which is instantly suspicious.

  “Hey guys” I say my tone wary.

  “Hey Ever” the say at the same time.

  “Wow, that’s not creepy at all” I chuckle.

  The guys spend the rest of lunch talking about their last football game and there’s a brief mention of the Winter Formal when Rylie tries to bring it up but then it’s quickly turned back to other topics. I join in when I can but I don’t know much about football so I just eat and for once wish away my lunch so I can talk to Rylie and find out what the fuck is going on. As soon as the bell goes, I’m up and out of my seat. I grab my bag and Rylie and tow her towards the cafeteria doors, dumping our trays on the way past I shoot a quick wave over my shoulder at the guys.

  Before I can get very far down the corrido
r, queen bitch herself steps in my path. I cross my arms over my chest and just wait for the vitriol that’s going to come spewing out of her mouth. It’s getting old real fucking fast now.

  “You think you’re so fucking hot, having all of them wrapped around your finger but you’re nothing more than a cheap whore and they’re going to get bored of you real fucking quickly” she says with conviction. “Once they finally realise how nasty you really are they’ll come back to us real women” she spits at me.

  She strides past me knocking her shoulder into mine as she passes and I’m too busy laughing my ass off at her real women comment to do much about it.

  “Ok what the fuck is going on?” I demand from Rylie as soon as my laughter has died down.

  “Well it started in my second class, a couple of the braver guys on the football team asked Riot and Rafe if you had a date for the dance. They both said yeah me, which confused the shit out of the guys” she chuckles barely holding in her mirth, I open my mouth to comment and she raises her finger, “so obviously word got around that they both said that they were taking you to the dance. A couple of the guys asked your other guys and honestly Ever, every single one of them said they were going with you!” she cracks up laughing and I just stare at her incredulously.

  “So the whole school thinks that I’m going to the dance with all the guys because when someone asked because they were interested in asking me, every single one of them said that they were taking me, and Rafe even fucking said it out loud?” I ask.

  “Yep, that’s why everyone’s giving you confused looks, no one believes that you’re actually going to the dance with all of them” she scoffs like they’re all stupid and it would be ridiculous to assume I wasn’t going with all of them.

  “I don’t know whether to be amused or pissed” I grumble, amused despite myself, as I plonk my ass down in our next class.


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