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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 30

by Nikita Parmenter

  On the one hand if I was actually interested in going to the dance with someone other than them, then they would’ve fully messed that up but on the other hand it’s pretty funny that they’ve all decided to stake a claim on me and actually makes my heart pound with what it could mean.

  “I’d definitely go with amused” Rylie says chuckling and I can’t help but join in it is pretty fucking funny.

  “Fuckers didn’t ask me though” I mumble causing Rylie to burst out laughing and earning her a glare from our teacher.

  “I wouldn’t let them get away with that” Rylie whispers back to me when the teacher turns her back on us.

  “Oh, I’m not going to don’t worry” I whisper back.

  The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur with more and more curious and confused looks shooting my way. It’s not long until it’s thankfully the end of school and I am more than ready to get out of here. Apparently, we’re going back to Cash’s again tonight so the guys can finish that game they were playing over the weekend. It’s fairly quiet on the ride to Cash’s house, all of us seemingly lost in our thoughts.

  When we arrive, I say a quick hello to Cash’s parents and help the guys gather snacks for their gaming marathon. Once we’ve taken everything upstairs and the guys are getting the game set up, I decide it’s a good time to breach the subject of the dance. I’m still highly amused by the whole thing. I lean back on the bed as I watch them and casually start.

  “You know guys, you told the entire school that you were all taking me to the Winter Formal but not one of you has asked me” I smirk as they all freeze before sharing a look, then Luc steps forwards.

  “Ever Sweetheart” Luc says softly, “would you like to go to the Winter Formal with us?”

  Now It’s my turn to freeze, hang on a minute.

  “With all of you?” I ask, my heart beating furiously in my chest.

  “Yes, with all of us” Luc replies.

  I get the sense there’s a double meaning in that sentence, but my mind is too focused on what he’s just asked me to even begin to try and decipher it.

  “We wouldn’t want to go with anyone else, Dragonfly” Trick says stepping up next to Luc.

  I glance around at the rest of the guys and they all nod in confirmation, looking a bit nervous.

  A massive weight suddenly releases from my chest. I didn’t realise how much the thought of the guys going with other girls had weighed me down. I tried so hard not to think about it because it hurt that it hadn’t occurred to me that the thought was affecting me anyway.

  “Yes, I’d love to!” I finally answer, smiling the biggest truly authentic grin I have for years.

  They seem momentarily stunned before I practically tackle them all wrapping my arms around as many of them as possible, they chuckle as several sets of arms wrap around me.

  “Group hug!” Jensen yells.

  I swear it’s one of his most favourite things to do.

  When I step back away from them, I say offhandedly, “I’ve never been to a dance before.”

  The guys all share a look. I’m starting to realise that they are stupidly good at communicating like that.

  “Really?” Cash asks a confused little furrow between his eyebrows that makes me want to kiss him.

  “Nope, they weren’t really a thing at my old school. Not having enough funding was one reason why we didn’t have them, amongst other things.” I shrug as I dig through the pile of snacks on the table in front of the couch before taking a seat next to Rafe and snuggling down as his arm comes around my shoulders.

  All the guys have their phones out and are texting, shooting each other those looks again which is just a tiny bit odd. I’m just about to ask what on earth is going on, when Jensen interrupts.

  “You want a go Ever?”

  “Sure, what are the controls and what exactly am I trying to do?” I ask with a chuckle.

  “The aim is to clear each room of zombies without getting eaten or losing anyone on your team” Jensen finishes explaining after he’s told me which buttons do what.

  “Got it, let’s kick some zombie ass” I grin.

  The guys all chuckle at me, Rafe and Trick smirking but I ignore them as I focus on killing as many of the zombies as possible and not dying. I manage to get a few rooms in, which is further than I thought I would on my first try, when, I’m attacked from behind.

  “Stupid mother fucking zombie dick, just you wait asshole I’m going to blow a hole straight fucking through you, dickhead” I rant.

  I turn to hand the controller to Rafe who is playing next, only to find all the guys red faced from trying to hold in their amusement. As soon as I look at them, they can’t hold it in anymore and end up bursting out into loud laughter.

  “What?” I blush, “apparently I get super into these games” I shrug.

  Which just sets them off more. Finally they calm down enough and Rafe takes the controller and quickly gets to the room where that fucker took me down.

  “Get him Rafe, kill the fucker!” I encourage and the guys chuckle.

  “I love how blood thirsty you are, Ever” Jensen grins savagely, leaning around Rafe to look at me.

  I just wink at him in response smirking, and his eyes darken with heat as he chuckles lowly at me. They don’t really have any idea how bloodthirsty I am. I wonder how they’d react if they knew how I used to spend any spare time I had protecting the people who couldn’t protect themselves and that nine times out of ten that meant using violence.

  The guys carry on taking turns playing the game, and I shout encouragement pretty much the entire time. My phone buzzes in my pocket stopping me mid insult, a zombie fucker nearly took down Trick. I pull it out and see a text from Rylie.

  Rylie: I just remembered we never went to get shoes!!

  Me: Fuck! I completely forgot! I can order some now, they should come in time. Any idea what would go with my dress?

  Rylie: I don’t see why they wouldn’t! I’ve got some that will work with my dress anyway. I just wanted to buy new ones because no one can have too many shoes lol to go with your dress though, I’d say a strappy silver stilettoes will probably work best.

  Me: lol fair enough and ooo good idea, I like that, I’ll start searching now. Wish me luck!

  Rylie: Good luck and happy shopping!

  Me: Oh, I keep forgetting to ask, do you want to get ready for the dance at mine on Friday?

  Rylie: Yeah that sounds like fun, is it ok if I tell Josh to pick me up from yours then?

  Me: Yeah of course, you know you still haven’t pointed him out to me. I’m surprised he’s not sitting with us at lunch.

  Rylie: I’ll point him out to you tomorrow, he has clubs during most lunch times but he’s a bit intimidated by the guys. How did the talk go with them anyway?

  I decide to hold back my opinion on a guy that would be so easily intimidated that he wouldn’t even sit with his girl because of who she’s sat with. I will reserve judgement maybe he’s just painfully shy.

  Me: It went interestingly lol I’m going to the dance with all of them.

  Rylie: What!? All of them??

  Me: Yep Luc asked me for them all in front of them all.

  Rylie: Fucking lucky bitch!!

  I chuckle and decide that doesn’t need a reply as I start to search the internet for the perfect pair of shoes. It’s fucking cold out there at this time of year, even now I can hear the rain battering against the windows of Cash’s bedroom over the sounds of the guys playing. My feet are going to freeze, but hopefully I won’t be outside too long. The dance is being held in the school gym so it should be pretty warm in there. If not, then I’m going to have little icicles for feet.

  Feetsicles, if you will.

  I spend the next twenty or so minutes trying to find some shoes that are in the style Rylie suggested but not so high that I’m instantly going to break my neck as soon as I try to take a single step in them. I finally find a pair that I love, and I’m pretty sure they will go
with my dress. I purchase them before I change my mind and ask for express shipping, so they definitely arrive before the Winter Formal. If they don’t turn up in time, I’m going to be wearing my combat boots which would be an interesting look to say the least. To be quite honest I’m picturing my dress with combat boots and my leather jacket and I’m not hating the idea. Although I sort of want to do my first dance the traditional way, maybe for the next one I’ll wear my combat boots.

  “Guy’s and Ever” Kat chuckles, “dinners ready!” she yells up the stairs.

  I jump up before any of the guys and rush downstairs, I’m so hungry. The wind batters against the house as rain assaults the windows, the combined sound making me shiver and feel incredibly grateful we are inside and all cosy right now.

  “I think that’s turning into a storm” Marc announces as the guys catch up and we all take our seats at the table.

  There are massive bowls of pasta in a creamy white sauce with, garlic bread and salad as well, spread out across the large dining table. It all looks and smells delicious. We start dishing up as Marc continues.

  “I’m not sure I’m happy for you guys to drive home in this, why don’t you call your parents after dinner and let them know that you’re all staying here” he suggests.

  My heart leaps at thought of having all the guys with me again and the guys don’t even try to hide their grins. Jensen winks at me when Cash’s parents aren’t looking and I promptly stick my tongue out at him, which makes him and Trick chuckle. The other guys glance between us curiously not having caught our exchange since they were too focused on the food. I just shrug in response.

  “So, it’s the Winter Formal this Friday, right?” Kat asks excitedly, “any of you got dates?”

  I tense up.

  “Yeah we asked Ever to go with us” Cash says casually and then grins when I choke on my pasta.

  I look warily towards Cash’s parents waiting to hear condemnation or judgement but Kat Just grins excitedly.

  “I told you they’d all ask her” Marc chuckles to Kat. “That’s what I would’ve done.” He grins again but there’s a sadness there now that’s reflected in Kats eyes as she looks back at him.

  In any other situation I’d be wanting to puzzle that out but as it is, I just sit there momentarily stunned, that’s it? They learn that I’m going to the Winter Formal with their son and his five friends and that’s all they’ve got to say on the matter?

  I open my mouth to question them when Trick gets there before me.

  “We were wondering if it would be ok to take four of your snow mobiles up to the cabin?” he asks politely, “with the weather like this down here, we’re pretty certain it’s going to snow up there.”

  “Snow!?” I exclaim excitedly.

  I saw snow where we lived before but snow in the city tends to turn brown and slushy pretty damn quickly, especially where I lived, and I was usually too focused and trying to survive it to enjoy it anyway.

  “Hell yeah, Sunshine” Riot grins at me.

  “So fucking cool.”

  “Of course, you can, you can take the trailer too” Marc suggests. “I assume you’re all driving in your monster of a truck, Trick?” he chuckles.

  “Yes sir, it’s easier if we all stay together and there’ll be plenty of space for luggage and our Christmas presents, we’re going to give our presents to each other up there” Trick tells him.

  “Sounds good, are you guys still planning to leave on the day after Christmas?” Kat asks, as she starts to clear the plates, I get up to help her.

  “Thank you Everleigh” she smiles softly.

  “No problem” I grin back.

  “Yeah that’s still the plan” Jensen answers her previous question.

  “Ok then, don’t forget to make sure your parents know that you’re staying here tonight boys” she reminds the guys.

  They all answer that they won’t, and we make our way back upstairs so the guys can all make their phone calls. Trick ends up ringing for both me and him since it didn’t even occur to me to tell them where I was staying, he gives me a soft peck on the lips when I start to frown.

  “Don’t worry about it Sweetheart” he whispers softly against my lips before going back to sit down.

  “Come on Ever, it’s your turn again” Jensen grins.

  “Yes! Revenge is mine you, ugly fucker” I taunt as I vault over the back of the sofa landing with a bounce between Trick and Cash.

  “Remind me to never piss you off, Dragonfly” Luc chuckles.

  “That definitely wouldn’t be a wise move” I grin.

  “Damn, Ever” Rafe says chuckling quietly.

  This time I manage to get past the fucker who tried to attack me from behind, and take a little too much joy in chopping the fuckers head off then shooting him for good measure. I get through the next two rooms before I die again.

  “For fuck sake” I grumble, passing the controller to Rafe again.

  The guys play for a bit longer, before they decide to turn it off and put the Big Bang Theory on instead. It’s all very well staying here but it occurs to me that I have nothing to sleep in and with the guys here I really don’t want to sleep in my clothes especially since I’m going to have to wear these exact clothes to school tomorrow.

  “Hey Cash, can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?” I ask

  “Sure Ever” he says going over to his drawers and pulling out a soft black t-shirt and a pair of boxers.

  “Thanks” I grin kissing him lightly on the lips as I grab them from him and walk past him to the bathroom.

  It’s just become so natural to kiss the guys like that now and none of them seem to mind. I definitely need to have that conversation with them at the end of our trip.


  Ignoring my inner thoughts, I run through my bathroom routine quickly, exhausted now. I decide against wearing the boxers Cash leant me since they’re just going to end up all tangled and most likely fall off in the night anyway. I leave them folded on the bathroom counter and walk back out of the bathroom seeing that the guys have all made up their beds on the floor. I quickly get into the bed and pull the covers over me listening to the Big Bang Theory play. Jensen gets in on one side and I move so my head lays on his chest so I can still see the TV, his arm wraps around me tightly. I feel the bed dip behind me as Cash gets in scooting close and intertwining our legs together. I have no idea how they decide who gets to sleep in the bed with me, but it seems to work however they do it so I’m just going to leave them to it.

  I fall asleep snuggled between two of my guys and surrounded by the rest. A sleepy grin adorns my face as I think about Winter Formal. I honestly wouldn’t have wanted my first dance to be with anyone else other than my guys. That night I dream of grand balls, and my gorgeously handsome men. We’re often joined at the ball by a seventh guy in a mask, taller than even Rafe and I can’t help but think that it may be my subconscious adding Atlas because of how much he means to the guys.

  Just before we leave for school the next morning Riot pulls me to the side and waves the guys on, he looks really nervous which automatically makes me feel nervous.

  “What’s up?” I ask, “are you ok?” I add starting to worry that something is wrong.

  “Yeah I’m fine, um,” he clears his throat nervously, “I was just wondering if you’d like to go somewhere with me this evening?”

  “Like a date?” I ask cautiously.

  “Yeah” he says, his eyes darting away from me as he runs his hands through his hair nervously.

  “Sure, I’d love to” I grin as his eyes snap back to mine.

  He leans forward and kisses me hard and fast.

  After I’ve caught my breath I ask, “are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask excitedly as we walk to where the guys are waiting in the truck.

  “Nope but dress warm” he says cryptically as we get into the truck.

  Curiosity burns through my veins, but I push the urge to beg for details down.
br />   “Can we grab coffee please?” I ask, now that I can have cream and sugar in my coffee, I’ve developed a slight addiction to the stuff.

  “Sure thing, Dragonfly” Trick says once again driving the truck, “we’ve got time anyway.”

  We pull up to the drive-thru coffee place and I decide to try something new this time and end up choosing a hazelnut mocha. As I’m ordering I think I see a flash of yellow over the shoulder of the barista but when I look again all I see is a yellow rose on the countertop, huh that’s odd.

  “Why are you frowning, Ever?” Rafe asks roughly.

  He’s been talking much more frequently recently but only around us and apparently yesterday at school to tell some guys he was taking me to Winter Formal, I mentally roll my eyes.

  I debate momentarily about whether to tell the guys or not, there’s a high chance it could be nothing but nine times out of ten in the movies if the main character ignores the warning signs and doesn’t tell anyone about something seemingly insignificant, it turns out to be super significant and she absolutely ends up kidnapped and murdered. So, with that super happy thought I decide I’m not taking any chances and to tell the guys just in case.

  “Ever?” Trick asks concerned his eyes darting towards me in the rear-view mirror as we pull out of the coffee place and continue our drive to school.

  “It’s probably nothing but yesterday when I was at the mall with Rylie, I thought I saw someone I knew from back home. He had this dyed bright yellow hair; I didn’t know him very well from school and to be honest only really remember him because of his hair colour. It could’ve been anyone though I didn’t see him clearly. It honestly could’ve even been a girl for all I know, and just then I thought I saw yellow hair again. Like I said it's probably nothing” I shrug, the guys are frowning.

  “You’re probably right, but we’ll keep an eye out just in case. I’m not taking any chances when it comes to your safety” Cash says firmly.

  I feel better now that I’ve told them and even more convinced that it was just my imagination or a coincidence.



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