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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 34

by Nikita Parmenter

  I practically stomp to the bathroom. I told you I was a moody bitch when shark week attacks, but I take a deep breath and force myself to stop being so damn stressy for no reason. I just need coffee and some chocolate then I’ll be fine. I do my makeup in the mirror and take my hair out of the braid I put it in last night for my date with Riot and then whack it up in a messy bun. I step back and glance over my outfit in the mirror. Surprisingly, it still looks pretty cute and even my docs don’t make it look too bad. I’m going to be cold though.

  I shrug and consciously have to make sure I don’t stomp as I make way to the kitchen. I start to make my way to the coffee pot ignoring everyone, but Trick gently grabs my hand and pulls me to the table making me take a seat next to Riot. I’m about to protest but I spot the large coffee, juice, painkillers and chocolate all set next to the plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes. My bad mood evaporates, these two are so damn sweet. Before I can thank them, Jenny walks into the kitchen dressed in a suit, she spots my place setting and smiles proudly at Trick and Riot.

  “That’s my boys” she grins before turning to me, “the good ice cream is in the freezer, bottom drawer under the peas” she winks as Trick gapes incredulously.

  I burst out laughing.

  “Mom!” he exclaims, “I asked you if we had any ice cream a couple of days ago and you said no” he says outraged and I just giggle more.

  “What?” She shrugs unapologetically as she pours herself a coffee, “when you get your period you can share the good ice cream with me” she chuckles.

  “Dad did you know mom hides the good ice cream?” Trick asks over mine and Riot’s laughter, as Rob walks in and kisses Jenny on the cheek on his way past her to the coffee pot.

  “Yep don’t search for it. I found it once and ate it, worst mistake I’ve ever made” he chuckles.

  That sets all of us off again and we finish breakfast whilst his parents continue to joke around. Once I’m finished, I stand up and start to walk towards the door.

  “That’s a cute outfit Ever, don’t you have a jumper though?” Jenny asks from behind us her tone motherly.

  “Not really” I say, “I have my coat though.”

  “Hang on I have the perfect one if you don’t mind wearing my clothes?” Jenny offers kindly and my heart warms.

  “Are you kidding me?” I chuckle. “I wish I had half your style.”

  She grins as she darts down the hallway and into her bedroom. She pops back out and hands me a cream oversized chunky knit cardigan that’s just long enough to cover my butt. I pull it on and love how it ties the outfit together.

  “Thank you so much Jenny” I grin. “Next time I go shopping I think I’m going to have to get you to come with me. I’ve got no idea what the fuck I’m doing” I chuckle, “although I’ve discovered I am not a fan of shopping” I grimace and Riot and Trick chuckle.

  “Neither am I” she shudders, “but I’ve got a solution, we could have a girly day, movies, snacks and I’ll show you all my favourite online shops” she suggests hopefully.

  “Yeah I’d love that” I reply, surprised to find that I’m not lying. I really would love to spend some more time with Jenny and her sense of style rocks. Plus, shopping from the comfort of my own couch? Yes please!

  “Awesome how about Saturday?”

  “Yeah that works.”

  “Good, off you go then. Have a good day at school guys.”

  We get into the truck, Riot insisting that I sit in the front.

  “Thanks for that, Dragonfly. Mom loves doing that sort of thing but it’s not really the same with me and dad” he chuckles.

  “It’s no problem, honestly. I haven’t had a lot of girly time in my life and your mom is awesome” I smile.

  We pull into the school and Riot curses when he pulls out his phone.

  “Dude coach wants to see us all” he explains when Trick looks at him in question.

  We get out of the truck and the others having parked next to us to meet us at the front all sharing a worried look, obviously having got the message from coach. After giving them all hugs in greeting I start to walk towards the school doors.

  “Ever if you get any trouble…” Trick starts, and I cut him off.

  “Don’t worry about it Trick, you seem to forget I can take care of myself” I reassure him, giving him a quick kiss.

  “We know you can Sunshine but we’re still going to worry. Just stay vigilant ok?” Riot adds and I hug him tightly, giving him and quick kiss too.

  “Of course, now go on, before you get in trouble with coach.”

  I watch them jog off around the edge of the school and towards the athletic field, Jensen shooting me a worried look over his shoulder. Then make my way into the school. I get the normal curious looks but without the guys with me some of them are far more confident in glaring at me. I ignore it all. I go to my locker to switch out the books I took home for homework with the ones I’ll need for my lessons today and place my bag on the floor, bending down and trying to sort through the books.

  I feel someone step up close behind me, far too close to be polite, radiating a depraved kind of evil. Stinky fucker and his boys were scary and disgusting but they were the fairly standard bullies, worse because of what they planned to do to me granted. This guy though, he radiates a truly terrifying aura the kind that gives the impression that he would do truly horrifying things to you before finally ending you.

  I stand up quickly and turn around leaning back into the lockers as a guy about six-foot-tall, that looks like the boy next door stands in front of me. Some would probably say he was handsome even, if it wasn’t for his dead eyes. It’s like there’s no one home. At least that’s the case until he sees me back up a step and they light up with a sick kind of enjoyment.

  I can’t help but feel terrified as he steps closer to me placing his arm above my head. He reminds me too much of another place and time with another guy who looked all pretty and refined on the outside but was rotting and dead on the inside.

  It’s not him, you can protect yourself a thousand times better now. You dealt with him anyway, he’s not so pretty anymore, remember? I try to reason with myself but it’s too late.

  “Hey there Ever, I’m Marcus.”

  “You need to back the fuck up” I say firmly glad my voice doesn’t waver.

  I glance around at the other students in the corridor wondering why no one is trying to help, the girls look terrified, that just pisses me off. I’m obviously not the first girl he’s done this to. The guys haven’t noticed.


  “Now why would I want to do that, you like being passed around. I thought it was high time it was my turn.”

  His smile is damn right chilling and I’m once again taken back to a time when someone very similar crowded over me like this.

  He must see the fear in my eyes because his grin widens. I tense getting angry, there’s no fucking way I’m going to let some pretty boy think he can own me, one already tried and learnt the hard way that it wasn’t going to fucking happen. I bring my hand up and slap him hard, I would’ve preferred to punch the fucker, but he’s got me blocked in tight enough that it wouldn’t have done any damage. His head snaps to the side and when his eyes slowly land back on me, I realise I’ve made a terrible mistake. Instead of backing up he presses closer against me making bile rise in my throat and my eyes widen in fear. His eyes are practically black with rage.

  “Now that wasn’t very nice, I think you need to be taught how to behave like a lady” He grins.

  I don’t supress my shudder.

  He pulls his fist back and I can’t help but flinch. I’ve been on the receiving end of too many men’s fists, and although this guy is terrifying, I wouldn’t be frozen right now if the face of the guy who tried it before, didn’t keep super imposing itself over his own. I don’t dare close my eyes as I stand frozen in fear, just before his fist makes contact it’s caught in someone else’s hand in an impressive show of strength. The guy bli
nks in surprise as he gets thrown away from me.

  Luc’s brown eyes are wild as they run over my face. Whatever he sees there causes his already anger filled eyes to blaze with rage as his entire body vibrates with violence. I’m not scared of him though, now he’s here I feel safe again, the memories get pushed back and I get pissed.

  Luc spins away from me and towards the dickhead with his fists clenched and stalks towards Marcus, who is just picking himself up off the floor. A crowd of students gather sharing wary looks.

  Oh now they fucking take notice.

  Luc pulls his fist back and drives it hard into Marcus’s face, blood spatters as the bones in his noes crunch under the force of the hit. Marcus bellows in pain and tries to swing for Luc. They’re a similar height but Luc has slightly more bulk on him than Marcus does.

  Luc has singular focus as he expertly ducks Marcus’s swinging fist and grabbing Marcus by the throat, he slams him up against the lockers. Marcus groans in pain as he makes contact and Luc’s fist tightens around his throat. Marcus’s eyes widen in panic and he claws at Luc’s hand whilst his feet scramble on the floor, and I realise that Luc has such a strong grip on him that his feet are only just grazing the floor.

  Pounding boots sound from down the hallway and the crowd parts to let my other guys through, they each assess me from top to bottom, I nod I’m ok.

  “Help Luc” I say nodding toward Luc who hasn’t even blinked or acknowledge the guys arrival.

  “Only one thing can trigger Luc like this” Trick growls.


  Oh fuck, this is seriously bad if he’s triggered right now, he isn’t going to realize when he needs to stop. He could kill Marcus.

  “Clear out!” Jensen shouts to the crowd and they instantly disappear.

  “Whoa easy brother, Ever, is right here and she’s fine. You’re going to kill him” Riot says as he approaches slowly.

  I do the same on the other side and gently touch Luc’s arm, he tenses his hand squeezing Marcus’s throat even tighter.


  “Come on Luci, let go. He didn’t hurt me” I say trying to make my voice soothing.

  “He fucking tried to” Luc growls, his voice dark, promising a world of pain, his eyes never leave Marcus.

  Marcus’s struggles are starting to slow down, I try again.

  “But he didn’t. You need to let him go before you kill him, Luci” I say my voice soothing but firm. “Please Luci” I ask quietly. Starting to panic as Marcus goes limp.

  His chocolate brown eyes dart over to me and I barely supress my gasp at the torment and rage swirling in their depths. Fucking hell, what the fuck happened to put those demons there?

  I smile softly in encouragement and to show him that I’m ok. He slowly releases his grip on Marcus’s neck and Marcus slumps to the floor in an unconscious heap. I keep my gaze on Luc as Cash bends down to check Marcus’s pulse.

  “He’s alive” Cash sighs in relief.

  He slaps Marcus’s cheek, none to gently, to wake him up and as soon as he does the guy scrabbles backwards on his hands before swaying to his feet and stumbling down the hall.

  “Come here, Luci” I say as I open my arms for him.

  He doesn’t move a muscle as he shakes his head, a stab of hurt pierces me, but I push it down this isn’t about me right now.

  “Go take a walk with Ever, Now,” Trick orders firmly. “We’ll cover for you with the teachers for however long you need” he adds.

  Luc glares at him for a moment but Trick doesn’t back down. Luc gives up and storms away from us slamming through the doors at the opposite end of the corridor to the ones that Marcus ran out of. These doors lead to the back of the school and the surrounding woods.

  “You sure I should go with him?” I ask the guys, not wanting to make this situation worse.

  “Trust us” Rafe says, his voice tight.

  “With my life” I say.

  I start down the hallway following Luc when Jensen calls out to me.

  “Did you mean that, Angel?” he asks.

  “Always” I reply simply before continuing.

  I push my way out of the doors just in time to see Luc disappear into the woods at the back of the school, I jog to catch up to him. Wondering how on earth I’m going to find him if he disappears through the trees. I shouldn’t have worried though as soon as I step through the thick undergrowth, my eyes immediately land on Luc.

  His back is to me, his whole body moving with his harsh breaths. With his head bowed forward, and his hands clenched tightly at his sides. My poor Luc. I move forward slowly making sure he knows that I’m here and gently touch his back to offer comfort. As soon as my hand makes contact with him, he just crumbles in front of me landing hard on his knees his forehead touching the ground and his breaths still coming too quickly.

  “Luc!” I say my voice panicked as I quickly crouch down in front of him.

  I gently encourage him to lift his head off the cold, damp, earth and what I see when his eyes finally meet mine guts me. Tears are streaming from his wide and panicked eyes as they dart all over the place as if he’s not here at all but seeing something else, something horrific. His breaths are still coming too fast and if he doesn’t calm down, he’s going to pass out.


  He’s having a panic attack.

  I scoot forward not giving a flying fuck that my pants are getting muddy and damp just focused on Luc. I place my hands on his cheeks and bring his face close to mine.

  “Luc, you’re safe. You aren’t there anymore” I say trying to stay calm. “Luci look at me” I say firmly.

  The use of his nickname seems to help, and his eyes focus on mine, but his breathing is still harsh.

  “Ever?” he gasps out.

  “That’s right Luci, I’m right here, breathe with me ok?”

  He nods and watches as I take a deep breath. It takes a couple of tries but eventually he manages it. As soon as his breathing returns to normal, he pulls me into his lap his arms wrapping tightly around my waist and burying his head in my neck. I hold onto him just as tight. My hand stroking the back of his neck as I feel wetness seep onto my neck. I hold him for as long as he needs.

  “Sorry” he apologises gruffly, not moving his head from my neck.

  I repress a shudder as his lips graze my skin, now is not the time.

  “Don’t ever apologise for something like that” I say firmly.

  He lapses into silence again and I just continue to offer him comfort.

  “The summer after you left we all spiralled. We were kids but you leaving hit us hard. My parents decided it might be best for me to spend some time away from the guys, so they sent me to stay with my aunt and uncle for the summer. We very rarely saw them, but my mom thought it might help. Of course being away from them just made me more miserable” he pauses and I daren’t interrupt, “it was ok at first. My aunt is an amazing woman but my uncle gave me the creeps, when I first started staying there I’d hear him call her a bitch or tell her she’s useless, and I remember thinking it was wrong.

  “I told my parents on one of the phone calls home, but they said I must’ve heard wrong. The longer I stayed there the worse his behaviour became he’d grab her wrist tightly and refuse to let go smiling when she winced in pain. He’d deliberately move too fast as he reached for something by her and chuckle when she flinched out of the way and the names he called her, Ever, they were degrading and humiliating. As it got worse, I tried to tell my parents again, but they dismissed me again. Saying that if something was wrong then my aunt would’ve told them. I knew better though she was terrified, she wouldn’t say anything. They wouldn’t let me come home but at the same time I didn’t want to leave my aunt with that monster.

  “I tried to step in, distracting him and talking about sports when he got too close to my aunt and it worked for a bit, though I was loath to pretend I liked the evil man. It worked until one day it didn’t, me and my aunt where playing a board game. I
still love puzzles, mysteries and working things out and she had the best games. She’s such a gentle and loving woman, always quick with a smile when he wasn’t around. I couldn’t understand how anyone could want to hurt her. She got a phone call halfway through the game and tensed up immediately, her body shaking as she seemed to sink in on herself. I knew it was him.

  “She told me to go and play in the woods behind the house and not to come back until it was dark. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to leave her with this man, but she practically begged me to. So, I reluctantly went. I couldn’t stay for long though; I snuck back towards the house and saw her curled up on the floor, as fists rained down on her whilst he screamed horrific things at her. I nearly threw up at the sight but forced it down.

  “I knew I was no match for him so I did the only thing I could think of and I pulled out the cell phone that my parents had sent me with so I could keep contact with them and called nine one one. I was worried they weren’t going to make it in time though and although the sound of flesh hitting flesh hadn’t stopped, my aunt’s cries were growing quieter. He was going to kill her. I couldn’t let that happen, so I searched the outside of the house and found an old shovel. I snuck back into the house; the fucker was so focused on my aunt, he didn’t even notice me behind him. I lifted the shovel and bought it down on the back of his head as hard as I could, he crumpled like a piece of paper.

  “When I was certain that he was out for the count, I dropped the shovel and ran to my aunt. She was still breathing although her breaths were shallow, she managed to open one of her bruised eyes and lifted her hand to my face. Do you know what she said to me?” He laughs brokenly.

  “No” I whisper quietly tears streaming down my face for a little Luc and for that woman who went through such horrors at the hands of someone who was supposed to love her.

  “She said, don’t cry sweet boy, I’ll be ok, as she wiped the tears staining my cheeks. The woman was dying after her husband beat her and she was trying to comfort me, it only made me cry harder.


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