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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 35

by Nikita Parmenter

  “The police finally arrived, the ambulance took my aunt and they arrested my uncle. I hadn’t killed him, unfortunately. When he came to and started screaming about it being my fault and that he was going to press charges for me smacking him with a shovel. The cops pretended they hadn’t seen anything. They all saw the state my aunt was in and knew better than to believe his lies. An older cop took me to the hospital, my parents were called and were coming to get me but I refused to leave the hospital when they arrived. I would not go without knowing my aunt was going to be ok. I refused to even look at them. I was so angry, if they had listened to me in the first place and not dismissed it then this could all of been avoided” he growls.

  “My aunt pulled through, and she now lives on the opposite side of the country to where she did, not too far from here actually. She found a really good guy and has just had twin baby girls they’re adorable” he grins. “Seeing Marcus swing for you and you looking so terrified of him, it triggered me and I lost it” he confirms what I already guessed.

  “Thank you for saving me, Luci” I kiss the top of his head.

  I’m not ready to tell any of them the story behind why I froze so badly in there and thankfully he doesn’t ask. I will tell them one day but today is not that day.

  “I’m so sorry for what you went through and your aunt sounds like an amazing woman, I would love to meet her” I say softly.

  “My parents stopped me from seeing her or even talking to her. I only recently found out where she was because she reached out to me on Facebook. She actually thought I hated her because my parents wouldn’t let me contact her, how fucking messed up is that?” he growls.

  “Why the fuck would they stop you from seeing her?” I ask incredulously unable to understand the reasoning behind why they’d want that.

  “They said that she wasn’t responsible enough and obviously made bad choices, that it would be better if I wasn’t reminded of the whole ordeal. I fought them so hard on it but they didn’t relent and I fucking hate them for it. As soon as I turn eighteen in January, I’m out of that mausoleum of a house and going to see my aunt.”

  “They blamed her?” I ask disgusted he nods grimly, and I try to swallow down my anger. “Do you want some company to go see your aunt?” I ask.

  “You’d come with me?”

  “Of course, I will” I smile softly as he brings his head up and kisses me lightly.

  “Thank you for being so amazing Ever” he says sincerely, and I blush deeply before snuggling into him, this time as he chuckles at my blushing.

  “Ever, I need to move, my legs have gone numb” Luc chuckles from underneath me.

  I giggle at him as I go to stand up and then promptly fall back on my ass. Luc chuckles at me and then groans as he attempts to straighten his legs out in front of him as he wisely stays sat on the ground.

  “Ow, fuck, ow” I curse loudly, “the feeling in my legs is coming back, shit why does that hurt so much?”

  “Fuck knows” Luc grumbles rubbing his legs.

  He recovers quicker than I do and stands up offering me a hand, I take it gratefully letting him pull me to my feet. He pulls me so our bodies are tight against each other and I tip my head back to meet his stare as his fingertips gently brush my cheek.

  “So, I had this whole evening planned with movies and lots of food to ask you but fuck it” he takes a deep breath, his cheeks pink slightly behind his stubble and it’s absolutely adorable. “Ever, will you go to the Winter Formal me, and spend the evening with me? We can just watch a movie; I know you just want to be comfy right now” he says thoughtfully.

  My heart pounds in my chest. I knew they were each going to ask me but it still amazes me that these amazing guys want to go with me, and that they’re putting the effort in to asking me individually even though I already agreed to go with all of them.

  “I’d love to” I say, surprising him when I jump into his arms and kiss him.

  His tongue runs across the seam of my lips and I happily open up, his tongue dances with mine as his hands slip under my shirt a skim lightly up my sides, I moan as I grip him tighter. He gives me one last kiss then raises his eyebrow.

  “What about the second question of spending the evening with me? How about we watch some movies?”

  “I’d love to do that too; do you want to do it at mine though? Trick’s TV is in my room anyway and I’m sure he won’t mind if we use it” I offer thinking about what he’s told me and how much he hates his parents.

  “Thank fuck. I was trying to work out a way to do it at yours without it seeming weird, I’m glad you know now.” He smiles softly, his eyes dancing over my features.

  “Me too, Luci.”

  He chuckles at his nickname and then grabs my hand pulling me back through the woods and towards the school.

  “I don’t wanna go back and deal with all that shit” I groan.

  “In that case lets go back to yours and watch movies now?” Luc suggests a hopeful look in his eyes.

  Although, as I study his handsome features, I realise he looks super tired. If he’s anything like me, then having a panic attack will seriously drain him.

  “That sounds awesome” I grin happily.

  “Come on then, I drove today” he says as he gets a wicked grin on his face.

  I don’t work out why until he pulls me through the parking lot and stops next to a gleaming black 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429. Holy fuck is she beautiful, I gape up at Luc in question.

  “She’s beautiful isn’t she” he says lovingly staring at his car, “my parents bought her for me when dad made it big in the oil business. I hate them but I’m not stupid enough to turn down a car like this. I made sure they put it all in my name too, so they can’t take it off me or use it as leverage.” He explains frowning.

  It must really suck having to always watch your back and your decisions. Trying to stay one step ahead of people who are supposed to love and support you, not try to trick and manipulate you.

  “You always were the smart one” I say impressed.

  He chuckles as he unlocks the car and we get in. I stare at the interior in awe it’s in mint condition. It must’ve cost an absolute fortune to get it restored to this standard or maybe he found it in mint condition?

  “Me, Trick and Atlas fixed her up. She was in fairly good condition inside, but she was barely running.”

  “Wow that’s seriously impressive.”

  Not going to lie, imagining Trick and Luc covered in grease, working on cars is hot. Not sure why, not even going to try and explain it, it just is. I shake my head to dislodge the thoughts.

  “Thanks” he grins proudly, “text the guys and tell them what we’re up to, they know what I had planned tonight so tell them we’re still doing that or our date is going to be crashed” he chuckles.

  I giggle and pull my phone out to text them, sending it in the group chat since it’s just easier. It’s not long before I receive replies all along the lines of lucky fucker, I giggle.

  “What?” Luc asks smiling.

  “The guys are being cute” I say without thinking, then wondering whether it’s weird that I just referred to them as cute when I’m going to be spending the rest of the day with Luc.

  Trying to work out if things are weird or not is slowly becoming the bane of my life. I’m going to end up with a permeant headache from it if this carries on.

  “I never thought I’d hear the guys referred to as cute, most people find them intimidating at the least” he chuckles loudly.

  I take a second to just enjoy his laugh, loving that I can make him laugh after the emotional turmoil of this morning.

  “Hey! Don’t think you escape that descriptor; you can be cute too” I grin as he splutters indignantly for a few seconds before he gives up.

  “Only for you, Firecracker” he replies softly, my heart skipping a beat at his nickname for me.

  Whilst the guys all still call me Dragonfly, they’re also starting to give me their own ni
cknames and I love it. It makes my heart leap every time when I hear one of them use their special nicknames for me. I honestly never thought I’d be the kind of girl who would enjoy pet names, but I really do.

  “Can we take the long way back to Trick’s place?” I ask. “I want to soak up as much time in this car as possible.”

  “Thought you’d never ask, Firecracker” He chuckles.

  He reaches out to take my hand and every time he has to change gear instead of letting go he takes my hand with him and happiness bubbles over each time. Which means when we pull up to the drive-thru coffee place, I have the biggest goofiest grin on my face ever.

  “What do you want, Ever?” Luc asks as he reads the menu.

  “I can get it” I grin as I fish in my card out of my bra, I really need to get a wallet.

  “What kind of date would I be if I let you pay?” He smirks at me. “My treat” he adds, I’d argue but the determination in his eyes tells me that I won’t get very far.

  “Fine” I concede, “but next time I’m buying.”

  “Already planning our next date, Firecracker?” he says smugly, as he pulls up to the window to order.

  “Haven’t decided yet” I smirk, my response making him laugh.

  “Fair enough, I better bring my ‘A’ game then huh?”

  “You’ve got game?” I ask in mock surprise.

  “Ouch Ever, you wound me” he says placing his hand over his heart and wincing in pain before we both burst out laughing, the sombre mood from earlier completely gone. “What do you want then?” he asks.

  “Hazelnut mocha and any kind of chocolate cake they have please?” I ask somewhat hesitantly.

  I’m still really unused to people buying me things. I don’t hear Luc place our order over the pounding of my pulse in my ears, fuck not now, seriously why now? When we got coffee before I was fine so why is this time different? That’s the thing about anxiety though it rarely makes sense.

  “Hey, Ever what’s wrong?” Luc asks concerned as we wait in the que of cars for our coffees.

  “Fucking panic attack” I gasp, it’s a mild one but it sucks.

  Luc leans over the console and I turn towards him automatically, he brings his hand up to grip the back of my neck as he kisses me hard. My heart stutters in my chest as his tongue caresses mine sending heat scorching through my body and pooling low in my stomach, fuck me Luc can kiss. My hands fist in his shirt in a desperate attempt to hold on for the ride. A car horn blares suddenly from behind us and we pull apart reluctantly. Ignoring the blaring behind us, Luc stares into my eyes.


  “Better” I reply breathlessly, surprised to find I actually mean it. That’s a damn good way to get rid of a building panic attack.

  The car behind us blares its horn again and Luc sticks his hand out the window and flips them the middle finger, making me giggle as we pull up to the window to grab our drinks and cake. When we get there the barista hands over our drinks and then a massive bag which Luc immediately hands to me. I balance the drinks so I can peak inside as he pulls forward and starts the journey home.

  What I see has me in fits of giggles.

  “How many cakes did you buy?” I say eventually.

  “I just asked for one of every cake that had chocolate in it in some way” he shrugs as his cheeks tint pink and he keeps his eyes glued to the road. “I didn’t realise there was that many.”

  I burst out laughing again and this time he joins in. The car is silent for a beat and I brace myself, he’s gearing up to ask me something and I’d bet money I know what he’s going to ask.

  “Ever what happened back there?” He asks.

  “My dad used to do this thing where he’d act like his old self, like when mom was alive and well. He’d take me to get a burger, the first hot meal I would’ve had in weeks or as I got older to get coffee. He’d always take me to drive-thru’s though and never actually inside. I’d fall for the act and as soon as we picked up our order, he’d laugh cruelly at me and either throw away whatever he’d ordered for me or make me watch as he enjoyed both portions.” I say.

  “Fucking hell Ever that’s fucked up” He growls angrily, “I will make you a promise right now. Neither me nor the guys will ever do that to you, if we offer to pay for something we will and we will not change our minds at the last minute or take it away from you. That’s just fucking twisted.” He swears vehemently.

  “I know that Luci, it just may take a while for my anxiety to realise that.” I say softly as we pull into Trick’s driveway.

  “I get that Firecracker. Come on let’s go watch some movies and eat those cakes” he grins as we get out and let ourselves into the house, “plus I’ve still got that surprise planned for you.”

  I take my coat off and hang it on the banister again before following Luc up the stairs.

  “Surprise?” I ask grinning. It turns out I’m really starting to love surprises, especially since all the ones the guys are giving me are the good kind.

  “Yep” he says as we dump the cakes on the bed, he goes to get on the bed before looking down and realising that he’s covered in mud. “Actually, I’m going to change quickly” he chuckles as he toes off his shoes.

  “Yeah good idea” I agree grimacing down at my muddy outfit.

  Thank fuck I didn’t get any on Jenny’s cardigan.

  By the time I’m changed Luc is back and immediately flops down onto the bed his shirt rising up to show a swath of toned stomach. I lick my lips in appreciation but slap my hormones back down as I drag my eyes away and up to a smirking Luc, he caught me staring. I flip him the finger and shoot him a glare for good measure. It is not my fault that he’s so damn gorgeous.

  “What surprise?” I ask again, trying to distract myself from the fact I want to lick him.

  Totally normally response to seeing your guy FRIENDS abs, right?

  “The one that I was originally going to do to ask you to the dance.”

  “Oh, you don’t need to do that anymore. I already said yes” I grin bouncing on the bed next to him.

  “I want to, Firecracker” he kisses me softly then turns back to the TV. “So, what movie do you want to watch?” he asks.

  “Actually, do you mind if we watch the new Sabrina TV show?” I ask, “I’ve been dying to watch it since I heard some kids talking about it at my old school. I remembered watching reruns of the other one when I was a kid, this one is a lot darker though. It looks awesome.” I grin doing my happy dance and hope he agrees.

  “Yeah sure” he smiles.

  “Yes!” I exclaim. “Now give me some cakes” I chuckle, making grabby hands towards the bag.

  He grins as he pulls the bag up onto the bed and starts laying the cakes out, whilst I bring up Sabrina on the TV. We settle back against the pillows as it starts.

  I’m instantly pulled in. This show is freaking amazeballs. We spend the rest of the day eating cake and binge watching the show and I end up with Luc’s head in my lap as I take the band holding his dark, auburn locks back in his usual man bun, out so I can play with his hair.

  The bed vibrates pulling me from the show and I glance around momentarily confused, shocked to see that it’s dark outside the windows. Holy fuck.

  “It’s just the guys. Wait, when did it get dark?” Luc questions just as confused as me.

  I chuckle.

  “Glad it’s not just me that didn’t realise how long we’d been watching the show, it’s fucking awesome though.”

  “It definitely is, you hungry?” Luc asks sitting up and stretching.

  “Surprisingly, yes” I grin looking around at the empty cake wrappers.

  We still have a fair amount left that we can share with the guys tomorrow at school. I’m fairly certain they’re going to be appreciative, note the sarcasm.

  “Good” he grins getting up and walking towards the door. “I’ve just got to make a couple of calls and then I’ll be back” he says his grin widening as he leans over the be
d and places a soft kiss on my lips before striding towards the door.

  As soon as he’s gone, I suddenly realise that I desperately need to pee. I jump up and a rush to the bathroom. Once I’m done, I run downstairs to grab some sodas wanting to get back and carry on binge watching Sabrina.

  “Hey Ever, how’re you doing?” Jenny asks when I enter the kitchen and I’m not with it enough right now, still in a daze from spending the last like six or so hours staring at the TV, so I just stare at her blankly. “Trick rang and said you came home because you were in pain?” She smirks, she doesn’t believe it completely but she’s letting it go.

  “Oh, er better thanks. I actually just came to grab a heat pad and some painkillers” I tell her my stomach genuinely hurting now.

  She keeps me in the kitchen chatting for a while and I hear the front door open and close a couple of times. On the third time I raise my eyebrow and eye Jenny suspiciously.

  “Are you distracting me?” I ask.

  She just grins widely and keeps her lips zipped. I love that she’s helped Luc out and that neither her nor Rob have any problem with all of the guys taking me to the dance.

  “Are you coming up, Ever?” Luc calls down. “Foods here.”

  “Coming” I yell.

  I take the stairs two at a time, stupidly excited to see what Luc has planned. I push open my bedroom door slowly and gasp. Covering almost every available surface apart from the floor and bed are flickering candles. I walk closer to the bed to see there’s an open pizza box that has the words ‘Will you’ written in pepperoni, next to that there’s a dish of nachos and a plate with crumbled up nachos on it spelling, ‘go to’. Then more plates with M&M’s on them that spell out ‘Winter Formal’ and then finally twizzlers saying ‘with me’.

  “Oh my god this is fucking awesome” I grin, looking at Luc who has a giant grin on his face. “If I hadn’t said yes earlier, I definitely would’ve now, asking me in food,” I shake my head, “genius idea” I chuckle, I’ve made no secret of how much I love my food since being here.

  “I’m glad you like it Firecracker, want to carry on with this episode whilst we eat?”


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