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Trouble and the Wallflower

Page 14

by Kade Boehme

“Can we at least try? If for nothing else, then for your grandfather and for Oliver? Maybe along the way you can learn to trust me again. I’d love to earn your trust again.”

  Gavin saw some sincerity in her eyes. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He looked between Carmen and Ray briefly, then remembered the smiling face of the little brother he’d not known until today. He also imagined what Davy’s advice would be. Davy. He had Davy. He supposed even if things turned out bad, as he suspected it would, he at least had Davy. And Ray. And he’d always wanted a brother.

  “Okay. For Ray. And for Oliver,” Gavin capitulated. “But”—He kept his arms crossed over his chest and laid his most threatening glare on Carmen—“you will be kind to Davy. I love him.” Her eyes widened a fraction, but she didn’t respond otherwise.

  “Carmen?” Ray nudged.

  “Of course, of course.” Carmen waved it off as though they were being silly. “My baby’s in love. Every mother dreams to hear that.”

  “Yeah, well, this one won’t turn out like the last one I loved. I can promise you that.” Gavin watched as the color drained from Carmen’s face. “I’m going to find Davy and Oliver.” He looked at Ray and got a nod of acknowledgment, then turned on his heel.

  “Oh,” He spoke over his shoulder, “I’ll stay at Davy’s. You and Oliver can have my suite.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t want to put you out,” Carmen said, nose turned up a bit in distaste.

  He laughed. “Don’t worry. The sheets are clean.” He sauntered out of the kitchen, letting the swinging door fly shut behind him.

  Davy was in awe as he watched Oliver play with the cars. Gavin had given him a couple of the ones he himself would roll around when he didn’t realize Davy could see him playing like a child. Oliver was unusually careful for a three-year-old. He treated the cars with such reverence, you’d imagine he understood just how much they meant to his brother—or that he’d been sent to obedience school.

  Davy tried not to think the worst of Carmen Walker. For Oliver to be as open with Davy as he had been once he’d gotten used to him, Davy couldn’t imagine she’d treated him unkindly. He seemed well-adjusted. But Davy had never been around kids other than the ones he’d waited on at Bart’s, so he could be way off base.

  In fact, Davy was probably way more uncomfortable with Ollie than the other way around. He was really out of his element. He may have issues with being around people his own age, but at least he had some experience with them. Children…. He’d never even considered having kids because, for one, he didn’t figure it’d be something he could do being gay and all, and quite frankly they made him nervous as hell.

  He hadn’t wanted to disappoint Ray after Ray said such a kind thing, including him as family. He’d gotten choked up when Ray said that. He knew it was too soon, he and Gavin hadn’t been together that long, but he hadn’t had any family other than his uncle for so long that hearing someone considered him as such made him feel like a needy child who wanted to cling to Ray’s side and stay there, soaking in his affection as long as he could. But Davy knew Ray was right. Gavin and his mother needed to sort this out away from Ollie.

  “Davy, you like car?” Ollie held out one of the model cars. Davy smiled at him and moved over to where Ollie played on the bed.

  “I love them. Not as much as your brother, though. He built these.”

  Oliver’s guileless eyes were full of awe as he said, “Wow,” and patted the car as though it was a favorite pet. “Gavvy build the car?” Davy watched Ollie unblinkingly for a moment, the child looking freakishly like a miniature version of Gavin, regardless of whether they had different fathers or not.

  Davy shook out of his thoughts as he realized Ollie was looking at him expectantly. “Yep, Ollie. Gavin built this.”

  “Mommy said Gavvy smart,” Ollie said proudly.

  “He is. Very smart.” Davy watched Ollie warmly. He was so full of love for this kid. How had it happened so quickly? Even with the awkwardness in the beginning, he couldn’t help but fall for the kid’s charms. Just like your brother. Davy mussed Ollie’s hair. Ollie surprised him thoroughly by doing something so much like his brother that it hurt.

  “Don’t do that, Davy!” Ollie fixed his hair, rubbing down the tufts Davy had misplaced. Davy had watched Gavin do the same thing many times before, been fussed at several times for the same reason. He was so surprised at the mini-Gavin that he started laughing. Ollie looked at him as though he was completely insane. Maybe he was.

  Ollie’s face became very solemn. “Was Gavvy mad at me?”

  Davy was so surprised by the non sequitur that he almost didn’t know how to respond for a second. “What? Why?”

  Ollie rolled the wheels on a model classic Mustang, eyes watching the turning tires sadly. “Mommy said Gavvy isn’t happy with her. Is he mad at me? He was yelling lots.”

  Gavin’s chest swelled. “Oh, no. No,no, Ollie. Gavin was just stressed. He was surprised to see your mom. But he loves you, a lot.”

  Ollie looked up at Davy, still seemingly unconvinced.

  Davy smiled reassuringly. “In fact, I bet he’s got all kinds of fun stuff he’s going to do with you. I’m sure you could even talk him into letting you help build one of these cars.”

  Oliver’s eyes gleamed. “Really?”

  “I’m positive. Your brother is the best.”

  Ollie nodded.

  “What are you two doing down here?” Gavin asked, coming up behind Davy and wrapping an arm around his waist, squeezing tight, and placing his chin on Davy’s shoulder.

  Ollie studied them curiously, enough to make Davy want to pull away from the embrace. Then Ollie did what children often do. He turned his attention to something else. Davy laughed at himself.

  Gavin kissed behind Davy’s ear and Davy squeezed Gavin’s hand that was on his hip.

  “Davy said we can build a car!”

  Gavin huffed in Davy’s ear. “He did, did he?”

  “Hey, I’d do anything to keep that kid off my back,” Davy mumbled.

  “I think, between the two of you, I’m screwed,” Gavin said with a put-upon sigh.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Davy said, solemnly, receiving a playful bite on the shoulder in response.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gavin rose above Davy like an avenging angel. Sweat dripped from his brow as their limbs tangled together. They’d gone back to Davy’s apartment for the night so Gavin could clear his head, and he’d also give up his suite to his mother and little brother. As soon as they’d gotten in the door, Gavin had clung to Davy and begged Davy to help him think about anything other than their day.

  Davy couldn’t imagine what Gavin must be feeling. His mom back, a new brother out of thin air. Even Davy was overwhelmed with all of the emotion. Aside from getting angry, Gavin had been so composed once he’d had his talk with Carmen. He’d eventually made nervous attempts to bond with Oliver. Davy had been worried about Gavin, though, as he’d retreated within himself on the drive to Davy’s apartment.

  But that ended as soon as the lock slid into place in Davy’s apartment door. Gavin was feral, searching, desperate. Davy had been more than happy to oblige as Gavin took his lips with his own. The kiss had been desperate. Gavin, again, felt as though he was holding on to Davy to keep from drifting out to sea and being taken under the rip currents.

  Davy rolled on top of him. “Let me take care of you,” he said roughly. Gavin’s lust-filled eyes bored into his. He responded with a thrust of his hips into Davy’s and a nod.

  “Please, Davy. Please, please,” Gavin pleaded. Davy couldn’t remember him ever having pleaded. Gavin was usually well in control of himself, even on the brink of release. Not tonight, though. Gavin was wild, squirming, and full of pent-up need and energy. Davy moved in for a kiss, and Gavin slithered his tongue into Davy’s mouth, forcing his tongue as far in as he could go. Davy ground his cock into Gavin’s. Gavin’s proud hardness was weeping with need, like the rest of him. As Da
vy pulled from the kiss, Gavin clamped his teeth, verging on painful, on Davy’s bottom lip. Davy felt one of his rare growls escape. He saw light behind his eyes as he grabbed Gavin’s wrists and pinned them above his head.

  Davy had never felt such a strong need to dominate, to care for another person. He wanted to take away whatever pain Gavin was feeling. He made his way down Gavin’s body, stopping to bite and lick along the way. He drew hickies to the surface on Gavin’s chest, unable to stop himself.

  “So fucking sexy, Davy,” Gavin said breathlessly. Davy finally made it to his prize, taking Gavin’s cock deep into his mouth. He gave no quarter as he sucked and stroked Gavin’s balls and belly. Gavin started a brutal fucking of Davy’s mouth and Davy held on for every thrust.

  “So good, Davy.”

  Gavin was like a man possessed. The head of his cock popped in and out of Gavin’s throat to the point it was almost raw. Davy’s cock was so hard, turned on so much by his ability to make Gavin let loose and feel things so deeply. Gavin was grunting and moaning shamelessly as the salty flavor of his precome flowed over Davy’s tongue, lubing throat along with the spit to make for one amazing taste. Davy was as lost in the act as Gavin.

  But when Davy had said he intended to take care of Gavin he meant it. He grabbed Gavin’s thighs with both hands and pulled them apart, lifting them. He pulled off Gavin’s cock and dove into the cleft of Gavin’s ass, tasting the salty-sweetness of his hole. Davy had yet to find a part of Gavin’s body that didn’t taste fucking amazing.

  Davy moaned into Gavin’s ass as Gavin’s hole yielded to the onslaught of his rimming. Davy employed the use of his finger, then two fingers, rough and hard. Gavin let out the most guttural moan Davy had ever heard him make.

  “Fuck yes. Fuck me hard, Davy. Just like that.” Gavin forced his ass onto the finger-fucking with a fierceness that surprised Davy. Davy did as he was asked, though. He continued licking around his fingers to lube the way, then built a hard, brutal speed, crooking his fingers before every outward motion.

  By the time Davy took Gavin back into his mouth, Gavin was limp and babbling obscenities. Davy sucked hard, cheeks caving in with every upward pull of his mouth on Gavin’s girth. He wanted to give him this. Gavin needed him and that was all that mattered to Davy right now. The look Gavin gave him as he took care of Gavin’s needs made Davy feel indestructible and like the most important person in the world.

  “Davy. Fuck, I’m gonna come, babe.” Davy stilled his fingers and crooked them over and over, using his other hand to stroke Gavin’s cock, and his mouth doing quick laps of each of Gavin’s balls. They pulled up under Davy’s tongue, and Davy felt the moment the tension snapped, a split second before Gavin fucking roared with his release. “Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck, fuck, Davy. Babe. Jesus Christ!”

  Davy forced Gavin’s cock back into his gullet, eliciting another shout from Gavin as he shot himself into Davy, who kept a massaging going with his fingers inside Gavin’s ass. Gavin unloaded everything he had, giving Davy a piece of himself that no one else had. Mine. Davy didn’t realize how turned-on he was just by the taste of Gavin and his name on Gavin’s lips until he lowered his hips to the bed, and with just once rub against the sheets Davy’s cock was shooting off. Davy sucked brutally on Gavin and moaned as he gave all he had to the point his balls ached.

  “Goddamn, Davy!” Gavin grabbed Davy under the arms, pulled him up so they were face-to-face, and pilfered Davy’s mouth with his tongue. They made out hot and heavy until Davy eased his fingers out of Gavin’s ass, slowly, then their kiss turned less demanding and more into a slow, loving welcoming home. Gavin wrapped his arms and legs around Davy and held him tight, and Davy could swear the man was fighting tears. Davy’s chest hurt, his heart bleeding for Gavin.

  Gavin eased out of the kiss and placed his forehead against Davy’s. “Thankyou. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou,” Gavin whispered brokenly. He opened eyes that were just a bit too bright for Davy’s heart to handle. “I love you, Davy.”

  Davy choked on everything he wanted to say for fear he may make a fool of himself and cry for Gavin if Gavin wouldn’t cry for himself. He felt considerably less tense underneath Davy, though.

  “I love you,” Gavin said and kissed Davy’s cheek and pulledhim into a hug. When had they gotten here? When had Gavin snuck so far in that Davy couldn’t imagine this man ever being anywhere but right here? Here in their bubble.

  “Shh.” Davy rubbed Gavin’s hair, feeling him start to fall apart, the telltale wetness on Davy’s chest and Gavin’s quaking shoulders being all the clues Davy needed. “I love you too, Gav. I’m here.” Davy held Gavin tighter and waited until Gavin cried himself out and drifted into a restless sleep.

  Davy trudged up to his apartment. He’d had a long day. Actually he’d had a string of those days where he couldn’t keep things refilled long enough to keep up with the demand of the crush of customers in his line. He’d had to call in someone to help by the time the noon rush hit, and he’d had to stay on until close because the lines had never stopped.

  The day had been sunny and beautiful, the market full of tourists, the water-view park standing room only. The tip jar had overflowed, so the employee he’d had to call in was well compensated for coming in early. He was thankful he’d had the help. Now he just wanted to crawl into his bed and die until morning. The next day was his off day but if the last few days were an indicator of what was to come, he imagined he’d be called in tomorrow as well. He almost whimpered at the thought of another ten hours on his feet.

  Why had he taken the job as GM, anyway?

  Oh yeah. It was a salaried position. With benefits. With his mom’s survivor benefits that meant he was much better off than other twenty-two-year-olds he knew. And in Seattle, that money was the difference in a decent apartment in town or a shitty room-share in SeaTac.

  He shuddered at the thought of a roommate, especially one who was a stranger. Although, in the last two weeks since Gavin’s mom had shown up and turned everything on its ear, Gavin had been crashing with Davy on his futon that grew more and more uncomfortable with two people having to share it. He was beginning to think he should have splurged on a bed. He had never expected anyone else to share his space with him, though, so he hadn’t planned accordingly.

  When he opened the door to his apartment, the first thing he noticed was the smell of garlic. He sniffed the air appreciatively.

  “Ohmigod, did you order Italian?” Davy asked, unable to keep the longing from his voice. He’d not had a chance to even eat lunch today.

  Gavin laughed and came around from the kitchen area, then gave Davy a quick kiss. When he pulled back he looked Davy over and frowned. “You look wiped.”

  “Ugh. I am. Another day with no break.”

  “Davy…,” Gavin’s scolded. Davy couldn’t help but smile. It had been a long time since he’d come home to be mothered. And Gavin was good at it. “You’re not supposed to smile when I’m fussing at you.”

  Davy laughed. “It’s just that you sounded like my mother.”

  “Awesome,” Gavin said drily. Davy placed a kiss on his thinned lips before wandering in to drop his book bag and keys in the corner. He rolled his shoulders, enjoying not having the weight on them. Gavin walked up behind him and kissed the nape of his neck.

  “You gotta stop working so much, babe,” Gavin said.

  “Says the trust-fund kid.”

  Gavin punched Davy playfully. Davy knew he hadn’t dipped into the trust fund for anything other than school books or his vehicle, otherwise it still sat in the bank where he’d put a restriction on it so he couldn’t touch it ’til he was twenty-five. Davy was surprised at some of Gavin’s responsible decisions. They seemed so at odds with what people assumed of Gavin.

  Davy plopped down on the futon where Gavin had his homework spread out and stacked it neatly before sliding it next to his beneath the coffee table. Gavin wandered over with two beers and two plates piled high with chicken alfredo from their f
avorite Italian eatery that delivered to Davy’s building.

  “Beer and pasta. The two basic food groups,” Gavin said as Davy took a plate for himself. Gavin set his plate on the table and popped the top off a beer, then offered it to Davy. Davy took it, receiving another peck on the lips from Gavin. He found himself amazed at how affectionate Gavin could be. Especially since the intense night after Gavin’s mom had shown up and thrown Gavin into a tailspin. Gavin had truly opened up to Davy. Davy was okay being Gavin’s life raft right now. It was nice being needed. It had also been beautiful watching the change in Gavin as he got to know his little brother. Ollie and Gavin were so much alike it was freaky, and often made Ray choke with emotion. Davy caught the old guy getting weepy a couple times and had sworn his secrecy.

  “Oh, before I forget…,” Davy said. He took a long pull from his beer, then set it and his plate on the table and started rooting through his pockets. “Ah, here it is.” He pulled a key out and held it out to Gavin. Gavin stared at it for a moment.

  “What’s that?”

  Davy looked at the key, wondering if he’d hallucinated and pulled out a paper clip instead. He was exhausted enough he could imagine having done just that. But when he looked he saw that he did, in fact, hold a key.

  “Well, it looks like a key.”

  “To what?”

  Davy felt lost. “Um, my apartment?” Or was it? He wasn’t sure of much and Gavin didn’t look much surer than Davy felt.

  “Yeah, but why?”

  “Well, Gavin, I figured you’re tired of having to wait at the shop for me to get off so you can come home, and I know you have to get sick of sitting around here all day on those that you don’t have class. This way you can come and go.”

  Gavin looked at Davy then at the key. Davy was tired of this game and very hungry, so he took Gavin’s hand that wasn’t holding his beer, placed the key in his palm, and closed the fingers around it. Gavin opened his fingers and stared at the key. Davy sighed and turned to pick up his plate.


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