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Dirty Ballistics

Page 10

by Peyton Banks

  She nodded, already feeling safe.

  A knock sounded at the door, and she jumped. Her gaze swept the room. Williams and Ball appeared just as shocked as she felt. They both pulled their weapons out and proceeded over to the door.

  Declan pushed her behind him and waited as Ball and Williams ensured they were safe. She peeked from behind him, curious to know what was going on. Ball glanced out the peephole before his body posture relaxed and he lowered his gun. Williams stepped back, away from the door.

  “Company of yours?” Ball asked, opening the door.

  Declan’s friend, Mac, strode through the door with another man at his side. The second man had broad shoulders, a strong jawline, and wavy brown hair. Both Mac and the other cop were dressed in black fatigues. Aspen took in the weapons strapped to their thighs.

  Were all the men on his SWAT team built the same?

  “Mac.” Declan greeted his friend with a strong handshake and manly hug with a pat on the back. He turned to the other man and did the same. “Ashton.”

  Jesus, what is in the water here in Columbia?

  So far, their entire team was large, muscular men who deserved to be on one of those first responder calendars, shirtless.

  “What is this, a policeman’s reunion?” Ball crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  Declan’s and his friend’s eyes whipped to him, and he seemed to balk under their hard glares.

  “Aspen, come here.” Declan motioned for her to go to his side. He sent another glare to Agent Ball before turning his attention to her. He rested his arm along her shoulders when she arrived at his side. She leaned into him automatically while he introduced his men. “You’ve already met Mac, and this here is Ashton Fraser. He’s our negotiator and wannabe comedian.”

  Aspen chuckled watching Ashton dramatically roll his eyes.

  “Whatever, man. Hello, Aspen. It’s so nice to meet you,” Ashton said with a wide grin.

  She offered her hand, and he took it, turning it over and laying a small kiss to the back of it.

  “Watch it, Ash,” Declan growled, squeezing her shoulder. “She’s mine.”

  Chapter 16

  “Do you have it?” Declan had requested a few things when he’d spoken to Mac. He knew his friend would come through with his request. Late-night calls always were answered.

  “Everything you asked for is in this here bag,” Ashton said, handing him a black duffle.

  “And the other thing?”

  “Right here.” Mac passed him the manila envelope.

  Sitting the bag on the floor, Declan took the envelope and opened it, peeking inside. He turned and walked to Agent Ball and Williams. He handed the papers to him with a smirk on his lips.

  “What is this?” Ball demanded. He wearily took the papers, glancing over at Williams first.

  “Something to speed along the process of getting me deputized,” Declan boasted. He didn’t have time to waste while waiting on the feds to go through their bureaucratic nonsense. He didn’t trust anyone else with the safety of Aspen besides his men.

  The room grew silent as Ball read the papers. His gaze flew across the pages while Declan folded his arms over his chest and waited. He patiently watched Ball’s eyes flicker to him before handing the papers to Williams.

  “What are these?” Williams muttered. He snatched the papers from Ball and read them, too. He paused and glared at Declan. “Where did you get this from?”

  “What’s going on, Declan?” Aspen moved to his side, concern etched on her face.

  “Let’s just say we pulled some strings. It would have taken way too long for Agent Ball and Williams to get clearance to deputize me. So I called Mac, and he called our old Navy commander who just so happens to play golf with the Chief of the Special Deputation Unit. He’s approving me to be deputized.”

  Aspens eyes grew wide at the announcement.

  “And if you read the fine print, Declan has been granted full federal authority. Meaning he has authority now in any US location,” Mac declared. Mac despised the feds and wasn’t hiding it.

  “Excuse me if I don’t believe—”

  “Go ahead and call your superiors.” Mac’s voice slashed through the air, cutting Ball off. His deep baritone voice was commanding and condescending at the same time.

  Declan held back a smirk. He glanced behind him and found Mac’s hard gaze on the feds while Ashton leaned against the wall looking calm and collected.

  “We will. You have to forgive me. This is not the standard procedure. We must follow protocols—”

  “We get it.” Ashton sighed dramatically. “Call them. Confirm what you’ve read on the paper.”

  Ball’s lips pressed tightly in a firm line before he motioned for Williams to follow him. Declan watched them walk down the hallway with their cell phones in their hands. Once they disappeared from sight, he turned back to Mac and Ashton.

  “I appreciate you coming.” He nodded to both of them. It meant a lot to him that he could call on his brothers and knew they’d be there without asking a question.

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Mac muttered. He moved from where he stood and strode over to the living room window.

  “You know the whole team has your back. One word, and the whole team is here,” Ashton said.

  Declan glanced down at Aspen, seeing confusion lining her face. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m just confused at what is going on.” She shook her head and let loose a sigh. She stepped away from him and flopped down on the sofa. “I just want this to be over. I’m tired of hiding. I’m tired of having to be protected. I just want my life back.”

  Declan moved to her and took a seat on the coffee table in front of her, resting his hands on her knees. She turned her sad eyes to him, and his heart lurched. He gently rubbed her soft skin with a small smile on his lips.

  “What you are doing is brave.” He’d given Mac a little background on what was going on and he was sure Mac had filled Ashton in before they’d arrived. “Just think of all the people who were affected by Ray Acosta. He hurt so many with his greed. You testifying will bring him to justice.”

  She blew out a deep breath and gazed up at the ceiling. “That’s the thing that keeps me going. How could he do it? I’ve known him practically my entire life. Considered him an uncle, and not only did he murder a man in cold blood in front of me, but he stole money from not just my father’s company but all the employees’ retirement funds. Some of them were devastated by him.”

  It pained him to hear the quiver in her voice. Her chest rose rapidly as she tried to regain composure of herself. She lowered her gaze to his, and he was proud at the strength that radiated from her eyes.

  “How well do you know those agents?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

  Her eyes widened, and she swallowed nervously. “Well, they’ve been keeping me safe since I was taken from my home and put in witness protection.” She glanced around the room before focusing on him. “Agent Ball is the one I deal with the most. He was the one who chose this location and was trying to help me have as normal a life while in hiding as possible.”

  Declan nodded then sat back. “And the other one?”

  “He comes and goes. When he’s around I know it’s time for me to be moved.” She tucked her hair behind her ear.

  Declan watched the tremor in her hands.

  She was nervous and scared.

  “Why did you have to move last time?” Ashton asked. “If you were hidden well, you could have stayed in one place until you were needed back in Cali.”

  “Umm…the last town I was in was located in Texas. I was at a diner, and the news came on about the case. I was taught that if someone says I look familiar or asks me if I’m Aspen Irwin, I have to report it to Agent Ball.”

  “You were recognized?” Declan asked. He couldn’t begin to imagine what she was going through.

  “Not in so many words. But it was too close, and they made the decision to move me he
re.” She looked around the room with a shake of her head. “Moving is getting old. I thought Columbia was going to be the final spot until I testified. I have to take the stand.”

  “We’re going to make sure you get on that stand,” Mac growled.

  “Damn straight,” Ashton agreed.

  She turned her attention to them and blew out a deep breath. Her lips turned into a small smile.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You’re welcome, baby,” Declan murmured, his eyes locked on hers.

  “I do have a question,” Ashton announced.

  Declan turned and glanced over his shoulder at him.

  “Are you seriously okay with your woman wearing an Army t-shirt?”

  The marshals returned from the back with grim expressions. Declan stood from his perch on the table and placed his body between her and the feds. She stood and moved so she could see Ball. She knew the look on his face. The pit of her stomach fell out.

  It was time to go.

  “It would seem that you all have been correct in that my superiors have given me the authority to deputize you, Sergeant Owen. I shall do so, only on one condition.”

  “What is that?” Declan growled.

  Out of the corner of her eyes, Aspen watched Declan clench his fist. She stepped closer to him and gripped his arm in hers. She slid her hand along his forearm and entwined her fingers with his. He glanced down at her and seemed to relax under her touch.

  “You stay out of our way and let us handle any threats to Ms. Hale,” Ball demanded.

  “You sonofa—

  “He will,” she cut Declan off and held him tight.

  He was strung taut, and she was afraid he’d attack. It would be the last thing she need—the feds and local boys in blue fighting in small quarters. From the look of the feds, they were hoping he’d attack. “You won’t have to worry about Declan.”

  “You sure won’t,” Mac’s hard voice cut through the air.

  Aspen swiveled her head in his direction and swallowed hard. The cold glint in Mac’s eyes had her wanting to step back. If he flew across the room, there’d be no way she’d be able to stop him.

  “Settle down, gentleman. There is a lady in the room.” Ashton’s deep drawl was more pronounced. He pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against and sauntered over to the feds. He purposely put himself between Declan and the feds. “We all want what is best for Aspen. Dec here won’t risk her safety.”

  Declan wrapped his arm around her possessively. She leaned her head against his chest and felt safe in his arms. His chest rumbled as he ran a hand along his face.

  “Whatever I have to do, I will. Aspen is important to me.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, and she looked up to meet his stormy eyes. She swallowed hard and knew he spoke the truth.

  “Good, because we have other news.” Williams looked around the room. He slid his hands into his pockets and turned to Aspen. “We leave tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Aspen exclaimed. “If we have the help of the cops here, why do I have to leave?”

  She wasn’t ready to leave. She wouldn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. It was happening again. She’d just disappear and lose everything once more.

  She’d miss her job at the library.

  She’d miss the only friend she’d made in Columbia—Evie. She was sure her friend was freaking out because Aspen hadn’t reported to work.

  “The attack was too close. It’s time we move. According to our superiors, you have to return to California,” Ball announced.

  Declan’s grip tightened on her as the room grew quiet.

  “Then if that’s the case, we’ll be happy to give you an escort to the airport,” Mac said. It wasn’t an offer.

  Even Aspen got the message loud and clear. He and his men would be ready to protect her.

  All because of Declan. This was the safest she’d felt—ever. Declan’s men weren’t even hesitating at helping her. She was amazed by his men. They didn’t even know her but were willing to protect her.

  It made her feel as if she belonged.

  And now she had to go face the one man who’d torn her life apart.

  She squeezed her eyes tight, the memories of that night coming back to her. Her heart raced with the thought of sitting in a courtroom with that monster.

  This was what she had been waiting for. She drew in a deep breath and knew she had to do this. She couldn’t let him walk.

  It was time to face him.

  “Okay, lover boy. Let’s get this over with.” Ball walked over to Declan, who released her.

  She refused to leave his side. He was going above and beyond for her, and she would never be able to pay him back. Her heart swelled with the possibility of what could be driving him to do this for her.

  Their eyes met for a brief second, and in that instant she knew she had fallen for Declan.

  Once she testified, how would she ever be able to leave him?

  Chapter 17

  “You don’t think this is a bit much?” Aspen’s wide eyes stared up at him.

  He smirked and adjusted the ballistics vest on her chest.

  “These saves lives,” he muttered, securing it around her. He didn’t even want to think of her getting shot, much less taking a bullet.

  Mac had brought an extra vest for her transport.

  Tonight, SWAT would not hunt.

  They’d protect.

  His men would escort them to the airport to ensure they safely arrived. Declan wasn’t taking any chances if the thugs tried to show up again. There was no way he would let them take her.

  Mac and Ashton were speaking quietly in the corner of the living room while the feds stood in the kitchen. Declan strained to hear their conversation but was unable to.

  “Have you ever been shot before?” Aspen’s voice broke through his train of thought.

  His gaze turned to her, finding her waiting patiently. Curiosity burned in her eyes, but there was a hesitation, as if she didn’t really want to know the answer to her question.

  “Yeah.” He paused his hands and nodded, flashbacks of the last time a slug hit his vest springing to mind. The damn thing had him black and blue for a few weeks. He had felt fine at the hospital and complained the entire time that he was fine. The next day, he was barely able to get out of bed, for the pain had intensified by then. “It hurt like a son of a bitch.”

  “Did the bullet go through the vest?” she asked, her eyes growing wider.

  He tipped her chin up to him. Her lips parted slightly, and he wished he could claim them like he wanted to.

  Not now.

  “No bullet will touch you. This vest is a guarantee that we get you there safely. I protect what’s mine.” His voice ended on a growl. He didn’t care who heard him, he wanted it to be known that Aspen Hale—Irwin—was his woman.

  Bad guys didn’t fight fair, and he’d be damned if they killed her in order to protect a known criminal.

  Mac and Ashton’s conversation ceased. They’d heard him. No doubt about it. He glanced their way and found their eyes narrowed on him and Aspen.

  “We’re ready to transport. Flight has been arranged.” Agent Ball stepped into the room. His gaze swept the area before settling on Aspen. “Young lady, in a few hours you’ll be meeting with the prosecutor. Hopefully this will all end soon.”

  Declan moved to the table and finished aligning his body with his weapons. They’d spent the day holed up in the house waiting for night to fall. A calming sensation overcame him. He was used to this feeling. It was the same as if he was going out on a call.

  He’d asked for a gun.

  Mac outfitted him with enough weapons and ammunition to supply a small army.

  “We leave now, we should be at the airport in less than forty-five minutes,” Mac murmured, stopping near Declan.

  Ashton appeared on his other side. The three of them were dressed in black fatigues. Both Ashton and Mac were decked out in their array of weapons

  Declan grabbed his favorite weapon, a Glock. The smooth, hard steel was comforting. Holding the weapon was soothing. Declan wasn’t sure why, but his gut was screaming something was off.

  He glanced over to find Aspen engaged in a conversation with the feds.

  “What’s wrong?” Ashton’s voice was low. He folded his arms across his chest.

  “I don’t like this,” Declan replied, securing the Glock in his side holster. Taking his smaller pistol from the table, he braced his foot on the wooden surface to strap the smaller gun to his ankle. “Why the sudden time change?”

  Mac’s gaze zipped over to the feds before coming back to him. “Yeah, I didn’t like it either.”

  “To give the feds the benefit of the doubt, they have been working with her for longer. Maybe they are wanting to be unpredictable to throw off whoever is after her.” Ashton shrugged, clearly trying to appear casual, but his eyes gave away that he had his doubts, too.

  “The plan still on?” Declan asked, glancing back over his shoulder.

  “Sure is,” Mac confirmed.

  “It’s time,” Agent Ball announced, walking their way.

  Aspen came to him and reached for his hand.

  His heart leaped.

  She was putting on a brave front, but Declan saw the fear in her eyes.

  “You’re staying by my side.” He pulled her close.

  Without a word, she jerked her head up and down.

  They left the house and filed into a dark SUV. Mac and Ashton would follow behind in their own truck. Declan knew they would trail the fed’s vehicle. Agent Williams closed the door behind Aspen before walking around the truck and hopping into the driver’s seat. Declan reached over and yanked her seat belt across her body and clicked it in place.

  “I could have done that.” Her chuckle was strained, hinting at her stress.


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