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Dirty Ballistics

Page 11

by Peyton Banks

  “Humor me.” Not caring the agents were in the front seats, he gripped her neck and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. They pulled apart, and he knew he had succeeded in releasing some of her tension.

  “All right, lover boy. Time to head to the airport,” Ball drawled, climbing in the passenger seat.

  The truck started with a gentle purr before it rocked slightly and drove around the semicircle driveway.

  Declan turned and watched the headlights from Mac and Ashton’s truck flash behind them. He settled back, and Aspen’s small hand slid onto his. He turned and entwined their fingers. She squeezed his tight. Their eyes met in the dark, and he returned the gesture.

  Aspen’s nerves were settled by the feel of Declan’s large, powerful hand holding hers. Her heart raced with the thought of the dangers that awaited her. Going back to California was dangerous, but it was something she’d have to do. There was no way she’d allow Ray to walk. There were too many people depending on her, and she refused to let them down.

  The ride was tense, but Aspen would expect everyone to be on high alert after the attack at the zoo. Ray’s men knew where she was, and the feds and Declan were taking extra precautions to ensure she remained safe.

  She stared out the window watching the wooded scenery fly by. It was late, and there wasn’t any traffic on the road. The dark highway road eventually morphed into a quiet suburban area of town. She had driven through the area a few times and recognized landmarks.

  Visions of that night came to mind.

  “California is beautiful this time of year,” she whispered, closing her eyes briefly. If she focused hard enough, she could imagine the sunny weather and the winding roads near the ocean. She wasn’t sure if Declan heard her, but she had to talk about something to clear her head. She’d replayed that night in her mind a million times, and for once, she had to push it away from her.

  “I’m sure it is,” Declan rumbled.

  “I miss it,” she admitted. She turned toward Declan. The darkness surrounded them. Only passing streetlights provided glimpses of his silhouette. The intensity of his gaze slid across her skin. She swallowed hard, not sure if she’d be able to go through with her plan.

  Aspen had been planning her own disappearance. After she testified, she’d decided to run. Even if she gave evidence and Ray was put away for life, there were others associated with him who would come after her. She’d learned much about her uncle after being thrust into protective custody.

  Her world had been rocked when she was informed Ray was deeply involved in mob life. The money he’d laundered was to pay off debts he owed, and he’d grown greedy and bold. Her findings ruined everything for him.

  As a forensic accountant, it was her job to find money hidden. She had been the best. There wasn’t a place someone could try to hide money that she couldn’t find.

  That also meant she was the best at hiding her own money.

  There was no way she’d let the feds take her and thrust her into a Godforsaken area of the country to live out her life in fear and poverty.

  Once she got the chance, Aspen would disappear. She planned to leave the country. She’d never be safe here.

  Never did she think she’d meet Declan.

  Never would she have imagined she’d fall head over heels in love so quickly.

  Never would she have imagined she’d have to leave the love of her life.

  Again, Ray was taking everything from her. Aspen’s heart was tearing in two. She didn’t know how Declan would take it, but yet, she wouldn’t be around to see the destruction her leaving would cause.

  Without saying it, she knew he was in love with her.

  No matter how much he had insisted he wasn’t the committing kind, his presence beside her in the federal vehicle proved otherwise.

  And she was going to shatter the heart he’d given to her.


  She blinked and found Declan looking at her with concern on his face.

  “Are you all right? I seemed to have lost you for a second.” His large hand brushed her hair from her face. It rested on her cheek.

  She leaned into it, basking in the feel of him.

  “I’m sorry. I was thinking of something.” She sniffed, trying to make up an excuse. It wasn’t lying, but she dare not tell him the truth of where her thoughts were going.

  A vibrating noise caught her attention. Declan reached into his cargo pants and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He swiped the screen and read the text message. His cursed filled the air. In the shadows, she watched his eyes narrow on the device before staring up at her.

  “What is it?” she asked, an overwhelming feeling of dread filling her.

  “We’ve got a problem.” Then he announced, “Ray Acosta escaped from prison.”

  “What?” she cried out. Her hands trembled with the news. Her mind raced with possibilities. She couldn’t go back to California. What if he—

  “Williams, you took a wrong turn,” Ball snapped, his voice breaking through her rapid thoughts.

  Gazing out the window, she saw they were now in an industrial part of town, and from the look of the building, her dread morphed into stark fear. The streets were lined with garbage, and there were plenty of shadows from busted streetlights.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Declan growled. His body grew tense, flying forward.

  “There’s been a slight change in plans,” Williams snarled, whipping the truck around a corner, tossing her against the door.

  Aspen gasped seeing the glint of a gun in Williams’ hand.

  “You are no longer needed.”

  The truck slammed to a halt, and the sound of a gunshot filled the air.

  Chapter 18

  Agent Ball’s body slumped in the seat. A scream pierced the air, and it wasn’t until she shut her mouth that she realized it was coming from her.

  “Wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Williams turned the gun on Declan who froze in place.

  Aspen’s eyes flew back and forth between Williams and Ball’s still body. Her vision blurred from the tears.

  “Hands where I can see them.”

  “Why?” she cried out, holding her hands up. She could sense the rage brimming from Declan. She moved her gaze back to Agent Ball and bit her lip to keep a whimper from escaping.

  “Because you are worth a lot of money.” Williams’ sinister chuckle sent a chill down her spine.

  “I’m supposed to be dead. A dead woman isn’t worth anything,” she retorted.

  “Let’s just say there’s a bounty out on your head,” he bragged. His gun didn’t waver. “And you are worth a lot of money to Ray Acosta—dead.”

  Declan’s growl vibrated through the air. His movement was quick. He flew across the cab of the truck. Aspen gasped, unlocking her seat belt. She turned, not sure what to do. The two men wrestled for the gun with Declan overpowering the agent. Aspen released a scream as they exchanged punches in the compact space.

  She glanced around trying to find something that she could use to help. Her gaze landed on William’s seat belt. He hadn’t put it on. Curses filled the air while the men grappled for the weapon. She yanked the belt and wrapped it around an unsuspecting Williams and pulled back on it.

  He let loose a yelp, while she tugged on it, cutting off his air supply. Declan took advantage and slammed his fist into Williams multiple times until his body slumped in the seat.

  “What are you doing?” he roared, turning to her.

  “Helping!” she cried.

  “Out the truck. Now,” he snapped. He opened his door and jumped out of the vehicle.

  She took his hand and let him pull her toward the edge of the seat.

  “I’m sorry, but I wanted to—”

  Her words were cut off by the sound of popping.

  “Back in the car!” Declan dove inside with a curse, covering her with his body.

  Aspen panicked, holding on to him for dear life.

  “That’s gunfire! Sta
y down.”

  Then she heard the pings of bullets hitting their truck. It was coming from both sides. The spray of bullets grew louder. The truck rocked, bullets slamming into the tires.

  “Where the fuck is Mac?” Declan tightened his grip on her.

  Tears formed with the thought that this was how she’d die. With the way her life had turned out, she had envisioned her death in many ways, but dying in a shootout had not been one of her many visions.

  The sound of tires screeching came from off in the distance. More gunfire echoed, and she sent up a prayer that they’d make it out of this situation—alive and unarmed.

  Her breath caught in her throat as silence permeated the air.

  Sharp voices could be heard from outside.

  Declan shifted his body and glanced down at her. “Stay here.”

  “Don’t leave me.” She gripped him to her. There was no way he was walking out into that gunfire. She couldn’t lose him.

  Not now.

  “I’m just looking.” He shifted his body and quickly glanced out the window. “It’s about fucking time.”

  The door flew open, and her body tensed.

  “Someone need rescuing?” a deep voice asked.

  “You’re an ass, Iker,” Declan slid out of the truck.

  “We don’t have time for sentiment. Those men have big guns and they will be back.”

  Aspen sat up wearily and glanced at Williams. His body was riddled with holes, and blood was everywhere. Her body shook with the realization that these people seriously wanted her dead at all costs.

  “Don’t look, baby.” Declan turned her head toward him.

  She met his gaze and put her trust fully into him. She knew he’d never let anything happen to her.

  “Just stare into my eyes.”

  She jerked her head in a nod. Tears threatened to erupt, but she bit her lip and held them back. Now wasn’t the time to burst out crying. She had to hold her shit together and survive. He guided her out of the car and pressed her against him.

  “Declan,” she whispered. She wanted to tell him exactly how she felt. If she were to die tonight, she didn’t want to do it without telling him how she felt.

  He must have seen the look on her face because he shook his head.

  “Not now. Tell me later.”

  “Dec,” a commanding voice said, the owner stalking toward them with other men decked out in dark fatigues.


  Declan brought her close to him. She eyed the men carrying their rifles and guns. They were a fierce group, and she pitied whoever would try to go against them.

  “Where the fuck were you?” Declan demanded.

  Aspen gasped, his hand tightening on her hip.

  “We got lost with the few turns, and Iker was able to catch up to us,” Mac responded.

  His presence immediately commanded respect, and Aspen could see why he was in charge.

  “We need to move.”

  Aspen glanced around at the men of Declan’s team and finally got her answer.

  Yes, all the men of Columbia’s SWAT team were tall, built, and handsome, but there was only one member of the team who made her heart race.

  Declan pulled his gun from his holster and turned to her.

  “You don’t leave my side. Whatever I say, you do. Got it?” He gripped her cheek in his hand.

  Their eyes connected, and she jerked her head in a nod.

  “Grab on to the hook of my pants and don’t let go.”

  The sound of a bullet whizzing by and slamming into the truck behind had her jumping. Declan and his men instantly went on alert. They surrounded her and aimed their weapons at the air, returning fire. Aspen couldn’t tell where the bullet had come from, but she moved closer to Declan and grabbed on to his pants as he’d instructed.

  “SWAT, let’s roll.” Mac’s voice was cold and deadly.

  They moved past the truck, and she tried to keep from looking inside it. She was saddened by the fact that Ball was dead. She didn’t have an ounce of pity for Williams. He had planned to turn her over to Ray.

  As far as she was concerned, he’d got what he deserved.

  “We need to take cover,” Mac directed. “Ash and Zain pulled back. We are to meet them over on Pine Street, a block over.”

  The team was like a well-oiled machine in their movements.

  One block.

  His team was the best. They’d make it.

  Only this time, they had an extra person with them.


  He hadn’t thought twice about covering Aspen’s body with his when the bullets began raining down on them. He was proud of how strong she had been. Anyone else would have lost their shit, being in a car being riddled with bullets.

  Not Aspen.

  She’d held on strong.

  When he’d pulled her from the truck, the look in her eyes was enough to almost bring him to his knees. He’d known what she was about to say at that moment, but it wasn’t the right time.

  Declan would ensure they had time to sit down and talk about this thing between them.

  He wanted more.

  He wanted her.

  She was the one for him.

  They may have sped from zero to a hundred, but he didn’t care. Their entire relationship had been unconventional.

  After this mess, they’d have forever to get to know each other and plan a future.

  Declan held back his curse and knew he had to focus on her security. That would be the only way they’d be able to have a future.

  Once the gunfire ceased, he’d never been so glad to see his brothers in blue. Brodie, Myles, Mac, and Iker had been a sight for sore eyes. When they got out of this mess, he’d owe them all cold beers.

  But right now, he had to get his woman to safety.

  Aspen’s tight grip on his pants comforted him and allowed him to keep both hands free.

  He fell behind Mac as they ran toward the closest building. Myles and Brodie flanked Aspen’s side while Iker pulled up the rear.

  The dilapidated building was abandoned. The street Williams had brought them down was the perfect place for an ambush.

  “Where are they coming from?” Brodie snapped.

  The sound of random bullets hitting the pavement littered the air behind them as they made it to the building. They pressed close to it.

  Declan put his body in front of Aspen’s, looked around sharply, but under the cover of night, it made it almost impossible. He didn’t like this one bit. Dread rested in the pit of his stomach, and he always trusted his gut.

  Something was off.

  Myles and Iker hid behind two wide columns and knelt on the ground. Both of them had flipped their visors down over their eyes, giving them sight into the pitch-dark night. Their weapons were trained toward the building across the street.

  “Rooftop. Tango thirteen hundred,” Myles murmured, his rifle steady. He was the team’s lead sniper. Once Myles locked on a target, it was good as dead.

  “Got it,” Iker responded.

  “We need to keep moving,” Declan snapped.

  Gunfire echoed again, but this time a single shot silenced the enemy fire.

  “Got him,” Myles announced. “There were a few more up there with the him.”

  “You guys go. We’ll cover and fall behind,” Iker threw over his shoulder.

  “Stay close.” Declan turned to Aspen.

  She jerked her head in a nod. Her grip on his pants had yet to falter. Her face was lined with fear, but she didn’t complain.

  Mac moved along, his weapon trained high. Declan followed behind with Brodie waiting for them to pass, and he now brought up the rear. He gripped his Glock tight, keeping it raised and his finger on the trigger.

  They came upon a set of glass doors. Mac paused, hoisting his fist in the air.

  “We’re going through the building,” Mac rumbled. “It’s abandoned but dark.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Declan cursed. Pure darkness cou
ld mean anything.

  “It’s either take our chances in here or get shot out there. There’s no telling how many are on the rooftops.” Mac glared at him.

  Declan didn’t hesitate to return the heated stare.

  Brodie stalked past to the edge of the building and peered around it. “The alley isn’t better. We’d be sitting ducks.”

  “I don’t like this,” Declan said. It was one thing for them to enter a building on jobs, but now they had an innocent civilian with them. “Stay here, Aspen.” He pressed her against the brick wall and undid her firm grip on his pants.

  He moved near the door and glanced through the glass. It was dark, but he was able to see the doors on the other side. Lights from the neighboring street filtered through the door.

  That would be their target destination.

  Five hundred feet of the unknown.

  He glared back at Mac who was waiting on him.

  “Through the building or around it?” Mac cocked an eyebrow.

  “My vote is through the building,” Brodie said, coming to stand beside Mac.

  The exchange of gunfire sounded behind them.

  Cursing floated from where Iker and Myles were.

  Declan turned back to the front and aimed his gun at the edge of the glass and fired. The crackle of glass shattering echoed through the tense air. Grabbing Aspen’s hand, he pulled her next to him.

  “Stay behind me,” he ordered. He wasn’t taking any chances. If any were hidden in the building, he’d rather take a bullet than her. Now they knew Ray was out of prison, he was a man who truly had nothing to lose. “Don’t look anywhere else but straight. We are going to make a run for it through this.”

  You are worth a lot of money to Ray Acosta—dead.

  A rage unlike any he’d ever felt crept into his chest at the thought that someone Aspen had trusted had betrayed her.

  He would not lose Aspen.

  Not now.

  Not when he’d finally found the one who made his heart beat, who filled his every waking thought.

  Iker and Myles arrived at his side.

  Mac turned to them all, his face stone.

  “Let’s move.”

  Chapter 19


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