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Some Call It Fate

Page 7

by Sarah Peis

  “You look beautiful,” Oliver said and stepped closer.

  I retreated and fell over the chair I had dropped, landing on my butt.

  Oliver was at my side in an instant and picked me up. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? Here, sit down,” he said and carried me over to the steps where he sat me down.

  “I’m fine. Just embarrassed.” I looked at my hands that were firmly clasped in my lap.

  He kneeled down in front of me and put his hand on my cheek. “Hey, look at me.”

  I lifted my head, and he smiled, showing his gorgeous dimple. Damn, he was already giving it all he had. He knew I couldn’t stay away when he smiled at me.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m sorry I startled you,” he said, leaning up.

  He was closing the distance to my mouth, and while my lips ached to be kissed, my brain screamed at me to get out while I still had full control of my body. I turned at the last minute and his delectable mouth hit my cheek, turning my insides to mush anyway.

  “Did you accept that we’re happening, or do I have to make an official announcement once everyone is here?” he rasped into my ear.

  And the mush turned into fire, making me sit up straight and lose his hand in the process. “Don’t you dare,” I hissed, standing up. “And how come I have no say in the matter? You’re acting like a caveman.”

  “If you think this is me acting like a caveman, then you don’t know me as well as I thought you did. I know how you feel about me,” he said with a cocky half smile.

  I scoffed and got up, making us the same height since I was standing a few steps above him. “You don’t know anything or you would just let this go.”

  “If that’s how you want to do this, then game on,” he said.

  I didn’t give him a chance to change my mind and instead did the adult thing and raced up the stairs. I didn’t stop until I got to my room and closed the door behind me.

  Then I paced from the door to my bed and back again, my angry stomping hindered by the clothes that were hanging too close for me to get through without leaning to the side. I couldn’t even do a tantrum right. And why was I having one anyway? I was being ridiculous.

  Oliver wasn’t irrational. I would just tell him we could never be together, and he had to accept it. He couldn’t just force me into a relationship.

  But I also couldn’t hide out in my room all night, so I took a few deep breaths, put some powder on my face since I had shed a few drops of sweat when I saw Oliver, and went back outside.

  More people had arrived while I was having my moment, and the backyard was filling up. I hid behind the balloons and talked to a few people I knew. I had lost sight of Oliver, but that didn’t mean he’d left.

  “Maisie, I need you to get more dip and chips from the kitchen,” Anna said, appearing beside me but not looking at me since she was busy waving at someone. “And don’t forget to check if there’s enough wine and beer on the table.”

  I saluted her, but she didn’t see the gesture, instead rushing to greet more guests. She’d been in Humptulips a little over six months and had already made enough friends to fill the huge backyard. She was outgoing and nice but knew what she wanted and didn’t stop until she got it. One of the things she and Oliver had in common.

  Since the kitchen was as good a place as any to hide, I went inside, sorting through the mountain of food in the fridge, trying to locate the dips.

  “Need help?” Oliver asked.

  I startled and slammed the fridge door shut. “I’m… I’m good,” I stammered and backed away from the hotness standing in front of me. No man should look that good in jeans and a casual shirt.

  “Let’s go,” he said and held out his hand.

  “Go where?”

  “You’ll see. Now, are you going to walk out of here like a good girl, or do I have to drag you?”

  “I’m helping your sister. I can’t go anywhere.”

  “Dragging it is,” he said before he took my hand and pulled me behind him. It wasn’t painful, because Oliver would never hurt a fly. Nevertheless, he was pulling me toward the front door.

  “Let me go, you ape,” I yelled and squirmed in his hold. Right until the point where he took my hand and dragged me through the house, I never thought I would have any misgivings about him handling me, because usually it involved me pressed to a wall. Or him lifting me. Or me with my legs wrapped around his body while he walked me to the bed. Or him—

  Okay, time to stop.

  “Help, I’m being kidnapped,” I shrieked. I was met with a few chuckles and a few eye rolls from the handful of people standing inside. What did a girl have to do to get help around here? Didn’t anyone realize I was being taken against my will?

  Maybe I should just drop to the ground and play dead. That way—

  “Don’t even think about it,” Oliver growled, not slowing down, not looking back to where I was stumbling along behind him and out the front door.

  “I wasn’t thinking anything except that this is kidnapping. I will report you to the police as soon as you let go of my arm.”

  He chuckled, not sounding amused at all. “As if you would ever voluntarily set foot in the police station. And this isn’t kidnapping since you’re walking out with me, I’m not carrying you, and you’re not unconscious.”

  Huh, guess I would have to get my legs to stop moving. I was too stunned to do anything but let him drag me along, and now we were in front of his car and he was opening his door.

  “Did you refill the spinach dip?” Anna yelled from the front door.

  “No I didn’t, because your rude brother dragged me outside before I had a chance to,” I called back.

  Instead of an answer, she went back inside and slammed the door. Great, guess she was still upset and my atonement would have to last longer than any ever should.

  “Get in,” Oliver said, then gave me a gentle push toward the door.

  Somehow my legs moved, and I slid into the buttery soft leather seat. My butt betrayed me as well and made no move to get off, settling right into the comfortable new resting place. My hands didn’t treat me much better, resting in my lap right after Oliver pulled the seat belt across my body and buckled me in.

  Once he was satisfied I wouldn’t run away in the time it took him to get in the car, he kissed my cheek and sprinted to the other side. If I wasn’t so shocked I would have laughed at the grin on his face. And if I didn’t think he’d finally gone over the edge, I would have said he was enjoying this.

  “I hope you’re ready. We have plans this weekend.”

  “Plans? What plans? Nobody told me about any plans, big or small.”

  He winked at me. “You’ll like my plans.”

  I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “I doubt it. I scheduled the shop opening for two weeks from now. I have people to harass and a to-do list that’s a mile long. No time for whatever it is you have planned,” I complained but quickly added, “Unless it involves margaritas.”

  Because there was always time for margaritas. Especially if Stella made them. Which she hadn’t done in quite some time. As soon as Willa was back next week, we had to do a girls-only catch-up.

  “You can have as many margaritas as you like. Drunk sex is off-the-charts hot with you.”

  “Drunk sex? We won’t be having drunk sex. Or any sex, for that matter. We are not doing that anymore. You gave me an ultimatum, and I ran away.”

  “And I caught you. Now you’re mine.”

  “Catch and release, buddy. Ever heard of that? And we’re at the stage where you should think about release because we’re not happening.”

  No matter how much I secretly loved his attention. Craved it. And surprisingly had it. But for how long? I was already catching feelings. If he kept this up, I would hand him what was left of my heart on a platter. And then where would I be? Heartless. That’s where. And nobody liked a heartless bitch. Because the bitch part I had already perfected.

  “We have a
long drive ahead of us. Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I don’t think you’ll be getting much rest this weekend,” he said and winked at me again.

  That wink should have looked sleazy, but it just made me want to reach over and pull his head closer so I could kiss him. Keeping him at arm’s length was getting increasingly difficult. And even though I should have known better, I was curious where we were going. And it was Oliver. He would have something perfect planned. We hadn’t gone out much together, since that would go against my hookups-only policy, but there had been a few instances where he bought me dinner or drinks. And he was always attentive.

  “Do you really think that two people who are only hooking up should be going away together? Besides, I don’t have any of my stuff. What am I supposed to wear?”

  “As far as I am concerned, we’re a couple. And since I’m a great boyfriend, I’m taking you on a trip. And don’t worry about your clothes. I’ve got it all covered.”

  I huffed just to make a point, because at this stage I had already agreed to see where this was going. Call me a pushover, but Oliver seemed to know me better than I thought since I was already relenting. “Fine. But don’t think this discussion is over.”

  “Of course not,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching.

  He better not laugh at me or I’ll change my mind.

  Since I was all talked out, I pretended to sleep. Not long after I fell fake-asleep, he took my hand and held it on his lap. Since I was fake-asleep, I couldn’t pull it back. Sly bastard.

  I must have actually fallen asleep because I startled awake when he kissed my cheek. The car was still, and Oliver smiled at me with his dimple firmly in place.

  “Wake up, gorgeous, we’re here.”

  I looked around at where here was and my eyes went wide. We were in front of a massive cabin in the mountains, surrounded by nothing but forest. It was beautiful. But also in the middle of nowhere.

  I reached for my phone to message Willa—my first reflex every time I needed advice—but found I had no reception. Great. I was stuck without transport, my phone was useless, and Oliver was looking at me like we had plans.

  “Where have you taken me?” I asked.

  “A cabin in the woods.”

  “Sounds like textbook kidnapping. And this must be the part where you tie me up in your basement, right?”

  I looked at the beautiful log house. It was definitely big but not a mansion, not ostentatious or imposing. It was homely, at least from the outside. I couldn’t wait to see what it looked like inside. Not that I would ever admit that to him.

  “I can definitely tie you up. But it will be in a bed, and you’ll love it.”

  He got out of the car and met me at my side. “Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour.”

  “What if I decide to stay in the car?”

  “There’s a hot tub.”

  I leaped out of the car, thoughts about ropes and basements forgotten. I loved hot tubs. “Lead the way.”

  I took his offered hand, and we walked up to the front door. There was a panel off to the left side, and Oliver typed in a code that opened the heavy oak door. I would have tripped if he hadn’t held my hand, because I was speechless. The house was perfection. The front door opened into an enormous living area with high ceilings, an open fireplace, and long windows along the right side of the house that went from nearly the ceiling to the floor.

  The view was just as stunning, allowing for an uninterrupted view of the Rocky Mountains. My gaze wandered to the back of the house, past a spiral staircase and farther to an open kitchen that took up half of the left side of the room.

  “Come on, I’ll show you around,” Oliver said and closed the door after he nudged me inside.

  “Oliver, this is…,” I started but was at a loss for words. If I ever had enough money to build my own place, this was what it would look like.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “It’s amazing,” I said and spun around to face him. “How did you find this place?”

  He kissed the top of my head and put his arm around my shoulders. “I told my assistant to look up the most isolated vacation homes, and this one came up.”

  “Of course you did.” I followed him to the state-of-the-art kitchen that was all wood and silver and included a big fridge and endless counter space. Even I would consider cooking if I lived here.

  We made it to the stairs, and I started walking faster. I was too excited to see what the upstairs looked like to play it cool. I had never been able to stop the emotions from showing on my face, and I was sure I was grinning like the Cheshire cat at the moment.

  “Should have taken you away earlier than now. Kidnapping is the new wine and dine, apparently.”

  I grinned and started skipping up the stairs. “Such a romantic. But the house is definitely working in your favor.”

  Oliver followed me upstairs, taking two steps at a time to catch up with me. “You haven’t even seen the best part yet,” he said when he reached me.

  “It gets better?” I asked, unable to keep the awe out of my voice. Because at that point, I was past playing it cool. We both knew where we stood. He wanted in my pants; I wanted in the hot tub. I was sure there was a way we could both get what we wanted.

  The upstairs had three rooms, two on the right and one on the left. Oliver pointed to the right. “Two smaller rooms, but they both have their own bathroom. No need to go inside since you won’t be spending any time in there.” He walked to the open door on the left. “This is where we’ll be staying.”

  I walked past the smaller rooms and stepped into the mother of all master bedrooms. The view from up here was even better than downstairs. Huge folding doors led onto a balcony, allowing an uninterrupted view of the forest and mountains. The sun was about to disappear behind the mountains, casting everything in a red glow. Perfection.

  The bed was up against the wall facing the patio doors, the bathroom on the left side of the room.

  “I’ll be right back,” Oliver said and walked out onto the balcony.

  I peeked into the bathroom, my eyes going wide at the big shower and bathtub. But where my eyes bugged out and I started salivating was when I saw the walk-in wardrobe. It was every girl’s dream. The space was the size of my shop and could probably fit almost all the clothes I was selling as well. It was currently empty, since this was a vacation home, but how I longed to fill it with my dresses.

  Oliver came back inside and grinned at me. “I guess you like the walk-in?”

  I nodded and continued inspecting every shelf and corner. After I looked at everything twice, I went out to the balcony.

  The hot tub was set into the corner of the balcony, bubbling away. I stuck my hand in and shivered at how cold the water was. Guess it would be awhile until it heated up.

  I turned to the stunning view and braced my forearms against the railing. I had been going nonstop for the last few months and didn’t realize how tired I was. This weekend might be just what I needed before the shop opening.

  Oliver came back outside and handed me a champagne flute. He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrows. “Still dressed. Huh. Must be losing my touch.”

  “Water is still cold.”

  “Knew I should have sent someone up here this morning.”

  “Guess you should have planned your kidnapping better.”

  “I’ll do better next time.”

  He put his beer down on the railing and stepped behind me. His front hit my back and his arms came around me. He leaned down, his lips grazing my ear when he talked. “But hopefully next time you’ll come willingly.”

  “So you admit you brought me here against my will.”

  “I admit to nothing. But I also regret nothing. Now you have two choices: you can take off your clothes, or I can do it for you.”

  “What if I’m tired and want to go to bed?”

  “You’ll still be taking off your clothes. I didn’t bring any pajamas.”

“Can’t I borrow one of your shirts?”

  “No. Now what’s it going to be?”

  I fake grumbled—because seriously, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to take their clothes off when Oliver was in the room—but slipped under his arm and walked inside. Instead of arguing, I took off my blouse. Two could play this game.

  “How long does the water take to heat up?” I asked, looking back and undoing the button on my pants. I stepped out of them, leaving me in my bra and underwear. He followed me inside, his gaze roaming over my body, making my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Maybe two couldn’t play this game. He seemed to be much better at it than me.

  He looked like a man starved, and I wasn’t sure I could satisfy his hunger. So instead I tried to redirect his attention and waved my hand in front of his seemingly frozen face. “The water?”

  He blinked and met my eyes. “About four hours.”

  “Four hours? Not even you will be able to keep me awake for another four hours.”

  “That sounds like a challenge. And I accept.”

  I had never seen him so carefree and happy. His usual frown was gone, and he was smiling. Each and every smile before today was hard won. Now it seemed like he couldn’t help himself.

  Not giving me a chance to do anything—like run away again—he lifted me up and carried me to the bed. He laid me on top of the covers and stepped back. “Don’t move. I want to remember you just like this for the rest of my life. Almost naked and with your heels on. Absolute perfection.”

  I squirmed under his gaze but didn’t move. Not once had he made me feel anything but beautiful. And I felt my resolve to stay away from him crumble. Maybe I could let him in just a little. Surely that would mean my heart had to only get a little involved. I could handle that. Definitely.

  Most likely.

  Maybe not.

  Oliver started taking off his clothes, and now it was my turn to stare. His sculpted abs were begging to be licked. He had a smattering of hair on his chest, and even though I knew he only went to the gym a few times a week, he looked like the one who was perfection, not me.

  But as usual, Oliver read my expression, because there was nothing like thoughts of how your body didn’t measure up to put a frown on your face.


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