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Some Call It Fate

Page 8

by Sarah Peis

  He solved the problem by pulling his pants and boxers down in one smooth move. All thoughts left my head, and I had to make myself blink because my eyes wanted to stay open at all times.

  “We have three hours and about fifty minutes left to kill,” he said and crawled over me, stopping when his face was above mine and he was braced on his forearms. His body was touching mine in all the right places, and without even having done anything else, I felt myself getting wet. So was the power of Oliver.

  His devastating grin was irresistible, and before I knew it, I blinked, suddenly feeling light-headed. I was ready to let him have his way with me when he shifted to the side so he was lying next to me.

  “First sleep, then hot tub. I know you had a long day. And I’m wiped. This week was the longest of my life,” he said and turned on his back, pulling me along with him. My arm automatically wound itself around his body, and I found my spot on his shoulder that was more comfortable than a pillow. He took my leg and placed it across his body before sighing contentedly.

  “So we’re really going to sleep?” I asked, confusion tinging my voice.

  “Yup. You don’t let it happen often, but when I do get to sleep next to you, I sleep better than ever.”

  He pulled the covers over us, and less than a minute later, his breathing evened out and I knew he was asleep. I followed shortly after.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Oliver said, his voice husky from sleep, his arm that was draped across my body giving me a squeeze.

  “Hey,” I replied, my brain slow to start. I wasn’t a morning person on the best of days, but after last night, I was in an Oliver fog.

  “Coffee?” he asked and then touched his lips to mine.

  I mumbled my assent and watched him untangle himself from my arms and legs that seemed to have found their way around him last night. He got up, uncaring that he wasn’t wearing any clothes. But then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised. He was confident in all aspects of his life, including his body. And he should have been damn comfortable with what he had to work with.

  I had to force myself to blink a few times or risk my eyes popping out of my head. There was no way anyone could ever get used to that sight.

  “I’ll bring your cup up,” he said and sauntered out of the room, walking right past his clothes strewn across the floor.

  I was still staring at the door even after he left. Well, this put a kink in my plans. Because now my heart was most definitely jumping up and down with joy, telling me to just go for it. The only thing holding me back from jumping into the unknown was my head, which warned me that this could only be temporary. Because if I knew one thing, it was that fate did not like me. The bitch would make sure this didn’t last long.

  Last night had been one of the best nights of my life. And I didn’t say that lightly, because Oliver and I had experienced some awesome nights together.

  After he woke me up from our nap with his mouth on my nipple and his hand down my undies, it didn’t take me more than a few minutes to find my release.

  I was still catching my breath when he scooped me up and carried me outside. It was freezing. I shivered in the frigid air, but thankfully the hot tub wasn’t far away, and Oliver stood me up next to it.

  “I’ll grab the drinks. Make yourself comfortable,” he said and walked back inside.

  I didn’t waste any time jumping into the warm water, sighing in ecstasy. I turned on the bubbles and leaned back, relaxing my body into the seat. Heaven.

  Oliver came back, carrying two glasses and a bottle of champagne. A girl could get used to this.

  “Water warm enough?” he asked, pouring the champagne.

  I nodded and took the glass he held out to me. “Perfect temperature.”

  Oliver got in next to me and didn’t waste any time pulling me astride him. The icy wind made me shiver, my top half now exposed to the elements.

  He set his glass down and put his arms around me, leaning forward and lowering his voice. “This is what paradise must be like,” he murmured before capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

  I blindly reached for the side of the tub and put my glass down. It fell over but luckily didn’t shatter. Neither one of us turned to look; instead I sank my now free hands into his hair and pulled him closer.

  The overwhelming need to be close to him wasn’t something new, but it really hit me that for once, I wanted to give in completely. And that was exactly what I did.

  His nearness made my senses spin, and I moved on his lap, our bodies only separated by the flimsy material of my underwear. The contact made me tingle all over, and Oliver pressed me into him with one hand on my ass, kneading the cheeks, the other on my back.

  “Maisie, what are you doing to me,” Oliver whispered against my lips and moved to kiss me behind my ear before trailing his lips down my jaw. I moaned in delight and arched my back to grant him better access.

  He didn’t waste any time and kissed my breasts, paying attention to each one. My heart was thundering, my skin prickling with awareness. How could it be that every time I was with him was better than the one before? I had never been so attuned to anyone, our bodies so in sync he seemed to know what I needed before I did.

  His lips recaptured mine, his tongue plunging deep. I made a desperate plea for more, grinding on his lap, needing all of him.

  “Please,” I begged, my movements frantic, my breathing fast.

  Oliver’s mouth never left mine when he pushed my panties aside and entered me with one swift thrust. Heaven. That was the only way to describe the feeling of him inside me. And when he started moving in and out, faster and faster, I trembled in his arms, the feeling overwhelming.

  A cry of relief broke from my lips when the orgasm engulfed me. Oliver’s hoarse shout followed shortly after. We were both panting heavily, still holding on to each other tightly when my brain cleared enough to remind me that, once again, we didn’t use a condom.

  I was on the shot and hadn’t been with anyone else since meeting Oliver. But I didn’t know about him. We never had the exclusivity talk.

  After a while my breathing settled down, and I slid off his lap and back under the water. The warmth engulfed me, and I relaxed into it.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Oliver asked, studying my face.

  This might not have been the best time to have the safe sex talk, but since we’d been careless a lot, I felt it prudent to bring up. “We didn’t use a condom.”

  Oliver looked surprised by my statement, but his features relaxed into his usual smirk soon after. “I’m clean. And I haven’t been with anyone else.”

  That surprised me. And also gave me a great sense of relief. I was mad at the feeling but couldn’t help it. I never had the guts to ask him outright if he was seeing anyone else.

  “I’m clean too. I haven’t been with anyone in a while. Except you. Which you know. Since you were there when we were together.”

  Right, so this was a good time to put my head underwater. Because I really needed to stop rambling.

  He chuckled and pulled me to his side, his hands trailing light circles along my arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t make sure you were okay with me going without a condom. But you make me lose my mind. In a good way, of course. My brain seems to stop working as soon as you’re within touching distance.”

  I snuggled into his side and couldn’t help the smile spreading on my face. That wasn’t the last time Oliver put a smile on my face that night, and I was happy to ignore reality for a while longer.

  For now, I would enjoy having him all to myself. When we went back tomorrow, I could face reality.

  Which brought me to now, where I was buried under the covers, wondering if this was all a dream. Oliver came back, carrying two cups and looking awfully pleased with himself.

  “That was fast,” I said and took one of the cups.

  “I know when it’s time to be fast and when it’s better to slow down. Coffee is definitely in the fast column,” he said and sat down nex
t to me, leaning against the headboard.

  This felt great. Normal. Like a missing piece had slid into place and I was finally where I was meant to be. The feeling was new, and it was scary, but there was also nothing my head could do to stop me from enjoying it.

  “What’s the plan for today?” I asked and took a sip of my coffee. He had prepared it just right, only a dash of caramel creamer, nothing else.

  “Whatever you want, gorgeous. There are some great walking tracks, a tiny town about twenty miles south, a hot tub, a comfortable bed, a strapping young man who will do your bidding, and, of course, a huge shower.”

  I grinned and pretended to mull it over when I already knew what I wanted. “Tough choices. Maybe we should go for a walk. Get some fresh air. I heard the hiking is great in Colorado.”

  Oliver put his cup down on the nightstand, then took mine and did the same. “I see I shouldn’t have given you so many choices. And since you’re at my mercy this weekend, I might just revoke your right to choose.”

  I blinked up at him, giggling when he pulled me down so I was lying on my back and he braced himself above me. “You want to go into town?” I sighed. “Fine. If you insist.”

  He growled and attacked my neck, playfully biting me, making me laugh. His ministrations soon turned from little nips to licks and kisses, and after he sucked my earlobe into his mouth, I was putty in his hands.

  Guess a bed and a shower was really all we needed.

  “Scrambled okay?” Oliver asked. He was standing at the stove, wearing track pants and a T-shirt, making me breakfast.

  I was sitting on the kitchen island, sipping my coffee and wondering if I could sneak outside and punch holes in his car tires. I wanted to stay here. Forever. Screw my job. Or Oliver’s job. Whatever he did. Surely they could survive without him. We could plant veggies and live off the land. Wouldn’t even have to go into town. The more I thought about it, the more I liked my plan.

  “Scrambled sounds great,” I said and wondered if he would notice if I went outside with a kitchen knife.

  “What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” he asked. This weekend had been perfect. If I didn’t already know how attentive Oliver was, I surely did now. He paid attention to every little detail. Everything I did or said, he remembered.

  “How hard would it be to puncture tires?” I asked, my mouth not getting the message that this was supposed to be a secret mission.

  “Pretty hard. You have to cut through thick rubber before you hit steel. Definitely use the big knife, not the bread knife. You want a pointy end.”

  “Huh. Good advice. Mind passing me the biggest knife in the block?”

  He pulled the pan off the stove and put fluffy scrambled eggs on two plates. He put everything down and walked to where I was sitting, putting himself in between my legs. His arms went around me, and my legs automatically went around his waist.

  “Nothing has to change when we get home. I told you I want this. Want us. The only thing standing in our way is you,” he said.

  He looked sincere. And nothing he had said or did showed me he wanted us to end. Or that he wasn’t serious. So maybe I should just stop being such a pussy and do this. Jump in headfirst. Nothing risked, nothing gained.

  “Okay.” I nodded.


  “Yup. I’m in.”

  He grinned and touched his lips to mine. “Second best words I’ve heard this weekend. Best words were when you called my cock magical.”

  My face heated up at the memory, and I swallowed. It might have slipped out a few times. Sue me. He knew how to use every part of his body, especially his beautiful appendage.

  Another lip touch and he stepped back when I reluctantly released my legs from around him.

  “Let’s eat. I’m starving since we missed dinner last night,” he said and took both plates that were overflowing with bacon, toast, and eggs.

  “I told you I could make dinner.”

  “And I told you I didn’t want to miss out on any time with you.”

  He had to stop making me feel all gooey on the inside. I wasn’t used to all these feelings taking over my body. Next thing I knew, I would wind up confessing my undying love to him. The horror of it.

  We sat down to eat, and I enjoyed every bite. I guess I could add talented cook to the lengthy list of things I loved about Oliver.

  After we cleaned up the dishes, he grabbed his bag—where he had packed clothes not only for himself but for me too—and we were on our way.

  The drive was spectacular, something I had missed out on when we were driving up the mountain. I was surprised I was able to sleep through all the twists and turns. The view was breathtaking, and I swore to myself I would come back here.

  There wasn’t much traffic, and we made it back to Humptulips by afternoon. Oliver’s phone started vibrating as soon as we had reception and didn’t stop for over an hour.

  He ignored it, and I again wondered what he did for work if he couldn’t even spend a weekend off the grid. I checked my own phone for messages and saw I had a few from Stella, who wanted to know if I was still alive, and a message from Willa, telling me she was back in the country. I suppressed the squeal of joy that wanted to escape. My best friend was back.

  I messaged her straightaway, desperate to make up for the silence over the last few weeks.

  Me: How was your trip? So happy you’re back.

  She wrote back immediately, surprising me since she could never find her phone.

  Willa: Good to know you’re still alive. I will stage an intervention with you as soon as I’m done staging one for Stella. She’s worse off than you at the moment.

  Me: Can I help?

  Willa: YES!

  Me: Okay, elaborate please.

  Willa: Stop dodging our calls and come and meet us at my apartment.

  Me: I could swing by tonight?

  Willa: Good enough. Even though the hoe code dictates you drop everything when an intervention for your best friend is needed.

  Me: You know I love you guys. And I would come if I could, but I’m not back in Humptulips yet.

  Willa: Excuses, excuses.

  “Who are you texting?” Oliver asked, making me look up.

  “Willa. She’s back in Humptulips,” I said and smiled big.

  “That’s good. I know you missed her.”

  Goddamn, he really noticed everything. I had maybe mentioned something about her once. In passing. After all, friends were a topic that was too personal. But I guess we were trying something new, so I should start with opening up to him.

  “I did. And I’ve been a shitty friend the last couple of weeks.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. You had a lot going on.”

  Swoon. Please. Make. It. Stop. He was too perfect. And I was not. This couldn’t go anywhere but downhill.

  After another hour, we made it back to Humptulips and pulled up in front of a house I had never been to. I was surprised he didn’t drop me home, and it must have shown on my face.

  “Not ready to let you be too far away from me yet. You’re staying the night.”

  “Did you move into a house?” I asked, wondering why he hadn’t taken me to the bed-and-breakfast.

  “Figured since I’m staying in town, I should probably move out of the bed-and-breakfast. As convenient as it was, I had to find something more permanent. Just haven’t had any time to look for a house since it hadn’t been a priority before now.”

  “What changed?” I asked, hoping against hope this meant he was staying for me.

  “I had to make sure you understood how serious I was about us. And I realized you thought the reason I was still living in a bed-and-breakfast was because I wasn’t planning on staying. Which is far from the truth. The only two people I really care about are here. So why would I ever leave?”

  I figured he must have meant his sister and me, but I wasn’t sure. And he once again proved how well he already knew me when he said, “In case that wa
sn’t clear enough, the two people are Anna and you.”

  There was that cocky grin again that I loved and hated at the same time.

  “Now let’s christen the house.” He winked at me, and all I could do was nod. I was happy with that plan. And I was curious about his house.

  He parked the car in the double garage off to the side and came around to open my door.

  “Nice garage,” I said and followed him to a door that led inside.

  The mudroom just off the garage was small, freakishly clean—after all, the name mudroom should live up to its name, which it currently wasn’t—and only held a few jackets and two pairs of shoes.

  I had to do more snooping later to find out what he was hiding. I needed to check out his bathroom cabinet. Stella and Willa would kick me out of the girls’ club if I didn’t at least do that much.

  “The kitchen is just through there. Help yourself to whatever you want,” Oliver said and pointed to his left.

  The kitchen was new and sparkling clean; it was homey, but it was also empty. Not a crumb to be seen anywhere.

  “Do you even own anything I could help myself to?”

  Oliver laughed and pointed to the fridge. “Fully stocked fridge, just don’t really cook much.”

  I opened the fridge and was met with at least three cartons of eggs, various vegetables that I wouldn’t even think of touching with a ten-foot pole, and bread. Who in the world kept bread in the fridge? Savages, that was who.

  “Good to know you have everything in here to cook me breakfast tomorrow,” I said and closed the door.

  “If I didn’t, I’d get it. I know how much you like my scrambled eggs.”

  He cooked a great omelet, but his scrambled eggs were a clear winner.

  Oliver took my hand and showed me through the living room and dining area. His couch looked worn in and comfortable, and the dining suite was a dark chestnut brown with red cushions.

  “Let’s go upstairs. I want to show you something.” He led me to the wide staircase.

  “I’ve already seen it,” I deadpanned but followed eagerly. Just because I’d already seen it didn’t mean I wasn’t eager to do so again.


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