Book Read Free

Mine to Save

Page 8

by Jayda Marx

  Phoenix chuckled as he stepped beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Everyone has their own talents. I’d love to hear about what you enjoy.” He led me over to the sofa and sat down beside me.

  “I love photography. That’s actually why I was here in the state park to begin with. I just bought a new…” My stomach sank. I’d been so focused on Phoenix and my fall I forgot all about my camera. “You didn’t happen to find a camera where I fell, did you?” Phoenix’s sad smile dashed any hope I held.

  “Rowan and Stone searched the area after we rescued you. They did find your camera, but I’m sorry to say it was smashed by the rocks.”

  “Damn.” My heart broke over the beautiful photographs I lost, along with all of the money I spent. “I know it’s stupid to be so upset over it; I could have died, but I saved up for a long time to get it.”

  “It’s not stupid,” Phoenix insisted. “It meant a lot to you. But I think I may have something to cheer you up.” He rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen. He pulled something from one of the cabinets and returned to me, presenting a box with a wide smile. My breath caught at the sight of the exact same camera that got busted.

  “You bought this for me?” I whispered, roving my eyes over the gift. I knew it wasn’t cheap; but Phoenix spending quite a bit of money on me wasn’t as touching as the fact that he wanted to buy this for me just to make me happy.

  He sat next to me again. “I was thinking once you feel up to it, I’d like to take you out on some trails so you can get as many photos as you like. My friends and I even have some paths we’ve made ourselves. They’re further away from the ones that the public travels, so the chance of seeing animals is higher due to less foot traffic to scare them.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” I placed the camera box on the coffee table and wrapped my arms around Phoenix’s neck. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He gently wrapped his arms around my waist and drew circles on my lower back with his fingertips. His touch was warm and comforting. Being near him just felt...right.

  I pulled back until our noses were nearly touching. I combed my fingers through his short hair and inhaled his sweet breath that fanned across my face. I looked into his eyes and my breath caught; they got more intense and captivating each time I saw them. My face inched closer to his, pulled by an invisible force that I didn’t want to fight.

  Our gazes remained locked until the very moment our lips touched. My eyes drifted closed and a quiet whimper escaped me as Phoenix kissed me softly. His lips devoured mine and I opened readily to invite him in. Our tongues glided across one another and I moaned at our sweet mixture of flavors.

  I jumped away from Phoenix when a knock sounded on the front door. My boyfriend blew out a long breath and gave me a tight smile before rising to answer it.



  I held in a growl as I stepped to the door, silently cursing whoever was on the other side. They were interrupting my time with my mate; time I wanted to use to secure our bond. Any animosity I held melted away at the sight of Rowan on my doorstep, holding a teapot and wearing a wide smile.

  “Hey, Alpha. I came by to bring Rory some more tea and check up on him,” he said as I pulled the door open.

  “Alpha?” Rory asked from behind us. Rowan’s eyes widened with worry. “That’s a fun nickname.” I looked to my mate to see him standing up from the sofa. “How did you get it?” He stepped beside me and nuzzled against me. I happily wrapped my arm around his shoulders, pleased Rory was comfortable with showing affection in front of my friend.

  “Phoenix has always been kind of the leader of our little group,” Rowan answered, still looking nervous.

  “Aw, you guys really are like a wolf pack,” Rory smiled. Rowan’s eyes snapped to mine and I gave a subtle shake of my head.

  “He saw my tattoo,” I explained.

  “Of course,” Rowan nodded. He cleared his throat. “So Rory, you look like you’re feeling much better.”

  “I am, thank you. Your treatments are working wonders.”

  “Great. I brought you some more tea; I figured you would be out.”

  “Oh, come on in and put it down,” Rory offered, holding a hand out toward the kitchen. “Thanks a lot. Hey, Phoenix and I were getting ready to watch a movie. Would you like to join us?” My mate flinched and looked at me worriedly. “Sorry, I mean...if that’s okay with you. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I want you to think of this as your home, sweetheart.” In my mind, it already was, and I hoped soon Rory would feel that way as well. Rory gave me a sweet smile and lurched up onto his tiptoes to kiss my cheek. Rowan’s answering grin was blinding.

  “If you’re sure I won’t be intruding…” Rowan asked, looking between us.

  “Not at all,” I shrugged. I wanted my friends and my mate to spend time together; they’d be together for eternity, after all. Rowan entered and placed the teapot on my stovetop before sitting on the sofa. I poured a mug of tea for my mate and he sipped it greedily.

  “Would Stone like to watch with us?” Rory asked sweetly.

  “Tonight is Stone’s shift on patrol,” Rowan answered and Rory cocked his head in confusion. “We take turns monitoring the area for lost tourists or problems with the trails.”

  “Well thank goodness for that or I’d be coyote food,” Rory answered. My chest ached at the possibilities if I hadn’t found him. “So what types of movies do you like, Row?”

  Rowan’s gaze snapped to mine at the nickname, obviously judging for my reaction. I just smiled; I was happy Rory was comfortable around my friend and that they were getting along. “I like all kinds, but horror movies are my favorite.”

  Rory shuddered. “Not me; those things creep me out. My friend Dax loves them, though, and makes me watch them with him sometimes. Last time he did, I got so worked up, I made him sleep in bed with me afterward. He thought it was hilarious, but I had nightmares for a week about that damn clown and his stupid red balloon.”

  Rowan laughed at my sweet mate’s story. “Now that was a good movie.” Rory made a disgusted face and made my friend laugh harder.

  “Okay, so scary movies are out,” I chuckled, bringing up the movie list on my TV. I handed the remote to Rory. “Pick whatever you like, sweetheart.”

  I smiled as he scrolled through the selections with a determined face, taking his duty very seriously. His eyes popped open as he turned to me and I thought he’d found his pick, but he asked, “Do you have popcorn?”

  “Hmm, I think so.” I went to the kitchen and rifled through my cabinets until I found a jar of popping corn. “Here we go.”

  “Awesome. We can’t have a movie without popcorn,” Rory insisted seriously. “I’ve never seen that kind, though; I usually just get the bags you throw in the microwave. Can I watch you pop it?”

  “Of course.” Rory and Rowan both rose from the sofa to join me in the kitchen. My mate watched with rapt attention as I filled a pot with oil and heated the kernels over the heat of the stovetop.

  “This is so cool,” he said as the kernels burst. He blushed as he looked between Rowan and me. “ doesn’t take much to entertain me, I guess.”

  “I think it’s adorable,” I assured before pecking his lips. Rowan’s smile told me he felt the same way.

  After I transferred the popcorn into a large bowl, Rory melted some butter in the microwave and poured it on top until the kernels were little soggy balls of mush. He then sprinkled on enough salt to rival a blizzard. “Mm, that’s perfect,” he moaned as he popped a piece into his mouth to test it. He fed me a kernel and my teeth curled at the saltiness, but I plastered a smile onto my face.

  “Delicious.” Rory grabbed the bowl and proudly marched to the sofa as Rowan chuckled at the way my eye twitched at the sour flavor. I made a mental note to buy microwavable popcorn that Rory wouldn’t need to doctor up the next time I went to town.

  I sat
next to my mate on the sofa and Rowan pointed to my beloved recliner, raising his eyebrows in question. I nodded my permission and he smiled as he sank himself into my favorite spot. At least he asked; Stone plopped his ass in it every chance he got just to irritate me.

  “Is this movie okay?” Rory asked as he pointed to the screen. A picture was displayed of several men who appeared to be spies. They were dressed in suits and held an array of weapons. “I love action films.”

  “Me too,” I smiled.

  Rory pressed play and settled into my side as we watched mysterious plots unfurl and dramatic fight scenes play out. My mate chomped away on his popcorn, thankfully not noticing that Rowan and I didn’t touch it. He gasped at each explosion and flinched during all of the gunfire. Though he seemed thoroughly immersed in the film, Rory only made it about halfway through before he was snoozing on my shoulder.

  “He’ll get tired more often until he’s fully healed,” Rowan explained once the movie ended and I turned off the television. “He looks great, though; he’s healing more quickly than I imagined.”

  “Of course he is,” I replied proudly. “He is the Alpha’s mate; he’s destined to be tough.” I ran my fingers through Rory’s hair and smiled down at him. He was so much more than tough; he was also sweet, tender, strong and caring. He was everything I could ever ask for.

  “I’m happy to see you two getting so close,” he said with a wistful smile on his face. “May I ask what became of his other relationship you mentioned?”

  “It was just a misunderstanding. He was speaking of a friend, not a lover.”

  “I knew everything would work out.” Rowan rose from the chair and stepped toward the front door. “I’ll let you settle down for the evening. Thanks for allowing me to spend some time with your mate; he is truly a gift.”

  I gave my friend a smile and nod, and he left my home, quietly closing the door behind him as to not disturb Rory. I scooped my sleeping love into my arms and carefully carried him into the bedroom. I settled him on the mattress and tucked the blankets around him. After returning to the kitchen to tidy up the popcorn mess and then checking the fireplace to make sure it was safe for the night, I stripped down to my underwear and took my place in bed next to Rory.

  He instinctively snuggled closer to me, drawing a tender smile to my face. I took his glasses from his nose and placed them safely on the nightstand before wrapping my arms around his body.

  “Goodnight, sweet Rory,” I whispered into his ear. I gently kissed his cheek and he let out a quiet moan.

  “Night,” he mumbled back, sending a waft of buttery breath in my direction. “Love you.”

  My heart stammered in my chest. I’d overheard Rory telling his friend earlier that he thought he could be falling in love with me, but to hear the declaration made me happier than words can describe. My mate was whispering to me in his slumber, but I knew the words to be true. They echoed my own feelings for him.

  “I love you too,” I whispered, but my mate was fast asleep.

  Chapter Seven


  “Rory?” a faraway voice called to me. “Sweetheart, I made you some breakfast.”

  I blinked my eyes until they (mostly) focused on a smiling Phoenix holding a plate of food. I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand and shoved them on. “I fell asleep during the movie, didn’t I?” I remembered finishing the popcorn and snuggling up to Phoenix and was all blank.

  “Yeah, but that’s okay; we can watch it again later if you want.”

  “Rowan didn’t think I was rude, did he?” I asked as Phoenix settled into bed next to me.

  “Of course not. He knows you’ll be sleepy until you’re fully healed. He said you’re looking great, though.”

  “Aw, that was nice of him.” I smiled as I took the plate Phoenix held out to me, which held scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. “This looks incredible, baby. Thank you.” I got a thrill from calling my boyfriend the name, and his smile said he liked it as well. Phoenix leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. I tasted the subtle flavor of mint toothpaste on his lips and I flinched.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just realized my mouth probably tastes like buttery butt.”

  Phoenix laughed out loud even though I wasn’t joking. “I love your sense of humor.” I thanked him even though again, I was totally serious; especially now as I got a good taste of my mouth and confirmed that yep, it was rank. “And I promise it doesn’t, but I’ve got a toothbrush in the bathroom for you. I didn’t want to wake you last night.”

  “Great. I’ll smash these eggs and then go freshen up.” Phoenix chuckled again and we tucked into our breakfast, which was delicious. My man was a great cook. “Actually, after we eat, would you mind if I take a shower?”

  “Rory, you don’t have to ask me for my permission for anything,” Phoenix replied with a gentle smile. “I told you I want you to think of this as your home and I meant it. You’re welcome to do anything you wish. And actually, a shower sounds great. I was thinking of taking one myself.”

  “You can go first,” I offered. This was the man’s house, after all; no matter what he said, I didn’t want to be rude.

  “I was thinking perhaps we could take one together.”

  Oh, sweet mercy. My morning wood had just started to deflate, but Phoenix’s suggestion plumped it right back up. I tried to keep my voice even when I answered, “That sounds nice,” but I couldn’t hide the huskiness to my tone. The man was just too sexy. He winked at me and bit into his toast.

  My hands trembled with anticipation as I ate the rest of my breakfast. They shook so hard I dropped my toast, smearing jelly all down the front of my shirt, but Phoenix didn’t mention anything. I was sure he noticed, but he was a gentleman.

  “All finished?” he asked once I’d cleared my plate.

  “Yes and thanks again, that was great.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He kissed my cheek and took the plate from my hands. “I’ll take these into the kitchen and then start our shower.”

  Once Phoenix left the room, I scurried to the bathroom, noticing my ribs felt much better, and my head didn’t hurt at all. I pissed the best I could with the stiffy between my legs and whipped off my shirt, tossing the evidence of the jelly smear into the clothes hamper. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, noticing the faint green and yellow blotches that covered my right side. The bruises weren’t nearly as bad as I’d imagined they’d be.

  I washed my hands and searched the medicine cabinet, finding the extra toothbrush Phoenix mentioned. He entered the room just as I was rinsing out my mouth.

  “Well isn’t this a sexy surprise?” Phoenix said as he stepped behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed a line up my neck and behind my ear. He nipped the hickey he left yesterday afternoon and I moaned aloud. “Mm, I love this beautiful body.” His hands roamed my stomach and chest, gently caressing over my smooth skin. I’d never felt beautiful until I met Phoenix, but he made me believe it.

  “I don’t think this is very fair,” I pouted and Phoenix lifted his mouth from my throat, giving me a confused look in the reflection of the mirror. “I’m half naked and you’re fully dressed. I want to see your beautiful body too.”

  “You’re right, it’s only fair,” he teased. He took a step away from me and made a show of slowly removing his shirt. I held back a moan at the sight of his toned body and his powerful tattoo as he raised the fabric over his head. “There we go; even.”

  “But we can’t get in the shower like this. What should we do about that?” I wanted to spin around and rip his clothes off of him, but our playful teasing only added to the intensity and excitement of the moment.

  Phoenix stepped closer to me again. “Hmm, I think we better get rid of these.” He slipped his fingertips inside the waistband of my pants. “We wouldn’t want them to get wet.” Too late for that; my weeping dick was soaking their front, but I kept that tidbit to myself. He pushed the fabric over the swe
ll of my ass and it pooled around my feet. “Much better.”

  “Not quite.” I tucked my hands behind me and unsnapped the button of Phoenix’s jeans. As I lowered the zipper, a firm length pressed against my fingers. I gripped the sides of his pants and pulled them along with his boxers to the ground. His dick slapped against my back with a thud and we both moaned.

  “Oh, Rory,” Phoenix groaned as his hands snaked back around to my front. “You don’t know what you do to me, sweetheart.” I had a pretty good idea, and the evidence was jutting out in front of me. One of my lover’s hands slid down my abdomen and cupped my fuzzy balls. He squeezed gently and I whimpered as I rested my head back onto his chest. “You like that?”

  “I love everything you do to me,” I answered honestly. Phoenix was a master with his hands, whether he was gently caring for my injuries or making my body sing. I wanted anything and everything he was willing to give.

  “And I love doing it.” Phoenix pressed his erection to my back, painting my spine with a line of pre-cum. “Feel how hard you make me?” I cried out as he rocked his hips back and forth, rubbing his dick against my flesh. “Can I make you feel good, Rory?”

  “Yes!” I begged as my chest heaved with ragged breaths. I didn’t know how he wanted to make me feel good, but I also didn’t care. I was ready for everything with him, and I trusted him wholeheartedly to never hurt me.

  Phoenix hummed as his other hand slid down my body and wrapped around the base of my dick. “Oh, I’m gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart.” He bent his knees just enough to settle his cock in the crack of my ass. He gave my dick a long, slow pull as he grinded his length against me.

  “Ohhh god,” I drawled, letting my eyes slide closed and giving myself over to the sensation of his touch.

  “That’s it, Rory,” Phoenix crooned. “Relax into me. I’ll take care of you.” He stroked my dick faster as he undulated back and forth, riding the crevice between my cheeks. My cock leaked steadily as he pumped it, allowing his palm to glide easily against my skin. Phoenix massaged my balls and gingerly pulled them, sending sparks of heat up into my pelvis.


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