Book Read Free

Mine to Save

Page 9

by Jayda Marx

  Pressure burned and bloomed inside me. My release was close, but I wanted this to last as long as possible. I bit down on my bottom lip and focused on my breathing. Phoenix pressed closer to me and his cock nestled further into my crack. I screamed when his heated flesh rubbed against my pucker.

  “You like that?” Phoenix panted, rocking into me furiously while jacking me just as fast. I nodded quickly against his chest. Words evaded me as I soaked up the feeling of his skin on mine. “One day I’m gonna be inside this tight little hole,” he grunted and I couldn’t hold back anymore.

  My balls lifted and rolled. My eyes slammed shut and I cried out, erupting over Phoenix’s fingers and into the sink. He didn’t stop stroking me, and milked out every last drop I had to give. My knees grew weak and I gripped the sides of the sink for support.

  “I’ve got you.” Phoenix released my cock and wrapped his arms around my waist to support my weight. I felt his chest heaving against my back as he rubbed against me. “Oh god,” he cried, humping faster. “Rory!” His dick jerked against me and wet heat splattered up my back. It trickled down my cheeks and into my crack. I moaned as it slid over my sensitive hole.

  Phoenix kissed my neck again, this time with an open mouth and lazy strokes of his tongue. His breath was hot against my skin as it slowed from pants to a deep, even pattern. “Are you okay?” he finally whispered. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No,” I answered quickly. “You didn’t hurt me. That was incredible, baby.”

  He hummed his agreement and kissed my neck once more before stepping back. Phoenix placed his hands on my lower back and just as he did the last time we were together, massaged his cum into my skin. It was a little odd, but somehow comforting. His touch felt nice and I’d never turn down extra attention from him. The way he rubbed his seed into me reminded me of an animal marking its territory, which brought a smile to my lips.

  “You have a beautiful smile,” Phoenix said dreamily. His reflection in the mirror showed his own goofy grin. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I was thinking how nice that feels.” I gave a slight chuckle. “And how it’s like you’re marking me.”

  Phoenix’s hands stilled. “How do you feel about that?” I couldn’t read the expression on his face.

  “I want you to mark me.” Phoenix’s eyes darkened and his fingertips dug into my flesh. “Actually, I think you already did.” I tipped my head to the side, showing off the string of hickeys that painted my throat.

  “I love seeing my marks on you.” His voice was husky and his gaze intense. My spent dick gave a valiant twitch, but it was too well loved to rise again so soon.

  “Me too.”

  Phoenix’s eyes trailed down to my throat and he licked his lips. I lay my head on my shoulder, giving him access to my neck. I’d never turn down more of his love bites. His breathing was heavy as his mouth inched closer to my skin. Just before he made contact, however, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He kissed my neck gently and stepped away. I wasn’t sure what happened, but figured maybe he was too spent as well to get all worked up again.

  “Rory, after our shower, would you feel up to a walk in the woods? There’s something I’d really like to show you.”

  “That sounds great,” I beamed. “I’m feeling pretty good and I’d love to take some pictures on those trails you were talking about.”

  “Perfect.” He leaned in and pecked my cheek. “I’ll start our water.”

  While he did that, I rinsed the mess I’d sprayed in the sink down the drain and placed my glasses on the edge of the basin. When I turned towards Phoenix, he offered me his hand and helped me into the shower.

  We took turns washing each other’s bodies with his crisp, sporty body wash. It smelled great, but I was confused; Phoenix always smelled woodsy and earthy. Nothing like his soap; it was a hundred times better. I shrugged off my question, chalking the scent up to his cologne or something.

  Phoenix’s hands were gentle and thorough as they cleansed me. It amazed me how he could go from insanely sexy and commanding as he drove my body to pleasure, to tender and caring in the blink of an eye. There were so many layers to him and I loved them all.

  After speaking to Dax and spending more time with Phoenix, I was positive about my feelings for him. It was quick, but it was true. Something about this man called out to me and I couldn’t help but answer. It felt as if I’d known him forever; like he was the piece of myself I didn’t know I was missing until I met him. Now I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I needed him. I needed to be with him.

  Phoenix left me to my thoughts as he rinsed my body and helped me out of the shower. He dried me off and I did the same for him. I wanted to care for him the way he took care of me. I ran a comb through my mostly dry locks, donned my glasses and followed Phoenix back into the bedroom.

  “We should probably put some of this on you before we head out,” he said, holding up the little pot of ointment. “It’s a bit of a walk and I don’t want you getting sore. But if you do get sore, tell me and I’ll carry you, okay? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

  “You’re the best, you know that?”

  “I try,” he shrugged and I laughed at my silly man. He winked and crooked his finger, beckoning me to come closer. I stood toe to toe with him as he slathered my side and temples with the cream. It still burned a bit, but I’d gotten used to it. Plus, it helped my pain tremendously, so I didn’t mind.

  Once Phoenix was satisfied I was adequately covered in tingly goop, he dressed in jeans, a red and black plaid flannel shirt, and brown hiking boots. With his strong body and scruffy beard, he looked every bit the part of a sexy mountain man.

  I looked every bit the nerd as I pulled on my freshly cleaned skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt that matched my glasses. Phoenix squished his lips to the side as he watched me lace up my sneakers.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t think to get you any hiking boots. I’ll buy you some next time we go to town. You’ll need them for the trails; I don’t want you slipping again.” I stood up straight and he pecked my lips. “Plus, when winter comes, you’ll want something to keep your toes warm. The elevations get quite a bit of snow.”

  My heart pounded at his words. He was envisioning me being here for quite some time. Even if he meant when I visited him instead of physically staying here, it didn’t matter. When he pictured his future, he saw me in it.

  “Thank you,” I told him when I realized I hadn’t said anything.

  “Of course,” he smiled. “I promised to always take care of you.” My pulse quickened even more at the word ‘always’. He held his hand out for me to take. “Ready?”

  I linked my fingers in his and smiled. “Ready.”

  Chapter Eight


  “You weren’t kidding about the wildlife on these trails,” I whispered to Phoenix as I snapped a picture of a wild hare in the distance. I’d already gotten photos of many different birds, another doe and several squirrels. The new shots eased the pain of losing my first ones.

  “You’re really good at that,” he whispered back, looking at the digital screen over my shoulder. “It’s a beautiful photo.”

  “The camera does most of the work,” I shrugged.

  “No way; you have talent,” he argued. “And you light up when you’re taking pictures. It’s a pleasure to watch.”

  My cheeks flushed. “Thank you. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed.” Phoenix leaned in and gave me a kiss. At the sound of our lips smacking, the hare bounced away. “Aw, bye bunny. Thanks for posing for me!”

  Phoenix chuckled. “You’re too cute.”

  He took my hand and led me further down the path. It wasn’t as clear as the ones meant for the public; the trail was a bit overgrown, but the earth was flat. There were no hills or uneven ground to hurt my side, and the scenery couldn’t be beat. Not only was there plenty of wildlife, but pretty plants lined the path and the trees were tall and lush.r />
  “Baby, could I take a few photos of you?” I asked hopefully. I’d gotten my fill of flora and fauna. I wanted some shots of the gorgeous man at my side.

  “If it will make you happy, you got it. Where do you want me?”

  “Hmm…” I looked around the area for the best backdrop. “Lean against that tree.” Phoenix propped his elbow on the tree and rested his head on his hand. “Okay, give me a smile.” He did as I asked and I snapped several photos. “Oh, that’s gorgeous. Okay now give me a sultry look.” He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and popped a few buttons of his shirt while I took a string of photographs. “Oh my.”

  Phoenix tipped his head back and laughed. I snapped quickly to capture the beautiful moment. “You like that, sweetheart?” He undid the last few buttons of his shirt and slid it off of his shoulders.

  “Oh, that’s nice.” Phoenix struck several poses as I greedily caught the images. He unbuttoned his jeans and I smiled widely. “I like where this is going.” He pushed his jeans and underwear down so that the deep cut ‘V’ of his pelvis showed, along with the top of his pubic hair. “Good lord, you’re sexy.”

  I took several photos of his front, and then his back when he turned around and playfully stuck his ass out of the top of his jeans. I had a feeling I’d be revisiting these photographs often.

  “Have you captured my good side?” Phoenix asked, shaking his butt at me.

  “They’re all good sides,” I insisted and he chuckled again. “The only thing that’d make it better is if you took all your clothes off.” I played it off as a joke, but I definitely wouldn’t complain if he took me up on my offer.

  “I will in a minute,” he promised, and my heart rate sped up. “But first, I want to talk to you about something.” He buttoned his jeans and his expression grew serious.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, but it is important.” I lowered my camera to my side, giving him my full attention. Phoenix cupped both of my cheeks in his large, warm palms. His enchanting green eyes looked right into me as he took a deep breath. “I love you, Rory.”

  My heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry. “I love you too,” I whispered, unable to speak louder. Phoenix gave me a beautiful smile and my nerves subsided enough to allow me to voice the rest of my thoughts. “I was afraid to say anything so soon, but almost since the moment I met you, I’ve felt this pull toward you. It’s like you complete me and I can’t live without you.”

  “I feel the same way, and there’s a reason for it.” He took another deep breath. “All their lives, shifters know that Fate will grant them their one true mate. The one person who will complete them. The one they will love and cherish for all time. They know by scent and instinct when they’ve met their mate. I knew when I met you that you were mine; my fated mate, my true love, my forever.”

  “That’s beautiful,” I whispered. “I believe you’re my true love too. But...what is a shifter? I don’t understand.”

  “Shifters have been around since the beginning of time, but fear and misunderstanding of our kind forced us to hide from those who hunted us and wanted to rid us from the earth. They found us unnatural and dangerous; feral, even. So, we withdrew from the public and formed packs. We stayed with our own kind; plus our mates, of course. Over time, we began integrating back into the public eye, but kept our identities hidden. Most people have never heard of us or our heritage.”

  “I’m sorry your people went through that,” I replied sadly. Nobody deserved to be hunted like animals just because they were different. “But I’m afraid I still don’t understand what you’re saying. Is ‘shifter’ a religion?” It wouldn’t be the first time a group was persecuted. Phoenix had mentioned a strong connection to nature and healers; maybe shifters were like wiccans?

  “No, sweetheart.” Phoenix gave me a gentle smile and ran his fingers through my hair. “Shifters are immortal beings. We have a human side as well as an animal side. We can shift between forms at will, and have total control no matter what form we take. My other form is a wolf.”

  I blinked at him. “Um...okay.” My poor man was delusional. But I wouldn’t give up on him. I loved him; I’d get him help.

  “It’s the truth,” he insisted, looking desperate. “Rowan and Stone are wolves too. They’re my pack and I’m their leader. That’s why Rowan called me Alpha. That’s what the tattoo is about.” Phoenix pointed to the wolf on his chest. “It’s not an actual tattoo; it’s part of our bodies. When we formed our own pack and pledged our alliance, the design appeared on our skin and linked us together.” His body deflated. “You don’t believe me, do you?”

  I set my camera on the ground and took both of his hands in mine. “I believe that you believe it. I don’t know where these ideas came from, but I’m not judging, baby. I love you. We’ll figure this out.”

  “I was afraid of this,” Phoenix said, releasing one of my hands to run his fingers through his scruffy beard. “Remember when I said I wanted to bring you out here to show you something?” I nodded. “It wasn’t just the trails and the scenery. I want to show you my wolf form.”

  I sighed as he took a few steps back from me. My heart broke for him as he removed the remainder of his clothing. I wondered if he’d act like a wolf in front of me or if he’d get upset when his delusions didn’t play out. Either way, I’d support him the best I could.

  “Remember, you don’t have to be afraid when I’m in my wolf form. I’m still me. I’m in control and I would never hurt you. I can understand you, but I can’t speak.” I gave him a tight smile and a nod, preparing myself for whatever shit show was about to go down.

  Crackling and popping sounds filled the air, but Phoenix and I were both standing still. We weren’t stepping on twigs and there was no one around us. It took a minute for me to realize the noises were coming from his body; his body which was contorting and sprouting thick brown fur in front of my eyes.

  My brain screamed for me to run from the scene in front of me, but my heart held my feet firm. My eyes widened at the sight of my boyfriend bending and reshaping until a large, powerful wolf stood before me. Okay, so he’s not crazy. Unless Rowan put some hallucinogens in that special tea of his and I’m living the same fantasy. But when I searched my soul, I knew I could trust what my eyes beheld.

  The animal didn’t advance toward me. It tucked its ears back in a non-threatening manner and lowered its tail. Its beautiful emerald eyes stared straight into mine, but they weren’t intimidating. They were begging for understanding and acceptance. I’d know those eyes anywhere.

  “Phoenix?” I asked in a shaky whisper. The wolf tipped its head down in a nod. My legs could no longer support me and I dropped to my knees in front of the animal. “I’m so sorry I doubted you. It’s just...this” I couldn’t come up with any intelligent words to describe the confusion and amazement I felt.

  “You’re beautiful.” I’d never seen a more majestic and magnificent animal. Wait. I gasped as realization dawned on me. “You were like this when you found me, weren’t you?” Phoenix nodded again. “I remember seeing a pretty wolf after I fell, but I thought I imagined the whole thing; that a wolf would have eaten me.” Phoenix whimpered and I gasped again. “It was you I heard at the house.” Somehow this crazy situation was starting to make sense.

  I raised a trembling hand toward his head, reminding myself that this was Phoenix and that he wouldn’t hurt me. Still, it seemed polite to ask, “Can I pet you?” He answered by nuzzling his face against my open palm. I ran my hand over his head and scratched behind his ears, noting the way his tail wagged behind him. “You like that, don’t you?” I chuckled and Phoenix chuffed a sound that almost sounded like a laugh.

  “This is incredible.” I shook my head and an idea hit me. “Can I take your picture?” Phoenix stepped back and struck a pose, pushing out his chest and lifting his head high, making me laugh again. “You’re a ham no matter what form you’re in.” It amazed me how easily that rolled off of
my tongue; how easy my mind accepted the events. But, I’d seen the shift with my own eyes, so it was hard to refute.

  I grabbed my camera from the ground and stood, circling Phoenix and capturing images of him from every angle. Once I was satisfied, I dropped to my knees again and set my camera aside. “You are the perfect muse.” I buried my fingers into the wiry hair on his back, and Phoenix surprised me by licking a wet line up my cheek. I chuckled as I wiped the wolf spit from my face.

  “Thank you for trusting me with this. You know, it’s pretty cool that my boyfriend is a badass wolf.” I scratched behind his ears again and smiled at the way his tongue lolled out of his mouth. He didn’t look so badass at the moment, but I could tell from his size and structure it was true. “I’ll admit it was a shock at first, but honestly it doesn’t matter to me what you are; man, shifter...I love you.” I kissed his cold, wet nose and within moments, a naked, human Phoenix crouched before me.

  He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me tightly against his body. “Thank you, Rory,” he whispered into my ear. “For accepting and loving me.”

  “You make it easy,” I replied, rolling my eyes at myself and how cheesy I sounded.

  “There’s still so much I need to tell you about my family, my culture and what it means to be my mate. I want to take you home where you will be comfortable and warm for us to talk.” It didn’t escape me how easily Phoenix referred to his home as mine too. I wondered if that was part of the mate stuff he needed to speak to me about. But it didn’t frighten or worry me. I was excited to hear more about this incredible turn of events and the remarkable man before me.

  “I’d love that.”

  Chapter Nine


  I settled my mate onto the sofa and made sure he was comfortable. Though he didn’t appear to be in any pain, I poured him a mug of Rowan’s tea. Rory took it with a smile and sipped the warm liquid as I gathered my thoughts, trying to decide the best way to begin this conversation.


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