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Atomic Mage 2

Page 17

by Carter, Garrett

  "You wouldn't happen to have a dragon mate would you?" Laurith asked, her tone clear and her gaze matter-of-fact.

  "Fuck it", he thought.

  If he was going to continue to gain wives at this rate then who was he to complain, looking into the dragon woman's red-rimmed eyes he hoped she was ready for what he was going to give her.

  Love is war

  Giving the shapley woman a piercing look his earlier observations came back to him in a new light now that he was viewing her as a possible wife and not just someone he was going to make a business deal with.

  He had to agree with his little betrayer, the woman Laurith had turned into was attractive and he found himself wishing he could see more of her body.

  Her round breasts and wide hips called to his hands and mouth and the tiny dragon skin thong held a mystery he wanted to solve.

  His lustful thoughts screeched to a halt as he wondered what kind of person this dragon woman was.

  Could he love her as deeply as his other wives? Even in the short time he had known Beth he knew he would die before he let his dwarven firebrand get away.

  He liked it so he was going to put a ring on it and he dared another to try and take her away from him.

  His Mina and Sabine had been with him almost since the beginning and they held a special place in his heart.

  Mina's smug grins and commanding presence made him want to lean on her and give her the world to rule at his side.

  Sabine's tinkling laughter and bubbly personality made him want to hold her and protect the woman she had become through all her trials.

  As a small chuckle escaped Promena as she sat next to him he looked over into the silver pools of her eyes and felt a strong tug on his heart.

  This woman had brought him here out of his boring life befit of love after his Tony had died and given him a purpose and her love.

  Cade captured her lips in an intense kiss before he looked searchingly into her silver orbs.

  "Can I do it? Can I make you all as happy as you make me my love?" Cade asked, more worried about his wife's happiness than anything else.

  "Yes, you can and do my love. Now go and let another try to capture another piece of your heart, there is more space in there than you believe my husband." Promena said before she kissed him sweetly and Cade turned toward his newest trial.

  Standing and walking over to the sitting dragon woman Cade collected all the bits of gold and jewelry that surrounded them and with a thought turned them back to rock.

  As the ground shuddered he spoke, "Laurith the Black if you wish to be my mate you will earn that spot in my heart, because that is what you are asking for, a place in my family to be mine and ours forever. This is no little thing you will be mine to protect and ours to care for. I ask you is this what you want?"

  As Cade finished he looked down on the woman who would be his mate but only if she passed his test.

  "I don't know who you think you are human. I am Laurith the Black and you will NOT command me, you will be MINE and mine alone to do with as I please. You are naught but a babe and I will teach you who you belong to."

  As Laurith finished her speech her form expanded and grew. Craning his neck up Cade took in the massive dragon for a second before looking back at Promena.

  "Go get her tiger," was Promena's only response to his questioning look.

  As Cade watched she disappeared and reappeared still seated in her chair at the top of the steps leading down into the pit.

  As Cade turned to face the next sassy woman in his life he felt a warm wind pass by him.

  He had a few moments of confusion as he took in Laurith as she stood on all four legs almost a football field away before the pain began.

  The next few seconds of Cade's life were filled with the most agonizing pain he had ever felt.

  The broken bones and internal damage he had experienced as he arrived in this new world paled in comparison to Laurith's breath weapon.

  As he worked overtime through the mind-numbing pain to heal through the necrotic breath Laurith had just bathed him in he gave the dragon a grin that resulted in the almost comical expression that grew on her scaly face.

  "That all you got my pet, you will have to do much better than that. Now SIT!"

  As Cade weathered the necrotic storm and came through buck ass naked but still in one healthy piece his command was reinforced by his power over the very matter that composed Laurith's massive body.

  As the dragon tried to resist his power-backed command Cade's grin grew cruel as he redoubled the energy invested in the command and with a thump, Laurith's draconic ass dipped to the rocky ground and stayed there.

  "Good girl now lay down," Cade commanded, and with a small push of power Laurith's forelimbs bent and the dragon was laid before him shivering with what Cade assumed was rage.

  "Bring your head here my pet I am going to give you scratches for being such a good girl, now come."

  Again Cade's command was followed with a little power applied to bring the resistant Laurith to heel.

  As her massive head lowered Cade rose on a platform to look Laurith in her red and yellow rimmed eye.

  "Now was that all that difficult my pet. As I said before I do not take my title as your mate lightly but I only accept those who play nice. Are you going to play nice my pet or do I need to bring out the switch?"

  As Cade asked his question he lifted a hand and scratched at the base of the massive horn that was just above and behind Laurith's massive eye.

  A loud rumbling sound emanated from Laurith's throat as Cade watched her massive eye close in pleasure.

  "Good girl," Cade said with a chuckle before Laurith's eye opened and Cade watched as the huge orb focused on him and the bony ridge above it scrunched up in rage.

  A laugh escaped him as Laurith attempted to break out of his grip causing the whole building to shake dislodging a few grains of dust from the ceiling overhead.

  Cade's mirth was interrupted as he felt his mental shield blown away.

  The seemingly impervious barrier shattering with a droning sound as Laurith brought her potent mental powers into their battle.

  Hurriedly tying of the power drain of the stasis he had put the dragon in Cade slipped into his mind.

  The dragon woman had swept his defenses away with ease, Cade hadn't even felt the blow connect, and that more than anything else worried him.

  Arriving on the front porch of his mental home Cade looked around as his vision was filled with devastation.

  "Well shit she doesn't do anything halfway does she," Cade murmured as he took in the flattened homes and the shriveled trees that had composed his mental subdivision.

  Wiping out the damage and giving himself a clear view of his mental terrain Cade replaced the destruction with a rolling field of green.

  As his repaired home was surrounded by a green meadow he caught a glimpse of Laurith's dragon form as she flew between the clouds of his mind.

  "Going to have to bring her down somehow," Cade said as his attempts to pull her down from the sky failed as he came up against another being besides Promena who could match his mental powers.

  Following Laurith's draconic form as she flew through the sky he saw the exact moment she discovered his presence as she whipped around and headed for his home.

  Smiling to himself Cade took a page from her playbook and grew.

  "Fuck you square cubed law I've got some dragon bones to grind to make my bread," Cade said as his field of view passed his two-story home and continued to rise.

  As his center of gravity shifted to more than 300 feet above his usual height Cade wobbled a bit on his giant feet.

  His inexperience with this new bigger him allowed Laurith to strike the first blow.

  As she latched onto his torso Cade felt her claws sink into his flesh past his enlarged clothes.

  He grimaced as his raised arm barely managed to prevent the dragon woman from tearing out his throat.

  Shifting his
arm outwards Cade gripped Laurith's neck in one hand. As her massive wings spread Cade decided to take this fight to the ground before the dragon woman could disengage from their grapple and take to the sky once again.

  "Fuck this is gonna hurt," Cade grumbled as he implemented his painful plan.

  The ripping sound of flesh being torn from his arm was quickly followed by his scream as Cade fought through the pain of having a few square meters of flesh and muscle ripped from him as he squared the dragon with the ground and fell forward on her.

  The massive chunk of flesh in her maw went flying as the air was blown from her lungs as however many tons of Cade fell on her with a thump.

  "Oh quit crying, you big baby. You aren't even bleeding." Cade said as Laurith moaned as her body fought to gather enough air to breathe.

  With the powerful dragon subdued for the moment, Cade almost reformed his mental shield before he thought of a better option.

  Creating one that mimicked the properties of Qetch's took a few moments.

  As the flexible but impervious bubble took form his opponent took a massive gasp of air as her body recovered from the body slam Cade gave her.

  As she took a swipe at him Cade grabbed her clawed forearm in his giant mitt and slammed it to the ground.

  That was almost a giant mistake as her fanged jaws came within a few feet of biting his face off.

  As Cade fell forward onto her long neck, his forearm lodged under Laurith's chin he laughed hard at the gagging sound that came from the giant lizard.

  "That doesn't come until later. Though I think you have had enough time in my mind how about we go to your place." Cade said breathlessly as he looked into Laurith's rolling eyes, the lack of air starting to get to her.

  As Cade rolled over onto his back he watched with a smug grin as the dragon was drug by Cade's shield to the boundary of his mind and ejected back into her own mental home.

  "Time to go and tame the beast," Cade said before he rose with a smile, the quick battle had his blood up and he was going to relish beating the dragon woman on her own turf.

  "Mr. Jenkins would be so proud," Cade said as he shrunk down to his normal size and left his mind with no other plan than to deliver a spanking to a particular dragon woman.

  Arriving in Laurith's mind Cade took a moment to take in the scenery as he found himself on the top of a mountain.

  As a cold breeze blew by him Cade looked into the clear blue sky as he began his search for the dragon he came to punish.


  He might have given a little, insignificant, girly scream that thankfully was inaudible compared to the explosion of rock and dust that signaled Laurith's arrival from the sky.

  As Cade coughed and waved away the dust, aided by a little breeze he conjured up, he was graced again by Laurith's human form.

  His smug grin as his prey arrived was replaced by a look of disbelief before he asked incredulously "ARE YOU POUTING?!"

  "YOU ARENT FIGHTING RIGHT! MY mate would assume his dragon form and fight me with his teeth and claws and after he has grounded me he would take me and fill me with his seed as I fight him every step of the way."

  Cade grimaced in distaste as Laurith's petulant pout fell firmly in place, her arms shoved childishly under her impressive bust after her tirade.

  As they stared at each other from opposite ends of the top of the mountain Cade rolled his eyes and accepted his lot.

  He was fighting a spoiled dragon wife with a very firm idea on how she would be claimed and he had promised his goddess he would give this woman a chance.

  "Fine if that's the way she wants it," Cade grumbled as he grew his body once again.

  As he grew to over 500 feet long Cade looked down on Laurith's smaller dragon form with a toothy grin.

  His grin fell into a confused and irritated grimace as he saw what he could only describe as shy disapproval.

  "What is wrong now?" Cade's voice boomed out as he asked the dragon his question, exasperated with the woman.

  "Your too big," Laurith replied in a subdued voice.

  Growling and rolling his eyes Cade shrunk his form down to three-quarters of Laurith's bulk.

  "That better?" He asked as he looked up at the now bigger Laurith.

  "Yes that is the proper size for a male, now give me my mating battle, and don't disappoint me," Laurith replied, her haughty tone from earlier making a return.

  "Gonna make you regret that tone," Cade grumbled internally as he tried and failed to launch himself at the larger dragon.

  Stumbling on his own feet his only success with the maneuver was to apply enough force to send himself toward the female dragon.

  As he slid nose down and tail up to Laurith's clawed feet his embarrassment over his failed first move evaporated into rage as he heard the infuriating woman laugh at his tumble.

  If Laurith said anything after her seven chuckles Cade didn't hear it as his rage exploded and took him along for the ride.

  As some sort of draconic instinct took over his new body his nose left the dirt and Cade smiled internally as his new jaws latched onto the base of Laurith's own toothy maw from underneath.

  As Cade enjoyed the ass-kicking roller coaster that was his new body he hissed out a sympathetic breath as his dragon body pulled out some dragonjitsu.

  As he watched, his body twisted and pulled Laurith's head to the right and whipped his back half around to straddle the grounded Laurith as she landed on her back with a screech of rage.

  Cade's vision blurred as his body shook Laurith's head like a chew toy after she tried to disembowel him with the claws on her rear legs.

  Her squawk of dismay was music to his ears as the fight went out of her for a second.

  Cade's victory celebration was short-lived though as his body was swatted aside by Laurith's massive wing.

  As he tumbled ass of over tea kettle he roared in pain as his own smaller wing bones splintered as he landed in a heap a few hundred meters from a recovered Laurith.

  "Such a disappointment Cade Willmartin, if this is the extent of your performance I will have to find a better mate to create my hatchlings with," Laurith's dismissive tone as she finished her comment on Cade's performance reignited his draconic rage.

  Levering himself to all four feet Cade swayed for a moment as his balance shifted as his broken wing repaired itself.

  "Oh, your punishment is going to be the highlight of my day, maybe my week," Cade said with a growl as the pain emanating from the wings on his back dissipated.

  Letting his instincts run the show once more he took off into the sky with a woosh of air and a small cloud of dust.

  Circling the mountain top Cade took a moment to enjoy the cool breeze as it caressed his belly scales.

  "I wonder how much of a pain in the ass it would be to feed this body in the real world," musing over the thought of flying free over the city and swooping down to tear the slaving bastards to pieces pulled a growl of interest from his belly.

  His thoughts turned to how Laurith had grown and shrunk in the pit, the answer to where that extra mass went still escaping him.

  "Pocket dimension? No, but where and how would she move it and integrate it into her... HOLY SHIIIIT!"

  His ruminations about the laws of matter were interrupted as his body dived.

  As he fell out of the sky Cade saw his target of his sudden dive as his dragon body dropped out of a cloud above Laurith as she searched the sky for him as she slowly coasted in the sky.

  Cade grimaced in sympathy as his dragon teeth tore into Laurith's feathered wings, snapping bones and sending massive clouds of feathers into the cloudy blue sky around them.

  As they both fell Cade was shocked to see not pain on Laurith's draconic face but what he hesitantly considered as ecstasy as they both fell to the ground.

  Cade braced for the inevitable impact that didn't come as his dragon instincts kicked in on
ce again.

  He grunted as his wings spread and took the full weight of his and Laurith's massive bodies.

  As his wings pumped the strain of the added weight was almost too much as he felt tendons stretched to their limits and bones creak as they approached the ground.

  Moments before they touched down almost gently Cade was ready to let the dragon woman carry her own weight as he saw her wings heal from out of the corner of his eyes.


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