enlightenment, acquired: 始覺 [shikaku]. Enlightenment attained by becoming free of delusion; initial enlightenment.
enlightenment, arousing the aspiration for: 發菩提心 [hotsu bodai shin]. Having the thought of enlightenment. See also enlightenment, aspiration for; enlightenment, thought of.
enlightenment, aspects of: 菩提相 [bodai sō].
enlightenment, aspiration for: 菩提心 [bodai shin]. Skt. bodhi chitta. The wish and quest for enlightenment that establishes one’s determination to practice.
enlightenment, attain: 取證 [shushō].
enlightenment, attain authentic: 成正覺 [jō shōgaku].
enlightenment, complete: Transliteration: 三菩提 [sambodai]. Skt., sambodhi. Translation: 圓覺 [engaku]. See also enlightenment, unsurpassable, complete.
enlightenment, depend upon: 假悟 [kego].
enlightenment, equal to buddha’s: See bodhisattva who is a candidate to be a buddha; bodhisattvas of the ten stages and three classes.
enlightenment, filled with great: 參飽大悟 [sambō daigo].
enlightenment, go beyond: See go beyond enlightenment.
enlightenment, gradual: 漸悟 [zengo]. A method of practice or cultivation that leads step by step to enlightenment.
enlightenment, great: 大悟 [daigo], 大覺 [daigaku], 大菩提 [daibodai].
enlightenment, great, complete: 大圓覺 [dai engaku].
enlightenment, immediate realization of: 直證菩提 [jikishō bodai].
enlightenment, inconceivable: [myōkaku]. The highest stage of bodhisattvas. See also bodhisattvas of the ten stages and three classes.
enlightenment, letting-go limb of: 捨覺支 [sha kakushi].
enlightenment, mistaken views of spontaneous or natural: 自然天然の邪見 [jinen tennen no jaken].
enlightenment, original: 本覺 [hongaku]. Enlightenment that is intrinsic to each person, that is actualized by practice.
enlightenment, painting of: 證畫 [shōga].
enlightenment, play with: 弄悟 [rōgo].
enlightenment, prediction of: 授記 [juki]. Confirmation of present or future enlightenment.
enlightenment, retreat limb of: 除覺支 [jo kakushi].
enlightenment, seven limbs of: 七等覺支 [shichi tō kakushi].
enlightenment, spontaneous: 天然 [tennen]. “Claimed enlightenment” without practice or verification from an authentic teacher. 自然 [jinen],自 然見 [jinen ken], literally, (view of) natural enlightenment.
enlightenment, sudden. 頓悟 [tongo]. Immediate realization of buddha nature without going through a series of stages.
enlightenment, take up: 拈悟 [nengo].
enlightenment, thirty-seven wings of: 三十七品菩提分法 [sanjūshichi hon bodai bumpō]. 三十七部 [sanjūshichi bu], 三十七品 [sanjūshichi hon]. Thirty-seven bodhipākshikas, or conditions favorable to enlightenment: four applications of mindfulness, four right efforts, four elements of supernormal power, fivefold controlling power, fivefold moral power, seven limbs of enlightenment, and eightfold noble path.
enlightenment, those without. See also icchantika.
enlightenment, thought of: 道念 [dōnen]. The aspiration for enlightenment.
enlightenment, trace of: 悟迹 [goshaku].
enlightenment, unfold: 開悟 [kaigo].
enlightenment, unsurpassable, complete: Skt., anuttara samyak sambodhi. Transliteration: 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 [anokutara sammyaku sambodai]. 阿耨菩提 [anoku bodai]. 無上菩提 [mujō bodai], literally, bodhi (that has) nothing higher.
enlightenment, without: 無覺 [mukaku].
enlightenment, wondrous: 妙覺 [myōgaku].
enlightenment thought: 悟量 [goryō].
entangle: 纒 [ten]. Entangled, 結纒 [ketten], literally, tied and entangled.
entangled vines, slash: 葛藤斷句 [kattō dan ku], literally cut off phrases that are like twining vines.
enter homeless life: 出家 [shukke]. Become a monk or nun.
enter so deep inside that no one can guide the person: 深入裏許無人接渠 [jinnyūri kyo munin sekkyo].
enter the chamber: 堂奥 [dōō], literally, deep inside the hall. To receive personal instruction in the abbot’s room. See also abbot’s room, receive guidance in the.
entire body: 渾身 [konshin].
entire body upholds the entire body: 渾身是已掛渾身 [konshin ze i ka konshin].
entire sky collapses: 蓋地撲落 [gaichi bokuraku].
entire world of the ten directions: 盡十方世界 [jinjuppō sekai].
entrust: 附授 [fuju].
entrust, intimately: 親附 [shimpu].
entrusted of the dharma treasury: See dharma treasury, entrusted of the.
entrustment, intimate: 密付 [mippu].
entry hall: See hall, entry.
environs: See body, mind, and environs.
eon, last: 過去莊嚴劫 [kako shōgen gō].
eon, present: 現在賢劫 [genzai kengō]. This present kalpa: 賢劫 [kengō].
eons, countless: Skt. tri kalpa asankhyeya. 三阿僧祇劫 [san’asōgi kō], literally, three [san] plus, (Skt.) kalpa [kō] asankhyeya [asōgi]. Also, 三阿 僧祇 [san’asōgi]. Three stages of countless kalpas for bodhisattvas to become buddhas. 阿僧企耶 [asōgiya] means, incalculable. Also, 三祇百 劫 [sangi hyakkō], literally, three countless, one hundred kalpas.
eons, dormant for boundless: 曠劫未明 [kōgō mimyō].
eons, great: 大劫 [daikō].
eons, many: 多劫 [tagō].
eons, one hundred million: Skt. niyuta kalpa. Transliteration: 那由他劫 [nayuta kō]. Niyuta is ten to the eleventh power.
ephemeral: はかなし [hakanashi].
equal: 平等 [byōdō]. 一等 [ittō], literally, one and the same. Inseparable.
Equal Wisdoms, Ten: 十同眞智 [jū dōshinchi]. Ten types of wisdom for a Zen teacher for guiding a student, taught by Fenyang Shanzhao. (1) Oneness between teacher and student. (2) Equal great matter. (3) Total study with all phenomena. (4) Equal genuine wisdom. (5) Equal universal understanding. (6) Equal embodiment (of buddha nature). (7) Common gain and loss (in practice). (8) Shared life and death. (9) Shared voice. (10) Nondual entering.
Esoteric Buddhism: 密教 [mikkyō]. The ultimate development in Mahāyāna Buddhism, which views the universe as a manifestation of Mahā Vairochana Buddha. The practice is based on rituals involving mudrās, mantras, and visualizations of various deities. See also Mantra School; Tendai School.
essence: 的旨 [tekishi], literally, target meaning. 自性 [jishō], literally, self nature.
essence and form: 性相 [shōsō]. Also, essential.
essence, marks, substance, and activity: 性相體力 [shōsō tairiki].
essential, most: 要樞 [yōsū], literally, central pivot.
essential, not: 不用得 [yō futoku], literally, not usable.
Essentials, Three: 三要 [san’yō]. Classification of words by Linji: (1) Unintended words. (2)Words that lead one thousand students into profundity. (3) Words that are beyond words.
Etatsu: 慧達. Ca. thirteenth century, Japan. Practitioner of chanting the Lotus Sutra. Then a student of Dōgen at Kōshō Hōrin Monastery. Further biography unknown.
evenly and broadly: 平展 [heiten].
everyday activity: 家常 [kajō], literally, normal thing in the (buddha) house.
Everyday Activity: 家常 [Kajō]. Sixty-fourth fascicle of this book.
everyday speech: 家常語 [kajō go].
evil. See also unwholesome.
exact point. See also accept.
exactly: 是 [ze], literally; be correct.
examine: 辨肯 [benkō], literally, clarify and affirm. 參究 [sankyū], study all the way, investigate thoroughly.
example, excellent: 勝躅 [shōchoku].
excellence, a person of: 祖席の英雄 [soseki no eiyū], literally, hero on the ancestral seat.
Excellent Tamer: 調御丈夫 [Chōgyo Jōb
u]. One of the ten principal titles of the Buddha.
existence, future: 當本有 [tō hon’u], literally, future original existence.
existence, original: 本有 [hon’u]. Originally present; original possession.
existences, twenty-five: 二十五有 [nijūgo u]. Types of beings in the three worlds: fourteen in the desire world, seven in the form world, and four in the formless world. See also realms, three.
expectation, without: 無圖 [muto].
experience, thorough ancestral: 祖究盡 [so gūjin].
experience, thoroughly: 究盡(す) [gūjin(-su)]. Fully investigate; thoroughly practice; fully understand; penetrate the essential matter.
expound: 演説 [enzetsu], literally, present and explain. 開演 [kaien], literally, open and present. 説著 [setsujaku], literally, explain. 説盡 [setsujin], literally, expound fully.
express thoroughly: 道得盡 [dōtoku jin].
expressed beyond: 向上に道取 [kōjō ni dōshu], literally, expression in going beyond.
expression: 道 [dō]. The Chinese dao (on which the Japanese term is based), usually means “way.” But in this case it means “word,” “speak,” or “express.” 道得 [dōtoku] literally, expression competed. Complete expression; true expression. Coming up with one phrase. Presenting a case. Thorough expression of realization. Statement. 道取 [dōshu], literally, expression taken. 銜道 [kandō], literally, holding words in mouth. 語話 [gowa], words; statement.
expression, complete: 道著 [dōjaku]. Saying a word. Statement.
expression, ultimate: 究竟説 [kukyō setsu].
Expressions: 道得 [Dōtoku]. Fortieth fascicle of this book.
expressions in the past: 曾道取 [sō dōshu], literally, having spoken before.
expressions of dharma, amassing of: 説法蘊 [seppō’on], literally, assemblage of speaking dharma.
Extensive Record of the Lamp: See Tiansheng Extensive Record of the Lamp.
extra: 剩法 [jōhō], literally, leftover thing.
extraordinary: 特地 [tokuchi]. 地 [chi] is a suffix meaning “that which is.”
extremely fine: 極微 [gokumi].
extremely large is small: 極大同小 [gokudai dō shō].
extremely small is large: 極小同大 [gokushō dō dai].
eye: 眼 [gen]. True seeing, understanding, or experience. Often represents awakening.
eye, a single: 一隻眼 [ichi sekigen].
eye, authentic: 正眼 [shōgen].
eye, blossoms in an: 眼中華 [gan chū ke].
eye, celestial. See also miraculous powers, six.
eye, covered: 眼礙 [genge].
eye, half an: 半隻眼 [han sekigen].
eye, hear with the: 眼處聞聲 [gensho monshō].
eye, open: 活眼 [katsugen], literally, vital eye.
eye, shramana’s single: 沙門(の)一隻眼 [shamon (no) isseki gen].
eye, tip of the: 眼頭尖 [gantō sen], literally, the head of the eye is pointed.
eye, true dharma: See true dharma eye.
eye becomes lofty through the entire world: 眼高一世 [gankō isse].
eye of practice. See also eye of study.
eye of seeing the Buddha: 見佛眼 [kembutsu gen].
eye of study: 參學眼 [sangaku gen]. 參學眼力 [sangaku ganriki], literally, eye power of study. Also, eye of practice. (For Dōgen, “study” often means practice.)
eyeball: 眼睛 [ganzei]. That which represents true seeing or understanding; hence, buddha ancestor. Also, essence.
Eyeball: 眼睛 [Ganzei]. Sixty-third fascicle of this book.
eyeball, crush the: 打失眼睛 [dashitsu ganzei].
eyeball, diamond: 金剛眼睛 [kongō ganzei].
eyeball, fool with an: 弄眼睛 [rōganzei]. Seeing through.
eyeball, pluck the: 抉出眼睛 [kesshutsu ganzei]. Annihilate and transcend views or understanding.
eyeball, vital: 活眼睛 [katsu ganzei].
eyeball has been switched to a black bead by someone else: 眼睛被別人換却木槵子 [ganzei hi betsunin kankyaku mokkansu]. Represents being blinded, going beyond discrimination.
eyebrows, raise one’s: 揚眉 [yōbi].
eyes, blind: 瞎眼 [katsugen].
eyes, five: 五眼 [gogen]. Fleshly eyes, heavenly eyes, wisdom eyes, dharma eyes, and buddha eyes. Heavenly or celestial eyes are those of devas. Wisdom eyes are those of shrāvakas and pratyeka-buddhas. Dharma eyes are those of bodhisattvas.
eyes, obscured: 翳眼 [eigen].
eyes, one thousand: 千眼 [sengen]. Avalokiteshvara, the great bodhisattva of compassion who hears the cries of the world, is sometimes described or portrayed as having one thousand arms, with an eye on each hand.
eyes, wisdom: See eyes, five.
face: 面目 [memmoku], literally, face and eye. Original face, or buddha nature, which is inherent in every sentient being.
face, demon: 鬼面 [kimen].
face, demon’s horned: 鬼面の戴角 [kimen no taikaku].
face, deva: 天面 [temmen].
face, exchange: 換面 [kammen]. To turn the ordinary face into the original face.
face, human: 人面 [ninmen].
face, luminous: 面光 [menkō].
face, original: 本面目 [hommemmoku], literally, original face and eyes. 本來 面目 [honrai (no) memmoku], literally, face and eyes originally come. Same as original self. Buddha nature, or compete and nondual reality, inherent to each person.
face, serene: 面目雍容 [memmoku yōyō].
face, skin, flesh, bones, and marrow, to exchange: 換面目皮肉骨髓 [kan memmoku hiniku kotsuzui]. To turn the ordinary self into the original self.
face after one’s parents were born, one’s: 父母所生の面目 [bumo shoshō no memmoku]. Represents timelessness of the present moment.
face before one’s parents were born, one’s: 父母未生の面目 [bumo mishō no memmoku]. See also face.
face skin is ten feet thin: 面皮薄一丈 [mempi haku ichi jō].
face skin is three inches thick: 面皮厚三寸 [mempi kō san zun].
face-to-face transmission: See transmission, face-to-face.
Face-to-Face Transmission: 面授 [Menju]. Fifty-seventh fascicle of this book.
Fachang: See Damei Fachang; Kumu Facheng.
facility, achieve: 得便宜 [toku bengi].
Fada: 法達 [Hōtatsu]. Ca. seventh–eighth century, China. Originally a practitioner of chanting Lotus Sūtra. Dharma heir of Sixth Ancestor Huineng. Taught at Nanhua Monastery, Shao Region (Guangdong).
fall off the straight line: 曠然繩墨外 [kōzen jōboku gai], literally, far out of the line (drawn) with an inked string.
fame and gain: 名利 [myōri].
family member: 眷屬 [kenzoku].
fan: 扇 [ōgi].
Fang Xuanling: See Minister Fang.
Fanghui: See Yangqi Fanghui.
farewell: 珍重 [chinchō], literally, treasure (yourself).
Farong: See Niutou Farong.
Fatai: See Fuxing Fatai.
fathom:卜度 [bokutaku], literally, guess and measure.
fault: 非 [hi].
Faxian: 法顯 [Hōken]. 340–420?, China. After becoming a monk, realized the incomplete knowledge of precepts in China. Left for India in 399 and journeyed for ten years. Brought and translated into Chinese Mahā Sangha Precepts and Mahā Pari-Nirvāna Sūtra.
Fayan: See Wuzu Fayan.
Fayan School: 法眼宗 [Hōgen Shū]. The lineage of Fayan Wenyi. One of the Five Schools of Chinese Zen Buddhism.
Fayan Wenyi: 法眼文益 [Hōgen Mon’eki/Bun’eki]. 885–958, China. Dharma heir of Dizang Guichen, Qingyuan Line. Abbot of Baoen Monastery, Jinling (Jiangsu). Author of many poems and commentaries, including the Ten Admonitions for the Zen School. His posthumous name is Zen Master Great Fayan, 大法眼禪師 [Daihōgen Zenji]. Regarded as founder of the Fayan School.
Fazhen: See Dasui Fazhen.
feature: 相 [sō]. Als
o form, essence.
feeling. See also skandhas, five.
fellow, bald-headed: 禿頭漢 [tokutō kan].
Fengxue Yanzhao: 風穴延昭 [Fūketsu Enshō]. 896–973, China. Dharma heir of Nanyuan Huiyong, Linji School. Taught at Mount Fengxue, Ru Region (Henan). Later taught for twenty years at Guanghui Monastery, Ying Region (Hubei), where he had over one thousand students. The subsequent Linji lineage descended from him.
Fenyang Shanzhao: 汾陽善昭 [Fun’yō Zenshō]. 947–1024, China. Dharma heir of Shoushan Xingnian, Linji School. Fenyang traveled widely and studied with many teachers before receiving the mind seal of Shoushan. He refused invitations to assume the abbacy of eight well-known monasteries, but when his teacher Shoushan died, he was persuaded to become abbot of Mount Fenyang, Fen Region (Shanxi), where he taught for thirty years. Fenyang is known for his use of Zen stories in his teaching and for developing the first kōan collections, which were included in the Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Fenyang Wude. Although he was of the Linji School, he had also studied in the Caodong lineage, and he introduced the Five Ranks into the Linji teaching. Stories from all the Zen schools were included in his texts, along with verses. Later on, commentaries were added, and the kōan collections we know today, like the Blue Cliff Record, came into being. His posthumous name is Zen Master Wude, 無徳禪師 [Mutoku Zenji].
field, reach the: 到田地 [tō denchi], literally, arrive at a rice field.
field of benefaction: 福田 [fukuden], literally, rice field of good fortune.
fighting spirits. See also paths, six.
file a file. See also mistake after mistake.
fill: 參飽(す) [sambō(-su)]. Also, filled, satisfied.
final body: See body, final.
fine: 罰油 [batsu’yu], literally, oil for punishment. Monks are asked to pay for a small portion of oil for the lamps, when they make careless mistakes.
finger, raise one: 竪一指 [ju isshi]. Tianlong and his successor Juzhi raised one finger whenever asked a question.
fingers, snap: 彈指 [danshi]. Gesture for warning, awakening, approval, or cleansing.
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye Page 113