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Love Was Not an Option

Page 10

by Edward Kendrick

  Greg smiled, brushing his lips over Nick’s. “It took me long enough.”

  “I wasn’t going to point that out,” Nick replied with an elated laugh. Then he cupped Greg’s face in his hands, kissing him deeply. His happiness knew no bounds when Greg returned the kiss in a way that confirmed for Nick that he did love him, in spite of everything.

  Then Greg stepped away, wrinkling his nose. “You smell.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You do. Sort of like a hot, sweaty dog.”

  “Werewolf, thank you very much, although I think it’s your imagination.”

  “Nope. You weren’t home when I got here. I know because I looked. So my guess is you’ve been running. My second guess is, you did it as your werewolf.”

  “Right on both counts. I needed to. It was a rough day, to start with, and my emotions were running rampant. You know running helps me unwind, and when things are really off the rails, it works even better in my werewolf form.” He pulled Greg to him, kissing him again. “Without you here…”

  Greg kissed him back, murmuring against his lips. “To help you work off your frustrations?”

  “You could put it that way.”

  “I suppose, since you did run, you’re fine now.”

  “Um, no?”

  “So if I offered to go upstairs with you, to help you…relax?” Greg waggled his eyebrows.

  “I think you know what my answer will be.”

  It didn’t take much for Nick to convince Greg they wouldn’t need condoms from now on. “Being what I am, I can’t get sick, so…”

  “Makes sense to me,” Greg replied before doing his best to help Nick ‘relax.’

  * * * *

  Much, much later, Greg was lying with his head on Nick’s shoulder. They were both completely sated and close to falling asleep. Then he rose up on one elbow to look at Nick. “How did you explain to everyone why I wasn’t around?’’

  “I told them you got a job offer you couldn’t, and I wouldn’t let you, turn down.”

  “Oh boy. That’ll make it hard to explain why I’m back.”

  “Yeah. Especially since I’ve already hired someone else to take your place.” Nick managed to keep from laughing when he saw the look of shock on his lover’s face. “Not really. You’re irreplaceable. You’ll have to tell them you’re so passionately in love with me you changed your mind.”

  “Boy, are you asking for it,” Greg muttered, smacking Nick’s hip. “I am, of course, but I will not use that as an excuse.” He thought for a moment. “I’ll say the guy who was going to be my boss was an insufferable prick. Even more than you are.”

  “Gregory,” Nick growled.

  “Nikola,” Greg retorted. “I did remember right, yes?”

  “Yep. Niko, to my parents.”

  “Speaking of which, you said letting me come to my own decision was one reason why you wouldn’t let them look for me. What was the other?”

  “Mom hinted, if they found you, she’d make certain you came back.”

  It took Greg a moment to figure out what he meant. “You said she’s a vampire, meaning she could have compelled me to.”

  “Yep. I made her promise she wouldn’t, but she is a mother.”

  “With all the protective urges that come with it, just like mine. I think I’m very glad you didn’t let them search for me.” Greg settled down again. “It’s late and I guess we’d better get some sleep.”

  “I think so.”

  They kissed, and then did.

  Chapter 12

  Everyone at the ad agency accepted Greg’s explanation for why he’d returned, although there were several knowing looked exchanged between Nick’s employees. Looks Nick and Greg ignored.

  As the week progressed, everything got back to normal at work. On a personal level, Greg was spending so much time at Nick’s house he might as well have been living there. If it wasn’t for what he did for Kasper, Darwin, and a couple of others, Nick might have suggested it. The problem was, he was very certain Greg would be less than happy if he told him what that was, and there was no way he could figure out how to keep it a secret if they were living together.

  The problem became moot on Saturday morning. Kasper did something he had almost never done before. He emailed Nick at his personal, not his business address. Nick didn’t realize as he opened it that Greg had come into the room, bringing him coffee. As he set the cup down at Nick’s elbow, he glanced at Kasper’s message.

  “What does that mean, and why is he calling you Niko?” Greg asked.

  Nick looked up at him and winced. Since the message said Kasper needed him at his place immediately for a pressing job, Nick couldn’t lie and say he was an old friend from the past.

  “Promise you won’t run away again if I tell you,” Nick said.

  “It depends. What kind of job?” He rested his butt on the edge of the desk, looking at Nick, then smiled briefly. “If you tell me you’re a secret agent, I guess I can deal with it. If you’re a hit man, not so much so.”

  “Yeah, well…” Nick scrubbed a hand through his hair. “I am, sort of. Not a hit man per se. Because of what I am, I work for some other supernaturals when a human finds out we exist.”

  Greg pushed off the desk, took two steps away, then turned back to look at him. “Like me.”

  Nick nodded. “Don’t worry, you’re safe. They don’t know that you know.”

  “So far.” Greg crossed his arms over his chest. “What do you about these humans?”

  “Best case scenario, I go into their minds and erase any memories of us.”

  “Why you? Aren’t there other vampires who could do that? And what if it’s not a best case scenario, as you put it?”

  “There are other vampires, and my friends have a couple on tap, other than me, that they use. If there’s a reason why wiping their minds isn’t enough, then further steps have to be taken.”

  “You kill them,” Greg replied angrily.

  “If their knowledge has led to the deaths of one of us, then yes. If you’ll listen, I’ll give you an example. Then perhaps you’ll understand why it’s necessary.”

  “I…All right. It had better be a good one.” Greg sat, staring stonily at Nick.

  “There was a human who married a werewolf, although obviously he didn’t know that’s what she was. As you know by now, since you said you did some research, true werewolves have to shift when the moon is full.”

  Greg nodded. “I take it the man, what, followed her when she disappeared once too often?”

  “Yes. Then, he killed her and went after his step-daughter, figuring she was one, too. He would have killed her as well, but she teleported away before he could.”

  “Hold on. That’s something they, and you, can do? It’s not a myth?”

  “No, Greg, it’s not. Anyway, this man had a woman on the side who knew what he’d done and why. Our only recourse was to eliminate them before they let the world know werewolves existed, and perhaps went on a killing spree trying to eradicate them, as well.”

  Greg shuddered. “I can see why you thought you had to do it, but couldn’t you have wiped their minds, instead?”

  “He murdered one of our own. We don’t take that lightly.”

  “I guess…I suppose I can understand, but damn, Nick.” Greg stared down at his clenched hands. “How many times…?”

  “A few as possible,” Nick replied. “Only when it’s absolutely necessary. And, since you came into my life, never.”

  “You’re telling me the truth?” Greg looked directly at him, as if to gauge his reply.

  “Yes, love, I am.” He held up a hand to stop Greg from saying anything. “That is not to say, if it comes down a case like the one I just told you about, I won’t kill the killer. However, in my defense, I have dealt with what we call rogues who have gone after humans. It goes both ways.”

  Greg nodded. “I’m going to have to process this, so why don’t you go do what you have to for that guy you work for
. Don’t worry; I’ll be here when you get back.”



  * * * *

  “It took you long enough to get here,” Kasper said sourly when Niko arrived at his home.

  “Sorry, I was doing something important and didn’t get on the computer until a few minutes ago.”

  Kasper lifted an eyebrow. “In bed with your human lover?”

  Niko looked at him in shock. “You know? I only told you we were friends.”

  “No, Niko, you said you were interested in him. It’s moved beyond that.” Kasper pointed a finger at him. “You should remember, there’s very little we don’t know about the people who work with us. We don’t like surprises. I hope he has no idea what you are.”

  “Good lord, no,” Niko replied, very glad at the moment that Kasper was a vampire. If he’d been a werewolf, he would have sensed Niko’s lie. As it was, he was shielding his thoughts, but he always did, no matter what, so Kasper wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d tried to read them and couldn’t.

  “Keep it that way,” Kasper ordered.

  “I plan on it. Now, why did you need me so badly you emailed me at home?”

  When Kasper told him, Niko was relieved to find out he wouldn’t have to do more than wipe three humans’ minds, the man who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw a werewolf shift, and two friends he’d elatedly told about it. The werewolf had immediately gotten in touch with Kasper, who had told him not to deal with them himself. The werewolf had reluctantly agreed. The only reason Niko been given the assignment was the fact they lived halfway around the world and only spoke French. It was hard to replace memories if the one doing so didn’t speak the subject’s language.

  It took half the day to complete the job—thanks in part to the rest stops Niko had to make to replenish his energy before teleporting to his next destination—both going to France and then returning home.

  * * * *

  Nick got back to the house, landing in the basement since he knew it was the one place he could be certain Greg wouldn’t see him teleporting in. One step at a time, he figured. Although he knows I do, it could be a bit of a shock to have me suddenly appear in front of him.

  He found Greg seated at the computer. Because anything relating to Nick’s extracurricular work was stored in heavily encrypted files, and getting into his email required a complex password, he wasn’t worried that Greg might find out something he didn’t want him to know.

  “Playing games?” Nick asked with a laugh as he entered the room.

  Greg jumped and shook his head. “Research, for what it’s worth.” They shared a kiss then he showed Nick the site he was on at the moment. “Before you think I’m crazy, I figured out a way to keep your people from deciding I had to be dealt with, if they found out I know what you are.”

  “Which won’t happen,” Nick replied firmly, despite the fact they knew about Greg, as Kasper had pointed out.

  “You can’t say that for certain.”

  “True, I’m afraid.” Nick read the first two paragraphs of the article on the screen then shook his head. “Not happening. Do you know what you’d be getting into?”

  “I understand I could only be around from dusk to dawn.” Greg smiled wryly. “It would play hell with my working for you, but…”

  “No shit. And that’s only one of the problems we’d be facing. In the first place, in case you think it’s possible, I can’t turn you.”

  Greg looked at him in surprise. “You can’t? But you’re a vampire, or at least part vampire.”

  “Therein lays the problem. Think of me as a mule. They’re hybrids and can’t reproduce. I can’t turn anyone for the same basic reason. It’s just not possible.”

  “Okay. That sucks.” Greg tapped his lips in thought. “But,” he finally said, “You’re mother could do it.”

  “Could and would are two different things,” Nick replied. “If she likes you, and how could she not, she might not be willing to put you through what it involves.”

  “I can be very convincing,” Greg said. “I love you, I don’t want anyone taking that away from me by making me forget you exist. No way, no how. End of story. So the only solution is to turn me so I’m a supernatural, too.”

  If Nick thought Greg loved him before, now he knew he hadn’t even come close to understanding what love truly meant. Greg was willing to sacrifice life as he knew it to be with him. That was the ultimate expression of love, as far as Nick was concerned.

  “It won’t be easy,” he said quietly, putting his arms around Greg.

  “I want to be with you, now and always. You know that. If doing this means I won’t lose you, and you won’t lose me, isn’t it worth it?”

  “Yes.” Nick kissed him gently. “Yes, it is. Now all we have to do is get my mother to agree.” After kissing him again, Nick said, “I’ll call her now to let her know we’ll be there Sunday night.”

  “Why wait? It’s not that late. At least not for her. Or is it? Where do they live?”

  “About an hour north of New York City, so it’s after dark there. But we have work tomorrow, so let’s stick to the weekend. Okay?” Greg nodded as Nick took out his phone. When Jelena answered, he said, “Feel like some company, say Saturday night?”

  “Of course we do. What’s the occasion?”

  Nick laughed. “I need one to come visit you?”

  “Sometimes it seems like it,” she grumbled. Then she perked up. “You found him.”

  “More like he’s come back of his own free will. I know, I know, I should have called as soon as it happened. Mea culpa.”

  “Niko, what are we going to do with you?”

  “Remember you love me, despite my faults? I’m bringing him with me, by the way.”

  “I would certainly hope so.” She chuckled. “I hope he doesn’t get airsick.”

  “I doubt it.” Nick said it, but it occurred to him she might have a point. “Okay, we’ll see you in a couple of days.”

  After Nick hung up, Greg said, “This should be interesting.”

  “Meeting them?”

  “That, too, but how are we getting there? Are we going fly, or—” he looked hopefully at Nick, “will you teleport us?”

  “Teleport. It’s quicker and cheaper.”

  * * * *

  “That was weird,” Greg said soon after dark on Saturday evening. “I think my stomach is still back at home.” He looked around. “They live in the middle of a corn field?”

  Nick had dropped them at the edge of one, where he knew they’d be well out of view of any road or farm house in the area. “Nope. It takes energy to teleport,” he replied. “I need a few minutes to recoup before the next hop.”

  “Good. Maybe my stomach will have caught up with us by then.”

  “Are you okay? You look a bit pale?” Nick asked in concern.

  “I’m fine.” Greg took a few deep breaths. “Yeah. I’m good.”

  They made it to Nick’s parents’ home ten minutes after he’d promised they would when he’d called to let his mother know they were on their way.

  Jelena opened the door seconds after they landed on the porch, enfolding Nick in a tight embrace. Then she stepped back, surveying Greg. “So you’re the young man Niko has told us about. I’m Jelena, Niko’s mother.”

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Greg replied, not meeting her gaze. “Although I’m not really young.”

  She laughed. “It’s all in the perspective. By the way, despite what Niko may have told you about me, I have no intention of reading your mind. I believe in privacy. Come in, come in.” She took Greg’s hand. “Let me show you around.”

  She did, on the main floor, before they went out to the patio. “Étienne, this is Greg, Niko’s young man,” she said by way of introduction when her husband came across the yard to join them.

  “Greg Tyson, sir,” Greg said, holding out his hand.

  Étienne shook it, then suggested they sit. “
We’re having our after-dinner wine, Greg,” he said, gesturing to the glasses and the bottle sitting on the table. “If you’d prefer something else we have coffee, beer, you name it.”

  Nick bit back a laugh when Greg eyed Jelena’s glass speculatively. “It really is wine, not blood,” he said, giving Greg a hug.

  “I knew that. Wine is fine with me, sir,” Greg replied to Étienne’s question.

  “Greg,” Jelena said as she sat. “Please stop being so formal. I’m Jelena, he’s Étienne, not ma’am and sir.”

  Greg dipped his head in acknowledgment, thanking Étienne when he handed him a glass of wine.

  “Now, tell us all about yourself, Greg,” Jelena said.

  “Mom, can you leave the interrogation until later and let him relax?” Nick asked.

  “It’s okay,” Greg told him before turning to her. “I’m twenty-seven. I work for Nick, which I’m sure he’s told you. But we met before I applied for the job.” He went on to tell her the details. He ended by saying, smiling at Nick, “We became friends then lovers.”

  “And then we fell in love, although I damned near screwed that up, as you know,” Nick added.

  “You did what was necessary,” Étienne put in. “You can’t build a relationship on lies and secrets.”

  “Exactly.” Nick looked at his parents. “Now, we need your help, or Mom’s to be precise. Because Greg’s human, and knows about us, it could put him in the sights of the men I work with.”

  “I presume he’s promised not to reveal what he knows,” Étienne said.

  “Of course I have,” Greg replied. “But from what Nick’s told me, they still might send someone, not him obviously, to deal with me. I do not want my memories wiped away.”

  “Quite understandable,” Jelena said, giving him a serious look. “You want me to turn you, to keep that from happening. Do you know what it involves?”

  “I did some reading online. Probably not the best source for information I know, since it’s all speculative.”

  “Indeed it is,” she replied dryly. “There is a kernel of truth to the stories, however.” She took Greg’s hand. “You will have to endure almost insurmountable pain during the turning.”


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