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Build-A-Harem- The Island Collection

Page 26

by Zachariah Dracoulis

  It was like one of those comfy-looking fields of flowers from the cartoons, you know, the ones that the heroes flop onto and slowly sink into like a memory foam mattress.

  “Pretty cool, huh?” K’ryea asked as she leaped and spun, landing on the flowers and proving that it was just as fluffy as it looked, “There’s a few of these around the island, but I haven’t told the others about this one.”

  “Why not?” I asked before slowly approaching the sweet-smelling flowers.

  “I don’t know, sometimes you just need a place to yourself, you know? Somewhere you know no one’s ever going to bother you at.”

  “I s’pose I get that…” I murmured as I slowly eased my way onto the flowers, their soft petals welcoming me like a feathery mattress.

  “Oh, come on,” K’ryea laughed before grabbing and pulling me onto the incredibly soft flowers, “you aren’t going to hurt them if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Heh, honestly? I’m just scared of getting swarmed again.” I joked after accepting that I wasn’t just going to sink straight to the dirt and got comfortable.

  “Yeah, I saw that,” K’ryea giggled then apparently instantly regretted, “I mean… like…”

  “Don’t worry, I figured you guys would’ve been at least keeping half an eye on me since we met up.” I said with a smile, “Isn’t a whole lot to do on the island other than people watch.”

  K’ryea let out an amused little sound at that, “I’m sure there’s something else we can do.”

  “Yeah? Like what?” I asked, the flowers rendering me clueless as I looked up at the canopy and felt an undeniable level of peace settle over me.

  Yes, that was the second time she’d brought it up and I’d been confused, and no, I don’t think that indicates a problem with my brain.

  It’s not like K’ryea minded anyway, as proven by the fact that instead of answering me she went ahead and climbed on top of me, smiling as she did so.

  “Oh…” I breathed out embarrassedly as she shuffled around into a comfortable position, surprising me with the warmth against my newly awakened cock, “Yes, yes there is something else we can do.”

  Not going to lie, there was a moment there where I started to worry that K’ryea was messing with my brain using her psychic powers and making it so I became increasingly stupid.

  And then she grinded against me and I realized it had nothing to do with psychic powers.


  Now, I didn’t know if it was because I was fitter or simply that K’ryea was significantly lighter than the other girls I’d been with, but having her on top of me in no way restricted my ability to move around.

  Granted my pants were still on, but as I sat up and wrapped one of my arms around K’ryea’s lower back and used my free hand to cup the back of her neck I couldn’t help but feel like the whole thing was easier.

  I wasn’t going to kiss her yet though, I was far too focused in losing myself in her eyes as she struggled to smile at me past the obvious elation she felt with my growing cock reaching its full size and pushing against her.

  “Do you…” she breathed out, biting her lip as she grinded against me, “do you want to get those pants off?”

  I pretended to think on it for a second, then shook my head and smiled, “No, I think I’ll go ahead and let you suffer for a little while.”

  K’ryea made an expression of faux anger at that, pouty lips and all, but offered no sort of rebuttal as her eyes slipped closed and she pushed against me once more.

  At first I wanted to kiss her lips, if only to see if they were as soft as they looked, but right before I made contact I changed course and instead started laying little pecks along the nape of her neck, pulling her hair to the side as I did so.

  “Come on,” K’ryea half-laughed, half-moaned, “how is that in any way fair?”

  “It’s not supposed to be fair,” I replied between kisses, “it’s supposed to be fun.”

  “For who?” K’ryea asked, the last half of the question coming out as little more than heavy breath.

  “Who do you think?” I said with a smirk before putting my thighs and core to work and pushing up into the practically salivating K’ryea, causing a surprised gasp followed swiftly by a quiet giggle to escape her lips.

  As much as I was pretending it didn’t faze me at all, the truth was I’d started to sort of torment myself, and before long the urge to pull off my pants was getting overwhelming.

  And then K’ryea took off her shirt.

  Now, at that point I’d already seen her breasts a couple of times, but, man, context matters.

  The breasts themselves were perky, yes, but, thanks to the situation, her nipples were rock-hard and braille-like goosebumps had washed over her skin.

  I wanted to kick my pants off right then and there, though I managed to control myself and instead went to work on moving my kisses down to her phenomenal tits, which, unsurprisingly, led to her chest heaving as her breaths became heavier and heavier.

  K’ryea went to say something that probably had to do with me hurrying up and getting to the real fun part, but she stopped as I pulled the hand I had on her neck around to her left breast and gently squeezed.

  Honestly, I think that was the last straw for the both of us.

  Without shifting her off me, I used the hand I’d had on her back to force my pants down, realizing only once they were around my ankles that I could’ve used the Toolbox to get them off.

  I didn’t focus on that for too long though, Hell, I couldn’t focus on that because almost as soon as I’d kicked off what had become a mostly useless barrier between K’ryea and I the dark wood elf had taken it upon herself to quickly, if slightly awkwardly, get herself into position and push down, gasping out as she took my full length in one go.

  I’m not going to bag on her too much, she’d gotten the job done, but I can almost guarantee that if she hadn’t been so, ahem, ‘ready’ she’d have probably done some damage to me.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’d figured it had been a while since she’d ‘known a man’ and that there would be some clunkiness, however I hadn’t expected her to be so eager.

  And yes, I know for a fact it was eagerness, not just because she slammed down on me with all the patience and calm of a lion with a steak, but also because once she was happy with her position she started to ride me like a bronco.

  “God I’ve missed this…” K’ryea moaned between hasty rocks as I moved my hands down to her ass and gave it a firm squeeze.

  “Is that… a fact?” I asked with a weak laugh as she lifted her legs up and put them around my back one at a time.

  The position change was, in a word, awesome.

  Suddenly I could go deeper and, without the small but still present weight on my legs, was able to get some leverage and actually push up into her with a lot more ease.

  “Oh God…” K’ryea murmured before wrapping her arms around my back and grabbing a handful of my hair as I felt a familiar tightness around my cock.

  I wanted to ask if she was being serious, I mean, we’d barely been going for a minute, but before I could get the chance her chest began to truly heave, her moans turned to cries, and, with one final but powerful push, threw her head back and came.

  Naturally, I was somewhat thrown.

  It wasn’t like the threesome where someone else was about to jump right over, and I didn’t exactly want to make her do a whole bunch of work after she’d clearly just gotten one of the most powerful releases she’d had in a while.

  “A-are you good?” I asked as she continued to slowly, almost automatically rock against me.

  “Mmmhm…” K’ryea sighed happily before burying her face in my shoulder with a slightly embarrassed smile, “You still seem pretty... solid.”

  “Heh, yeah.” I murmured.

  “Do… do you want me to do something about that?” K’ryea asked without lifting her face away from my shoulder.

  Unsurprisingly, I wanted t
o say yes.

  I wanted so badly to finish, but for some reason I just couldn’t bring myself to ask her to ‘help me’.

  I don’t know, I guess it was empathy.

  “I’m alright,” I lied in my most convincing voice ever, “I’ll… I’m sure I’ll figure out something later.”

  “Good,” K’ryea breathed with a sigh of relief as she finally pulled herself off of me and sat down on my thighs, “I don’t think I’m really up for a whole lot of moving around.”

  Not going to lie, I wasn’t really looking forward to the prospect of what I was sure was going to be just about the worst case of blue balls I’d ever had, but at the same time it felt kind of nice to just have her cuddling me.

  “Okay, break it up.” a familiar voice said as someone came out of the jungle behind us.

  “Hello, Red,” I replied after K’ryea had shot up and started looking around for the source of the voice, “how long have you been back there?”

  “Longer than you’d probably like,” Red said with a smirk as she came around to stand in front of me, “hurry up, K’ryea, off you go.”

  K’ryea, unsurprisingly, wasn’t all too happy with being told to move, although she didn’t seem particularly interested in finding out what Red would do if she didn’t listen.

  So, with a quick kiss on my cheek, K’ryea got up, found her shirt, smiled at me, and left.

  “That was rude,” I said once K’ryea was well and truly gone, “I don’t expect much else from you, but still, could’ve played it a bit cooler, don’t you think?”

  “Eh,” Red replied, regarding my throbbing member with an almost hungry expression, “I’m sure she’ll get over it. Besides, your needs matter too.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t call them ‘needs’,” I chuckled while pretending to ignore that Red was pacing in front of me in a way that concernedly reminded me of a lion about to eat its prey, “but yeah, thanks.”

  No words were spoken for a little while after that, instead Red just went on looking at me like a piece of meat, apparently trying to figure out how she wanted to ‘eat’ me.

  Truthfully, I was actually kind of worried.

  “So,” I said, trying my best not to sound awkward as a flick of her tail made my cock jump slightly, “how’s it feel?”

  “How’s what feel?” Red asked distractedly.

  “To finally be a part of the harem?” I replied.

  I think that’s when Red finally made up her mind or, at least, decided to enact her plan, and gestured for me to grab her hand.

  “It doesn’t feel all that different,” she said as I grabbed her hand, which she promptly pulled and got me to my feet in nothing flat, “I mean, I still find you attractive, I’m sure you still find me attractive, and… well, it just sort of unlocks things in my brain if that makes any sense.”

  “Sure does…” I trailed off, struggling not to verbally draw the comparison between her and a videogame character as she led me towards a tree before planting both of her hands on it and arching her back so her ass was very… prominent

  “No anal,” Red practically snapped as she wiggled her ass in my direction, “you haven’t quite earned that yet.”

  There was a part of me that wanted to tempt fate because… well, truth be told it was probably just that I was horny, but I quickly managed to suppress that urge and instead walked up behind her, planted one hand on her ass, and used the other to guide myself, making sure to rub the head of my cock just inside her.

  The result was exactly as I expected in that after a mere few seconds Red had let out an irritated groan and pushed back against me, knocking my hand out of the way and getting about half of me in before stopping.

  “Well,” Red said past a surprised breath, “that’s certainly not what I expected.”

  “Trust me, we haven’t even gotten started.” I added with a grin before thrusting hard, something I almost immediately regretted as I got hit in the face with one of her wings.

  “Oh, yeah, probably should’ve thought of that,” Red chuckled breathlessly after realizing I wasn’t moving anymore, “just give me a second…”

  I’m not sure if it was that she needed time to mentally collect herself or if it was simply that it took her some time to actually perform the spell, but it was at least a full ten seconds before her wings disappeared.

  Not being one to waste time, I went ahead and decided to surprise her with another quick, hard thrust, causing her to gasp and let out a little laugh.

  “Now, aren’t you quite the specimen?” Red giggled between thrusts and moans as I got into a steady rhythm.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked, grabbing a handful of her bright red ass and using my free hand to pull her hips towards me.

  “Well, I just figured someone as…” Red murmured as a wave of pleasure cascaded over her, causing one of her legs to tremble slightly and her toes to dig into the dirt, “submissive as you wouldn’t be particularly ‘gifted’.”

  “Good genetics,” I half-joked before thrusting deeper than I had been, which elicited another, louder gasp from the succubus, “and what the Hell do you mean submissive?”

  “The whole thing with you always having the girl on top,” Red replied, pushing against me in an obvious attempt to get me to go deeper again, “I mean, I’m sure you’ve had the odd moment or two where you’ve been allowed to take charge, but…”

  “Well I’m sorry for being polite,” I said without trying to sound too offended, “besides, it’s always been easier that way. The girl gets what she wants and… well, I ain’t exactly hard. To. Please.”

  Red clearly hadn’t been expecting the three hard thrusts I’d finished my sentence with, proven by the fact that her legs damn near looked about ready to give out.

  Nevertheless, she persisted.

  “Still though, wouldn’t hurt if you showed some actual balls,” Red got out between her sporadic moans and heavy breaths as she struggled to stay on her feet before shooting me a cheeky look over her shoulder, “a girl likes to be told what to do once in a while.”

  “Maybe you,” I replied before running my hand up her back and grabbing her shoulder, “and trust me when I say not everyone’s like you.”

  “Oh, no one’s like me, honey,” Red laughed as best as she could, “but that doesn’t change the fact that you could at least show some initiative.”

  “Okay, fine,” I said with a roll of my eyes before pulling the both of us away from the tree, surprising Red, and then gently pushing her off of me, “you want me to show some initiative? Fine.”

  “What’s this?” Red asked, still thoroughly breathless but clearly intrigued.

  “Lay down.” I replied with a smirk, “Now.”

  Red bit her lip at that and smiled, “That’s more like it,” she said before doing as I said and laying on the flowers, “and here I thought you were just going to be timid for life.”

  “I’m full of surprises.” I chuckled, not least because I was actually kind of surprising myself the most, before getting in position above her and pushing in.

  No warning.

  No testing the waters.

  Just one hard thrust.

  Naturally, Red whimpered, the sudden act having apparently caught her off-guard, but she was still smiling like she was completely pleased with herself.

  If I’m being a hundred percent honest, I think she was mostly just getting off on the fact that her jabs at me had paid off.

  That didn’t matter to me though, it felt good to be on top, and as I continued to push into her with long, hard thrusts I couldn’t help but feel like I was in control.

  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t obsessed with the idea of being in control, but there was something fun about watching Red moan as each of my powerful thrusts caused her breasts to jiggle, bringing to mind a 3D version of the ripple effect in Jurassic Park.

  And then she started to get close.

  It wasn’t like with anyone else I’d been with though, I couldn’
t just feel her tightening around me and starting to really shake and tremble.

  It wasn’t just that her moans were getting inaudible as she struggled to regulate her breathing.

  It was this connection, this innate thing that told me that she was about to finish, and that very same thing made me quickly begin to reach the point of no return.

  “Faster…” Red pleaded, which I happily obliged.

  I was getting closer.

  And closer.

  And closer.

  Her face contorted in a mix of pleasure and amusement, my newfound strength helping me to stay up as opposed to simply pushing our bodies together, it was all proving to be too much.

  I didn’t want it to end though, I’d barely had any time in the new position, but it was too late, and, with one final drive that made Red practically squeal, I came.

  And that’s when I discovered that succubi pussies weren’t what you’d call traditional.

  No, instead of the delightfully pleasurable throbbing that normally followed sex I felt my cock getting massaged.

  At first I wanted to panic and get out of there like I had with the blowjob, but then I saw Red had taken to gently biting down on her fingertip with a smile as her eyes fluttered about without actually opening.

  There was no animalism, no rabid, insatiable hunger, it was almost… sweet.

  There was a kind of innocence to it and, after a few seconds, she was done.

  Revitalized and whole, Red looked up at me and smiled, “That was very… nice.”

  “Nice?” I scoffed with grin before pulling out of her and flopping down onto the petals beside her, “I reckon that goes a bit higher on the scale than ‘nice’.”

  “For you maybe,” Red replied, “not to say I didn’t thoroughly enjoy it, but there’s still the undeniable aura of a beginner about you.”

  “Yeah, yeah…” I chuckled, burying my face into the soft flowers, “Thanks, by the way.”


  “The whole thing with not leaving me hanging?” I replied, “I was ready to just accept cuddles and you came over and demanded the floor.”

  Red shrugged at that, “Figured my first act as a member of the harem would be to do something useful. Speaking of…”


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