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Page 23

by G J Moses

  Looking around the room, Zeke could see that all present agreed with that opinion, be they from New Providence or the RGN. “Well, even though the RGN does not normally agree with that opinion, there are exceptions. And maybe, we can get a small payback here.”

  “Isolde, if you would, please bring up your third planned layer of mines.” While Isolde did that, Zeke grabbed a controller. “If you don’t mind, I will take over from here.”

  Everyone waited patiently as Zeke took a few moments to build his display. Finally, Zeke signaled he was ready.

  Now being displayed were icons of their two ships positioned just past the second layer of mines. “What if we gave them some incentive for them to rush into the third layer?” asked Zeke.

  On the display, they watched as Zeke, not near as competent as Isolde in handling simulations, replayed the Chohish when they hit the second layer of mines. As the Chohish were fleeing the minefield, they now ran straight into MK-XIIs being fired by the two ships.

  “My plan is to hit the lead Chohish elements just as they exit the second mine field. We will fire and run. I believe the Chohish may be so pissed by that time, they will follow us at maximum speed without stopping to regroup. My thought is, we deploy the last mine field far enough from the second one to allow the Chohish the belief that there are no more. All they need to do now is to catch up to us where their overwhelming odds should finish us off.”

  “Isolde, please, I need your help with the simulations, some things are beyond me.” whereupon most in the room laughed as the display was now showing the Chohish and RGN fleets now mixed together and interspersed with the asteroids on the left side of the tunnel.

  In short order, Isolde had the simulation straightened out. With a few chuckles still resonating around the room, Zeke resumed. “With the third layer of mines scattered across the tunnel, with the Chohish following close behind, we will fly right through them.”

  The simulation showed the two fleets as they progressed towards the mines. Within a short time, the RGN fleet was passing through the mines. The RGN ships, having the appropriate recognition signals, were left alone. The Chohish were not so lucky, they were targeted.

  While everyone was watching this, Zeke had moved over to stand a bit closer to Isolde. Whispering into Isolde’s ear, the simulation slowed down to show that after getting through the mine field, the two RGN ships slowed and finally turned around to face the Chohish ships. Both ships now raced towards the enemy with all the fighters leading.

  “My intentions are to destroy whatever has survived the mines. If we can do this, we may be able to extend our stay at Nocuous before enemy reinforcements show up. Of course, we have to survive what we meet at Nocuous, but we desperately need some rest and time to make repairs. That is, if they do not have other resources, we are not aware of. I am also working off the assumption that the fleet chasing us will be in the makeup of six ships. It is critical we get some accurate readings on what is following us. Any more than six and we just run. Can do?”

  “Possible, no guarantees, but it will require that we use some of the transmitters we have been trying to save. We are running short of them in inventory.” answered Will.

  “Use them, we may be committing suicide if we go in blind. As far as the fighters, my thought was to have them all position themselves beyond the planned position of the third layer of mines. They will hook up with us and take the lead once we get turned around. Jeanne, tell your crew, time for some retribution. Work for you?” questioned Zeke.

  Jeanne stood up straight while Jan moved in close beside her. “This sounds like something right up our alley. Do you want the Fox to still stay in your shadow?”

  “No, now we need the Fox to be where she belongs, beside us. We need to hit them with everything we have. I am counting on the Fox being a surprise for them. The first few minutes will decide who comes out at the end.”

  “Thoughts? Anyone think I am being too aggressive? Any suggestions? Meghan?”

  “I like it Zeke, everyone over here agrees. Let’s take it to them while we can.”

  Looking at Jeanne, Zeke raised his eyebrows in question.

  “I do have one suggestion. What if we unloaded a couple magazines of MK-XIIs and positioned them just before the third layer of mines. After we turn and start back through the third layer, use these to give the Chohish something to think about besides us. Keep their attention elsewhere when they hit the third layer.” Jeanne suggested.

  “That is an excellent idea. Meghan, Will, make it happen. Ladies and gentlemen, if everyone is in concurrence, we have a lot to do to prepare. Any follow up questions?”

  When it was obvious no one had a question, Zeke thanked everyone and wished everyone good hunting. As everyone stood and made their way out, Jeanne signaled Jan to go on while she stayed behind.

  Surprised, as he expected Jeanne to leave with Jan whom he saw walk out the door with Khalessi, Zeke raised his eyebrows quizzically when Jeanne walked up to him. But not near as surprised when Jeanne grabbed him by the back of his head to pull him into a deep kiss. Surprised but definitely not objecting, Zeke grabbed Jeanne by the waist to pull her in even tighter.

  The kiss went on for a good minute or so before Jeanne pulled away. “Something for you to remember me by in case we do not meet again. “. With that, Jeanne swung her hat up to place it so it seductively shaded her eyes. “Until later, my friend, you take care of yourself because I have plans for you.” With that, Jeanne turned on her heals and walked out while whistling a lively tune into the hall where Jan had discretely been waiting.

  Recovering quickly, Zeke murmured to himself while caressing his lips with his hand. “You too my dear, you too. I am very interested in these plans of yours myself, I hope they match mine.” Shaking his head, Zeke started whistling the same tune as Jeanne as he made his way to his command chair. As he settled down, he looked around to see everyone staring at him. “What?”


  The tension on the bridge was palpable. All arrangements had been completed and been waiting for a Chohish contact for several hours.

  The Lucky Strike and Fox were facing the departure area of the second layer of mines. They were getting sensors readings from all three layers and no new contacts had been established so far. Were all their planning and preparations for naught? Did the Chohish decide not to send any ships through the tunnel, but keep their forces together and go around?

  They could not sit here much longer if they planned to do anything at Nocuous. Just as Zeke was about to make the decision to turn around and resume traveling onto Nocuous, a bandaged Caspian yelled “contact!!” just a second or two before Will reported the same.

  Listening to the report from Caspian and Will, it was obvious that the hours of waiting had taken a toll. Both sounded edgy and exhausted. Using the controls on his chair, Zeke brought up the images reflecting the devastation of Niflhel on the ship screens, saving the center console screen on the bridge to show Titus surrounded by the bodies of the family he and Zeke buried, holding a dead child in his arms.

  “People, remember what we are fighting here. Remember this vision when you are tired, when you are ready to give up, when you think you cannot can go on. This is what will happen again unless we stop them. We are here for a reason, to halt this type of atrocity. Remember, this is why YOU, WE are here.”

  It was evident that the pictures had the desired effect. The tightening of the eyes, the straightening of tired shoulders, entire postures shifting in response.

  Parsing through the data his systems were supplied, Caspian put together a summary that he sent on to Isolde. If felt good to be back at work, but he sure missed Juan.

  “We have contacts in the first layer. Sensors are indicating there are four… no, wait… five… six ships in total. Confirmed, six ships. Makeup coming in now… damn… lost a sensor array… second sensor coming online… one large… two mediums…” Isolde turned to look at Zeke with admiration when she finished with
“three smaller ships.”

  Will picked up where Isolde left off. “Ship damage now being registered… wow… they got caught with their pants down. Lost another sensor platform. The third and last sensor platform coming online. Isolde, did you catch that?” yelled an amazed Will.

  “Yes, the second sensor reported the same as the third before we lost it. One of the medium ships disappeared. Only debris recording in the area the ship was in. Multiple hits are being reported on all the other ships.” reported an excited Isolde.

  “They are through the first layer; it will be a few moments before they enter the second layer.” Caspian updated

  Zeke hit the red alert button on the arm of his chair “General quarters. General quarters. All hands, man your battle stations.”

  “Captain Kennedy, is the Fox ready?” inquired Zeke.

  “Fox is primed and ready. Waiting on your signal.” responded Captain Meghan Kennedy.

  “Meghan, as we discussed earlier, you are to fire missiles only. You are not to get in energy range. I repeat, do not get in energy range. It is a hit and run. Unload as many MK-XIIs as possible in two minutes and then turn around and run. We will be right beside you. Confirmed?” ordered Zeke.

  “Copy that Zeke, fire for two minutes and then run.” responded Meghan.

  Some of the crew looked around nervously while waiting for the Chohish to enter the second layer. Several of these were on their first tour and the constant tension was getting to them.

  Watching them, Zeke smiled inwardly. It was no different each time they went out. The only difference between the veterans and newbies before a battle was that the veterans were able to control their nervousness. They may look calm and collected, but all, even Zeke himself, felt some trepidation. There were too many unknowns not to be.

  “We lost all the sensors in the first layer and I am holding off on powering up the sensors in the second layer until I believe they have entered. I estimate another ten minutes.”

  “Okay people, we have a few moments, let’s take a moment to relax. Stand, flex, do whatever you do to relieve some of your tension. “Zeke calmly said.

  Several stood, some stretched, others just lowered their heads, while others looked around and smiled. Zeke knew that moments like this made a huge difference later. But he had one more trick up his sleeve.

  “Isolde… Gunner… no, you do not have time to run to either of your rooms.” Zeke said sternly in his command voice. But all knew he was saying it in jest after seeing the smile on his face.

  A blushing Isolde grabbed Gunners arm to smother her laugh in while Gunner calmly replied. “Captain, I agree. Would it be okay if we used your private conference room? We will only need a few moments or so.”

  “Speak for yourself young man” teased Isolde.

  Laugher bellowed out of Zeke followed by most of the crew when Gunner looked at him with raised eyebrows in mock seriousness.

  “Turning on one of the sensors.” Will informed everyone.

  “Stations everyone, it is time to show these Chohish a thing or two.” Zeke said with no humor now in his voice.

  The buckling of harnesses sounded loud in the sudden quiet. It was obvious as he looked around, that the moment of humor and relaxation helped greatly. Even the most junior of the crew looked ready for the action to come.

  The silence was broken by Isolde with an update from the sensor readings. “Five ships just entered the second layer. The missile mines are engaging. Many have been intercepted, but a good many are getting through. Multiple impacts, debris from all ships. Damn, we lost the sensor. Will?”

  “Bringing on both remaining sensors. Hopefully we can keep one up until they are through.” Will said out loud without taking his attention away from his controls.

  “Wow, something big happened… lots of debris. Reading hits on all ships. Wait… missing one of the destroyers…” Isolde said while frantically trying to read all the data coming in.

  “They are about to exit the second layer. Forty-five seconds… Isolde was correct, they lost another ship… small, one of the destroyers. Again, they got pretty banged up. They are not even taking time to destroy the sensor platforms, just trying to get out of the mines range.” updated Will.

  “All ships FIRE!!” ordered Zeke.

  The lucky Strike rocked with the discharge of the MK-XIIs. All working tubes discharged at once.

  “Here they come….” an excited Caspian yelled.

  The main screen displayed the arrival of the four Chohish ships. All the ships looked heavily battered.

  It felt like hours, but it was only two minutes after they had started firing, when Zeke punched the intercom and communications channel to the Fox. “Ok, people, let’s go meet Jeanne and Hawke.” Zeke coolly ordered.

  None of the enemy ships were firing missiles. The Lucky Strike and the Fox must register on their sensors. Why? He did not know, but Zeke was not about to let a gift horse go to waste.

  “Send in the MK-XIIs and let them cover our retreat. Set to Fire and Forget. Confirm when on their way.” ordered Zeke.

  “On their way… our first wave is a few minutes away…” updated Will.

  The tension was building as the two ships turned and started back to meet the fighters.

  “Missiles getting through their point defense.” an excited Isolde exclaimed.

  “They lost another small ship… drifting powerless. No power readings coming from it. They have one large, one medium and one small ship left. All are showing major damage, but none seem to have lost any propulsion.” announced Caspian.

  “Air and debris are leaking from all ships. I cannot believe they are not targeting the sensor arrays. That allowed our missiles to make use of their sensor data and increase their accuracy exponentially.” a disbelieving Isolde stated.

  “Looks like they finally see us. They are cranking up their speed in our direction. Holy hell… they must have lost a lot of their point defense. Four MK-XIIs just hit the remaining small ship with no countermeasure fire at all. Scratch another destroyer” an excited Gunner exclaimed. He was standing just behind Isolde.

  Hearing the strength and tone of Gunner’s exclamation made Zeke smile. Battle adrenaline sure does seem to bring people back to normal faster than when at rest. “Good to have him back… we need his expertise!” a pleased Zeke thought. “Strap in Gunner, it is going to get rough soon.”

  “We are entering the third layer of mines” announced Isolde. “Enemy ships are thirteen minutes behind us. Wait… Captain, we have confirmation of enemy missile launch. Nine missiles. Five from the battleship and four from the cruiser.”

  And again, the waiting. Minutes slowly ticked by.

  The bridge was deadly quiet until Caspian excitedly exclaimed. “Targeting of the missiles seems to be lacking… they must have lost a lot of sensor and communication arrays… the four missiles from the cruiser are veering off following our dummy ECM signals… even if the cruiser lost most of their arrays, the battleship should have been able to compensate… ‘.

  “We are almost through the third layer…” reported Will as the ship bucked again from another missile launch. “Enemy missiles within countermeasure range.”

  “Countermeasures engaging. One… two… destroyed… third just intercepted… fourth… Aahhh… finally the fifth… all missiles accounted for.”

  Zeke had not been too concerned, five was manageable, even in their degraded state with the Fox integrated with the Lucky Strike. He was surprised though on how few missiles had been launched against them.

  The sensors lit up with the waiting fighter fleet.

  “Ok, lets reverse course… prepare to head towards the remaining ships.” ordered Zeke. “Update to all fighters. You are not to get in range of their energy weapons or countermeasures. Fire all missiles at extreme range and retreat. Repeat, fire at extreme range. The Lucky Strike and the Fox will finish off the remaining two ships. No exclusions! Do you read me Jeanne?”

  “Aye Ze
ke, but can I ask why?” responded an exasperated sounding Jeanne.

  “I have reason to believe they are experiencing severe damage. It looks like their sensors and fire control are degraded to the point that close engagement is not needed. Missile engagement only for all ships.

  It takes a few minutes or so to turn a cruiser and destroyer around when racing in the wrong direction. But in record time they were racing back towards the enemy.

  “Continue firing MK-XIIs. Meghan, you heard my orders to Jeanne, let’s keep this to a missile duel only. Fire when you are ready.”

  “Copy that Zeke, fire when ready. Missiles only.” Meghan reported back.

  It was almost immediately that both ships started firing the MK-XIIs again.

  “Hmm… hope I am right…” Zeke mused.

  “Enemy firing missiles. The same grouping of nine as before.” Caspian declared.

  “Concentrate all fire from the Lucky Strike on the battleships engines. I want all ships to stay away from the battleships energy weapon.” ordered Zeke.

  “Confirmed Zeke, directing fire at the engines on the battleship.” acknowledged Will.

  Strapped in next to Isolde, Gunner called out. “We have multiple hits; the cruiser was just hit by multiple MK-XIIs. They do not look to have any effective countermeasures.”

  “Meghan, concentrate your fire on the battleship. I believe missiles from the fighters will finish off the cruiser. We need to knock out the battleship before they get that damn energy weapon in range.”

  “I copy that Zeke, will do. Meghan out.”

  “Enemy continuing to fire off volleys. But they are staggered, five from the battleship followed a few seconds later by three from the cruiser. The cruisers missile discharge is lagging behind at each firing.” reported Caspian.

  Time seemed to slow down while Zeke listened to the launching of the MK-XIIs.

  “Fighters are firing… wow… that is a lot of missiles…” someone murmured.

  The missiles were getting through, but the enemy ships continued on. Hawke was not kidding, they were tenacious. The distance between the two forces was closing rapidly.


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