Book Read Free


Page 24

by G J Moses

  Tension was high as everyone waited for the fighter missiles to reach the enemy ships. The minutes ticked by with the only interruption being the rocking from the MK-XIIs being fired.

  All of the sudden the ship rocked violently. Several objects broke free from their restraints and went flying.

  “What the hell was that?” Zeke asked, holding onto the sides of his command chair.

  “One missile got through. Minor damage… several injured.” exclaimed Will.

  “I am getting a sensor reading on the battleship. I think they are about to fire their main laser.” a worried Ginner sounded.

  “Initiate emergency evasive maneuvers! Meghan, copy that?” ordered Zeke.

  “Got…” was all that was heard before the battleship fired its laser.

  “Damage report…” bellowed Zeke.

  “The Fox’s left side was impacted. They have lost some propulsion, leaking air. They must have injuries” a worried Isolde reported.

  “Meghan, Zeke here, report in” a concerned Zeke requested.

  “Zzzt… psst… Meghan here. We have taken some damage and casualties but manageable at the moment. But we cannot absorb another hit like that. I did not know that damn thing had a range like that.” a strained voice with lots of static came through the speakers.

  “Neither did I Meghan, neither did I. I want you to get the Fox the hell out of here. Make for Nocuous, we will catch up once we finish these two. That is an order. Zeke out”

  “The missiles from the fighters are hitting both ships. The cruiser has lost momentum and seems to be rudderless. No further defensive fire at all. The battleship is taking some major hits… crap… it changed its course to intercept the Fox.” updated Caspian.

  “Take us towards that damn battleship. We need to knock out that laser before it can fire again.” commanded Zeke.

  “Zeke, Jeanne here, requesting permission to take on the battleship.”

  “Permission granted. Hawke, fly in support under Jeanne’s direction.”

  “Order received and acknowledged. Jeanne, Hawke here, your orders?”

  “Just one me maties, CHARGE!”

  With that order, all the fighter’s afterburners flared and turned sharply towards the battleship. Flying in evasive maneuvers, they looked like hawks heading towards their prey. Most paired up while others went wide to come around from different angles.

  The cruiser, still taking hits from the fighter missiles, disintegrated in front of their eyes.

  The battleship fared little better. It rocked from all the hits even though it was taking out a lot of the missiles.

  “You’re not going to let the fighters hog all the fun, are you? Get me in the fight. As Jeanne said, CHARGE!” ordered Zeke.

  “Several of the MK-XIIs hit the starboard engine… battleship is losing speed… drifting a bit… they are trying to compensate with the port engine… no more missiles being fired…. But they still have some power…”

  “Readings from the battleship shows the laser about to fire again” Gunner yelled.

  Looking at the direction the battleship was pointing, Zeke quickly yelled “Meghan, did you hear all that? You are the bullseye… swing hard left NOW!”

  Just as the Fox swung wide left, the laser fired and went through the place the Fox had just been occupying.

  “Damn, that was close. Owe you a drink for that one Zeke.” a stressed voice resembling Meghan’s could barely be heard.

  “Now it is our turn… people… let’s show them what we are capable of…” said a pissed Zeke.

  It was later told from the people manning the Fox, that they had never seen such a sweet dance of death like this before. Their displays showed an RGN cruiser, surrounded by dozens of fighters, head into a swirling maelstrom of death towards the enemy battleship.

  They watched as fire from the fighters, led by one they all knew so well, a Red and Black fighter, tore into the sides of the battleship. To watch as primary fire from the cruiser tore off the port engine while its secondaries joined the fighters fire in ripping through the side armor. It only took a minute or two before the battleship was a drifting hulk, leaking air, smoke and bodies.


  Sitting in his command chair, Zeke had Isolde connect him to the Fox over the loudspeakers. “Captain Kinsley here. Good job people, I need a damage and casualty report ASAP. Captain Kennedy, same for you OK? Let us know if we can assist you in any way. Your people did good, really good. Make sure they know that the Lucky Strike is here for them, for our brothers and sisters.”

  On the center screen, Meghan appeared bent over the shoulder of a technician staring at a console in front of them. While raising her arm over the technician’s shoulder to point at something on the console, she replied to Zeke.

  “Hi Zeke, Meghan here. Initial reports are seventeen dead and twenty-six inured. Not as bad as first feared, but still bad. Casualties are expected to go up as we work our way into the more damaged areas. Hold a moment…”

  He watched while she discussed something with the technician he could not make out. Whispering to the tech while pointing at several locations on his monitor, Meghan patted him on the shoulder before rising up and addressing Zeke.

  “That laser is one nasty weapon. One of our two engines is compromised. I was informed by engineering it may take several hours to dig into just how bad, let alone any estimate for repair. Other than that, all offensive and defensive weapons are operational. We lost part of our fighter docking bay so if you could house some of our fighters, that would be appreciated.”

  At an inquiring look from Zeke, Gunner answered Meghan’s question. “Hi Meghan, Gunner here. We have room for two fighters, but can make room for a couple more if that will help any, let me know how many. Zeke has pinged me to let me know he is sending Doc and some supporting medical staff over as soon as they can gather their equipment.”

  Running her hands through her tangled hair, Meghan shook her head to clear her mind before continuing. “Thanks, all here on the Fox appreciate the assistance. Captain Kinsley, not sure how effective we can be once we get to Nocuous. We may slow you down and impact your plans.”

  Standing and walking closer to the screen, Zeke replied. “Let’s worry about that later. Lucky Strike will take the lead with the fighters going back to leapfrogging ahead of us while the Fox is to follow us as fast as you can. Keep a half dozen fighters with you. Make sure you keep your eyes open, who knows if there are any Chohish stragglers following behind. You take care of your crew and make what repairs you can. Once we are about to exit the tunnel, we will reconvene and make plans. That will give you a few hours, ok?”

  Nodding her head in agreement, Meghan asked. “Thanks Zeke, appreciate it. You took a hit too, bad?”

  Now it was Zeke’s turn to run his fingers through his hair. The tension was making his neck and shoulder tighten up. “Do not know everything yet, like you, we are also still evaluating. But so far, we know that we have seven injured, one seriously. No major damage, just some minor damage that should be repairable. Hopefully we will be able to fully update you later. I assume Jeanne will be returning to the Fox to make herself available to you. Please have Jeanne join you on the bridge when we reconvene.”

  “One change, though, Hawke, you are now in charge of all fighters. Take a few minutes to rearm and refuel the fighters, but I want the first group heading to Nocuous within thirty minutes. Can do?”

  “Can do for the fighters stationed on the Lucky Strike. The fighters on the Fox will not be as easy. Refueling has become a little more complicated with the damage the Fox took to their fighter bay. They were already stretched thin with all the extra fighters. Jeanne, Meghan and Masson are already looking at what can be done. Masson has several of his crew checking on the schematics of the Fox to see if they can run additional fuel lines into the shuttle bay. But no matter what, between all of us, we should be able to figure something out. I see no reason why we cannot make the thirty-minute deadline.�

  “Excellent, keep Jamie updated. Till later my friend, take care.”

  Circling around so he stood by Isolde, Zeke asked out loud. “Jax, you there? Status of our engines. Any damage when we got hit?”

  From the speakers, Jax came on with a muffled voice. “Jax here, no, we were lucky, no damage. I am in one of engine compartments now checking it out. No damage, but we have been pushing these babies hard. We have bypassed the recommended maximum too often. We did not do the tune up we should have after the recent action at New Providence. We need some time for me to do some maintenance.’

  “Well, I am hoping we bought some time. How much do you need?”

  They all heard a heavy bang of something large closing before Jax replied now in a clear voice. “Can you give me a month or two at a repair facility? Kidding… I need at least six hours total downtime to do a full tune up. Or twelve hours where we take a pair of engines down for six hours and repeat for the second pair. I recommend we do this immediately when we get a chance.”

  With a sigh and a weariness that bled through to his voice, Zeke responded. “Well, Jax, that was why we took these actions. We need some time… sooner or later… without rest or time to look at the equipment, either people or equipment is going to fail when we need them the most. We will see what our options are once we get to Nocuous. Keep your fingers crossed.”

  Hearing the fatigue in Zeke, Isolde and Will both share a quick glance of concern with each other. They could see the deep fatigue lines in Zeke’s face along with a slight tremor in his steepled fingers that he was holding in front of his face. How long could Zeke take on the responsibility for both ships and planets without rest? Both doubted he had much sleep since this started. Without him, Isolde knew in her heart, they would not have survived this long.

  Without a pause, Zeke continued on. “You on Khaleesi? While we have a few moments, let’s review the plans for when we reach Nocuous. Can you round up who we need and meet in the conference room in thirty?”

  The screen now changed to show Khaleesi in the Marine training center surrounded by her officers. “Khaleesi here. Can do. That will require most senior staff on both the Lucky Strike and the Fox. Isolde, can you reach out to Meghan and get that arranged?”

  “Hi Khaleesi, can do. Thirty it is.”

  “Jamie, grab Jax and join me in my conference room. Better send those from your staffs that both of you feel should be there.

  “On our way…”

  With that, Zeke turned to look at Isolde through his bloodshot eyes. “Isolde, you better join us. You are an integral part of both activities so I need your input. Once done, I want you to go get several hours rest. We have been pushing you hard and will be pushing you even harder when we get to Nocuous. Ok?”

  “What about Gunner?” asked a hopeful Isolde.

  “Better bring Gunner, we can use his opinion.” a smiling Zeke said as he made his way to the exit. “Hmm… then again, maybe I should send him over to the Fox to coordinate with Meghan, what do you think?” Zeke said just before he quickly ducked around the door to miss being hit by the empty water bottle thrown by Isolde. Isolde’s laughter lets Zeke know she knew he was joking.

  Zeke paused in hallway to lean with his back against the wall. Rubbing his eyes, he could feel the dryness, the junk in his eye corners. The rubbing did nothing to dull the throbbing pain behind his eyes, nor relieve the tension. He could not remember when he last slept. But these were minor in comparison to his stiff back and neck which have been aching with a sharp pain for so long that he could not remember when they had not. But now was not the time to rest, duty called. With a heavy sigh, Zeke pushed himself off the wall and continued on.

  Walking with a weary stride that became more forceful as he passed others whose tiredness was obvious who, upon seeing their commander, smiled, saluted and straightened in respect.

  Even after what they had all been through, there were no complaints, no mumbling, nothing to show they had reached their limit. By the time Zeke reached the conference room, he no longer paid attention to the pain, the weariness, he concentrated on the great pride he had in his crew.

  Moving to the front of the room, Zeke sat to watch the rest arrive. It only took a few moments before others started making their way into the room. Most straggled in singly or in pairs.

  That is until Khaleesi arrived with a half dozen of her commanders. If anyone ever doubted Khaleesi’s ability to lead, it would have been eliminated after seeing the respect the battle-scarred hardened officers who followed her in accorded her.

  Not a one of these Marine Corporals and Sergeants had less than five battle ribbons on their chests. These were not men or women to tolerate incompetence in their superior officer. The lives of the Marines under their command depended on them and they took this responsibility very seriously. And it was very obvious, that all the Marine officers present, had great respect for their Marine commander.

  “Hi Khaleesi, why don’t you and your friends join me up front here, OK?” asked Zeke.

  In military precision, all seven Marines marched to the front where they then made their way around the table to stand by a chair. Then together, without any gestures or sound, each grabbed a chair back, twirled it on its rotating base that was connected to the floor and sat so they were able to rest their arms on the back.

  The rest of the room, along with Zeke, watched the Marines with reverence as they knew that the Marines had the second shortest lifespans of all in the RGN, only fighter pilots being shorter. And that the coming action would mean some, or all present along with their squads, would not survive. Yet, looking at them, they showed no fear nor concern.

  Looking around, Zeke saw the awe in the Navy personnel expressions as they watched the Marines while they waited for the rest to arrive. Zeke could only smile. He knew his face mirrored those around him. He had personally seen these very Marines in action close up and knew better than most, the dangers these Marines have faced.

  That was when Zeke saw Khaleesi looking at him, and once she saw she had his attention, Khaleesi raised her eyes skyward in exasperation. It took all of Zeke’s self-control not to burst out laughing. From the tiny smile now on Khaleesi’s face, he knew her gesture had the desired effect she was looking for.

  It was then that Gunner, along with Isolde walked in. All seven of the Marines jumped to their feet, ramrod straight, where they then saluted Gunner, staying that way waiting on his return salute. An embarrassed Gunner returned the salute whereupon the Marines, acting again as one, quickly resumed their casual positions in their chairs. Zeke heard Isolde’s chuckle even though she had her face pressed tightly against Gunner’s arm.

  Jax, Will and Hawke arrived together where Zeke sighed, knowing it was time to get moving. “All right everyone, let’s get started. Isolde, can you get the Fox on the line?”

  “Can do Captain, give me a moment, working on it.” replied Isolde. “Okay, they are now online.”

  On the screen, they watched as the bridge of the Fox became visible. The captain’s chair was occupied by Captain Meghan Kennedy along with Jeanne, Masson, and an unknown woman sitting close by chatting with each other. Although, if you looked closely, you would see that the unknown woman was not very happy and leaning into the other two while wagging her finger at them.

  Isolde could barely contain her laughter as she, and only she due to her amplified earpiece, heard the unknown woman reading both Jeanne and Masson the riot act. Isolde guessed correctly that this was Jeanne’s sister, Anne Dieu-Le-Veut, that she had heard so much about. From the look on their faces, it was obvious Jeanne and Masson were in trouble for something. From what she was overhearing, it had something to do with a nasty joke Jeanne and Masson had played on several of the engineers. What made Isolde fight laughing so hard was that Anne was not mad at them for doing the prank, but that they had not included her in executing it.

  “Captain Kennedy here with Captain de Clisson along with Lieutenant Masson Dieu-Le-V
eut accompanied by his wife, Commander Anne Dieu-Le-Veut, and finally, Master Sergeant Karter Reaney of the New Providence Marines who is just walking in. Major Khaleesi, I believe you and Master Sergeant Reaney worked together recently and are familiar with each other?”

  “Yes, Meghan, we have. Karter and his Marines were instrumental in our success on Niflhel. And I have no doubt that they will do the same when we reach Nocuous.” replied Khaleesi. “Anybody else going to be joining us Meghan?”

  “You are being broadcast throughout the ship so, no, no one else will be joining” a laughing Meghan replied.

  “Alright, then let’s get this started. Karter, you will be leading the combined Marines against the largest ship in orbit or the one being protected. Against my wishes…” at which Khaleesi looked one final time at Zeke hoping he had a change of plans, “Captains de Clisson and Kinsley will be joining you. Please make sure that they have the security personnel they deserve. You may want to assign several men reporting directly to Jan. Thankfully, he will be with Jeanne.”

  “Uh, Khaleesi, about that…” started Jeanne. With laughter in her voice, Jeanne continued. “Jan will not be with myself and Captain Kinsley.”

  “Oh, come on, really? You have got to be kidding. The only reason I agreed to you and Zeke being part of the ship assault was because I thought Jan would be with you. Do you mind telling me where will Jan be?” a visibly frustrated Khaleesi replied.

  “Why, Jan will be with you of course” Jeanne then, but she definitely was not the only one, started laughing when she saw the expression of Khaleesi’s startled face up on the screen.

  “What? What the hell you say? Why?” an astonished Khaleesi yelled.

  “Because Jan and Masson are the best with the little toys that you will be using when you attack the Krogs ground forces. You will need them more than we will. The Lucky Strike’s crew does not know how to use them, but all personnel from Tortuga have used them from childhood. They will be your shock troops. And yes, our cooks will be participating.” a smiling Jeanne informed Jeanne.


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