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Page 9

by Jennifer Loren

  “So maybe you’re right, sweetheart,” I said to her.

  “Maybe?” Ava pushed.

  Fine, stubborn. “Always, I meant always.”

  “Sure you did,” she said. I laugh, kissing her and Lillah on the head before walking away with Shane and Dillon.

  After we finish shooting the promo, I sit talking to the director when Dillon comes hopping over, eating an apple and nodding happily at me. “What do you want?” I ask to the annoyance.

  “I only wanted to see how you’re doing,” he smiles.

  “How I’m doing?” I pause, watching him try to seem interested. “I’m fine, thank you. How are you doing Dillon? In fact, how is your girlfriend doing? What is her name, Taylor?” He nods. “She’s pretty. How long have you been together?”

  “She’s not my girlfriend, were just friends.” He tried to proclaim, innocently.

  “Uh huh,” I do not believe a word he says.

  “No - really.”

  “Whatever.” I said sarcastically. “How long have you known her?”

  He shrugs. ”Four or five months, I guess.” Either he is blind or he is lying to me.

  “So, five months and you bring her here to impress her, but you don’t like her?” I pressed.

  “I like her, but not in that way.” He said. He is an idiot.

  I shake my head at him, ready to burst into hysterics. “If you didn’t hit on my wife, Conrad, I would think you’re gay because that girl is hot. Most guys would have already …”

  He instantly sits up straight. “Yeah maybe with most girls but Taylor is… she’s not…” He looks me up and down, sticking out his chest and staying focused on my eyes. “Forget it. You wouldn’t understand.” He said as his face turns red and his muscles tense.

  “Try me.” He shakes his head, pulling another snack from his pocket. I have no idea where he got that. “Now I am curious Conrad, so tell me.”

  “Taylor is great, and I could see her being a wife-type person… you know.” I shake my head, not understanding at all. “Well, I guess you could say that I like her too much to get involved with her and ruin what we have. The last time I got involved with my best-friend… it didn’t end very well.”

  “What did you do?” I ask, laughing as I imagine what stupid thing he did to mess that relationship up.

  “Nothing!” He jumps suddenly. “She simply disappeared and I never saw her again.” Dillon says, looking too distant and dejected for me to want to push him.

  “Well, I would say it never hurts to try someone new. Sometimes the perfect person for you helps you forget the one you thought was for you. She likes you, I can tell. A little innocent for you, but otherwise I approve, Conrad.” Dillon rolls his eyes. “But, if you’re going to act, you’d better act quickly. A girl like that may get tired of waiting and move on.”

  “Nah, I am too hot for her to ever look anywhere else.” Now I have to roll my eyes. “No seriously, Sean. I don’t know what exactly it is about me but women just can’t get enough. I think it’s the combination of my handsome face, great body and incredibly huge…”.

  “Alright… I have had enough of this conversation.” I get up and walk away.

  “What? Sean! I was only going to say personality! But hey, if you want to go there…” I turn around and see him smile, doing a dance only a moron would do.

  I walk away shaking my head, “Dumbass.”

  Dillon catches up to me as I look in on the girls.

  I motion towards Taylor. “If I wasn’t married, I would find some time for her. I like the sweet, innocent ones.” I smile at the poor fool, who is now turning several shades of pissed off. I enter and walk straight over to Taylor. “So Taylor, Ava says you’re a fan of mine?”

  Taylor stands, already with a wide smile, “Oh … yes! I mean, I …”

  “Do you want to get a picture together before I go?” I ask and Taylor instantly rushes to her bag. I glance back at Dillon, who is annoyed, to say the least. Taylor forces her camera into Dillon’s hands with bouncy excitement.

  Running back to me, the once-shy girl suddenly becomes aggressive. She jumps against me, wrapping her arms around my neck with one hand and rubbing across my chest with the other. Her heart beats rapidly against me, and Dillon is ready to come out of his skin to kill me. “Dillon, do you mind?” I motioned for him to hurry up and take the picture before his girlfriend molests me any further.

  “I’m getting to it, hold on.” He said as he walks over to Taylor. “Don’t you think that’s a little inappropriate?” He said, glancing daggers my way.

  “No, just take the picture.” Taylor impatiently asked him again.

  “Fine!” He said angrily. “There!”

  “You might want to take another Dillon, to make sure you got it.” I said innocently, but my smile begins to give away my true intentions.

  “Yes Dillon, take another one to make sure.” Taylor insisted.

  As Dillon readies himself to take another picture, I kiss her on the cheek…and immediately regret it.

  She goes weak and I have to hold her up. “Taylor, are you okay?” Dillon said, rushing to her. She nods with a starry-eyed expression, causing Dillon to roll his eyes.

  “Ummm….” Taylor waves her hands at Dillon.

  “Dillon. My name is Dillon.”

  “Oh yes, Dillon. I think I’m going to go to the restroom and splash some water on my face.” Taylor said. “Thank you Mr. Grant, and so nice to meet you all …oh wow … this has been the best day!”

  “What the hell was that about?” Dillon asks me.

  I try to play surprised. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “You know, with the touching and all that shit. Did you really need to get that close to her?”

  “No, but it sure was fun watching you get jealous as hell.”

  “I’m not jealous.” He said.

  I laugh and turn towards Ava who is biting her lip to keep from laughing at him too. “Did you hear that sweetheart?”

  “I did.” Ava said.

  “You are so screwed man, and you don’t know how happy it makes me to know that.” I say with a wide smile.

  He looks so confused. “If you’re referring to Taylor, I’m not jealous. I’m only looking out for her is all.” I shake my head, laughing. “Whatever. I know what I am.” He snaps

  “Okay Conrad.” I pat him on the back before I escort Ava and Lillah out the door. As soon as they are out of hearing range, I lean back inside. “Don’t worry Conrad you’ll be fine … as long as you don’t have sex with her.” His eyes widen. “You’re so screwed!” I laugh hard, knowing he can hear me as I walk away.


  We have a great room, a great view, and Lillah is sound asleep after a long day. I have decided to celebrate Ava’s birthday tonight, so I wait patiently for her with candles and my best smile. When Ava finishes checking on Lillah, she walks in the room with the reaction I was hoping for.

  “I hope Lillah doesn’t wake up and see this.” She said.

  “Me too, so hurry up and get over here.”

  “Wait, I didn’t think you would be in the mood after such a long day, but since you are I have something special for you.” She smiles, stepping backwards towards the bathroom. My mood greatly improves, anticipating what she has in mind.

  “So, what do you think?” She asks, entering the room wearing a single red ribbon that wraps her body in the most seductive of ways. “I like your red heels.” I said, looking over her body as she bites her bottom lip and waits for me to release the bow across her breasts. Instead, I stand up and make her stand in front of me so I can walk around her and admire every available inch of her. I fumble with the edges of the ribbon with my fingers, tracing lightly underneath the plush edges, teasing her until one of us breaks. “It’s not my birthday … nor Christmas … not Valentine’s Day … what is this gift for?” I breathed against her cheek.

  “I know, but it is my birthday,” she said. I press my lips to
her exposed skin, enjoying her soft exhale.

  “Please, Sean,” she begs, as I toy with the edges of the ribbon across her breasts.

  “Please what? What do you want Ava?” She moans as I move my fingers up under the ribbon to her ass and back down between her thighs.

  “Stop teasing me Sean, or I’m going to go to bed and leave you standing here, hard and alone.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” I whispered to her.

  “Try me,” she said jutting her chin out and crossing her arms.

  “But baby, I don’t want your outfit to be simply torn off and thrown to the side, forgotten and abused. I think we should show it some respect.” I move behind her, running my mouth up her neck and forcing my thumbs up under the ribbon to her breasts. Her head falls back against my chest and she grabs my thigh to pull me closer to her body. We both moan as I move into her further. I am not sure the ribbon is going to hold up much longer. I am too hard and my erection is starting to break through the edges of the ribbon and forcing its way against her ass.

  “Oh Sean, I want you so bad.” She says, enjoyably caressing my thigh and ass.

  “We’re not going to make it to the bed.” I said, gripping the ribbons around her thighs and jerking them up above her ass to give me ample access. Ava leans against the wall, giving me a full view of what I want and I take it. Tasting her skin along her shoulders, I pull her hips to me and instantly slide into her, feeling her wet desire surround me completely. With every slide out, I groan. With every push in, I feel the pulsating edges of her soft wetness, sending me into passionate desire. Running one hand through her hair and cradling her head to mine, I kiss her lips and earn her tongue. Holding her hips in place, I enjoy the sight of my dick sliding against her ass as it pushes between her thighs and reaches for that sensitive spot that makes her quiver and whimper for more. And oh, does she whimper. Watching her closely, I take hold of the end of the ribbon across her breasts and release them into my hands. She reaches up above her head and allows me to play with all of her. My hands wander to her wettest of places and encourage her orgasm to a maximum eruption. “Happy birthday, baby. I love you.” I said, bringing me to the tip. I hold her closer and push deep into her, coming more inside her with every thrust. I collapse, breathless, against her. Ava spins around and winks at me happily. With a smile on my face, I lean against the wall and hover around her. “Happy Birthday.” I mouth to her. She wiggles her happy dance into my arms, making me laugh. “You are such a dork.”

  “But you love me anyway?” She asked.

  I look into her sparkling blue eyes. “Forever and always, my love.” I said, carrying her to bed and crawling in after her. “So, what do you want to do for your birthday?”

  “You mean besides having constant sex with you?” She smiles ridiculously.

  “Dork.” I whisper as she scrunches her face at me in disapproval. “Yes baby, besides my fucking you to complete exhaustion.” I laugh at her.

  Her expression turns almost serious, as she contemplates. “I don’t know.”

  “I have an idea.” I said calmly.

  “You do?” I nod. “What?” I stare at her, trying to conceal my smile as I make her wait. She smacks me playfully. “What is it? Tell me.” I laugh, reach under the pillow next to us and hand her an envelope I pull from beneath it. She looks at me surprised. “I really thought you forgot.”

  “Why would you ever think that? You know how much I love buying you things.” She holds the envelope up, admiring it. “Open it, Ava!

  She peeks inside before pulling out the tickets. “Sean!” She yells, turning to me in shock. “Really?” I nod. “The playoffs?” She whispered.

  “Yes, the playoffs. Courtside.”

  She vibrates with excitement. “You are the only girl I have ever met who gets that excited about basketball.”

  “Thank you so much,” she said, hugging me tight.

  “You’re welcome.” Ava holds the tickets up, continuing to stare at them. “Give me those. Enough of these, they are for another day.” Taking the tickets from her, I put them aside and enjoy her lying on my chest. She is completely content with her tickets. She’s so easy to please. I reach under my pillow, pull out a small box, and lay it in front of her.

  “What’s this?” She asks.

  “Open it and find out.”

  “Sean, you know I don’t like you spending a lot of money on me. The tickets alone have to be…” I press my finger to her lips.

  “This is not much, only something simple to remember who loves you.” She huffs at me. “Open it, Ava.” She sits up, examining the box carefully, turning it and shaking it. “Open it already.”

  “Okay.” She pulls the decorated top off and removes the delicate charm bracelet as I relish watching her perfect smile take over her face. “Sean, it is so beautiful.”

  I wrap myself around her as she takes delight in all the sparkling charms. Her smile is already enough, but I still want to show her more. Taking hold of a charm, “You see this one, this one represents the little island we met and married on … and this one is Lillah … the boys … our little house in Ireland … and the one in Atlanta.”

  She grasps my hand. “And what about this one?” she asked, holding up the remaining charm.

  I stare at the radiant emerald heart, and squeeze her tight. “My heart.” I whisper to her. Whispering her love for me, she curls up under my arm. I watch her play with the bracelet that is now dangling from her wrist until she finally falls asleep.


  Rebecca walks on set as if she is the star of the movie. It doesn’t really bother me, but she is irritating everyone else. Tami approaches me with a sour expression. “Sean, you know I am not one to complain, but…” I sigh, expecting what is coming. “That girl has to go. She is horrible, and so full of herself I can’t take being around her and we haven’t even started working together yet. I can’t imagine working late nights with her. I know I should go to Kane with this, but since this girl is clearly screwing him …”

  I perk up instantly, “What? She’s what?”

  “Oh, come on Sean. She is going into his trailer constantly and he keeps adding lines to the script for her. He even said that when she is around other women in a scene, to make them look less appealing so she stands out more. She is unbelievable!”

  She sighs, obviously feeling bad about ranting to me. The set has been a joy to be on until recently, when Rebecca took Ava’s part and became the queen of the set. I assure Tami I will take care of it and she hugs me with relief. I am not sure how best to handle this, but I know how to get what I want done quickly. I contact Joel’s father and tell him blatantly that Rebecca has to go. I even agree to talk Ava back into to doing the part. With that, he makes a call and makes it happen. Instead of leaving it up to Kane to handle her, or force Joel to be the bad guy to his own wife, I decide it best to talk to her myself…only I find her arguing with Ethan.

  “I swear Ethan, I will get even with you!”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about you crazy bitch!” Ethan yells back at her.

  Rebecca gets back in his face. “Crazy? You haven’t seen anything yet. Now you get me back into this movie or I will make sure you regret it.” Ethan pushes her back off his chest and I recognize his breaking point.

  Rushing to her, I pull Rebecca back and look down at her until she calms. “I got this Ethan, you can go.” He hesitates, still huffing before finally walking away mumbling under his breath. “Ethan had nothing to do with you getting fired. I did.” Her shoulders sink and she suddenly looks as if she has lost everything. I feel horrible for having to do it to her, but maybe I can help her in some other way. “Honey, listen. You have got to learn to be more respectful of others. You are not at the point you can demand appreciation. This part isn’t that great anyway.”

  She backs away from me and begins to cry. “I can’t believe you would do this to me. I thought you cared about me, that you were sorry for how you treated me be
fore. And now you throw me away …again!”

  “Rebecca, this is not that big of a deal. If you will humble yourself a bit, then I promise I will help you get another start. A better one.” Rebecca’s expression changes briefly to something I have never seen from her before. A sinister glare forms and I wait for her to snap, but instead she steps back and breathes easily with a soft smile.

  “You had to do what you had to do, Sean. I don’t blame you, and I know you will do everything you can to help me.” She reaches in and kisses my cheek. “I love you. Know that I don’t blame you for this. I am disappointed, but I am sure I will have a better day ahead of me.” She smiles sweetly, shocking me. I expected her to be out of control and inconsolable, but instead she is acting mature and accepting. I couldn’t be more proud of her.

  “I am sorry about this.” I say, leaning down to hug her. “I will buy you dinner sometime and we can talk about your future …okay?” I wink at her, enjoying her beautiful smile.

  “Well, I better clear my things and find a way back to your house.”

  “I am not sure if you want to but you can wait around for me to take you. It looks like I am going to get done early tonight. I was planning on surprising Ava but …” I said.

  She perks up, seeming to consider it, but begins shaking her head instead. “No, thank you, I think I really want to get back now. Don’t worry about me I have other plans tonight so you can continue with your surprise. I will be sure not to tell Ava.”


  Arriving home early for once, I am excited about being able to surprise Ava. Smiling wide, I walk towards the house from the garage and notice a strange car parked in the drive. Before I have a chance to check it out, I see Jasper walking towards me. My heart speeds and I stop dead in my tracks. My silence seems to shake the ground until it reaches Jaspers spine. He looks up and instantly steps back.

  “Good evening.” He says with a nod. His clothes look thrown on, and not at all like the man who never has a hair out of place.


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