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Reckless, the sequel to Finding Ava:
The decision seemed so innocent in the beginning, exciting even. How could I have ever known what was going to happen? How could I have ever know that someone could be so evil, so determined to destroy lives. I chose to ignore the advice of my brother and instead trusted - believed in friendship, believed in a woman I once loved. Now I am paying the consequences and living in hell and I have brought my family right along with me.
It all started when the rat entered our lives, and as should be expected - the snake followed.
This story dives deep into the making of the movie “Reckless”, and simultaneously takes you on a ride filled with sex, drama, disastrous sabotage, and battles of woman against woman and man against man. You will have to take a breath before you read this story because you won’t be able to take another until after it ends.