Book Read Free


Page 22

by Jennifer Loren

  “Hi, can I help you?” She asked at a level I could never reach, even if I was happy to see her.

  “Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a friend of mine?”

  “I will do my best.” She chirped. She needs some Valium.

  “Great, well, he was brought in recently from a movie set nearby.”

  “Really? Here in Atlanta? Like an actor or something?”

  I stared at the wide-eyed moron. “Yes. Well, he may not be under his real name, but could you give me an idea of where someone like that might be taken?”

  “Ohhh, I don’t know.”

  “Maybe you could just tell me about the people that have been admitted in the last hour,” I asked.

  “Well let’s see,” she said, typing away as if she got laid at lunch.

  “Okay, it seems we have only had five people admitted since this morning.”

  “Great, so can you tell me about them?” I ask, ready to move in the right direction.

  “Like what?” She asks.

  “Like their names, age, anything would help?” I huff.

  “Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Well what does it say?” I emphasized my words carefully.

  “I don’t think I can tell you specifics.”

  “Then tell me what they were admitted for.” Slipping her a hundred her eyes widen and a smile spreads across her face, “Any information you can give me would be helpful and appreciated.”

  “Oh, well, there was a lady admitted for kidney stones.“

  “No, not her.” I sigh.

  “And there was a gentleman admitted after a car accident.”

  “What about him?”

  “Ummm… Oh, he died.” She says with a pitiful pout.

  Straightening my posture, “How did he die?”

  “It says here it was a massive trauma after a head on collision.” She shakes her head. “He was drunk. And so early in the day too.” She ticks her tongue, as if he can hear her disapproval. “But I think his death was more due to the metal rod that came through his windshield and into his head, not the car accident.”

  Oh dear God. “No, that’s not him.”

  “Okay, there is another car accident, a pregnant woman who fainted and a man who fell out of his wheel chair.”

  “Where is the other car accident at?” I wait, watching her smile up at me - motionless. “Are you going to tell me?”

  “I can’t”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it says private.”

  “But I have to get him his special medication or he might not make it without it.”

  “Oh no, that’s terrible,” she pouts.

  “I know, so can you give me the room number,” I asked hopeful and handing her another hundred.

  “I can’t sorry.”

  “Why?” I snap at her.

  “Because it says private.”

  “Just call the room and ask if I can visit,” I pleaded.

  “I can’t, it says private so no number is listed to call.”

  “Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” I cringe, wanting to strangle her perfectly tanned neck.

  “I did.”

  Absolutely exhausting, “Well, do you have any idea where they might have a private room?”


  “Can you tell me his status at least?”

  “It says … private,” she said, smiling happily at me.

  “Can you tell me anything about him?”

  “Ummmm … No.”

  Rolling my eyes, “Thanks for all your help,” I mumble. Taking out my phone, I start to call Joel but then remember something else important.

  “Ummm…” I search for the chirpy girl’s name tag, “Casey.”

  “Yes ma’am?”

  “Could you tell me about the woman? The … pregnant woman. Where is she?”

  “Oh, the Jane Doe?”

  “The Jane Doe?” I ask, confused.

  “Yeah, that’s what we call people when we don’t know their names.” She said, nodding as if it were some big secret.

  “Yes, thank you. How is it no one knows her name?”

  “Don’t know exactly, because her I.D. says her name.”

  My eyes widened, “You have her I.D.?”

  “Yes, all of her things were with her when they put her in the room down the hall. I accidently dropped them all over the floor when I was trying to get her settled in. It was such a mess. Her things went everywhere, and I was carrying that water and that went everywhere. I didn’t think I would ever …”

  “Casey… Dear… Can you just tell me which room exactly that she is in?”

  “Oh sure, because she certainly isn’t marked private but ...” I mock her own smile and hand her what money I have left. “She is five doors down on the left.”

  “Thank you, Casey. You have been very helpful.”

  “You’re welcome. But, if you are going to go see her, please be careful. The doctor told me to make sure she rests and is not upset in any way. She is in a delicate condition right now,” she said, nodding with a motherly glare.

  I turned away from the girl and stroll towards the room down the hall. Before walking in, I search for any sign of persons that might not welcome my presence. I giggle at the sight of Ava laid up and attached to machines. Her eyes are closed, but she is seemingly alright. I glance around the drab room, which is clearly not meant for her. They really did screw up. If Sean finds out, he will be irate. I toy with her machines, deciding what to do with my new information, again eyeing the room before turning back towards her. “Ava?” I brush her arm to see if she will awake. Her eyes flutter. “Aaaavvvaaa.” I sung as her eyes open slowly, and looking obviously confused as to where she is.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked rudely.

  “Just thought I would visit you and express my condolences.”

  She looks away from me, trying to sit up. “Leave me alone, Rebecca.”

  “Okay, if you want it that way, but I thought I would at least check on you since no one else will.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Well, since you’re the reason Sean wrecked the car…” Her eyes rise to mine again. “You really should not have distracted him so. It is just terrible how things happen sometimes.” I sigh, pouring some water into a cup and looking at her sympathetically over the rim as I drink.

  “Leave, Rebecca,” she insisted.

  “Well, I am sorry to hear about Sean and …” I pat her arm. “And your other little loss. But, I am sure you will find a way to go on.” Her expression intensifies and I have to fake my shock. “Oh dear, they didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “He died, Ava.” Her eyes focus on me. “Sean died shortly after he arrived at the hospital. Massive trauma, they said.” I turn away from her to hide my smile. Such a tragedy.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Gathering my sad, sympathetic expression again, “Don’t. But I would think the lack of guests and this pitiful room should tell you something.” She shakes her head and turns away from me. “They hate you Ava. You caused his death. His brother and his mother are distraught beyond belief. They are cursing your name to anyone who will listen. You know how they are, they have to have someone to blame. And on top of that, now you have lost Sean’s baby too. The one chance they had to replace him, not that Sean could be easily replaced.” I shake my head, pursing my lips.

  “I don’t believe you at all, Rebecca.”

  Nurse Casey hops into the room and none too soon. “How are we doing in here?” She asked, fussing over Ava.

  “Umm, nurse Casey?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “My friend here is the wife of the man that was brought in earlier. You know the car accident victim.”

  “Oh, the one with massive trauma?” She turns to me, hovering her hand over her mouth, perfectly.

  I nod, looking concerned, “Yes…that’s the

  “Oh no! So that’s why you got so upset, huh?” She asked Ava.

  “Can you tell me how he is?” Ava asked her.

  The nurse makes a concerned face as she pats Ava, “Honey, he is going to be looking down on you every day from heaven I’m sure.”

  Immediate panic takes over Ava, “No. No, he can’t be dead.”

  “I am afraid he died soon after he arrived honey, but it’s going to be …”

  “No! No!” Her screams increase with every word. Joel was right, she can scream.

  The nurse tries to calm her, but quickly realizes she has lost control of this situation. “Please, calm down. I probably should have had a doctor talk to you first. Please calm down. Oh, I am going to get in so much trouble. I am sure everything will work out just fine for you.”

  “I want to see him! Find him now!”

  “Oh dear, I don’t think that’s allowed. I’m sure he is down in the morgue already.” I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at the simple-minded girl making it worse. Ava begins ripping out her tubes and needles as she pushes her way out of bed. She steps to the floor, swaying and holding her head. “You can’t do that. Please stay in bed or I am going to have to go get a doctor.”

  “Get whomever you want. I’m leaving!” Ava screamed at her as she grabs her clothes and gets dressed in a drunken manner. Casey runs out of the room in a panic.

  “Where are you going Ava?” I asked her calmly.

  “I’m going to find him.” She said, putting her shoes on.

  Before she can reach the door, I grab her arm. “She just told you where he is. Must you torture yourself further?” She grips her face with tears forcing their way out. “I tell you what, you can come and stay with Joel and I for a little while. At least, until you can find a decent place of your own.” She stares at me blankly. “He is excited to see you again.”

  “I have a home Rebecca.”

  “Not anymore, Ethan is making sure of it. You know how ruthless he can be. He is planning to take everything, including your daughter…the only child you have left now. He is using your recent drug indiscretions to get full custody of her.” I sip my water, shrugging at her.

  “He would never do that,” she said, looking at me pitifully.

  “Ava, look at this room. There is no one here and Ethan did recently see you completely gone, as did everyone else for that matter. And now! You caused his brother’s death. Your husband… you killed him! You don’t think Ethan hates you for that? Not to mention, you lost his brother’s child in the process.” I mock the sweet nurses ticking of the tongue. “You have nothing. No reason for him to care about you at all. Sean is dead. Your unborn child is… Well, it is too sad to discuss I suppose. You know, Ethan and his wife have always wanted a little girl, so now they have yours and no reason to have anything to do with you at all.”

  She slips down into a dark corner of the room, retreating within herself. “No he can’t be…” I get out of my chair, watching her sink deeper into the darkness. “I can’t live without Sean. I can’t!”

  “Well, he’s gone now, thanks to you, and so is your home, your daughter and everyone else you have called family since you met him.” She begins to shake violently. Wow she is going to go crazy right in front of me. “He’s dead Ava. Face it!” I said, stomping my way into her face. “You’re going to live the rest of your life without him!” I bend down to her level, caressing her face until she focuses on me. “Sean is dead, did you hear me? Sean is never going to come back to you again and it is … all … your … fault. You couldn’t just stay home and let him do his job could you? You had to distract him.” I screamed at her. I stand back up, watching her squirm in complete hysterics. “He’s dead, Ava. You’re all alone!” She grips her head, fisting her hair so tight she is pulling it out. Her crying is so hysterical that she goes silent in her screams. I pace around her, trying to decide how far to go. “How does it feel, Ava, to kill your husband and your child, all in one day? How does it feel to be all alone again? Do you think you can find someone else like Sean? Or, maybe another Spencer will come after you. Without Sean around, you are vulnerable again. Vulnerable to be taken back to that isolated house. Back to that dark room.” I keep screaming the devastating words at her, getting more and more insistent. “And no one will care, because Sean is dead because of you.” She fights towards the wall, climbing it away from me. Away from my words. Away from her worst fears, which are coming so painfully true to her. “Oh Ava, you deserve everything that is coming to you. You fucking bitch, you killed the only man I ever loved.” You took him away from me and now I am going to make sure you are left with nothing. I grab her face and force my words into her ear. “Payback is a bitch, Ava. Now live with it … alone.” She screams, falling away from me and seemingly giving up her fight.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” A young man comes running in towards Ava. “Ava, what happened? We have been looking for you!”

  I back away, realizing he knows her and was obviously sent to find her.

  “He’s gone, Dillon.” Ava mumbled, completely broken.

  “What?” Dillon asked, glancing up at me suspiciously.

  Suddenly the hospital staff comes rushing in to Ava, fighting her and trying to get her hysterics under control. Good luck.

  I walk out of the room calmly, smiling as I walk away. I glance back, expecting to see Ava’s friend Dillon come after me, but instead I see him run in the opposite direction. He knows where Sean is. Maybe I should wait here a bit longer.

  Chapter 25


  They have me strapped in to the point I can barely move. I force Ava’s image out of my head so I can concentrate, it won’t be the first time I have to do it, not that it is easy for me to do. The engine roars and I smile, feeling the excitement of it all take hold of me. I wait for the signal and I take charge, adrenaline flowing through my veins from the start. I hit the ramp and feel it, it is perfect. The adrenaline races as I feel the success of it. I pump the breaks to slow down to make my turn away from the semi but nothing happens. I keep pumping as the car speeds with no response to my attempts to stop it. Fuck! Thinking quickly, I make a decision to aim for the barriers. I turn the car just before impact so I hit from the passenger side. The car flips upside down, crumpling and jerking my restraints from the car. Pain instantly shoots through me as the world begins to burn around me. I can’t tell what is happening, or even see where I am. It is all a massive nothing, except for the screaming. Deafening screams. Ava’s screams. My sudden recognition to her stirs me to try and find her, but I am unable to fight off the heaviness keeping me from her.


  There is a pacing noise echoing around me. My eyes open as I move towards the noise. “Ahhh Shit!” I cringe.

  “Stay still Sean, you cracked some ribs.” Ethan said, hovering over me.

  I grimace and hold my head. “My head is killing me.”

  “I will see if they can get you something for it,” he said before leaving the room. I adjust my bed to better search the room. “She’s not here,” Ethan said, entering with two pills and some water.

  “She who?” I asked, downing the pills he retrieved.

  “I am assuming you’re looking for your wife? Or did you hit your head so hard you forgot all about her?”

  “No, I didn’t forget about her, but I am surprised she isn’t here. Is she that mad at me?” I asked, a little worried about what kind of wrath I will encounter.

  “No, she has a room of her own.” I look up at him. “She became hysterical when she saw you crash and passed out. They rushed her in soon after you.”

  I fall back into the bed, grasping my face with my hands, “Damn it. I told her! This is why I told her to go home.” I punch the bed forgetting about the pain. “AAAggughh!”

  “Yeah you told her alright, you both have issues of stubbornness.”

  I roll my eyes at his unnecessary comment, “So is she okay?”

don’t know,” Ethan said, avoiding my eyes.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “They rushed you both in and somehow they have lost her somewhere.” My confused expression must have begged for more explanation. “She was supposed to be in a private room next to you. Somehow they have misplaced her somewhere else in this place and no one seems to know where she is. It’s incredibly frustrating, to be honest, but we’re looking for her. They told Randy, when they brought her in, that they thought she would be fine if they could get her to rest.”

  “I feel better after hearing that, but would still like to confirm it. So when can I leave here?”

  “Not for a few days at least, you have a concussion and they are taking it pretty seriously considering the stupid stunt you just did.” I glare at him from the corner of my eyes. “So you’re talking to me again?”

  “No, get out,” I said, leaning back into my bed.

  Ethan laughs, “You know you would miss me.”

  “I can’t if you are always around.” Ethan leans back in a chair, his smile pissing me off even more. “Are you just going to sit there all day?”

  “Mom told me to stay with you.” He says, waving his hands innocently.

  “Mom told you? Great, now you become the obedient son.”

  “You know what prick? You really need to get over it!” Ethan yelled at me. I try to roll away from him but my ribs scream at me to stay put. “I am sick of this. I understand you being angry for a while, but it’s reached a point of absurdity. Yes, I screwed up and I am sorry for that. It’s not like Rebecca is important to you anymore.”

  “I don’t even care about Rebecca.” I snap.

  “Then what is it?”

  “That you didn’t come to me. You didn’t come to me and tell me that you were having problems.” I said, looking away from his judging eyes.


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