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Birthright (Birthright Series)

Page 15

by A. P. Jensen

  “It is. Mr. Parker brought me here and broke the tie. I haven’t had power since.” Jordan winced as something in her chest throbbed.

  “Most women don’t survive being tied to a sorcerer, much less a severed soul tie,” Cibrian whispered.

  Jordan laughed weakly. “Lucky me. I can barely walk and I got taken in by a guy that’s never wanted a thing to do with me. Whenever I cross the property line I get barraged and I have no idea what’s going on.”

  You’ve come this far, Levi said.

  I wish I hadn’t.

  He slapped his hand on the back of her chair. Don’t talk like that.

  Cibrian seemed at a loss for words which Jordan sensed was out of the ordinary. He rose and came over to Jordan. Levi tensed behind her but cleared his throat uncomfortably when Cibrian leaned down and engulfed her in a hug. Tears stung Jordan’s eyes. Cibrian hugged like he meant it, with his whole body.

  “It’s over now. I’m glad you guys are here,” Cibrian said gruffly. He sat on the coffee table in front of her. “So what do we do?”

  “I don’t know,” Jordan sighed. “If my power comes back and it’s like it was before I know I’m going to need Mr. Parker’s help.”

  “So you are a Grounder?” Cibrian ventured

  “How can I be when William is dead?” Jordan said hotly.

  Cibrian held up his hands. “Sorry. It’s just that if you weren’t you wouldn’t have survived.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said.

  “Okay. Can do,” Cibrian placated.

  Jordan’s mind grappled with something. “Your media is telling everyone that William was assassinated?”

  “Sorcerers are always being targeted. For one, they rule in our world and are almost indestructible. We put sorcerers in high positions because they’re the only ones that can stop rebellions and keep everyone in check. The media suspects that the girl- uh, you, trapped him in the store so he could be assassinated,” Cibrian said.

  “By who?” Levi asked.

  Cibrian waved his hands. “Those that rebel against our government. There are some that think sorcerers should be executed.”

  “Parker is a sorcerer. Where does he fit into all this?” Levi demanded.

  “Uncle Van’s different. Sorcerers are expected to become Guides, leaders of our capitals. Uncle Van’s refused, practically turned his back on what some would say is his duty as a sorcerer.”

  “So that’s why everyone expects him to take William’s place,” Jordan murmured. She tilted her head to the side. “If Kelly is a Grounder why didn’t she save William Stan?”

  Cibrian was scandalized. “She’s with Uncle Van.”

  “So?” Levi said.

  “She’s with him,” Cibrian stressed. “Grounding another sorcerer would be like cheating on Uncle Van. Not good. There are Grounders that are claimed and some that aren’t. The ones that aren’t tied to sorcerers have protectors. Even if Aunt Kelly and Uncle Van don’t have a soul tie, she’s under his protection and his.” Cibrian shrugged. “To become a Guide in our world, a sorcerer has to have a soul tie with a Grounder. Uncle Van won’t confirm or deny that he has a soul tie with Aunt Kelly so he can’t become a Guide.”

  “Why is the soul tie so important?” Levi asked.

  “A Grounder can sense if he’s losing control.”

  Cibrian looked at Jordan whose complexion was waxy. Her eyes were haunted beneath thick lashes.

  “So what happens now? To Jordan?” Levi asked.

  “Happen?” Cibrian repeated, confused.

  “So William Stan does the soul thing with her, Parker takes her in and now everyone wants her because she’s his daughter and they think she’s powerful,” he paused deliberately. “But right now she’s weak as a baby. What happens next?”

  “Well, the Declaration Ceremony-” Cibrian began but there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Yeah?” Cibrian hollered.

  Heath strode into view. His sunglasses perched on his head and he looked at Levi with a strange expression on his face.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Cibrian was out the door before Jordan got up from her chair. Levi glanced warily at Heath.

  “I saw your work,” Heath said. “Impressive.”

  Levi paused.

  “You’re an earth talent, right? We found five people being held down by high grass and three people were buried alive. Seems you were holding your own before we got there,” Heath said evenly.

  Levi didn’t respond so Jordan led him down to the kitchen. They both tensed when they saw Mr. Parker at the table. He was reading a newspaper and dressed casually in jeans, a red shirt and gloves. Kelly had breakfast platters on the dining table and she beamed when she saw them.

  “I wasn’t sure what you like Levi so I made a little bit of everything,” she said.

  Mr. Parker didn’t look up as Kelly ushered them into seats at the table. Jordan hesitated when Kelly pushed her into the seat on Mr. Parker’s left. Cibrian was already eating and talking to Kelly as easily as if nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Mostly to give herself something to do, Jordan loaded up her plate. Levi didn’t eat until several minutes passed and Cibrian didn’t keel over. Knight walked down the stairs and that finally got Mr. Parker’s attention.

  “He’s in the house?”

  Jordan shrugged.

  “You named him?” he continued and set his paper down.

  He acted as if last night hadn’t happened, as if their fight several hours ago was a figment of her imagination and she didn’t like it.

  “His name’s Knight,” she said grudgingly.

  His mouth twisted. “Hmm.”

  He didn’t have to say a thing to show he didn’t like the name. “I like it,” she snapped.

  Mr. Parker didn’t bother answering. He began to eat and Jordan was forced to do the same. She looked across the table and saw Heath staring at Levi.

  “You’re very strong for someone so young,” Heath said.

  Levi looked back coolly and didn’t answer.

  “Donovan says you tracked Jordan here from Nevada?”

  Levi nodded.

  Heath shook his head. “That’s unheard of. You must be a tracker talent of some kind.”

  Cibrian spoke up with his mouth of eggs. “He’s gonna be huge.”

  Jordan winced when Cibrian downed his food with a gulp of soda.

  “Can you track anyone?” Heath persisted.

  Levi glanced at Mr. Parker who waited for his answer. “If I have contact with them, then, yes.”

  “Wow.” Heath waggled his brows at Mr. Parker. “Jordan sure makes things interesting around here.”

  Mr. Parker grunted and ate his pancakes.

  “I assume you’re an earth, fire talent?” Heath asked Levi who glanced at Cibrian. “I’m the same. You’re built like a Darsana too.” He took in Levi’s husky form and nodded with approval. “You have a lot of control over your power. When did you Awaken?”

  Levi glanced around the table and found everyone waiting expectantly. He was glad now that Cibrian was such a chatterbox. At least he understood what Heath was asking. “When I was twelve.”

  “Damn,” Cibrian said admiringly.

  “I didn’t understand it but I used it to get me out of trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble?” Mr. Parker asked sharply.

  Levi looked at him with cynical eyes. “It kept me alive on the streets. No one could sneak up on me.”

  “Did you know anything about our world?” Mr. Parker asked Levi.

  “Just what we learned in Haven which isn’t much.”

  “People like us, people with power, live by the laws in our world. We have our own schools, government and places that we claim as our own. We live side by side with the Ignorant, for the most part peacefully. It’s always been that way and will continue to be so.” When no one said anything, he tossed a look at Cibrian. “William Stan’s murder has gone global. I can see the
y’ve told you how she’s connected to his death. No one knows who Jordan is and that’s how I want to keep it. No one will link Jordan with the death of William Stan. From here on out she’s Jordan Parker. The girl in the surveillance video has nothing to do with my daughter. Got it?”

  Cibrian nodded, looking troubled and uncomfortable.

  “Why?” Levi asked.

  “William Stan was well loved by the people. Those loyal to him want to believe the girl was part of a conspiracy to have him assassinated. If anyone in this world finds out who Jordan really is, they’ll try to kill her.”

  Jordan moved the food around on her plate with a shaky fork.

  “If anyone asks about Jordan’s past, the story is that she was raised in the Ignorant world until she Awakened. Got it?”

  “About her power,” Cibrian ventured. “When will she get it back?”

  There was a long silence.

  “I don’t know,” Mr. Parker admitted and then glared at her. “It doesn’t help that she keeps doing stupid stuff that weakens her.”

  “To protect myself,” Jordan said indignantly.

  “Which you wouldn’t have to do if you stayed on property,” he retaliated.

  “So all this is happening to Jordan because she’s your daughter and she might have all the elements?” Levi asked, showing Jordan that Cibrian had been busy explaining their new world to him.


  Jordan slumped in her seat. Mr. Parker’s eyes settled on her for a second before focusing on Levi again.

  “I’m a sorcerer. You understand what that means?”

  “That you could lose it and kill people?” Levi said.

  A muscle ticked in Mr. Parker’s cheek. Heath started coughing.

  “I do have power like William but Kelly has orders to report me to the Council or take care of me herself.”

  Levi glanced at Kelly who smiled at him. Levi looked doubtfully back at Mr. Parker.

  “I also have the pills they served in Haven. Those pills will keep me sane long enough for Kelly do decide what tact she’s going to use.” He paused. “I went to Haven and found it empty.”

  “We’re not lying,” Jordan said stonily.

  “I’m not saying you are. I’m trying to say that there must be a lot of people involved in this operation. A lot of powerful people.”

  Cibrian opened his mouth to speak but Jordan and Levi glared and he drank more soda. Jordan didn’t want to talk about the Master, didn’t want to give Mr. Parker another reason to yell at her.

  “I’m using my contacts to try and track those responsible,” Mr. Parker said but the anger in his voice indicated he wasn’t getting anywhere. He focused on Levi. “Do you know what the purpose of Haven was?”

  Levi didn’t answer for a long minute but when he did his voice was gravelly. “William would break the kids that Awakened.”

  “You could hear them screaming,” Jordan said dazedly.

  “For what purpose?” Mr. Parker asked, leaning forward.

  Levi shrugged. “I don’t know. I fought too much.” He fingered the scars on his neck, shuddered and then glanced at Jordan whose breath quickened. “Most of the kids would be broken by him and then disappear and then a new batch of kids would come in.”

  “How long were you there?” Kelly asked, not touching her food.

  “Three years.”

  There was a long silence as everyone examined Levi and Jordan who stared stoically ahead. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that they’d been through a hell they couldn’t imagine.

  “Jordan will be staying here whether she wants to or not,” Mr. Parker stated, bringing everyone’s attention back to him.

  Jordan glared and was tempted to kick him. He was talking over her as if she wasn’t there.

  “She needs my protection so that there isn’t another incident like the one she had with William. Because I’m a sorcerer I have enemies and the fact that I don’t live in our world seems to encourage idiots more often than not. As you both experienced last night, the news that I have a daughter is going to cause chaos. There’s no stopping it. Most will assume I’ve kept Jordan out of the spotlight for her own safety. We’re going with that story.”

  Jordan turned to Kelly who sat at the other end of the table. “Why don’t you live in your world? Wouldn’t it be safer?”

  “I’m more comfortable on the fringes of both worlds,” Mr. Parker answered.

  “Some families like us have a home in our world and one in the Ignorant world. It’s convenient,” Kelly said.

  “You want to stay?” Mr. Parker asked Levi who choked on his bacon.

  “What?” he said hoarsely.

  Mr. Parker raised his brows. “Don’t you want to stay with Jordan?”

  “Why would you let me?”

  “You’re a part of everything. You went through hell together and I won’t ask you to leave if you don’t want to.”

  Cibrian and Heath looked from Mr. Parker to Levi as if they were watching a tennis match. Levi looked around at everyone’s expectant expressions. Jordan held her breath and waited for his answer.

  “We don’t know you,” Levi said and his voice had all the suspicion of someone who trusted more than once and learned never to take anyone at their word.

  Mr. Parker nodded. “That’s the risk you have to take. I won’t hurt you. I’ll give you shelter and my protection. I mean what I say. I don’t ask for your trust, just honesty. I expect the same in return. You follow the rules of my house which means you’ll go to school, learn how to control your power, how to implement it. You’ll be home before curfew and follow my lead when we’re in my world.”

  “And if I decide to leave?”

  Tension filled the room.

  “I’ll wipe your mind clean. You won’t remember Jordan or Haven at all. Those that aren’t trained to control their power turn to drugs, alcohol, go into mental institutions or commit suicide. But it’s your life. If you want to go on the run it’s up to you.”

  “But we’d love for you to stay,” Kelly added and shot Mr. Parker an angry look which he ignored.

  “And if I want to leave?” Jordan asked and sucked in a breath when Mr. Parker met her eyes.

  “It’s out of the question,” he growled.

  “I’m telling you, maybe I’m not your daughter-” she said a tad desperately.

  “You are and you aren’t going anywhere.”

  Mr. Parker rose and walked towards his office. Heath had a smile on his face as he rose and followed. An awkward silence fell and Kelly excused herself and took off after the two men with her hands on hips.

  “Let’s weigh your options,” Cibrian said to Levi. “A. you go on the run, B. you go into a foster home where I suspect you’ll be treated like crap or C. you stay together, learn how to control your power and maybe learn a different way to live. In choices A and B you’ll never learn what you can do and you’ll be alone.” Cibrian raised a finger like a stern teacher. “Therefore, you’ll never truly know yourself because you’ll never understand your power which is a part of you. Geez, this is a hard decision.”

  Levi glared at him. “Why do you care? What do you get out of this?”

  “Cousins,” Cibrian said as if that was obvious.

  Levi blanched.

  “He can’t be my dad,” Jordan muttered.

  “Get over it, Jordan!” Cibrian said and then flinched and let out a long sigh. “Damn.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I don’t know why she’s so ticked. We don’t leave until tomorrow.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jordan said, looking around for an explanation.

  “Wanna meet Rhonda?” Cibrian asked and pushed his chair back.

  Levi and Jordan glanced at each other and then followed Cibrian out of the house. The cool morning was rapidly being replaced by sticky heat. Jordan felt her steps slow and Knight nudged her with his muzzle, propelling her forward. As they passed the glass pool room Jordan saw the adults s
tanding outside of Mr. Parker’s office on the wraparound porch.

  “Where you going?” Kelly called.

  “Rhonda’s beeping me,” Cibrian hollered without stopping.

  Mr. Parker opened his mouth to object but Kelly elbowed him in the stomach. “Tell her I said hi!”

  Cibrian waved his hand to acknowledge the message and muttered to himself. “Always on my case. Can’t just let me be, can she?”

  “You can speak to her mind to mind?” Levi guessed.

  “Yup. We’re both telepathic. It sucks.” Cibrian wrapped an arm around Jordan’s shoulders as they trudged across the pasture. She tried to sidle away but he tightened his hold and she gave up.

  “Who’s Rhonda?”

  “My cousin. Sometimes she travels with me but for the most part she takes care of Tolly House.”

  “Travels with you?”

  Cibrian shrugged. “My parents have been living apart for as long as I can remember but they made their divorce official recently. They let me live wherever I want so Rhonda keeps me company. She’s not really a people person and we’re her only family.”

  “Were you raised here?” Jordan asked. Cibrian didn’t blend in with the country setting. His hair was always neatly made and his clothes were fashionable and obviously expensive.

  “Not really. I spend most of my time in my parent’s houses in the capitals,” he said with a shrug. “When I visit Tolly House I usually end up at Aunt Kelly’s house.”

  Jordan heard the bitterness in his voice but didn’t pry. Knight dashed ahead and leapt across the stream without effort. As they crossed the bridge Jordan had a flashback of the scene yesterday between herself and Mr. Parker and shook it off.

  Jordan glanced at Levi whose eyes took in the view from every angle. “Do you feel like we fell down the rabbit hole?”


  “Wait till you see his house,” she said and then stopped. “What about the Master?”

  “Rhonda will be there and the Master would be an idiot to come back. He knows you’d tell somebody and Knight is here too,” Cibrian pointed out.

  Levi brushed his hand against her arm. I’m here too.

  She nodded and continued on. Levi strolled beside her, face expressionless. He was acting like a stranger and she didn’t like it. She grasped his hand and his eyes whipped to her. Can you see yourself here?


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