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Birthright (Birthright Series)

Page 16

by A. P. Jensen


  She released his hand and they walked in silence. She saw Levi examining Knight and at times he closed his eyes and breathed deep as if drawing in the scent and warmth of this place. Jordan needed help climbing the steps to Tolly House. Her heart was pounding with fatigue and she was gasping for breath.

  Jordan pushed ahead of Levi so she could step into the wonder of Tolly House and catch Levi’s reaction. She wasn’t disappointed. Levi stopped as if struck dumb, eyes darting to the floating rose petals, the grand stairs and floating upper level and then the winter and spring scenes on either side of them. Dripping with sweat, Jordan stepped into the winter scene. Sweat froze instantly and it felt as if needles were being jabbed into her skin. She squeaked and jumped onto the gold path, rubbing her arms.

  “Cibrian Maurice Tolly!” a woman called from the upper level.

  “Come on,” Cibrian said and beckoned them to follow as he started up the stairs.

  Jordan grabbed Levi’s nerveless arm for support as they started up the stairs. She saw Knight take off into the meadow and then make a circle. She was sure he was in the exact spot the Master stood yesterday. She shivered and looked up at the rose petals that fell inches above her head but never made contact. She wanted to reach up and grab at the petals, to see if they were as soft and real as they looked but she didn’t dare. The roses disappeared inches above her head. When they reached the top of the steps Jordan and Levi stopped to take in this new bizarre scene. Most of the floor was taken up by a circular gold dining room table that could easily fit over fifty people. Above the table a chandelier with three white angels, back to back, sparkled in the light.

  To the right and left were two more staircases that led to an even bigger circular floor above. These stairs jutted out; past the floor they stood on and curved sharply upward to the third floor. The circular floor had a gold railing covered in vines and miniscule roses in varying states of bloom. Everywhere Jordan looked beyond the landing, rose petals drifted down like soft pink rain.

  Levi moved forward, not gripped by the same paralysis as Jordan. He crossed to the opposite side of the room, skirting the gold dining table to the break he could see in the railing. Gold and white steps led down to a paradox of scenes divided by another gold path. Unsteadily, he walked down the stairs to the scene on the left and his sneakers sank into soft sand. He stood on a beach with the sun beating down on his back, making him instantly drowsy. He stared at the never ending stretch of white sand, at the waves crashing on the shore and the palm trees that towered overhead. He’d found heaven.

  Jordan stopped beside him, holding her shoes in one hand as she walked onto the sand barefoot. She stared out at the waves and closed her eyes and inhaled. She could smell something indefinably sweet that blended with the smell of the sea. Jordan turned her head to the right and reluctantly left the beach. She crossed the gold path to the scene on the opposite side. With sandy feet, she stepped onto a cushion of fallen leaves. The leaves on the trees were in shades of orange, yellow and red. A large lake with a bridge arched over it lay in the distance. Leaves floated down from trees in lazy swirls and covered the ground and lake in autumn hues. Jordan shivered as a chilly wind ruffled her hair and caressed her nape. Jordan glanced across the path to see Levi on his knees in the sand, warm breeze ruffling his hair. His eyes were closed and his head was tipped up towards the sun. Tired of the cold breeze, Jordan stepped back onto the gold path between the two environments and felt the temperature level out.

  At the top of the staircase Cibrian beckoned to them with a smile on his face. Knight bounded down the stairs and passed Levi’s reverent form and plunged into the waves. It took both Cibrian and Jordan to drag Levi away from the beach.

  “I didn’t tell Rhonda I was bringing you two. She’s gonna freak,” Cibrian puffed as he pulled Levi up the stairs.

  “Why’s she gonna freak?”

  “She loves celebrities,” Cibrian said with a wink.

  Levi and Jordan stared at him as they reached the top floor.

  “But we’re not-”

  “Cibrian, you lousy, irresponsible, lazy procrastinator!” a woman screeched as she stomped down the stairs from above.

  “Yes Rhonda, you vivacious, gregarious lovely flower!” Cibrian sang.

  A woman with straight white blonde hair with a bob cut and startling orange eyes had several pairs of shirts slung over one shoulder. She wore a flowery apron that had several pairs of socks tucked into the front pocket.

  “We have to leave soon and you haven’t even packed. This is the most important day of your life. The least you can do is look somewhat decent-”

  She lifted her head, saw them standing there and stopped with her feet on different steps. Her eyes immediately lowered and she bowed her head like a servant.

  “I didn’t know you had company,” she said quietly.

  “They aren’t company, they’re family,” Cibrian said.

  One orange eye peeked between the blonde curtain of hair. “Excuse me?”

  “This is Jordan, Uncle Van’s daughter.”

  Rhonda gawked and lost her footing on the stairs. Clothes went flying and she fell to her knees in an ungainly heap, all without taking her eyes from them. Jordan moved forward to help but Rhonda jumped up and waved her away, collecting all the clothes in her arms.

  “I’m honored,” Rhonda said and bobbed a curtsy.

  Jordan blinked and Cibrian rolled his eyes.

  “And this is Levi, Jordan’s foster brother.”

  Rhonda dropped the clothes and closed her eyes. When Jordan and Levi took a wary step back Cibrian held up a hand.

  “She has some of the Tolly birthright. She can sense connections between people. She won’t tell me exactly how it works-” Cibrian said in a loud whisper when Rhonda opened her eyes again.

  Rhonda lost the subservient façade and walked forward and threw her arms around both of them. Jordan and Levi looked at Cibrian over Rhonda’s shoulder. Cibrian seemed more surprised than either of them.

  “She’s usually not so touchy feely. She grew up Ignorant like you two. I think she was in foster homes too so she’s probably having bad flashbacks. My dad picked her up-”

  “Shut up, Cib,” Rhonda said and pulled away.

  On closer inspection, Rhonda was in her late twenties and actually quite pretty although in a startling way you had to get used to.

  “Welcome. Your journey’s just begun but the tighter you stick together, the better,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Jordan said uncertainly.

  “Levi wants to leave,” Cibrian blurted.

  Rhonda turned her striking eyes on Levi who took a step back. “You have to stay. You’re fates are entwined.”

  “So Cibrian keeps saying,” Levi said with a shrug.

  “Why do you want to leave?” Rhonda asked.

  “Yes, Levi, why do you want to leave?” Cibrian demanded.

  Jordan tensed and shook her head behind Levi’s back.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” Levi said.

  “Why?” Cibrian pushed, ignoring Jordan’s threatening glare.

  “You’re strangers to us. What we know of this world is tied up with Haven.”

  “There’s good and bad in both worlds,” Cibrian said.

  “And how are we supposed to know the difference? I know the other world. I know how it works and how to survive in it. This one,” he glanced around at the riches around him and the falling rose petals. “I don’t know anything about.”

  “Won’t you stay for Jordan?” Rhonda asked and then, “You’re dating, right?”

  Jordan rolled her eyes as Cibrian slung an arm around her.

  “That’s what I said. Their connection is deeper than physical,” Cibrian said.

  “We’ve been through a lot together,” Levi admitted.

  “She knows just as much as you do,” Cibrian pointed out. “And she’s staying.”

  “She doesn’t have a choice,” Levi said withou
t looking at her.

  Jordan felt as if he were stomping over her heart. After coming all this way he was using any reason he could to leave her behind. A liability. That’s all she was to him.

  “Cibrian!” A woman said sharply and they all jumped.

  A woman descended from the staircase opposite from where Rhonda had. She was dressed in black silk pants and a ruffled white top. There was a string of pearls draped around her neck and she was fussing with the clasp of a matching bracelet as she walked down the last steps. The woman’s resemblance to Kelly was shocking. They could have been twins if it wasn’t for the obvious signs of age around her eyes and mouth. This woman was sophistication personified. She gave off the impression of supreme wealth, confidence and immense snobbery. The woman kept her gaze on her bracelet as she talked without once looking up.

  “Cibrian, you better get into The Academy. You wouldn’t want to embarrass your father and I, now, would you?” she drawled.

  Cibrian’s face hardened. “What are you doing here?”

  She finally looked up and pinned him with a cold gaze. “I won this house in the divorce. I do visit every now and then.”

  She took in the silent crowd and raised one thin brow. “You didn’t tell me you were bringing visitors. Rhonda, introduce me.”

  Rhonda bowed her head but Cibrian held out a hand, frowning at her. “She’s not a servant.”

  The look his mother cast him should have frozen him into an ice cube. “Mind your manners.”

  Face cast in mocking respect he said, “This is my mother, Ruth Dun.”

  Ruth looked around expectantly but no one said anything.

  “This is Jordan,” Cibrian paused, watching his mother closely as he finished, “Uncle Van’s daughter.”

  Ruth’s eyes flared. “That’s impossible. Kelly’s infertile.”

  “Mom!” Cibrian snapped.

  Jordan narrowed her eyes at this woman who looked so like Kelly but who was giving her the creeps with every word out of her mouth. Where Kelly’s eyes were filled with warmth her sister’s eyes were cold and calculating.

  “Isn’t it convenient that you come along right after William dies and everyone’s looking to Donovan to take his place? We’ve been waiting for Donovan to have a child. No one knew he already had one. Where has he been keeping you, dear?” Her voice was syrupy sweet.

  “Does it matter?” Jordan replied.

  Ruth frowned. “I guess not.”

  Levi shifted, drawing Ruth’s attention.

  “Hmm. And what is your reason for being here?” Ruth asked, voice arctic.

  Cibrian tensed. “I invited him here, mom.”

  Ruth ignored her son and didn’t bother to hide her sneer as she eyed Levi up and down. “What are you doing with the daughter of Donovan Parker? Don’t tell me Donovan let his little daughter have a boyfriend.”

  The taunting tone scraped Jordan on the raw. She’d been through too much to let some rich bitch look down at her as if she was trash and too stupid to know she was being insulted. Anger bubbled up. She wasn’t going to take any flak from anyone- not even Kelly’s sister. Jordan stepped towards Ruth and got her immediate attention.

  “Levi’s none of your business,” Jordan said and sensed him move in close behind her.

  “He’s not from your bloodline,” Ruth said and it wasn’t a question.

  “Why does it matter to you?” Jordan said.

  Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Cibrian and Rhonda glance at one another.

  Ruth’s curved in a malicious smile. “You have quite a mouth on you, baby.” She began to circle Jordan like a shark. “Who’s your mother?”

  Jordan stepped towards Ruth who backed off in surprise. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Ruth’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. I would.”

  “Ask my dad.”

  Jordan nearly choked over calling Mr. Parker her father but the effort paid off. Ruth paled and compressed her mouth in a tight line.

  “Your mother must be trailer trash. I guess that’s why Donovan never mentioned either of you to anyone. Like mother, like daughter. Obviously, you were a huge mistake and he’s ignored you up until now.”

  Her cruel words slapped Jordan across the face and it stung all the more because Ruth had stabbed blindly but accurately. The taunting tone, the disdain in Ruth’s eyes triggered a lifetime of defending herself. Ruth let out a strangled scream as Knight pressed in beside Jordan. His presence acted like a match to a flame. Jordan’s anger transmitted into power that flooded her body like lava. She didn’t think, all she knew was she wanted Ruth to pay. Power consumed her.

  The smell of something burning filled the air and a flaming rose petal drifted in front of Jordan’s vision. She stared at the curling petal that turned into a piece of ash, unaware her eyes flickered between blue and black.

  Levi started to reach out for Jordan who stood motionless, eyes fixed on Ruth. Even as Levi reached for her, a blast of heat sent Ruth, Cibrian, Rhonda and Levi flying backwards. There was a terrifying whoosh as the falling rose petals went up in flames, creating a seething curtain of fire. Heat caressed Jordan’s face with deadly hands. A part of her gloried in making Ruth scream in fear while the other part of her tried to stem the rage fueling her power.

  Levi crawled forward and reached through the flames that shimmied over Jordan’s skin. He knew what she was capable of and knew Ruth’s cutting words, coupled with all Jordan had gone through made her even more deadly than before. Touching Jordan was like holding onto a live wire. Pain spilled into him and the urge to let go and run was strong but he held on. Power zapped through him, making his head ring. He wasn’t sure how she was suddenly infused with power but the sheer depth of it made him sick.

  Jordan felt Levi’s touch and it jolted her. It wasn’t just Ruth who cowered. The red haze lowered long enough to see Rhonda and Cibrian covered in ash, hands over their heads. Shock and shame made her jerk her hand from Knight. Her lungs burned as if her insides were on fire. She staggered back because the loss of power was so abrupt. The rose petals that had been so delicate and perfect were gone. Ash drifted down around them and the smell of burnt flowers filled the air. The elegant gold room was now gray and smoking.

  Ruth braced herself on her hands. Her perfect white shirt was scorched and tattered and her beautiful hair was now singed. “You’re a monster!”

  “Don’t you ever talk about my mother that way again,” Jordan said to Ruth who stared at her with a mixture of fascination and fear.

  “See ya,” Levi said to Cibrian whose face was covered in soot.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Levi grabbed Jordan’s hand and hauled her towards the staircase. Knight followed them down the stairs between the winter and meadow scenes but Jordan was careful not to touch him. Jordan choked on the awful smell coming from above. Luckily, the rose petals still disappeared over their heads and didn’t cover the meadow or snow with ash.

  Neither spoke as they walked onto the porch and started uphill, out of the crater that housed Tolly House. Jordan took deep breaths of warm air that smelled of grass and flowers and tried to calm herself. Her heart was pounding. She could still feel the aftereffects of power making her fingertips tingle and the need to punish Ruth made her hands curl into fists. She stomped through the high grass and didn’t look at him. She knew he was furious with her for losing control. I’m not a robot, she thought resentfully as they crossed the bridge onto Parker property. Levi grabbed her and swung her around to face him.

  “What the hell was that? You could have killed somebody!” he snapped.

  Jordan yanked her hand away from his. Knight brushed against her and the circle pendant burst with light. Flames squirmed through Jordan’s hair like angry snakes.

  “You did it deliberately?” Levi’s voice was cold.

  Jordan paced. “She talked about my mother.”

  “She obviously wanted a rise out of you and you delivered. You can’t punish people just because you w
ant to. Ignore it.”

  “I’m not like you. I’m not a robot that can turn off everything I feel.” She took a deep breath that did nothing to calm her. “Everything is bubbling up inside me. I’m so angry and scared and this place,” she flung her hands wide. “Knight, William, Mr. Parker, you. I keep waiting to have some kind of normal in my life, something solid but it keeps slipping through my fingers.”

  He stood several feet away from her with his arms crossed, making sure she kept her distance from him. It caused a single tear to course down her cheek.

  “He changed me.” It was a realization that had grown steadily in her mind.

  “It’s worse,” Levi agreed. “I don’t know if you would have stopped if I hadn’t grabbed you.”

  “I know you should leave. I have nothing to offer but I want you to stay. I trust you. I can’t do this without you.”

  He looked away, over endless land. “I don’t think I can.”

  “Why?” It was a cry from her soul.

  “I don’t belong here.”

  “I don’t either!” she shouted. “You think I feel at home in the room they gave me, eating as much as I want, being fawned over by Kelly? You think I just fell into this house and realized that this is my happily ever after? No!” She clutched his shirt in both hands. “You reached out to me in Haven. You needed me as much as I needed you. We’ve been honest with each other.” Tears dripped down her face. “And I’m telling you now, I need you. Please. Stay with me.”

  Levi looked beyond her to the house made of glass in the distance. With his power he sensed Mr. Parker standing on the porch, knew he was probably able to hear every word of their conversation. He stepped away from Jordan’s grasping fingers.

  “I can’t do this,” he said and walked away.

  Jordan didn’t have the strength to chase after him. She sank to her knees and buried her face in her hands and sobbed as if her heart was breaking. Knight stood over her protectively. She looked small between his front paws. He whined and Levi didn’t look back although the sound of Jordan’s sobs followed him across the grounds. He wasn’t surprised to see Mr. Parker standing outside of his office on the porch. He had on a pair of aviator sunglasses that shielded his eyes but Levi was sure he was glaring at him.


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