Book Read Free

Hearts Divided

Page 11

by Masters, Ellie

  “How much what?”

  “How much did you pay for the keys and the tow?”

  “Honey, don’t worry that little red head about it.”

  “Sebastian!” Her temper is flaring now, and he can’t help but laugh.

  “I’ll send you the bill if you want, but you owe me twenty hours.”

  “You ass!”

  “I’ve got this week off, so you can make a sizable dent in what you owe.”

  A smile creeps across her face. He looks over to see her fighting not to laugh, but it’s too much and she giggles beside him.

  “Only a rock star could be this cocky.” Her expression sobers and she looks down at her lap. “Are you still mad at me?”

  “I had a lot of time to think on the way up the trail. You’re right, I was being an ass. I made an assumption I shouldn’t have. That you didn’t get all starry-eyed after figuring out who I was should’ve been telling enough. I apologize for being a dick about that.” He reaches over and grips her hand. “See, I do know how to apologize.”

  “I’m surprised, and thanks.”

  “You’re pretty cool…for a chick.”

  She looks up and gives an exasperated sigh. “And the ass is back.”

  He can’t help but laugh. Holly doesn’t back down from anything. He’s never met a girl with the balls to meet him head on. It’s unexpected and sexy as hell. He can’t wait to see if she brings that fiery passion to bed.



  “So, where do you live?” He drives back to town and an idea churns in his head.

  “Not too far.”

  She guides him off the freeway into a sketchier part of town.

  “You live here?” He peers out the window and gives a shake of his head.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

  “It’s not? Because it looks pretty sketchy.”

  “Well, I don’t tend to wander outside after dark.”

  “I can see why.” But there have to be times when she must head out. What does she do then? Carry mace? A Taser? A gun? Hell, he would walk these streets armed. His idea is looking worse and worse by the minute. No way is he parking the Jeep on the streets. Ash would kill him.

  “Over there.” She points to an apartment complex with a gated parking lot. “You can drop me off—”

  “No way in hell am I dropping you off. We have a deal. I’m coming up while you get cleaned up. I want something flirty and sexy.”

  “Flirty and sexy? If you think you’re getting lucky tonight, we can take that off the table right now.”

  He raises his hands up and out, but isn’t deterred by what she says. Besides, he’s up for a challenge.

  “A deal is a deal, and I’ll behave.” He’s not going to behave. He has every intention of getting her in his bed. It might not be tonight, but he has plenty of time to get her to come around.

  “You have a deal,” she says with a snort. “You tricked me into agreeing to your silly terms.”

  “There you have it,” he says, flashing a smile. “Proof that you did in fact agree. Your word is your bond and there’s no going back now.” He’s totally full of himself. Your word is your bond! Who says shit like that? Evidently, he does, which is hysterical. He’s never had to work this hard before and is finding the challenge exhilarating.

  “You’re insufferable,” she says with a pout, but she’s not denying it.

  “I prefer persistent, and I’m not dropping you off and giving you a chance to back out of our date.”

  Irritation flickers across her face, but a smile lurks there as well. The more demanding he becomes, the more she bends to his will. He can use this.

  “Can I park in your lot?” It’s gated—no guard—but looks a hundred times more secure than parking by the curb.

  She gives a huff and then concedes with a nod. “Punch in 1-9-1-2.”

  He pulls up to a keypad, punches in the numbers, then drives into the parking lot after the gate rolls back. “Any particular spot?”

  “That one.” She points to a parking spot beneath a floodlight. “The one that says 3B.”

  He pulls into the spot and jumps out. Her apartment building is a three-story brick building. He’s happy with the floodlights in the parking lot and the security they provide. There’s a set of doors leading inside, and from the looks of it, there’s another keypad beside the door. The neighborhood might look a little sketchy, but this place feels safer than he initially thought. And with a dog the size of Ranger by her side, a thief, or worse, would be a fool to approach.

  Duke and Ranger pile out of the Jeep while Holly grabs her backpack. A quick look inside, and he’s not sure about leaving the Jeep alone. The top’s down and it will take some time to put it back up. The last thing he wants is to draw attention and announce he’s battening it down for the night.

  Time for a change of plans. If he can’t stay here for the night, then Holly’s coming back to his room at the hotel. She’s going to put up a fight, and damn if that doesn’t have his dick throbbing.

  There’s nothing of value in the Jeep and he leaves it to join Holly and the two dogs at the door to her apartment building. Duke isn’t loyal like Ranger and is more than happy to follow Holly rather than wait for him. He would ask if it’s okay to bring Duke up to her place, but Holly doesn’t seem the least concerned. She’s holding the door for the dogs, letting them in, then turns waiting for him to catch up. He lopes into a jog and grabs the door over her head.

  “After you.”

  Her eyes pinch and she looks up at him. “You’re going to behave, right?”

  “I’m always behaved.”

  “I’m serious, Sebastian. I don’t let men up into my apartment.”


  Her head shakes and there’s the slightest quiver of her lips. Ranger returns, nuzzles her palm, and urges her toward the elevator. What the hell is that all about?

  “I’m not very social and like my privacy.”

  Her honesty nearly stops him in his tracks and he realizes there’s more going on. He makes an uncharacteristic decision.

  “I promise to keep my hands and lips to myself and my junk in my jeans. Scout’s honor.”

  She bursts out laughing. “Your junk in your jeans? What are you, twelve?”

  “Well, thirty-four, but who’s counting. Now, if you want to put your hands, or your lips on me, I promise to suffer through it.”

  She gives a playful shove and heads toward the elevator, laughing hard. “Oh, I’m sure you will.”

  “I’m being serious.” He follows her to the elevators. “I mean, if forced to endure…”

  The doors open to the elevator and she steps inside, laughing. “I had to meet a rock star.” Her head is still shaking as she punches the button to the third floor. She looks up at him. “Were you really a Boy Scout?”


  He rocks back on his heels and hooks his thumbs in his front pockets. All he can think about is shoving her against the wall and burying her beneath his kisses. The junk in his jeans is hard as steel, leaving him in agony. The teeth of his zipper bites against the skin of his shaft. He’s commando and not going to make it ten minutes before needing some kind of relief. Not with Holly this close.

  “What kind?” She asks.


  He’s barely holding on. Images of pressing Holly against the wall overwhelm any other thought. In his head, he’s rocking forward, shoving his cock inside her soft folds, and fucking her into oblivion. He barely keeps his hips in check, the urge is overwhelming.

  “What kind of Boy Scout?” She gives him a look like he’s an idiot. “I don’t see you doing that.”

  Focus! He shifts his feet, widening his stance, but it does nothing to relieve the pressure building in his cock. Holding back a groan, he answers, surprised he’s telling the truth.

  “You’re going to be surprised at the things I can do.”

  “I don’t think I want to know all the
things you can do.”

  “You’d be wrong. You’re wondering about all the things right now. And spoiler…” He leans in to whisper in her ear. “I’m pretty damn good at exactly what you’re thinking about.”

  She takes a step back. “I have no doubt that’s what you think, but how do you know?”

  “Trust me, a guy knows.”

  “Right, that’s what they all say.”

  “Well, unfortunately for you, I’ve promised to behave myself, Scout’s honor.”

  “You still haven’t said what kind.”

  “Eagle Scout of course. I never do anything half-assed.” The smirk he’s giving is sure to turn her thoughts to darker pleasures, but she’s a tough nut to crack. Maybe she doesn’t get the innuendo? But no, a pretty, pink flush rises in her cheeks, and rushes down her neck. He follows the path of her blush, and imagines what it would be like to lick all that delectable skin.

  “No way? Angel Fire’s drummer is an Eagle Scout?”

  “Yeah, don’t go blabbing that around. It doesn’t fit my bad boy image.”

  “I don’t blab and my eyes are up here.” She snaps her fingers, but his attention fixes on her breathing, how it’s accelerating, and confirming what he already knows.

  “You have stunning eyes, but those tits…” His fists are shoved deep in his pockets now. It’s the only way to keep his hands off her. “Damn, Holly, but you’re a knockout.”

  “Right, and I’m sure you say that to all the girls.”

  He doesn’t. He’s never had to before. Girls flock to his bed. His biggest problem is deciding whether to take one, two, or more at the same time. But not once has he ever had to convince a girl to shed her clothes and spread her legs.

  He pulls his attention from Holly’s tits and stares directly into her eyes, holding her with all his focus. “I’ve only ever said that to one girl before. I meant it then and I mean it now.”

  And isn’t that a kick in the gut? He chased Valerie, thinking she would be his forever. Not once did he think she would abandon him. He shakes off the painful memory, not wanting it, and not needing it intruding on this moment. Holly excites him because of the challenge she presents. There’s nothing more. He had his chance at forever.

  Holly is silent, perhaps chewing on his words. She won’t understand. No one but Ash knows about Valerie. Bent, Spike and Noodles joined the band a year later. As close as the five of them are, he never shared anything about Valerie. Why would he? Angel Fire was taking off as a band, and he drowned himself in all the pussy he could handle, trying to forget the one who broke his heart.

  The doors to the elevator slide open and he lets Holly out first, all gentlemanly and shit. Ranger and Duke push out behind her and follow her down the hall. It’s going to be a struggle to keep his word, but he will.

  No touching, no kissing, and the rest? He’s an idiot, because there’s no way this is going to end well.

  She opens her apartment door. Evidently, she keeps her house keys separate from the key fob for her car. Ranger and Duke bound inside, hairy balls of energy. In the three weeks since he got him, Duke’s already grown. He stands taller than Holly’s waist.

  “Now, I wasn’t expecting company. Don’t mind the mess.” She leaves him standing in the hallway and disappears inside. The door doesn’t automatically swing shut. He’s going to need to fix that. The building looks respectable on the inside, but Holly needs to be more mindful of her security.

  He follows her in and pulls up short. “Um, this is messy?”

  She’s picking up a magazine off a glass coffee table. Other than that one item, her place is immaculate.

  She gives him a strange look, then fluffs a perfectly plumped pillow on the couch. Her nervous fidgeting continues as she straightens a coaster on the end table and readjusts the lamp, lining them up perfectly.

  He’s terrified to step any further inside, afraid of tracking in dirt. Ranger makes a beeline for a wire crate and sits inside of it, curling up on the blanket inside. Duke is looking at Ranger and appears uncertain. There’s no room for him in the crate, but then Holly pulls out a blanket from a hidden compartment inside an ottoman.

  “Here Duke!” She lays it out beside Ranger’s crate and pats it until Duke comes over. With her kneeling on the ground, Duke towers over her. He snuffles the back of her neck, breathing in her crazy curls. “Hey, that tickles!”

  She gets him to sit and then to lay down. Duke looks as uncomfortable and out of place as Bash feels. Then she hands Duke a rawhide bone and all of Duke’s concerns disappear as he goes to town on the bone.

  Holly straightens. “Um, I’m going to take a quick shower. Make yourself at home.”

  He’s afraid to touch anything, let alone sit. The couch is practically white. Fortunately, there’s a pair of barstools by the counter looking into the small galley kitchen.

  “Just for the record,” he says, “the clock doesn’t start counting until you return in a sexy black dress.”


  “Hey, I don’t make the rules.” He’s grinning again, because he’s totally making this shit up on the fly.

  “Is that so?”


  Her laughter is his most favorite sound and it drifts to his ears as she disappears inside her bedroom and shuts the door. It’s a tiny apartment, two rooms by the look of it. The living room and kitchen combination, and her bedroom beyond the door. He gazes at that door, determined not to open it and violate her privacy, yet he’s stupid enough to do just that.



  Holly’s entire body buzzes as she peels off her clothes. He’s here. In her apartment. Beyond a flimsy door. A virile male with undeniable sex appeal hovers but few feet away, and she’s not only defenseless, she’s naked.

  Don’t think about it. Don’t head down those paths. It leads to nothing but pain.

  Her inner voice isn’t helping. She’s thinking about all the things and heading down all the paths. Her imagination is a runaway train conjuring all kinds of possibilities. She wants what Sebastian offers. Who wouldn’t? But wishes and wants aren’t for people like her. The freedom to be that kind of girl isn’t in the cards. She’ll always be hesitant and guarded with men. Trust leads to pain. Pain leads to heartache, and worse.

  It’s too quiet, like a thief wandered in and stole all the sound. Her heart struggles to fill the void, a frantic thump, thump, thump echoes in the silence making it more oppressive. And her nerves are no help. They’re a riot of jagged protestation. What should and shouldn’t happen tangles in her head, making her confused with what she wants and what she should do. She holds her breath, listening, but can’t hear a sound. What is Sebastian doing?

  His undeniable presence can’t be ignored.

  Curiosity moves her toward the door. She should be in the bathroom with the protection of a second door and a lock between her and Sebastian. Instead, she holds her breath, places her ear to the door, and listens to what he might be doing on the other side. Her hand presses against the door and her stomach knots with foreboding. This is dangerous. Can she trust him not to come through the door? To not hurt her?

  Ranger is curled in his crate. She needs her dog beside her, calming her, and soothing the panic racing through her veins. She misjudged the wisdom of allowing Sebastian inside and the effect he would have. It’s insane and crazy, exciting and exhilarating, raw and painful. But there’s nothing to do about that now. Her breaths rasp in and out as panic stirs in her gut.

  What she needs is to hurry up and not give him time to get bored and seek her out. He says he won’t touch her, kiss her, or do…that to her. Shit! She’s in desperate need of that shower. What about him? Does she have that effect on him?

  Stop it! Don’t think about that.

  She rushes into the shower and washes away the dirt and grime from her hike, pushing all thoughts of Sebastian from her mind. Or tries to.

  She’s having dinner with a rock star.

He’s out of her league. Not even in the same solar system.

  She’s screwed because the more time she spends around him, the less of the famous drummer she sees. There’s a gentleness lurking behind his tough exterior. His gruff voice bends and softens, luring her toward a promise which doesn’t exist. He teases her with an easy back and forth which makes her want things she can never have. Most importantly, he isn’t trying to get her in his bed. She values this and understands what it means.

  She towels off and pulls her curls into a tight twist at the back of her head. It’s the only way to tame her hair.

  A tiny black dress.

  She doesn’t own anything like that. He’s going to have to settle for a pair of black leggings and a glitter top. It’s the fanciest thing she owns, which is pathetic, and self-induced. There’s a reason she doesn’t date, but he’s not giving her a chance to refuse. Not with the debt she owes.

  A smile tugs at the corner of her lips. She doesn’t let other people dictate her life, but he maneuvered her exactly where he wants her to be. But why? What is it about her? She’s curious enough to let this play out.

  When she exits her room, she holds back a smile. Truthfully, she’s too nervous to smile, but Sebastian steals her breath with the love he showers on that dog. He’s on the floor, powerful legs stretched out as he leans against her couch. Duke is with him, half in and out of his lap. Bash is singing to the dog with a voice dripping with sin. It makes her heart stop.

  Ash is the frontman of the band with an undeniably powerful voice. Spike and Bent provide backup on vocals. Not Sebastian. If he does, she’s never noticed. A quick glance at the kitchen counter and she breathes out a sigh of relief. Her stack of drum notes doesn’t look like it’s been touched. She would die if he saw her notes for the kids.

  “I didn’t know you could sing,” she says.

  He hugs Duke, who groans and stretches out.

  “From time to time.”


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