Book Read Free

Rock the Curves

Page 13

by Twyla Turner

  Everyone laughed and they started walking out to the large shuttle bus that was waiting for them. Gage’s dad walked up next to his wife.

  “Lyris, this is my husband and Gage’s father, Nathan.” Adriana introduced them since Gage was still being tight-lipped.

  “Hey, Lyris. It’s nice to meet you,” his dad said.

  “Nice to meet you too, sir.” Lyris shook his offered hand.

  “Oh, no need to be so formal. Call me Nathan.”

  “And you must call me Adriana.” His mother pulled Lyris in closely. “You are just as lovely as he described. I see there is some tension between you two. Not to worry. He’ll relax now that he’s home. Plus, it’s Rio. Love seems to find you here. It’s what happened when his father came here the first time.”

  Lyris smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, “I don’t think so.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “I shouldn’t say. He’s already mad at me as it is.”

  “You can tell me. I’ll deal with my son.”

  “All I can say is, he won’t even speak to me. Let alone look at me.”

  “I noticed.”

  Lyris looked at her in surprise. They’d only been in her presence for a few minutes.

  Nathan leaned in and interjected, “Adriana has insane intuition. It’s scary. I can’t get away with anything.”

  Lyris laughed and this time it was genuine and reached her eyes.

  “That’s better,” Adriana winked at her. “You’ll be fine, my dear. Trust me.”

  Lyris nodded.

  They all piled onto the shuttle bus. Nathan got in the driver’s seat. Gage went all the way to the back. Adriana patted the seat next to her up front.

  “Sit with me, Lyris.”

  Lyris did as she was told. As Gage’s dad wound through the busy colorful streets of Rio, his mom pointed out certain things as they passed. The bus made its way up into the hills away from the more touristy area and away from the hotels.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Gage didn’t tell you?”

  Lyris looked at his mother. “He’s not speaking to me, remember?”

  “True. And he doesn’t brag much either.”

  “I noticed.”

  “Well, he bought a home here and renovated it. He made sure he got something big enough to accommodate the whole band or a family in the future. He also bought his father and I a home here.”

  “That’s something I dreamed of doing for my parents, but they’ve kind of disowned me for following my dreams.” Lyris shrugged but was still feeling the sting of her parents’ dismissal.

  “Well, you have us if you’d like.”


  Lyris knew Adriana was just trying to be nice. But she was sure that after the tour was over, she’d go her separate ways from Gage. He didn’t want her around. And she couldn’t stand to see him with someone who wasn’t her. It was for the best.

  The bus pulled into a circular driveway. The side of the house facing the driveway was mostly covered with foliage. The house was nestled into part of the jungle. All Lyris could see was a floor to ceiling window and what looked like an ultra-modern home inside.

  “Come, let me show you to your room.” Adriana took Lyris’ hand the moment they stepped off the shuttle bus.

  The front door was all glass trimmed in reddish stained wood. Inside was wide open and spacious. The walls and floors were all white, but the deep comfy looking couches had bursts of bold colors in the pillows and colorful artwork hung on the walls to break up the starkness of the white.

  Wood interior doors and shelving were stained that same red as the front door to bring out the richness in the grain. Black beams broke up the rooms and framed the floor to ceiling windows that faced the ocean.

  Outside the roof extended six feet over part of the patio. Three couches sat underneath the eave, if anyone wanted to sit outside in the shade. A long dinner table sat further out in the sun, along with four lounge chairs for tanning. An infinity pool with a pretty black and white tile design was the focal point in the middle of the outdoor space. On the other side were more lounge chairs and another seating area in front of what looked like the master suite.

  Lyris followed Adriana to the master area. It was decorated simply with a massive king size bed in the middle. Nothing too much to take away from the best part, which was the view of the ocean.

  The master bath was enormous. A long free-standing tub sat in the middle. The shower was large and completely open. And it all led to a giant walk-in closet.

  “Now, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” Adriana said before walking out of the master suite.

  She led Lyris down a set of beautiful wood stairs. The lower level contained the other three bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms. Like in the hotels, Riley and Neal would share a room. Lyris would share a room with Brandi. And Rainey and Mack would share a room.

  “His house is beautiful,” Lyris exclaimed as she sat her carry-on suitcase down in her temporary room.

  “He did a good job. My son has really good taste, I’m happy to say.”

  “Yes, he does.”

  Lyris was truly impressed. She would’ve told Gage herself, instead of telling his mother. But she knew he’d pretend as if she hadn’t said anything.

  “I hope you brought your swimsuit. Tomorrow, we’ll have a pool/dinner party. It usually starts in the afternoon and goes all day.” Adriana informed her. “We swim, lounge, drink, and cook together. Then we all sit and watch the sunset behind the mountains in the distance. You’ll love it.”

  “It sounds amazing.” Lyris said but wasn’t feeling very confident about it. Not with the way things had been going.

  The way Gage had been acting she wouldn’t be surprised if he made her sit in a corner with a dunce hat on. Or even tell her to find a hotel to stay in.

  “But tonight…” Adriana paused for dramatic effect. “Tonight, we go out for good authentic Brazilian food and drinks. Then you can sleep in until noon, wake up, put your suit on, and party again. You’ve worked hard for a month or so. Now is the time to kick back and have some fun. You deserve it.”

  “Thank you so much, Adriana. You’ve been so kind. I’ve needed it.” Lyris smiled genuinely at the older woman.

  “You’re welcome, my dear. I know good people when I meet them.” She walked to the door and then turned. “Get some rest. Take a nap if you’d like. We’ll meet upstairs at 7 this evening to head into town for dinner.”

  “Sounds good.” Lyris nodded.

  Adriana floated out of the room like the angel she was. Lyris really liked Gage’s mom. She was warm and welcoming. Easy to talk to. And the type of person Lyris could go up to and ask for a hug, even though she barely knew her.

  Gage had similar qualities. When he wasn’t pissed off.

  Lyris kicked off her tennis shoes and fell back onto her bed. She wasn’t sure where Brandi was, but she wanted to get some sleep before the festivities. She set her alarm for 5:30, so she could get up and start getting ready for dinner.

  Lyris quickly drifted off to sleep.

  Gage stood in the kitchen with Brandi, Riley, and Neal. They were having a celebratory beer while they chatted. He leaned against the counter facing the stairs to see when his mother and Lyris would come back up.

  He pretended as if Lyris didn’t exist, but he knew every move she made. He still watched her but without her knowing it. He was still madly in love with her. But could no longer put himself out there if she wouldn’t either. Love meant nothing if it was one-sided.

  So, instead he ignored her. When he wanted nothing more than to talk to her, he found someone else to talk to. He hung out with vapid groupies. He brought them on the bus to have some drinks. He invited them to his hotel suites to just hang out and talk. Sometimes they’d smoke weed while he had a few beers. He’d kissed a few, but nothing stirred inside of him like with Lyris. He wanted to make her jealous. But more than that, he just wanted som
e kind of companionship. And he couldn’t pretend to just want to be friends with her anymore. So, he sought out other women, in search of a genuine spark that would top what he felt with Lyris.

  He hadn’t found it yet.

  He spotted his mother as she came up from downstairs, but Lyris wasn’t with her. She walked over to him and in one continuous movement she brought up her hand and smack the back of his head. She did this whenever he was being an ass. Gage ducked and rubbed the back of his head and bruised ego.

  “Hey!!! What was that for?”

  “For being an ass to that sweet girl.”

  “And that’s my cue to leave,” Brandi shoved off the island.”

  “Word,” Riley said.

  “I second that,” Neal said.

  They all disappeared within seconds.

  “Do you even know that it’s her who hurt me? You just instantly blame me.”

  “Well, you could talk to her instead of ignoring her like a petulant child.”

  “I tried! Multiple times.” Gage gestured wildly in the direction of her bedroom downstairs. “She doesn’t want me. Or at least not enough to give us a shot.”

  Gage sagged against the counter. He couldn’t put on a brave face in front of his mother. Not the woman who knew him inside and out. Who’d wiped his tears and kissed his booboos.

  “She just doesn’t want me, Ma.” Gage said again sadly as his eyes became glassy.

  His mom pulled him into her warm embrace. A soothing hand rubbed gently at his back. Gage buried his face in her shoulder. He let his emotions go for a few moments before pulling back and wiping at his eyes.

  “She does want you, sweetie. Very much.” She reached out and rubbed his arms. “She just doesn’t know how to express it. I don’t think she came from a very emotionally expressive home. And you’re very intense, my love.”

  “She says she doesn’t want to date a rock star. She thinks I’ll break her heart. She also thinks that the pressure society would put on me will make me walk away. How am I supposed to fight that? Invisible barriers that haven’t even happened yet.”

  “You love her, yes?”

  Gage looked down at the floor. His mother missed nothing.


  “Then you keep trying.”

  “But, Ma-”

  “I know she keeps saying no. But while you ignore her and try to punish her, do you still love her?”


  “Are you depressed because you want to talk to her and spend time with her, but you can’t because you’ve put up this wall?”


  “Then how is the silent treatment working if you’re both miserable?”

  “I don’t know,” Gage pouted.

  “Gage, just be her friend. Okay, so she’s not saying yes to you. But guess what?”

  “What?” He sighed because he knew the next thing she’d say would be logical and make him look like an idiot.

  “She’s not saying yes to anyone else either.”

  Gage nodded. She was right.

  “You’re being a classic male. You guys get so bent out of shape when a woman doesn’t automatically fall into your arms. She’s obviously working through her own issues and you’re not helping by pouting and giving her the cold shoulder.

  “So, tonight at dinner I want you to sit next to her and be nice. You got it?!”

  “Yes, mom.”

  “Good.” She raised up and kissed his cheek. “Your father and I will be back at 7 to come get all of you.”

  “Okay, see ya later.” Gage paused and smiled at his mother. “I love you, ma.”

  “I love you too, sweetie.”


  Lyris decided that since she was in Rio, she’d dress accordingly. She’d packed a few dresses specifically for this leg of the tour.

  Showered and shaved, Lyris pulled out her flatiron and straightened her natural curls. She bumped the ends that laid against her shoulders, and created big waves just in the front to give her that old Hollywood look.

  Her makeup was simple. And matched her old Hollywood hair. Foundation, winged eyeliner, and deep red matte lips.

  Her dress was black and had an off-the-shoulder ruffle on top. There was a matching ruffle on the asymmetrical bottom. On one side the hem stopped mid-thigh on her left leg. The other side draped flirtatiously to her calf on her right side. She paired the dress with comfy black 3-inch wedge tie-up heels. The ties wrapped up her ankle and stopped right below her calves.

  Lyris walked to the full-length mirror to check herself from head to toe. She twirled and the dress flared out prettily. Her thick espresso legs were moisturized and glistened as she spun.

  “Making sure Gage notices, huh?” Brandi said from her bed just waking up from her nap.

  “No,” Lyris scoffed. “I’m doing it for me. It’s my first night in another country and I want to look good.”

  “Well, you certainly do,” Brandi looked her up and down. “He’ll be drooling.”

  Lyris rolled her eyes. But even if she did do it for herself, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t hope that Gage would be somewhat tempted. Something in Lyris shifted since they’d arrived. Maybe his mother was right. Maybe it was Rio.

  “Alright, my turn.” Brandi hopped up from her bed and headed into the bathroom.

  “I’ll see you upstairs.”

  “Okay,” she called out.

  Lyris grabbed her little, black wristlet purse and headed up to the main floor. Just as she made it to the top of the stairs, Gage walked out of the master suite. He was dressed in jeans, per usual. They were medium-washed, distressed jeans that rode low on his hips. He decided to forego his standard black t-shirt. Instead, he wore a thin, gauzy white cotton long-sleeved shirt with a little pocket on it. The shirt fit him to perfection, outlining his lean muscled frame. And he’d traded his boots for white sneakers. A single black corded necklace with a silver medallion hung from his neck and his favorite black and brown leather bracelets graced his wrists.

  Gage looked like a rocker on vacation. Still cool. But on the lighter, more relaxed side.

  He stopped when he saw Lyris. His cat eyes traveled down her body. Lyris literally felt his gaze like he’d reached out and touched her.

  “You look fucking beautiful, Lyris.”

  The way he said it. His tone. It spoke volumes. It said, “I can’t even fucking deny it even though I want to. But I’m not gonna lie… You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Gage. You look really good too.”

  “Thanks.” He looked down at the floor dejectedly. “But not good enough, right?”

  It all hit Lyris like a baseball bat to the face. It was hard to separate the fit, highly sought-after man standing before her from the heavy insecure man of his past. She often forgot he wasn’t always the way he was now. And her rejection of him was apparently sending him back to a time when he was always rejected.

  Lyris knew that feeling. She’d been rejected more times than she’d like to count. By her first love. By her family. By the men in California. By record labels.

  “It’s enough. More than enough,” Lyris said as she reached out and touched his arm.

  It was the first time she’d initiated a touch. Gage’s head popped up quickly and his eyes found hers and he stared at her for a moment. She wasn’t sure what he saw, but he smiled at her for the first time in weeks.

  “You want a drink?” Gage asked as he headed to the kitchen.

  “Sure,” Lyris answered as she followed him.

  Gage opened the fridge and grabbed two beers. “Brazilian beer okay?”

  “Absolutely. Honestly, I’ll drink just about any beer you put in front of me,” Lyris grinned.

  “My kinda girl. Down to earth.” Gage winked at her and Lyris felt those familiar butterflies.

  “I thought it just meant I was cheap with shitty taste buds.”

  “Yeah, down to earth.”

  They both started laughing.

  “Now, that is music to my ears,” Gage’s mother said as her and his dad walked in. “And you both make such a pretty picture. So, much better than when we first picked you up.”

  “Ma… Please don’t embarrass me.”

  Adriana raised her hands, “Okay. Okay. Forgive a mother for pointing out when her son looks happy with a beautiful woman.”


  Adriana cringed and then squeezed her lips together. Lyris smiled at her and the older woman winked at her conspiratorially.

  His mother was in a pretty buttery yellow dress that complemented her pretty brown skin. His father was in tan linen pants with a pale-yellow shirt. Lyris loved how they matched but not too matchy-matchy. It was cute.

  While they waited for the others to make their way upstairs, they chatted about the tour. Gage told them about Lyris doing the duet with him. He even pulled up the video for his parents to watch.

  Lyris felt the blood rush to her face as they watched and listened to the sexually charged and explicit song. Seeing them view it kind of made her happy her parents didn’t come to the show. She’d been so excited that she was a big part of the show that she’d forgotten about how dirty the song was. They would’ve had a heart attack.

  Adriana didn’t look the slightest bit bothered as she looked up at Lyris.

  “First off, you’re an amazing singer, Lyris. You definitely should be more than singing back up for my son.”

  “Thanks, Ma.”

  “No problem, son.” She patted his arm before continuing. “Secondly, the chemistry between you two…”

  Adriana fanned herself.

  “You two will make fireworks if you can ever get it together.”

  Gage dropped his face into his hands. “It’s no use. You’re determined to embarrass the crap out of me.”

  “It’s what moms do. Deal with it.” She leaned towards Lyris and fake whispered. “I didn’t do this with his last girlfriend because I didn’t like her.”

  Lyris laughed. The woman was certainly determined to see them together.

  The rest of the band made their way upstairs. They headed out to the shuttle bus. Nathan was the DD, so that they all could drink and celebrate freely. He drove them down into the center of Rio nightlife. This time Gage sat with Lyris and he pointed out points of interest. The places and things that he’d visited and done as a young boy. And the places he still wanted to try.


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