Book Read Free

Rock the Curves

Page 14

by Twyla Turner

  Lyris could tell that he loved his second home.

  “You really do love it,” Lyris said.

  “Rio has it’s issues like any place. But I do love it here.”

  Nathan found parking and they all poured out into the street. The group walked towards a vibrant area filled with people, colors, and music.

  “This is the Lapa district. Named for the Arcos da Lapa aqueduct,” Gage pointed to a white concrete wall of Roman-style archways.

  They walked into the crowd of people milling about. Gage grasped Lyris’ hand tightly and led her through the throng of people.

  People and music spilled out of clubs and into the street. They passed by people dancing to live music in the street. There was so much to see that Lyris’ head was constantly turning this way and that.

  Once they reached an area where the crowd thinned out a little, Gage turned to check on Lyris.

  “Crazy, right?”

  “Yeah. But exciting.”

  “We’ll come back. First, we need to eat. Down here are some restaurants with outdoor seating.”

  “Yes, please. It’s a beautiful night.”

  Gage jerked his head in the direction of the restaurants filled with patrons. Everyone followed his lead. They picked a spot that had good food and enough room for nine people.

  Lyris noticed that Gage sat next to her and smiled softly to herself. She assumed that his mother must have talked to him because after her nap, he’d made a complete 180. Or he really was that much more relaxed when he was home.

  The restaurant was a churrascaria rodizio. A place where they paid upfront for servers to come around with giant racks of meat. Lyris was in heaven. Gage paid for everyone, and he and his parents helped everyone with deciding what to get. They told the servers to keep the drinks coming.

  The food was delicious but Lyris had a hard time eating. Her stomach wouldn’t stop fluttering. At all times, some part of Gage’s body was touching hers. Either their arms were pressed against each other’s. Or their thighs. When he spoke directly to her, he’d place a hand on her arm to hold her attention. As if he really needed to.

  The tension that had been between them, as well as the whole band, was gone. It was back to how it was in the beginning. The relief was palpable. Everyone could relax without worrying if there would be some blowup between them.

  They’d finished eating a while ago and were just drinking and talking while they digested their food. The conversation was lively and easy laughter moved around the table. The discussion had moved to dancing.

  “So…can you Samba, Gage?” Lyris asked.

  “It’s obvious you don’t know my mother very well to ask that question.” Gage gave his mom a long-suffering look. “She made sure I knew all the Brazilian dances.”

  “You need to show her, Gage.”

  “Yes! Please show me.” Lyris clasped her hands in front of her in delight. “In fact, you should teach me.”

  “Let’s go!” Neal and Riley said in unison ready to hit the streets so they could hit on the ladies.

  They all got up and made their way back to the crowded streets. Lyris sipped from her beer with one hand while she held Gage’s hand with the other, as they walked through the buzzing area. It had gotten even busier than when they’d first walked by. People spilled out into the streets. Cars slowly made their way around those who walked. The shades of skin from fair to dark blended into a mosaic of diversity. Some dressed modestly. Others scantily. Dressed up. Dressed down. Bars, clubs, and restaurants with open floor to ceiling windows pulsed with music and were crammed with revelers. Food vendors lined the area near the aqueduct. Delicious scents emanated from their steam.

  The Lapa district was a place to overload all the senses. Lyris was fully immersed in all of it. The sights. The tastes. The smells. The feel of Gage’s fingers as he entwined his with hers. The sounds of percussive music and cheers greeted her ears as they made their way forward.

  Gage weaved through a large throng of people gathered in a circle. Once he reached the center of the circle, he pulled Lyris to stand in front of him. A huge smile spread across her face. Several men were sitting on rectangular shaped boxes that they slapped to create percussive sounds. A few had symbols attached to their shoes to add to the sound they created. The beats they blended together were complex and addicting to the hips. Lyris couldn’t help but move to the music. Her hips twisting.

  “Those boxes they’re playing are called cajónes.” Gage whispered against her ear. “They’re originally from Peru. But they’re great for Samba and other Latin dance sounds.”

  Several people were in the middle of the circle dancing to the music. The way their hips moved, how they twirled, and their footwork made them look like professionals.

  The drummers changed the rhythm to something slower. More sensual. Many of the people in the circle paired off. The men twirled the women, then pulled them back in. One leg between the other’s as their hips swayed almost erotically.

  “Come on,” Gage said in her ear as he grabbed her hand and spun her to face him. “This is much easier to dance to as a couple than Samba.”

  Lyris shook her head frantically.

  “Oh no! There’s no way I could dance next to them. They look like professional dancers,” Lyris hissed.

  Gage pulled on her arm as he walked backwards toward the center of the circle. Lyris drug her feet for as long as she could. Her heart shot up to her throat, then dropped back into her chest to pound like one of the cajónes.

  “You’ll be fine. Newbies try it out all the time.” Gage coaxed.

  The crowd started cheering her on. Lyris felt her whole face heat up. She bashfully looked at the crowd and saw their bandmates standing there with his parents. They all fanned their hands, shooing her out onto the temporary dance floor.


  Lyris covered her face with her hands. Gage gently grasped her wrists and pulled her hands from her face. He held her hands and began to move his hips. Lyris watched him closely for more reasons than one.

  Gage definitely danced on stage a bit. But not quite like this. He was a natural and mesmerizing.

  “Follow me. I know you can do it,” he encouraged.

  He pulled her in close. He placed one of his legs between hers and one of hers between his. His hand found the small of her back. The other grabbed her hand and held it up.

  “This is the Brazilian-Zouk. Very similar to the Dominican Republic’s Bachata.” Gage told her softly as they moved to the beat. “Just follow me. Go where my hands lead you and you’ll be fine.”

  He looked down at her. Their faces close.

  “Okay,” Lyris nodded.

  “Now, roll your body against mine,” Gage instructed.

  Lyris began from her neck. Her body rolled slowly down her back through to her hips and ass. Her breasts brushed against his shirt. The apex of her legs pressed against his thigh.

  Gage lightened his grip on her hand. He gently held her wrist and spun her out. Lifted her hand above her head and guided her into a continuous spin that made her dress flare as she turned round and round. Everyone in the crowd cheered.

  He stopped her spins with a hand at her back and pulled her back in. She followed his hips as he moved from side to side. He applied pressure at her back and she knew to roll her body against his.

  The tension in Lyris’ body eased and she let him lead. She quickly picked up on his signals. The way he touched her at different points on her body. Silently telling her to twirl, spin, roll, or sway. It was about her trusting him to show her where to go.

  Now relaxed, Lyris was able to enjoy the moment. To focus on Gage. His body against hers. To smile. Feel his breath against her face.

  Gage’s hands came up to cup and stroke against her face. Lyris looked into his eyes. They glowed pale green. He was happy. Their foreheads rested against each other. Their bodies melted together.

  Everything fell away. Nothing was left but the two of them and the music

  The sensual beat finally came to an end. Gage wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.

  “You did so good, Lyris,” he said in her ear. “You’re a natural.”

  All those who gathered around cheered loudly. The sound pulled Lyris out from the hypnotic spell she was under. She pulled back from the circle of Gage’s strong arms and saw the sea of cell phones up filming them. She was pretty sure that Gage had been recognized. Since he was part Brazilian, they’d claimed him like he was family.

  She was glad that he hadn’t kissed her. That would’ve started a whole mess. As of right now, it was just rumored there was something more between them. She wasn’t ready to share with the world that she was falling in love with this beautiful man. She wanted to keep him to herself for as long as she could.

  The cajon players switched to something faster. Gage grabbed her hand and led her back to their group. They all hugged or high-fived her.

  “You were magnetic!” Adriana gushed. “I swear no one could take their eyes off you.”

  Lyris smiled shyly, “Aww shucks! Thanks.”

  “I, of course, filmed it. You’ll have to see it. I don’t think you realize. I’ll send it to Gage’s phone so you can watch it later.”

  “I doubt I’ll be able to watch it. I’ll be too embarrassed.”

  “Oh pssh!” Adriana waved her protests away. “You don’t see yourself very well, my dear. Watch that video and you’ll see just how stunning you are.”

  “Hey!” Riley said to grab everyone’s attention. “Me and Neal saw a bar on the way over here that we want to check out,”

  “We want to check out the Funk club over that way,” Brandi said with Rainey and Mack.

  “I’d like to find a less conspicuous spot to take Lyris dancing,” Gage added.

  “How about this?” Adriana began, “Your father and I are going to go to a quieter place called Bar Rio down the way. When you all are ready, make your way there. If you’re not ready to leave by one, then call yourselves a cab because we’re going home to bed. Does that work for everyone?”

  Everyone agreed and began to head in separate directions. Adriana pulled Lyris to the side briefly.

  “Don’t overthink it. Just have fun. And go with it.”

  Lyris smiled and nodded, “I will.”

  Gage guided Lyris up to an old building that didn’t look like much from the outside. Lyris looked at him questioningly.

  “I wanted to bring you somewhere off the beaten path. The best places are often the places where only locals go. Come on.” He jerked his head in the direction of the building.

  Inside the beat of the music could be heard from below. The main floor they walked into had a bar with tables set up. People were relaxing and drinking. Gage drew Lyris over to a set of stairs that led down to the basement.

  “You’re not about to take me down there to kill me, are you?” Lyris looked down the dark stairs uncertainly.

  “Not this time. Nope.”

  Lyris rolled her eyes and Gage chuckled.

  He led the way down to where the live music was pulsing. The lights were low and it was easy to get lost in the sea of limbs swaying to the music.

  It was the perfect place for someone in the public eye to dance and enjoy their partner without prying eyes watching.

  Gage walked into the middle of the dancers, pulling Lyris along behind him. He drew her into his arms once they were hidden within the darkness. His hands slid around her waist and pulled her in tight. Lyris’ hands slipped up his shoulders and wrapped around the back of his neck. Her fingers found their way into his hair and tangled there.

  From the moment Lyris had walked up the stairs in his house earlier, Gage had been waiting for this moment alone. His hands clasped the sides of her face and he pulled her in. He found her lips full and ready. The moment their lips touched they both gasped at the flames that immediately sparked between them.

  Gage took the opportunity to dip his tongue into Lyris’ mouth. The kiss was unlike their first in Chicago. This one was desperate. Urgent. Almost as if they had to get to the finish line before something else happened to pull them away from each other.

  Gage’s teeth nipped at her lips. His tongue stroked into her and dominated her mouth. His hips rolled against her. He was hard and constrained against the fly of his jeans. He was sure she could feel him against her stomach how tightly he was pressed to her. His tongue matched the rhythm of the music and his hips.

  Lyris was just as eager as him. Her tongue caressed against his. Her hands held his head tightly to her. Her hips rolled in time to match his. And little mewls escaped her throat.

  “Gage,” she gasped on his tongue.

  “What? Tell me what you want.” Gage said as he kissed a path across her jaw to her ear.

  “You,” she sighed. “I want you.”

  Gage applied pressure to her waist and she turned in his arms. Her backside pressed against his crotch. His erection nestled perfect in the crease there. He gradually slid her hair from one side of her neck to drape on the other side. His fingertips dragged across her skin along the way and she shivered against him. Once the one side of her neck was exposed, Gage’s mouth found her pulse. He used his lips to plant soft kisses there. His teeth to scrape. And his tongue to soothe.

  As he kissed her neck, Lyris ground against him, desperate with need. Gage reached down her left leg where the dress stopped at her mid-thigh. His hand disappeared underneath the ruffled material. His fingertips danced along her skin as they moved up. He found the crease where thigh met mound. Gage toyed with the elastic of her lacy panties. Lyris’ head fell back against his shoulder. Her mouth was open and she panted into the darkness. The sounds drowned out by the music. She widened her stance slightly. Silent permission for him to do what he was wont to do.

  Gage finally guided his fingers underneath the panty. He found her wet and welcoming. He bit down on his lip as Lyris cried out. Lightly, he stroked his finger over her saturated lips. Lyris rolled her hips in answer. He used his index and middle finger to dip within her recesses. Gage groaned in her ear as she tightened around him. She felt like heaven and pure sin all rolled into one. He knew that the way she was made, she’d squeeze his cock like a vise. His dick jerked and he felt precum spill from the tip at the feel of her tightness around his fingers.

  “Fuck, Lyris!” He groaned in her ear.

  He slipped his fingers from inside her. Bathed with her slick arousal, his fingers slipped up and found her clit swollen and ready. Lyris’ hips shook in response. Gage gently circled her button with barely-there strokes to the beat of the music. Lyris pumped her hips in a sensual dance that rode his fingers.

  It wasn’t long before her body began to tremble. She was almost there. Gage could just make out her cries of pleasure over the music. As she edged closer to her climax, Lyris turned her head and lifted her face to him. Gage’s mouth descended to hers. He lightly flicked his tongue against her lips and Lyris jerked and exploded on his hand. Gage devoured her mouth and swallowed her orgasmic moans.

  He brought his glistening fingers to his mouth, spread her cum on his lips like lip balm, and sucked off the rest. Gage leaned down and Lyris pulled his bottom lip into her mouth and tongued at it, licking her taste from his lip. He growled deep in his throat.

  She was everything he’d ever wanted. And then some.

  They swayed gently as she came down from her high. Gage held her close. His cheek pressed against her temple. He wanted to savor the moment just as much as he wanted to take her home and make love to her. Gage figured he had time for both.

  After a few more songs, Gage placed his finger under Lyris’ chin and raised her face up.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Her eyes said that she wanted so much more. Gage was more than ready to oblige her.

  He grasped her hand and guided her up the stairs and out the front.

  “It’s not quite one o’cl
ock yet. Are we gonna go back and meet up with everyone?” Lyris asked.

  “No.” Gage said without hesitation as he pulled out his phone. “Considering what I want to do to you, I think you’d prefer some privacy.”

  Gage felt Lyris tremble next to him. She didn’t respond. Verbally. She did squeeze her thighs together reflexively. And wrap her arms around her center as if to steady herself. He knew she was ready for more. And he didn’t care who heard them. But he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

  He called up a rideshare to come pick them up. Then he shot a text to his mother telling her that they were going back to his place and to take their time.

  He wasn’t going to sugarcoat it. His mother wanted them together anyway. And his mother had never been a prude. She’d openly talked to him about sex many times. It’s how he knew to be giving in bed. She’d drilled it into him as a young man. Not that he’d needed her to tell him. Being the type that had rarely got any and wanted desperately to keep a girl if he was lucky enough to get her in bed, he’d jump through hoops to make sure she orgasmed. And nothing had changed now that women jumped through hoops to try to get him in bed. It was ingrained in him to be a generous and caring lover.

  Gage put his phone back in his pocket and turned to Lyris. She looked down at the ground, unable to hold his gaze. Gage cupped her face and stroked his thumbs over her cheeks.

  Back in the light without a crowd of people and a dark room to camouflage them, Lyris had turned self-conscious. He wanted to soothe her nerves, but didn’t want to say the wrong thing and scare her away again.

  “You do know that you blow me away, right?” Gage said.

  “It’s been a really long time.” Lyris murmured. “And I normally feel so confident, but you make me feel… I don’t know. Unnerved?”


  “I don’t know.” Lyris paused for a moment, thinking. “I guess it’s because I rarely have anyone who tells me I’m beautiful. The media doesn’t portray women like me as beautiful or sexy. It often feels like I’m invisible or ignored. So, I learned to see my beauty where others may not. I learned to love myself just as I am. Flaws and all.


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